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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Outgoing Email, Roadrunner and the iPhone

I have had this question twice now over the last month, so I decided to take the time to write it up in case anyone else might need it.

The Problem

While you can easily set up your Roadrunner.com email address in your iPhone, sending email is more problematical. You can send email if you are connected via WiFi, but sending mail when using the cellular data network fails. It seems your iPhone cannot connect to the outgoing email server.

The Solution

When researching this problem for the first client to ask, I came across this tech note from Apple.com

iPhone: What to do if you can't send or receive Mail

This tech note gives you the steps necessary to select an outgoing email server provided by AT&T specifically for iPhone users. This outgoing mail server should work regardless of your connection to the Internet.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Make quick iPhone Photo blog with Fuzzy Shot

Since I picked up my iPhone last Sunday, I have been spending a lot of time playing with it, as well as making great use of it for business.

Today, I noticed a Twitter message from Jeff Turner (respres) directing me to Fuzzy Shot, a blogging service dedicated to iPhone photos.

I like the service because it doesn't require me to email photos anywhere. Rather it has a companion application that loads on the iPhone and then allows me to caption and title the photo, and then click one button to upload it to the site.

I like that it uss the GPS in the iPhone 3G to automatically Geotag the photos and show the location on a map. I wish there was a way to embed the photo in a blog post like this one, though. I sort of fooled it into doing it for this post.

I will play around a bit more with this, but I can foresee it becoming an interesting part of my daily work flow.
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