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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Audio: Live Reading of "A Christmas Carol" - 4th Annual

Yesterday, we held our 4th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" and the audio is now available for your holiday pleasure.

I think this would be great listening while steaming your Christmas pudding, cooking your Christmas goose or enjoying that refreshing "bowl of steaming bishop!"

Listen to the 4th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" from DouglasEWelch.com

You can also watch the video captured live on uStream.tv.

Watch the 4th Annual Reading of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"

I hope you enjoy it!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Friends in Tech present A Geek Christmas Story

Happy Holidays from everyone here at TechnologyIQ and WelchWrite.com. I hope you enjoy this year's holiday presentation from Friends in Tech. -- Douglas

Listen to A Geek Christmas Story

“Mattie Stevens, a young boy of the early 80’s, dreams of owning a Commodore 64. He sets out to convince everyone this is the perfect gift. But, along the way runs into opposition from his parents and everyone around him including old Santa Claus”

Written By:
Kreg Steppe
and Douglas E. Welch

Produced By:
George Starcher
Typical Mac User Podcast
Victor Cajiao – Typical Mac User Podcast -Typical Shutterbug Podcast
Steve Holden – Tech News Radio - Jersey Boys PodcastAztecMedia.net

Cast of Players:

Narrator: Kreg SteppeTechnorama

Harvey Stevens: Dad – Kevin Devin

Mandy Stevens: Mom – Susie Murph – How to Grow your Geek Podcast

Mattie Stevens: Son – Daniel Devin

Sandy Stevens: Little Brother – Spencer Holden

Curtz Eisenberg: Friend to Mattie – Harrison Steppe

General Beringer: General – Douglas E. Welch

Lieutenant: Steve Holden – Tech News Radio

Mrs. Little: Katie Floyd – Mac Power Users Podcast

Santa’s Helper: Chuck Tomasi – Chuckchat.com

Santa: Larry Pesce – Pauldotcom.com Podcast

Judge: Victor Cajiao – Typical Mac User PodcastTypical Shutterbug Podcast

Andrew Carnagie: Andy Helsby – Absoblogginlutely!

J.P. Morgan: Grant Bichocco – Mr.Grant.com

UPS Guy: Paul Asadoorian- Pauldotcom.com Podcast

Skipper: Rylie Starcher

Tip of the Hat to the old Christmas Commodore 64 Demo

Previous FiT Holiday Specials:

This has been a Friends in Tech Production.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lego Mindstorms NXT - A Great Gift!

Listen to Lego Mindstorms NXT - A Great Gift!

My wife and I think we did the coolest thing for Christmas this year...and we think our son agrees. In lieu of the Nintendo Wii hs "really, really, really, really, really wants", we gave my son Lego Mindstorms NXT for Christmas. This is a starter kit which contains tons of special Lego parts and, most importantly a computer "brick" and a variety of sensors (light/color, ultrasonic, touch, sound) which can be used to build programmable robots of all shapes and sizes. My son had attended the short Legoland course on Mindstorm and also did a week-long Summer Camp where he got to design his own fighting robot, so the minute he opened the box Christmas morning he was off and running.

On Christmas Day he built the first of 3 included robot plans and we quickly had them doing all sorts of things, You first assemble a basic robot and then run it through a series of demos to learn how all the sensors work. Then you build a more complicated robot, complete with grabber arm that can do a variety of tasks. We programmed it to sense when a ball was placed in front it it, advance to the ball, pick it up, turn around, return to its start location and release the ball on sound command. We were also able to program this same robot as a "line follower" (a common robot competition task where the bot follows an unbroken black line as fast as possible.) Finally, I was able to program it to the one thing I really wanted to try...robot that would wander around the room, sense when it got too close to something, back up and turn away from the obstacle and continue on its way. Using the included software and the the things we learned from building and programming the demo robots made this an easy task.

The last several days have been spent adding new features, testing them out and my son even dismantled the original robot and retrofit an existing (and much cooler looking) Lego model with all the robot parts.

I think the NXT is going to used a lot more than the Wii and I also think it provides much more fertile ground for imagination and learning. My son has been so engaged and so thoughtful for the last several days that I am sure we made the right choice.

If you have an avid Lego builder in your family around the age of 10 or above, I think Lego Mindstorms NXT would be a great gift. If they really like it, they can even join Lego robot competitions as part of the First Lego League.

Lego Mindstorms NXT at Amazon.com

Send your questions and comments to techiq@welchwrite.com or call the Listener Line at 818-804-5049.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from WelchWrite.com

We present our 3rd Annual LIVE Reading of Dicken's A Christmas Carol from Sunday, December 21, 2008 as our holiday present to you.

You can listen to the audio or watch the video from uStream.tv.

Presented by WelchWrite.com

Music courtesy of Incompetech.com

Listen: A Live Reading of Charle's Dickens A Christmas Carol

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Elsewhere Online: Reaper - multitrack audio production software for Windows and Mac

The Red Ferret Journal points on this new, free full functioning 30 day demo, audio recording and editing software. I have been looking for an alternative to Audacity to recommend to my podcasting students and clients, so I am looking into Reaper deeply.

As an aside, I love seeing multi-platform software is becoming more of the norm these days. I can never tell which computer I might want to use the software on, so it is great to have a choice.

Download: Reaper

Reaper - multitrack audio production software for Windows and Mac


Reaper is a full function audio production program which comes with a shed load of features and tech smarts. The program is also tightly coded, which means no bloatware to contend with, a sure sign that someone is trying to do the job properly. Available as a fully working demo, and [...]

(Via The Red Ferret Journal.)

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Douglas talks technology on SoHo Tech Podcast's Monday Night Tech

I had a great time on Monday Night Tech with host, Dean Jensen. We talked about what to do when moving an office, weird Norton Internet Security problems, new comptuers and more! You can watch the video below or listen to the audio from Talkshoe.com.

Watch the video!

Click to listen to the audio-only version

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Darwin's Origin of Species - Open Source Audio Book

What a great use of the technology sitting on our desktops and in our pockets! A collection of volunteers has put together a complete audio book of Darwin's Origin of Species. There have been previous projects like this and I am sure we will see more in the future. Most of us have the equipment necessary to create a recording, so why not make use of these public domain books to share the wealth of some of the greatest minds of our times.
Darwin's "Origin of Species": free audiobook

Xeni Jardin: Kara Shallenberg says,

LibriVox volunteers have just completed a public domain audio recording of Charles Darwin's pivotal work, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" -- free to download, copy, and share. It's unabridged and over twenty-four hours long!

(Via Boing Boing)

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Scratch: Multimedia programming kit for kids

I came across this neat program, Scratch, created by the LIfelong Kindergarten Group at MIT. It allows kids (and silly adults, like me) to create multimedia presentations and games while also teaching them computer programming as they go.

Check out this neat video showing some of its features.

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