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Saturday, January 02, 2010

DIY: Inexpensive Wiimote-based Smart boards

My son's school has been lucky enough to be able to afford Smartboards for each of its classrooms so that teachers can use them in a number of amazing ways. Students can interact with web pages, flash games, and software using "electronic chalk". Material, both digital and physical, is easily presented to the entire class. The boards open up a wide range of activities never before possible in the classroom, limited only by the imagination.

That said, smartboards can be exceedingly expensive. Second only to the capabilities of smart boards themselves is the inventiveness of hackers, DIY'ers and Makers who set out to use the relatively inexpensive Wiimote game controller to create an less expensive, home brew version of the Smartboard. Even better, building the system can be made part of the educational process for everyone involved .

This article from MAKE: Blog ( Make your own Wii smartboard) details how to create and use this inexpensive system in your own school or group. The video below offers a quick view of the amazing things you can accomplish with such a system.


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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Outgoing Email, Roadrunner and the iPhone

I have had this question twice now over the last month, so I decided to take the time to write it up in case anyone else might need it.

The Problem

While you can easily set up your Roadrunner.com email address in your iPhone, sending email is more problematical. You can send email if you are connected via WiFi, but sending mail when using the cellular data network fails. It seems your iPhone cannot connect to the outgoing email server.

The Solution

When researching this problem for the first client to ask, I came across this tech note from Apple.com

iPhone: What to do if you can't send or receive Mail

This tech note gives you the steps necessary to select an outgoing email server provided by AT&T specifically for iPhone users. This outgoing mail server should work regardless of your connection to the Internet.

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Elsewhere Online: Cool cable storage and management trick

I came across this hint on Lifehacker.com

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Audio: Douglas talks Wordpress with Small Business Hosting podcast

SBHosting.com posted an interview I did last week talking about the uses and differences between Wordpress.com's hosted blogs and the Wordpress software available from Wordpress.org.

Listen to the entire interview (30 Mins)

Wordpress.org Vs Wordpress.com With Douglas Welch

On this episode I talk with Douglas Welch about the differences between Wordpress.com and Wordpress.org and when you might want to use WordPress.org vs Wordpress.com. Wordpress.com is hosted and managed by automattic (the company behing wordpress). If you choose WordPress.com you don’t install or control the software. WordPress.org is the home of the open source wordpress software. [...]

Continue reading...

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Technology Information you should have in the New Year

Linksys Router Setup PageIf you want to make your computing life a little easier in 2009, there are several pieces of information that you should have at hand. Start the New Year right and collect this information before you need it.

The least you should know:

  • Name of Internet Service Provider
    • Here in Los Angeles this might be Time-Warner Cable AT&T, Verizon, Earthlink or a few others

  • ISP Telephone Support Number
  • Router information
    • Router Address
      • Typically this is or 10.0.0.x

    • Router User ID
      • This is often a default name which is the same for each manufacturers equipment i.e Linksys, Netgear. etc and is often printed on the router

    • Router Password
      • This is often a default password. This should be changed when the router is installed to protect yourself against certain attacks that try to use the default password to break into the router.

  • Wireless Network Password
    • You should be using WPA Security on your wireless router, if available. If your wireless network password is something like 0AD1665211, then your router is using the older WEP security which is easily broken by a variety of hacking tools.

  • Computer Information
    • Computer Username
      • Both Windows and Macintosh computers have computer passwords which are required to login or install software. Losing these passwords can mean a large hassle, so note them in a secure place somewhere

    • Computer Password

  • Email Information
    • Email Address
    • Email Password
      • Since email passwords are usually stored on your computer we can easily forget them. Of course, if something happens to our computer, or we get a new one, it can really cause problems if you don't have them noted somewhere.

So, how do you store this information securely, while still being able to easily access it. Rather than right it down on sticky notes or scraps of paper I use a password protected MS Word or MS Excel file and choose a fairly secure, but easily remembered password for that file.

You can also use a program like 1Password which acts a a Password "vault".

Do you have questions about this information and how to find it? Leave a comment using the comment link below and I will be happy to answer them.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Make your own talking magic mirror for Halloween

Another great Halloween find by the folks over at Make Magazine. Add an interactive Magic Mirror your own Halloween Haunt.

Make your own talking magic mirror for Halloween

We were just told about this cool free software download that runs on Windows and Mac. It turns your computer screen into a virtual "magic mirror." You can even use a microphone to control it, and make it interactive, just like this video shows:

Magic mirror download and information - Link. Thanks to PuppetBuilding.com for the tip.

[Read this article] [Comment on this article]

(Via MAKE: Blog.)

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Douglas talks technology on SoHo Tech Podcast's Monday Night Tech

I had a great time on Monday Night Tech with host, Dean Jensen. We talked about what to do when moving an office, weird Norton Internet Security problems, new comptuers and more! You can watch the video below or listen to the audio from Talkshoe.com.

