A little bit of this. A little bit of that. – End of the Day for August 2, 2014

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Time at home. Time at work (at home). A walk for groceries and a visit to the local microbrewery for a half pint and to record a video for the Dog Days of Podcasting. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday, really. The boy was off with friends for the day, so we had the house to ourselves. There was quiet, and naps, and lunch. A walk and then a leisurely stroll over to MacLeod Ale Brewing Co where we ran into a member of our local Neighborhood Council. This turned into a long talk about issues in the neighborhood, including our new proposed fire station at the corner, Van Nuys history, upcoming Ciclavia events and more.

After that we strolled home. I uploaded the video I captured, edited it together and started the render while we watch another episode of Murdoch Mysteries, which we are binge watching first via Netflix and now using an Amazon Prime free trial. Popcorn is required for such viewing, of course, and ti was one of the items we HAD to walk to the grocery store to pick up this afternoon. (LAUGH)

A little bit of this. A little bit of that. - End of the Day for August 2, 2014

Finally it was time to go out in the RAIN (yes, it rained her a bit this evening) to pick up the boy and finally settle in for the small remainder of the evening. I have uploads to do overnight, but that is almost a given on most nights here. Uploading during the day brings irate comments from my “office mate” when his ping rises and someone snipes him in Call of Duty (or whatever ping-dependent game is playing at the time. Can’t wait until he goes back to school, simply so I can have my network back. (LAUGH AGAIN)

Enough for now, of course. Time to set the computer bits whizzing and get some shuteye. Off to an event in Palmdale tomorrow for most of the day, so I will just consider it a typical Sunday, unlike the one’s I typically have.

Previously on End of the Day:

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