Take a Picture Already — End of the Day for February 16, 2014

End of the day Logo(Originally appeared on My Word with Douglas E. Welch)

 I’ve always been one to take a lot of photos, but you may have noticed more photos lately in my social media streams and here on the blog. I figure that I always take photos, so why not share them more widely and see what results. I often use these photos to illustrate my other blog posts, like the those in the “Interesting Plant“, “Garden Alphabet” and “New Food” series here and on A Gardener’s Notebook. Bloggers always need photos for their blog posts and I believe that the best one’s you can use are those you take yourself. This prevents any copyright issues and somewhat guarantees that you have the photos you most want to use.

Garden Alphabet: Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) | A Gardener's Notebook with Douglas E. WelchNative basket in progress at Antelope Valley Indian Museum Piute Butte, Antelope Valley Indian Museum, Palmdale, California From container garden to the salad bowl

View a slide show my Flickr Photostream

Photos are an important part of any blog post. They make it more attractive, help illustrate the point and also give a visual element when the blog posts are shared on Pinterest. Google+, Facebook and Twitter. There are so many reasons for taking and using photos, I am often surprised when other bloggers don’t use them.

My photo subjects range as widely as the subjects of my blogs. One day I will be shooting flowers, the next a family event and the next photos to illustrate a recipe I recently made. Sometimes people wonder if it isn’t a lot of work to take photos, but I always figure that it is no extra work, really. I am going to be doing something or attending an event anyway Why not take some photos to remember the event, share with the other’s involved and also end up with content for the blogs. It seems I am getting 2 or 3 times the effect for the simply effort of taking a couple of pictures.

Antelope Valley Indian Museum 2014 - 46

A recent trip to the Antelope Valley Indian Museum in Palmdale, CA

Someone, a long time ago, told me the best way to take great pictures is to take a lot of pictures. Today’s phones and smaller cameras make it easy to carry a camera wherever you go, so why not use it. When something catches you eye — take a picture. When you see something you might use to illustrate a blog post, school or business presentation, charity project  — take a picture. Even if you think something might be only interesting to you — take a picture. It can only benefit you in the future!

Typically, you can find all of my photos on my Flickr account where I tend to upload everything that might be of use. View a slide show my Flickr Photostream. This isn’t every picture I took, but rather a cull of those things that might be interesting to myself and others. I also tend to post items to my Facebook Wall, especially family and school-felted items so that others can tag them and share them with their friends and family. A subset of my pictures also appear on Instagram, although those only include photos I shared through the Instagram app. You’ll see these photos included in my Flickr, Facebook and Google+ streams, too. As for Google+, I am sharing photo sets there more frequently, but you’ll already find links to sets and collections posts to the blogs and other accounts. Finally, links to all my photos also appear in my Twitter stream. So, you should never be at a lost to find my photos on whichever service you use most frequently. You’ll also find I share a lot of blog posts from other sources on how to improve your photography or just enjoy it more. Watch my social media feeds for those posts.

I hope you enjoy my photos. If so, please take a moment to Like, Favorite and Share them with our friends. The more people that see them, the better. If you REALLY like something, and would like to include it in your publication, advertisement or web site — i’ll give you a good price for licensing it. Drop me a line!


Previously on End of the Day:

Audio: Douglas appears on the Bigg Success Podcast: Creating Video Content: Overcoming Objections

I sat down with George and Mary-Lynn over at Bigg Success recently and we talked about Overcoming business owners objections to creating video content.

Bigg newlogo

Video Content Douglas E Welch

Video content has become an important tool for reaching a wider audience, yet most professionals and small business people don’t use this form of media. Today, we’ll take on some of the biggest objections for not doing it with new media guru, Douglas Welch.

A complete transcript is available on the Bigg Success web site and you can listen to the podcast using the audio player below.

Listen to Bigg Success: Creating Video Content: Overcoming Objections

There is a lot of great content over on Bigg Success, so be sure to check out their site.

Subscribed 48: MMM…Cafe – Food Blog with Chelsea and Cody

Subscribed 48: MMM…Cafe – Food Blog with Chelsea and Cody

A relative new addition to my food blog subscriptions, but MMM…Cafe has already provided several ideas for the New Food series. Most recently I saved a Curried Sweet Potato Apple Soup that sounds quite delicious. There is not much info about the authors on the site, nor do they post very frequently, but that is one of the good things about RSS. It only notifies you when there is something new to see, so I continue to get their recipes, even if they only post every so often.


Recent stores include:

 What are some of your favorite Subscriptions? Share them here in the comments!