Watch the video!

Click to listen to the audio-only version

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Real World Example: Windows Updates mean everything

Windows Update LogoIn today's Real World Example, it seems that no matter what anti-virus and anti-spyware you have installed, if you forget to install all your Windows Updates, you can still get a pretty nasty infection.

Now, truth be told, I already knew this, and had told my client's such on many an occasion. Still, this was the first occasion where I think I can actually trace it as the cause for this particular problem. This machine was severely infected, and took a long time to clean out, even though everything looked up to date. Then I noticed that there were several, critical updates for Internet Explorer 7 that had not been installed. Once i got those installed, I was able to clean up the issues and get the machine working again.

I often describe this issue as having your door locked with 6 dead bolt locks, but leaving the window next to it wide open. Unpatched Windows flaws allow some exploits to "force feed" your computer spyware and viruses, even when you think you are protected.

So, let me climb up on the pulpit once more and deliver the 3 Commandments for Safe Computing in today's world...

1. Install all Windows Updates immediately
(or set your Windows Updates to Automatic)
2. Install and update your anti-virus program
(ClamWin (http://clamwin.org) is my current choice)
3. Install and update your anti-spyware program
(MS Defender (http://microsoft.com) is a good first line of defense)

Be well and keep your computer spyware free!

Read Previous Real World Examples

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Real World Example: Computer-Aided Embroidary

Just to show you how technology has become an intimate part of our lives, I wanted to relate a support call I had today. A client called about checking out a new Windows Vista laptop she purchased, along with the device pictured here...a Husqvarna Viking Designer I USB.

While the PC issue mainly had to do with lack of memory, the embroidery machine fascinated me. Here was what looked like a sewing machine, but instead of the usual direction and thread tension controls was a sizable LCD screen. On the side was a USB port, exactly like you would see on a printer. In fact, that was exactly what this machine was...a printer.

The machine even has firmware that has to be updated, just like your Internet routers and high-end printers. To apply the upgrades, we "booted" the machine into "software update" mode and then shipped over the firmware from the PC.

It just goes to show that even the most fundamental crafting is finding a way to put technology to use.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Podcasting for Writers at UCLA Extension

Today the UCLA Extension calendar for Summer 2007 was released to the public. Among the offerings is our new class, Podcasting for Writers -- a 10-week online course.

If you, or someone you know, would like to join us for this class, here is the complete information.

Rosanne and I are really looking forward to the class.

Podcasting for Writers (Online)
X 430.27 Film & Television 3 units $525

Podcasting has given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting is "what you want, where you want it, when you want it," while to the podcast creator and producer, it is the ultimate creative freedom. This course covers the current state of this new medium; the basics of writing for it; and strategies for publicizing your podcast and expanding your readers, viewers, and listeners. Guest speakers available via audio and video podcast interviews, live interactive podcasts, and video conferences introduce you to the variety of ways you can use the medium. The course goal is to develop your own podcast based on individual professional or personal needs, interests, and goals. For technical requirements click here. Enrollment limited to 18 students. Additional technical requirements: Students need a recording device with microphone that is compatible with their computer; built-in microphones on laptops are acceptable. Students must have Apple iTunes software and access to audio recording software, such as Audacity or Apple GarageBand, to perform course exercises. High-speed Internet connection is required.

Course Open Reg# T3254U

No Textbook Required

Online Course
July 5 - September 6
$55 nonrefundable.

Rosanne Welch, writer/producer; WGA member whose credits include five seasons as staff writer, executive story editor, and producer on the CBS series Touched by an Angel. Ms. Welch also has written for Fox Broadcasting's Beverly Hills, 90210; Picket Fences for CBS and David E. Kelly Productions; and is the author of The Encyclopedia of Women in Aviation and Space.

Douglas E. Welch, writer and computer consultant, whose work has been published in Wired, MacWorld, and Los Angeles Times. Mr. Welch is a member of Friends in Tech, and produced his first show, Career Opportunities, in 2004. He has written and produced over 300 individual episodes and conducts podcasting seminars for schools and businesses.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Real World Example: A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

HP Officejet 6110xiHere is another Real World Example, this time from my own office printer.

After changing the print cartridge in my HP OfficeJet 6110xi All-in-One, the printer wanted to print its alignment page. This is to insure that all the print heads line up and produce a crsip image.

Instead, though, it started giving me an error that the paper loaded was not "plain paper". Well, said I, of course it is, I am looking right at it. After re-trying the print several times I went to HP.com to check on the support information for this printer.

Working through their troubleshooting checklist, I came up with this tech note. While it didn't directly address my problem, it did let me know that the error can be caused by a damaged or blocked sensor on the printer.

After a bit of poking around, using the diagram as a guide, the printer finally recognized the paper type correctly and I was able to print the document that started the entire process.

