Subscribed 36: The Rusted Vegetable Garden with Gary Pilarchik

Subscribed 36: The Rusted Vegetable Garden with Gary Pilarchik

Both a blog and YouTube Channel, Gary provides a wealth of gardening information. I subscribe to both the blog and the YouTube Channel, although I discovered him through his channel first. I find myself making lots of notes when I watch his videos. I am trying to grow more vegetables her in my garden and I find that my 40 year old knowledge of vegetable gardening can be quite lacking sometimes. It is great to have a straightforward demos and advice to turn to when I need a refresher.


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Subscribed is a Careers in New Media series  highlighting the Podcasts, YouTube Channels and Blogs that I follow on a daily basis. Check out this entry, and past entries, for some great New Media Content — Douglas

One thought on “Subscribed 36: The Rusted Vegetable Garden with Gary Pilarchik

  1. Leaf footed bugs everywhere in my garden. Need help to get rid of these nasties in 95 degree weather in West Georgia.

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