Previously highlighted on Subscribed:

Subscribed is a Careers in New Media series  highlighting the Podcasts, YouTube Channels and Blogs that I follow on a daily basis. Check out this entry, and past entries, for some great New Media Content — Douglas

26 of My Favorite New Media Things for January 2014 – Douglas E. Welch

My Favorite Things

As always, let me know what types of interesting items you would like to see and I will keep an eye out for them especially. — Douglas

Get new shared links as I find them via my social media feeds:

Twitter Google plus Pinterest Facebook Linkedin

Video: Blogging 101: Using DLVR.it for automatic blog post sharing

Blogging 101 is short tips on how to get started blogging for personal and professional reasons.

Using the DLVR.it service to automatically share your blog posts to Twitter, Facebook and other accounts.

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Previously in Blogging 101…


Music: “Broken Reality” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

Video: WordPress Wednesday 9: Blog Post Toolbar

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

Introduction to all the icons in the WordPress Blog Post Toolbar. 

Wp wed 009




See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist


Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

Video: WordPress Wednesday 8: Using Categories

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

How and why to use categories from the very start of your WordPress blog. Make it easy for your readers, and yourself, to locate collection of blog posts in any category. 

Wp wed 008 title




See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist


Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

Blogging 101: The beginning — from Careers in New Media

Cip logo 300 blog 2013

Blogging 101: The beginning

This series has been a long time coming. It has taken me years of blogging and podcasting to develop my own ideas, methods and theories about how to develop useful, valuable content to my readers, listeners and viewers.

Blogging 101 will be an on-going series and use many different media. There will be text blog posts like this one, audio podcasting, video interviews and screencasts and any other methods that make sense and provide value.

If you have questions about the how, what, when and why of blogging, send them along. Your questions are always the best source of new material for my writing and I will gladly answer your questions or find someone who can.

Why blogging?

I get asked this question quite often and my answer is nearly always the same. Blogging is one method — a very productive method — of showing people “what you do and how well you do it!” I consider this to the main goal of anyone who is seeking a better life and/or career. When you share your knowledge and experience with others through blogging (and other methods), you directly demonstrate your expertise and value to others. Even more, when you capture this expertise and value in a blog, it is then available around the world, 24/7. It works for your regardless of what you are doing — sleeping, working, spending time with family.

When we work face-to-face, we can help and educate 1,10, 100 people at a time. When we share our expertise online we can, potentially reach thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people. Capturing our knowledge makes it available to anyone who might be seeking it out through online reading, social media or search engines.

If you are not blogging yet, I hope you will start. If you are already blogging, I hope you will find ways to share more of your knowledge more frequently. This series will seek to help you on your way, support your efforts and give you ideas on how to expand your reach and influence. I’ll write about blogging philosophy, technology, tools, and ideas on what you have to share and how you can best share it.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. I look forward to hearing your questions, comments and seeing your blogs and how they grow. Be sure to send all of these along via comments here, email to douglas@welchwrite.com or via the various social media sites..

Upcoming Blogging 101 Topics:

  • Any connection to your readers is worthwhile
  • What do I have to share?
  • What is an expert?
  • Technology to tie your blog to social media sites — DLVR.it, IFTTT.com, Buffer and more!
  • Cooperating with other bloggers and sites
  • ..and much, much more!

Video: WordPress Wednesday 7: Embedding YouTube Videos

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

How to embed YouTube videos (and more) in your WordPress blog posts.

Wp wed 7 thumb


See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist


Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

Subscribed 47: Gigaom – Emerging technologies and the disruption of media

Subscribed 47: Gigaom

I find myself reading a lot of material from Gigaom in my daily travels through my RSS feeds. Like many other group blogs/sites they produce a lot of content, much of which is right on target for my technology news needs. I especially like their stories can and does change society, culture, productivity and business.

Gigaom screen

Recent stores include:

  • CES robots take on cleaning, fun and personal assistance
  • At CES, sub-$1,000 3D printer options grow
  • Supreme Court to hear Aereo case, which could define future of internet TV

From the Gigaom web site…

“Gigaom began as a blog by one writer in 2006, Om Malik, and has grown into one of the most credible and insightful voices at the intersection of business and technology. Gigaom is a new type of media company with a business model that leverages technology, transparency, and access to information. The company’s growth has been propelled by great writers, journalistic integrity, industry depth and audience engagement.

Since 2006, Gigaom has grown into the leading independent voice on emerging technologies and the disruption of media. The Gigaom news network’s online audience of 5.5 million monthly unique readers relies on its definitive coverage of cloud, mobile, cleantech, consumer web and media. Gigaom Events bring together the people innovating, shaping and defining the ongoing evolution of the technology industry. Gigaom Research offers the highest quality research and analysis of emerging technology markets and the companies making a difference in those sectors.” 

What are some of your favorite Subscriptions? Share them here in the comments!