Lesson: When checking online support databases, don't ignore problem descriptions that are close to the one you are experiencing. You might just find a solution.

HP Officejet 6100 and PSC 2200 Series All-in-Ones - A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

HP Officejet 6100 and PSC 2200 Series All-in-Ones - A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

** Previously on Real World Example

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Live from the Library - Thursday, May 10, 6 PM PDT

Join us LIVE Thursday, May 10, 2007 for our next Internet Seminar at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.

Join us LIVE!

Need more information on joining out LIVE shows?

You can listen to past sessions and other TechnologyIQ audio by clicking below

Podtrac Player

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Internet Television - Joost! - I've got invites!

Joost is the new Internet Television Service, still in beta, that allows you to watch a variety of channels and a variety of shows on demand. The selection of shows is a bit slim at the moment, but I have watched a few documentaries that I know I never would have seen anywhere else.

Joost Promotional Video

Click to watch the What is Joost? video

Joost™ the best of tv and the internet

You need an invite to check it out, but all of us Joost Beta Testers now have around 999 invites to pass out, so all you have to do is ask. Send a blank email to welchwrite+joost@gmail.com and I will send you an invite so you can check it out.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches

Los Angeles Public LibraryYep, its true, at least according to this press release (PDF) from the LA Public Library web site. Great news and a big step toward getting wireless access to all who can take advantage of it.

Of course, remember, the LAPL also offers computers for Internet browsing and other tasks at all its branches, too!

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches The L.A. Public Library just put out a release saying that free wireless is now available to laptop users in all 71 branches as well as the Central Library downtown....

(Via L.A. Observed.)

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New TechnologyIQ Discussion area on the Friends in Tech Forums

Now that TechnologyIQ is a full member of Friends in Tech, we have our own discussion group on the Friends in Tech Forums.

Bring your technology questions, comments and quandries.

Let's talk tech!

Join the TechnologyIQ Discussion (FREE) at Friends in Tech!

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Computing for the Everyman 5 - Preferences

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Listen to Computing for the Everyman - Part 5 - Preferences
(Backup Link)

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

Transcript: If you remember the theme of this blog and podcast, it has always been to "Control your technology, don't let it control you!" In light of that, today's article is on how to make your computer and your programs act the way you want them to act, not the other way around.

First, every computer, every piece of software and every online service you use will have some preferences that can be altered by you. Sure, there will be default settings that work for the basics, but there can be anywhere from 1 to 100 different options that you can turn off and on, depending on how you want the program or service to operate.

The main reason I am writing on this topic is that nearly everyone I meet, whether friend or client, has some complaint about how their computer or software operates. Microsoft Word is the usual focus of their attacks. It has many features that try to be "friendly" and useful, but usually end up annoying most folks. So, I often find myself telling folks how to turn off this or that feature. The thanks I receive are amazingly heartfelt. After years of suffering under the tyranny of their software, they are free at last.

Now, you might not have such strong feelings about your software, but you can also learn a few things about your computer by checking out the preferences (or Options, as Windows insists on calling them) on your computer.

Let's start with the computer itself. On a computer running Microsoft Windows, the basic settings for Windows are held in the Control Panel. You should see Control Panel listed in your Start Menu, or it might be under Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel. There you will find items that let you change the size and resolution of your screen, network settings, uninstall programs and more. Look around there, and check out each individual Control Panel item. Don't worry, if you think you may have changed something by mistake, press the Cancel button to leave the Control Panel and the settings will remain unchanged.

On an Apple Macintosh computer, your basic preferences are found in the System Preferences application. This is always available from under the blue Apple menu, and it might also be available in your Dock. Just like with Windows, these System Preferences allow you to change the basic settings of your Mac.

Now, each program you use also contains its own preferences that are specific to the tasks that the program performs. Let's take Microsoft Word for example. On a Windows computer, you would select Tools Menu, Options... to see all the settings for the program.

I will admit, the Options page for a program like Word can look intimidating. Not only do you have one page showing 10-30 options, if you look at the top of the Options window, you will see tabs indicating another 10-12 pages of options, divided by category. Clicking on a tab brings that set of options to the front. Clicking OK saves any options you might have changed. Even though you won't have a need to change many of these options, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the options that are available. Then, repeat this for each program you use regularly.

On an Apple Macintosh, you can access preferences for each program by selecting Preferences under the Application menu (This is the menu, next to the blue Apple menu, that is the name of the program you are using. For example, if you are using Microsoft Word, the menu will read "Word".)

The next time your computer or software isn't working the way you wish, try checking out the Preferences and see if there is a way to change its behavior. You can find out more information about each preference by selecting the Help menu in most programs and searching for a particular Preference or operation.

Until next time, "Control your technology, don't let it control you!"

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Learn how to subscribe to a podcast

Learn How To Subscribe LogoEven if you listen to my podcasts directly from the web site, or see the Subscribe links on this page, you still may be wondering what this "subscription" thing is all about.

Well, here is a video that shows you exactly how to subscribe to podcast using iTunes or the Juice podcatching client.

Watch How to Subscribe to a Podcast

After you watch the video, you can use the links below to subscribe to TechnlogyIQ and and receive each new episode automatically.

Subscribe with iTunes

Copy this link to Subscribe using other podcatching clients or RSS feed readers

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mozy - 2GB Free Online Backup

Mozy Backup LogoI came across Mozy a few months ago, but their release of a Mac OS X version of their software caught my eye.

Mozy.com will automatically backup whatever files you select on a regular basis. They are offering 2GB for free, so you can try out the service without making a big committment. They do ask for some demographic information in order to receive the free space.

Unlimited backup space is available for around $5 per month.

With all the different options available, there really is no reason you shouldn't ne backing up your files. Mozy provides yet another "set it and forget it" option.

If you would like assistance setting up Mozy on your computer, drop me an email at techiq@welchwrite.com or call me at 818-601-0051 and we can set up an appointment for an on-site visit.

Link: Mozy.com

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Live from the Library - All things blogging...and more!

TechnologyIQ LogoAll Things Blogging and More

Listen to Live from the Library - April 26, 2007

Podtrac Player
Pop It At popcurrent.com

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Next Library Internet Seminar - April 26, 2007

Join us Thursday, April 26, 2007 for our next Internet Seminar at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.

This session will focus on services that let you build your own blog whether you actually have a web site or not. The services I will show include Blogger.com, Vox.com, MySpace.com, WordPress.com and more.

You can listen to past sessions and other TechnologyIQ audio by clicking below

Podtrac Player

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cool Tools: Free Flash-based presentation tool

Spresent Screen ShotCool web services just keep coming and coming. Here is a service that provides MS PowerPoint-style presentations using only your web browser. This is sure to be highlighted in an upcoming Live from the Library Internet Seminar.

Free Flash-based presentation tool

In a field where we're constantly creating tutorials for our users, a lot of them in a web-accessible format, free tools that helps us do this are very valuable.  If you're looking for a free option for creating a Flash-based web presentation, check out Spresent. Think of it as a way to replace PowerPoint, or to do what PowerPoint does in a slightly different (and more streamlined) way.  From their self-description:


(Via LibrarianInBlack.)

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Become your own video broadcaster!

Have you ever wanted to become a broadcaster, sending your show out to tens or hundreds of people?

uStream.tv might just be the answer to your dreams. Using only your webcam, web browser and Flash plugin, you can be broadcasting to your friends, family or the world.

Here is a test run I gave the service with some of my fellow Friends in Tech members. It was done using only the built-in web cam on my laptop.

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TED Talks give you deep learning...for free!

TED Conference Web Site Screen ShotTED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and it is one of the most exclusive conferences in the world. That said, you can now see hundreds of the talks from TED from the comfort of your own computer.

There are talks on Technology, Science, Culture and more from some of the best known names in the world, including Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, David Pogue and Frank Gehry.

The TED.com web site brings the world's foremost authorities right into your home or office. Check it out, but don't blame me if you lose yourself there. Of course, your time will be very well spent.

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue (Bob Tedeschi/New York Times)

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue — THOSE who don't have $6,000 or enough prominent connections to get into a TED conference can take heart. The price of admission just went to zero, provided you can settle for a more remote experience. — The TED organization …

Source: New York Times

Author: Bob Tedeschi

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/16/technology/16ecom…

Techmeme permalink

(Via Techmeme.)

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Typical Mac User LIVE - Another great podcast for your questions

Typical Mac User Live LogoThe producer of the Mac Cast Loop is also a longtime Mac podcaster in his own right over at the Typical Mac User. His LIVE show, TMU LIVE can be found on Talkshoe.com, just like the MacCast Loop.

You can connect up via chat or telephone and ask your most pressing Mac questions and comment on the theme for evening.

Link: Typical Mac User podcast
Link: Typical Mac User LIVE podcast

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Great LIVE podcast for Mac Users - MacCast Loop

MacCast Loop LogoI am a little late in telling you about this show, as I am listening to it LIVE right now on Talkshoe.com, but I did want to recommend that that Mac users check it out.

MacCast Loop is the LIVE, interactive version of Adam Christianson's regular podcast, the MacCast. On MacCast Loop you can call in and ask you Mac-related questions and also hear great questions and comments from other users. If you can't join LIVE, you can download the shows as podcasts to play on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player.

MacCast Loop happens every Sunday morning at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern time. Check it out and you might just see me in the chat room or hear me on the show.