Previously highlighted on Subscribed:

Subscribed is a Careers in New Media series  highlighting the Podcasts, YouTube Channels and Blogs that I follow on a daily basis. Check out this entry, and past entries, for some great New Media Content — Douglas

Video: WordPress Wednesday 6: Using Images in your blog posts

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

How to add images to your WordPress blog posts

Wp wed 006 thumb


See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist


Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

Subscribed 46: Scott Berkun – author and speaker on creativity, leadership, philosophy

Subscribed 46: Scott Berkun

If fine myself reading and sharing a lot of content from Scott Berkun, so it only makes sense to highlight him here are part the Subscribed series. Scott’s recent article, How to overcome cynicism, was a great example. It can be easy to fall victim to to cynicism in life and business and I salute him for taking on such a chronic issue.

How do you overcome cynicism in an environment determined to maintain it?

You overcome a toxic environment by walking out the door. Unless you happen to be a powerful person in the organization, it is not your fault that the environment is cynical, broken, dysfunctional, toxic, demented, twisted or incompetent. Managers and executives are paid a great deal more than the average employee and the main thing that comes with that pay grade is accountability. If the place depresses you, look upwards: the people in power make it this way. It’s uncommon for people in power to be motivated to make big changes since they like being in power.

Read the entire article

Scott berkun

From Scott Berkun’s web site…

I’m an author and speaker. My work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Guardian, Wired magazine, National Public Radio, The Huffington Post and other media. I taught at the University of Washington, blog for Harvard Business and BusinessWeek, and have appeared as an expert on various subjects on CNN, CNBC and MSNBC.

My latest book, The Year Without Pants: WordPress.com & The Future of Work released in Sept 2013 and was named an Amazon.com best book of the year.

Read Scott’s entire biography

 Get The Year Without Pants from Amazon.com

Other books by Scott Berkun

What are some of your favorite Subscriptions? Share them here in the comments!

Previously highlighted on Subscribed:

Subscribed is a Careers in New Media series  highlighting the Podcasts, YouTube Channels and Blogs that I follow on a daily basis. Check out this entry, and past entries, for some great New Media Content — Douglas

25 of My Favorite New Media Things for December 2013 – Douglas E. Welch

My Favorite Things 

As always, let me know what types of interesting items you would like to see and I will keep an eye out for them especially. — Douglas

Get new shared links as I find them via my social media feeds:

Twitter Google plus Pinterest Facebook Linkedin

  1. New Media / 6 Reasons You Must Shoot Video Every Day
  2. Technology / Screen to Gif – record any part of you screen and save it to an animated GIF file [Freeware]
  3. Technology / Chromecast update brings more minimalism to your TV screen
  4. New Media / Insert Coin: capture 360-degree video with DLSRs and GoPros, viewable on an Oculus Rift
  5. New Media / Keep a Light Studio in Your Pocket with Kick [Deals Hub]
  6. New Media / MediaCrush – superb free open sourced hosting for video, images and audio
  7. New Media / Google Chromecast adds ten new apps to its streaming arsenal
  8. New Media / Book Review: The Book of Audacity
  9. New Media / The Best Headphones You Can Buy Under $20
  10. New Media The Ox | Documentary
  11. New Media / Autographer – makes photography spontaneous and hands-free
  12. Technology / Mirror app for Android can record your screen or stream it to Apple TV (video)
  13. New Media / YouTube expands live streaming to all channels, adds option to directly launch a Google+ Hangout On Air (Emil Protalinski/The Next Web)
  14. New Media / Chromecast in 2014: an open SDK, big international plans and maybe even new devices
  15. Technology / As Google slowly preps the Chromecast ecosystem, waves of new apps are on the way
  16. Technology / Awesome Stuff: Lenses For Your Phone
  17. New Media / Digital Bolex D16: fantastic indie-friendly digital film camera
  18. New Media / Where there’s a Spark Digital (Microphone) , there’s Lightning
  19. New Media / Ten tips to get the most out of your new Chromecast
  20. New Media / The 8 Best Video Game Scripts of All Time
  21. New Media / Samson’s Go Mic: A capable and compact microphone for podcasting
  22. New Media / YouTube Announces Live Streaming Video for All Users
  23. Technology / Seven Clever Ways to Use Your Phone’s Camera for More Than Just Photos
  24. New Media / Social media is not a zero-sum game and Facebook isn’t going anywhere so get used to it (Leo Mirani/Quartz)
  25. New Media / The 3Pod P5CRH Tripod – A Review

Top 20 Blog Posts for 2013 from Careers in New Media


Looking back over my stats, like a lot of folks today, I see that these were the Top 20 blog posts on Careers in New Media for 2013

  1. What do you need to live video stream your event?
  2. 10 Tips for better Skype Audio and Video Calls
  3. Tread carefully when editing WordPress themes (and how to recover when things go awry)
  4. New Media Gear 015: Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR Microphone
  5. Real World Example: Moving to a new podcasting web host and why
  6. Apple podcasting changes cause problems with GoDaddy-hosted podcasts
  7. Subscribed 015: Vintage Beef – Gaming Let’s Play and More!
  8. Feedburner Email Subscriptions
  9. New “Interactive Transcript” button appears on YouTube videos
  10. New Media Gear 010: Brian Herbert of the Indy Autographs Podcast and Hoosier State Sports Show
  11. New Media Gear 018: Canon VIXIA HF R400 HD 53x Image Stabilized Optical Zoom Camcorder and 3.0 Touch LCD
  12. Subscribed 38: EthosLab – Minecraft Done Technical
  13. Subscribed 023: Cooking Stoned with James Stone
  14. Subscribed 019: Building with BDoubleO
  15. Subscribed 021: Make Magazine, Make Blog, YouTube, Podcasts
  16. New Media Gear 21: Fancierstudio 3000 Watt Digital Video Continuous Softbox Lighting Kit
  17. Audio: Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol read by the Podcast Community on Facebook
  18. News: Update Powerpress WordPress/Podcasting Plugin ASAP
  19. New Media Vocabulary: Pageview(s)
  20. New Media Vocabulary: WordPress

Douglas’ Top YouTube Videos for 2013

Top 10 2013 thumb

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel to see all my new videos in 2014!


Repairing a damaged soaker hose – A Gardener’s Notebook
5,836 Estimated Minute Watched

Converting audio files with iTunes
4,780 Estimated Minute Watched

How-to: Wine bottle edging for your garden beds project
7,296 Estimated Minute Watched

Forwarding GoDaddy Domain to WordPress.com blog
7,116 Estimated Minute Watched

TechnologyIQ – Bluestacks Android Emulator for Mac and Windows
1,581 Estimated Minute Watched

Garden Tip – Wine Bottle Container Waterer
949 Estimated Minute Watched

Install Firefox for Mac
1,840 Estimated Minute Watched

Bill Farmer, The Voice of Disney’s Goofy, Talks about “A Career in Voiceover”
6,252 Estimated Minute Watched

A Gardener’s Notebook:Repairing a damaged drip irrigation line
3,140 Estimated Minute Watched

KitchAid Mixer Unboxing
2,565 Estimated Minute Watched


Video: WordPress Wednesday 5: Learning about WordPress using WordPress.com

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

A quick introduction to setting up an account/blog on WordPress.com and posting your first blog post.

Wp wed 005 thumb

See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist

Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

* Follow New Media Tips on Twitter at http://twitter.com/newmediatips * Like New Media Interchange on Facebook at http://tinyurl.com/newmediacareer * Circle New Media Interchange on Google+ at http://tinyurl.com/gplusnmi

Video Rewind: December 2013: A monthly review of my recent videos

Here is a playlist of all the videos I produced in December 2013.

You can find all my past videos on my YouTube Channel. If you enjoy a video, please click the Like button or Subscribe to the YouTube Channel. Doing that directly effects how many other people see my videos. 

Video rewind december 2013

Click the playlist menu Youtube playlist icon to see a list of all the individuals videos in the playlist. 

Subscribed 45: iPhone Hacks

Subscribed 45: iPhone Hacks

iPhone Hacks is one of my go-to sites for all things iPhone and iOS. It covers both the “legitimate”, Apple-approved, iPhone world and the jailbreak community intent on doing exactly what they want with their iPhones. It also covers business news regarding iPhone usage, software and more. If you use iOS devices, either as an individual or as part of your business, iPhone Hacks should be in your subscription list, too.

Iphone hacks

LinkiPhone Hacks


What are some of your favorite Subscriptions? Share them here in the comments!

Previously highlighted on Subscribed:

Subscribed is a Careers in New Media series  highlighting the Podcasts, YouTube Channels and Blogs that I follow on a daily basis. Check out this entry, and past entries, for some great New Media Content — Douglas

Video: WordPress Wednesday 4: Removing unused plugins

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

Removing unused and unwanted WordPress plugins to prevent malicious exploits and just keep your WordPress installs neat and tidy

Wp wed 4 thumb


See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist


Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

* Follow New Media Tips on Twitter at http://twitter.com/newmediatips * Like New Media Interchange on Facebook at http://tinyurl.com/newmediacareer * Circle New Media Interchange on Google+ at http://tinyurl.com/gplusnmi

Video: 2011 Live Reading of A Christmas Carol

For your holiday enjoyment, I present this live video recording of our previous 2011 Live reading of Charles’ Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Christmas carol 2011 thumb