Link: MacCast Loop - LIVE Show
Link: The MacCast

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Library Internet Seminar - April 12, 2007

Join us Thursday, April 12, 2007 for our next Internet Seminar at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.

We are focusing on online web services like Google Docs and more. I will have a few sites to show, followed by an open question and answer session.

You can listen to past sessions and other TechnologyIQ audio by clicking below

Podtrac Player

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Friday, April 06, 2007

GOOG-411 - Google Voice Local Search

Google GOOG-411 LogoMore Google Announcements today...

Google Voice Search works over your telephone, instead of the Internet, but it provides some Internet connected features.

I tried it out as soon as I heard about it. My initial, rather simple, test was to locate cofee in Van Nuys, CA. It worked pretty well.

You can listen to a short, lightly edited, recording of my session with GOOG-411.

(I took out extraneous issues invovled with trying to record from my cell phone.)

Listen: GOOG-411 Demonstraton (Audio)

Google Voice Local Search
Google Voice Local Search is Google’s experimental service to make local-business search accessible over the phone.

To try this service, just dial 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411) from any phone.

Using this service, you can:

* search for a local business by name or category.
You can say "Giovanni's Pizzeria" or just "pizza".

* get connected to the business, free of charge.

* get the details by SMS if you’re using a mobile phone.
Just say "text message".

(Via Google Web Site.)

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Computing for the Everyman 3 - The File Menu

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Listen to Computing for the Everyman - Part 3 - The File Menu

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Pop It At popcurrent.com

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832


If you learn a few computer fundamentals, you can use almost any computer or any program, even if you know nothing else about it. Computing for the Everyman - this time in TechnologyIQ

People can be very intimidated by computers, especially if they don’t have much experience with them. They can find the complexity daunting, even if they don’t have a use for most of the functions of a computer or its software. People want to know everything about their computer before starting to use it, but it is only in using , and playing with, your computer, that you can truly learn about it.

That said, there are some basic computer fundamentals that can give you the confidence to approach any computer or any piece of software and start using it immediately.

Last time in Computing for the Everyman, I talked about “The least you need to know” about your computer. Today, I will start to flesh out those ideas by presenting the File menu. You see it on every computer you use, but did you notice that it always contains an important set of commands and functions whether you are using MS Windows or Apple Macintosh.

While there are some exceptions, every computer program will have a File menu containing, at least, these standard commands.

New, Open…, Close, Save…, Save As…, Page Setup…, Print…, Exit/Quit

You may see others, specific to the function of the program you are using, but these options will always be there and ready for your use. Let's take a look at each of them in turn.


This option creates a new blank document. If you are using a word processing program, this will look like a blank sheet of paper. A spreadsheet program will present you with a new spreadsheet showing rows and columns.

In some cases, you may be asked to select from a list of pre-defined templates. Among those choices, though, should be an option for a simple Blank page.


The Open command allows you to select a previously created file and add to or edit it. When you select open, the computer should automatically direct you to the standard repository for documents on the computer. Under MS Windows, this is the My Documents folder. On Macintosh, it is the Documents folder. Once there, you may need to double-click additional folders to open them and see the files inside.


Close simply closes the current document. You can also close a document by clicking the red X in the upper right-hand corner under Windows or the red circle in the upper left-hand corner under Mac OS X. If you haven't saved some changes to the document, you will be prompted to Save these changes or Ignore them. Choose carefully.


Selecting Save... writes the current file to the hard disk over-writing the previous version of the file. If you have no unsaved changes, this option may be dimmed and unavailable.

Save As...

Save As... allows you to save the existing document with a new name, save it to a new location, or both. In fact, the first time you select Save... when you are creating a new document you are actually doing a Save As.... This is because in order to save the file for the first time, your computer needs to know its name and where you want to save it on the hard drive.

Page Setup...

Page Setup... allows you to change various settings which determine how your document will print. The most often used option in Page Setup... is Portrait or Landscape printing. This dictates whether your document will print down the long direction of the page, or across the wide direction. You can remember the difference between these two options by raclling that portraits are usually painted in a tall and narrow format and landscape paintings are usually painted wide and short. Neat, huh?


The Print... command send the current document to the printer. There will also be a number of options you can change under this command, including the number of copies to print, which pages to print, (for example, print only pages 3 and 4) and which printer should print the document, if you have more than one connected to your computer.


Under Microsoft Windows, the Exit command closes all open documents, prompting you to save any unsaved changes, and then quits the entire program. On a Mac, this command is labeled Quit and does exactly the same thing. If you aren't going to be using the program for a while, it is always a good idea to Quit it. Closing all the open documents does not quit the program and it continues to consume memory and processing time on the computer.

Again, all these commands should be available in the File menu of any computer. There may be additional commands, but these are the most important and part of "the least you need to know" about your computer.

Next time in Computing for the Everyman, the Edit menu, cut, copy, paste and, most importantly, Undo!

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Mac Tip: Find Strongest Wi-Fi Networks Easily

It is little tips like this that can improve your entire work day.

I have often wanted more information about the existing WiFi connections in my area when I am working outside the office. This is one small step. Like the author, I would like to see which acces points are password protected, too.

Find Strongest Wi-Fi Networks Easily

Like most other Mac users, when I'm travelling, I often need to connect to a Wi-Fi network to access the Internet for email and Web browsing. But what if there are multiple available networks and I don't know which would be best to use? In the past, I would usually bring up iStumbler (MacStumbler hasn't been updated in years), but Take Control author Sharon Zardetto Aker alerted me to a simpler method. If you hold down the Option key when dropping the AirPort status menu, it lists available networks in order of signal strength....


(Via TidBITS.)

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Bird watching with an iPod

This sounds like a great way of adding a high-tech angle to the usually high-touch activity of bird-watching.

There have been times I wish I could have had bord sounds handy, so I would know which bird I was looking for in the underbrush.

Bird watching with an iPod

Here's an interesting use of PDAs + iPods to become a better bird watcher... Makes sense if you can quickly cycle through a ton of photos and songs when you're out in the field...

Birdwatchers have long headed into the woods with little more equipment than binoculars and a notebook. But when Laura Erickson sets out on a birding trip, she now brings along two digital cameras, a Palm device with a bird-species database and an iPod loaded with bird songs.


(Via MAKE: Blog.)

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Online Collaborative Whiteboard - Skrbl.com

Skrbl Online Whiteboard screen shotEver needed to do a white board session with someone who is hundreds or thousands of miles away. Skrbl.com offers up their entry into the online collaboration services market.

Skrbl.com is a free, online, whiteboard application that runs completely in your web browser and allows others to view and/or collaborate on your white board in real time.

Link: Skrbl.com

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Monday, March 12, 2007

A New Vista Laptop

New Laptop - PaD 3/12/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
As my clients begin to get Windows Vista on new computers, I needed a new machine to assist them with the questions they will almost certainly have.

This is an HP Pavilion DV200 with 2 GB of RAM, 160GB HD and AMD Turion Dual Core Processor.

So far, I am liking it a lot. Very perky. I got the 15" version, as I plan on carrying this around a lot more than my previous laptop, as I am doing more speaking engagements on podcasting and other topics.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Elsewhere Online: An Intro to Mind Maps

Here is a great article on mindmapping to go along with the services I showed at our last Internet Seminar at the library.

Creating a Web of Ideas: An Intro to Mind Maps

...For the next three weeks, I'm going to discuss mind mapping and how you can apply it to almost every aspect of your life. This article briefly introduces the mind mapping concept, how to make one, and when to use them to get the most bang for your buck. Since I enjoy practical learning experiences, next week we'll go into the details of how you can use and create mind maps throughout an entire project from inception to publication. In the last installment I'll get into online and offline tools and some good book resources to help you jump-start mapping your life...

(Continues on original site)

(Via D*I*Y Planner - Paper, productivity & passion.)
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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Live from the Library - March 8, 2007

TechnologyIQ LogoWe talk about Mind Mapping, some online mind mapping applications and more.

Listen to Live from the Library - March 8, 2007

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Does Apple's success stem from it's avoidance of the Starbuck's syndrome?

Much has been made of the open letter from Starbuck's Chairman Howard Schultz, bemoaning the loss of some features that gained Starbucks its immense popularity. I must agree with Schultz on many of his issues, but his letter also got me thinking about Apple Inc. and how it has survived all these years while pundits constantly predicted its doom.

I see similarities between Starbuck's, Microsoft and Apple. All 3 were small upstarts in their time, but 2 have grown into hulking behemoths, much like the Goliaths they set out to slay in their David pre-histories. Both Microsoft and Starbucks, though have suffered from the problem I call "knowing the difference between enough and all." They have lost the desire to serve their customers and instead concentrate on serving themselves. They turn their products into a commodity for everyone, instead of something special for a few. This is where I think Apple continues to succeed. They have never been able to grow too large, too fast. Instead, through hard times and self-imposed mistakes, they have been forced to remain small and hungry.

It may seem ludicrous to call a multi-billion dollar company small, but in comparison, Apple is just that, a small player in the marketplace. Yet, for better or worse, they aren't trying to be the computer for everyone. Instead, they are the computer for the select few who recognize and sympathize with the "The Apple Way." An Apple Macintosh or iPod isn't a device for everyone, nor should it ever become one, if Apple wants to continue to survive, if not thrive. They have a significant piece of the market, if not the largest, and this is where they should continue to focus their attention. It is by servicing the rabid, early adopters and committed users of their systems that Apple can guarantee a long future.

That said, recent cracks have begun showing in the Apple wall. Apple Stores are becoming a bit too ubiquitous, although they have been maintaining "cutting edge" sensibility that continues to set them apart. iPods are everywhere, and being marketed to everyone, even though they might not be the best match for everyone.

Apple needs to look hard at the Starbucks letter and see if there are any reflections of themselves to be found. They should heed closely the lesson that too much growth and becoming too big can actually lead to a downfall when the purposes for that growth are money and not the needs and wishes of their customers. I have seen Apple pass through very hard times and still survive. I deeply hope that success isn't the backhanded cause of its demise.

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Microsoft Hit By U.S. DOT Ban On Windows Vista, Explorer 7, and Office 2007

This article from Information Week can certainly make you think twice about upgrading to the latest versions of several Windows products. While the concerns are certainly larger for large corporations and governmental agencies, they bring up some issues that all of face in smaller ways.

Concerns over compatibility seem to be the most pressing for the government, as they have a series of legacy applications which are installed throughout their organizations. Where you or I might only need worry about upgrading 2 or 3 programs, they must must consider upgrading 10-15 application across tens of thousands of users.

The article calls out the fact that the government, and many companies, are not seeing a compelling reason to upgrade. It seems more likely that Vista and other software will arrive in some piecemeal fashion, rather than part of a complete overhaul.

Microsoft Hit By U.S. DOT Ban On Windows Vista, Explorer 7, and Office 2007 (Paul McDougall/InformationWeek)

Microsoft Hit By U.S. DOT Ban On Windows Vista, Explorer 7, and Office 2007 — Tens of thousands of federal workers are prohibited from upgrading to the latest versions, according to memos seen by InformationWeek. — Citing concerns over cost and compatibility, the top technology official …

Source: InformationWeek

(Via Techmeme.)

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Computing for the Everyman - Part 2 - The Least You Should Know

TechnologyIQ Logo

Listen to Computing to the Everyman - Part 2 - The Least You Should Know

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iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

We live in a high-tech world these days, whether we like it or not. That said, you don't need to know "everything" about your technology, but you should know "something." Below I have listed some information and a series of skills that you should know in order to allow yourself to be productive with your computer. If you find that you are missing one or two of these items, let's get together to complete your technology education so you can start doing even greater things with your computer.

Speed of Computer
Amount of Memory
Amount of Hard Disk Space
Version of Windows or Mac OS X
Important user names and passwords

Know how to create a new, blank document
Open an existing document
Save a document
Save as... (and why you might want to do that)
Know WHERE you saved the document
Print a document
Create a PDF of a document

How to properly restart and shutdown (and know why)

Delete a document (safely)

Access a web site
Navigate a website i.e. follow links, go back, etc.

Download a file/program
Install a program
Remove a program

Access email (that has been pre-configured with email account settings)
Send email
How/when to use CC
How/when to use BCC (very important)
Reply (and when to use)
Forward (and when to use)
File email into folders
Why to organize files into folders

File Management
Create new folders
Move/save files into folders
Why to organize files into folders
Copy/Save As... a document to floppy, CD, network drive, etc.
Burn documents to CD for sharing or backup

There are probably a few more items I could include here, but I consider these the basics. If you are familiar with this information and these operations, you are well on your way to computer mastery. Over the next few weeks, I will start to breakdown this list and give you specific examples on how to acquaint yourself with each and every one.

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Elsewhere Online: Windows Vista screencasts - istartedsomething

I haven't had enough free time to put together any Vista screencasts, but I was lucky enough to find these Vista demonstrations from istartedsomething.com. They don't have sound, but they do provide a nice visual overview of the new features found in Windows Vista.

Windows Vista screencasts - istartedsomething

Here’s several Windows Vista screencasts focusing on various important new features: Aero Glass, file management, guided help, tablet PC functionality, sidebar, improved search indexing and Media Center. These are just a taste of some of the new features you will find in Windows Vista. These screencast was done in quite a hurry, so I apologise for the lack of depth and variety, had a bit more time so there’s a bit of variety now.

(Via istartedsomething.)
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Friday, February 16, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Default Router Passwords Could Compromise Home Networks

This Slashdot story points up a vulnerability that some people might have left exposed on their home routers from companies like Linksys, D-Link and NetGear.

Whenever I set up a router, I make sure to reset the default password for that router. This is the password that allows you to setup and change settings within the router, not the password you might use to connect to your wireless network. That said, some of you might still be using the default password.

An exploit has been discovered that allows a malicious web page to access your router setup information, if it still uses the default password, and change settings within the router. Not a good thing.

If you are wondering if your router still has its factory default password, drop me an email at techiq@welchwrite.com and I can give you some instructions that will allow you to test for it.

Drive-By Pharming Attack Could Hit Home Networks

Rob wrote in with a link to a CBR Online article discussing drive-by pharming, a new exploitation technique developed by Indiana University and Symantec Corporation. While it's not known if the technique is in use 'in the wild', the exploit could easily co-opt the web-browsing habits of a user that had not properly configured their router. "The attack works because most of the popular home routers ship with default passwords, default internal IP address ranges, and web-based configuration interfaces. The exploit is a single line of JavaScript loaded with a default router IP address, a default password, and an HTTP query designed to reconfigure the router to use the attacker's DNS servers." The article goes on to discuss several related and more advanced techniques related to this one, which security companies will have to keep in mind to guard against future attacks.

(Via Slashdot.)
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tool: Shrink Pcitures - Re-size pictures online

Shrink Pictures LogoA neat, little web-based tool that allows you to resize pictures and download the resized image. I can imagine using this on a machine, not my own, which might not have Photoshop or other graphics tool. It also has a quick "Avatar" tool for making graphics for web forums and social networking sites, which require certain sizes in order to work.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A LIVE Reading of Love Letters from History - Valentine's Day

Update: 2/14/07 10:30 pm): High-quality audio is now available for your listening pleasure if you couldn't make it to the LIVE reading.

( I like to use technology to do neat things, as well as the typical word

processing and browsing the web. Here is something a bit more creative. --

Love Letter GraphicJoin us for a LIVE reading of Love Letters from History this Valentine's Day at Talkshoe.com.

We will have a series of letters available for reading and you can call in and read LIVE along with our cast of players.

A LIVE Reading of Love Letters from History

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 9 PM EST/6 PM PST

Download the script to follow along or read a selection

Want to join us online, read this post for a guide on How to Join Our LIVE Shows for FREE

Previous WelchWrite Specials:
A LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Computing for the Everyman - Part 1 - Introduction

TechnologyIQ logoby Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com
Reader/Listener Line 206-338-5832

Listen to Computing for the Everyman - Part 1 - Introduction

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

Pop It At popcurrent.com

Whenever I am talking to the average, non-geeky, computer user I often hear complaints about how complex, how confusing and how aggravating computers can be. Along with that, people are scared...scared of losing their data, scared of damaging their computer and scared of pulling their hair out. (SMILE)

It doesn't have to be this way nor should it. One of the first things I try to do with anyone I work with is to put them at ease. I assure them that, short of attacking their computer with a baseball bat (which I have known a writer to do after one too many crashes), there is little they can do to hurt their computer. I encourage them to play with their computer, trying out its functions on small, non-critical projects, like a letter to a friend or typing up some notes. All of this is meant to encourage them to familiarize themselves with the computer in a non-threatening environment. Just like becoming familiar with a new car or a new toaster, comfort is one of the most important aspects of starting to use your computer.

Next, I will ask each client or attendee to my Internet Seminars at my local library, to make a list of what they want to do with their computer. These lists should be in the form of tasks they want to accomplish with the computer, instead of vague references to printing, using the software, managing their files. Rather, I want to see items like:

• Instant Message with my grandchildren
• Print envelopes from my printer
• Research my family genealogy
• Make free phone calls over the Internet

Once we have this list, I can really begin to teach these people something useful. First, we attack one of the tasks from the list, say writing a letter. Then I show them how to open a program, add their text to the document and how to save it. Throughout that lesson, I am constantly throwing in the fundamentals of each of these steps. For example, to start a program I will have them click on their Start Menu (for Windows user), then click All Programs, then the program itself.

Then, I quickly explain to them that all programs on their computer can be opened in this same fashion. If they are looking for a specific program, they can follow these steps and then look through the menu until they find it. I might go even deeper in explaining how menus work the same in every program, regardless of its purpose. I might show them the Edit menu and explain how Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste will ALWAYS be found in this menu, regardless of the program they are using. In this way, by the time we are done with our lesson, individuals have learned not only a specific step-by-step operation, but also much of the underlying fundamentals that make it easier to use ANY program on their computer. Even despite the Windows versus Mac battles of the past, these operating systems are more alike than ever before.

The fact is, learning these fundamentals that apply to any computer or technology, allows you to address almost any technology questions you might have. Much like elementary and high schools are focusing on "learning how to learn", as well as absorbing raw facts, technology users need to be learning the underlying principles of all technology, so that, even when they encounter an unknown device or computer, they can still begin using it almost immediately. I have much that same experience when I am visiting my wife's relatives and I am forced to speak Italian for 99% of my day. For the first few days it is very tiring, but around the 3rd day there is a change, a "click" that occurs and I find myself thinking in Italian instead of trying to translate everything to and from English. This same "click" occurs with technology, and much more quickly than you might think.

This is my goal in this on-going series of posts on TechnologyIQ. I want to help you get to the "click" that allows you to understand any technology, as if it were your native tongue. I can guarantee you, when it occurs, your friends and family will be amazed and wonder aloud how you became some a technology expert.

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