Video: Flip Ultra vs. Flip Comparison
Eric Rice put together this short, but detailed comparison between the Flip Digital Video Recorder (which I highlighted a few weeks ago) and the Flip Ultra.
Control your technology, don't let it control you!
Eric Rice put together this short, but detailed comparison between the Flip Digital Video Recorder (which I highlighted a few weeks ago) and the Flip Ultra.
I came across this great screencast on YouTube and wanted to share it with those of you who might be thinking of upgrading to MS Office 2007 (2008, on the Mac). I don't have many clients who have upgraded yet, but it seems inevitable that it will happen eventually.
So, the next time your computer crashes or hangs and won't restart, hold in the power button for 10-15 seconds. That's right...just press in and hold until the computer powers off completely. Then tap the button as usual to start it back up.
Thanks to Chris Brogan for a tweet about this new site, Freshbooks, an online bookkeeping site.
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A Year of Visibility 2.0 - You need to let people know what you do, and how well you do it, if you want to take your life and career to a new level. I will show you how to go about raising your visibility in whatever realm you wish and the tools that can help make it happen.
Podcasting Now! - Using free Internet tools, you can be podcasting within minutes. I will give you step-by-step instructions on how to start podcasting right from BarCamp itself. No need to take weeks getting set up. Pick up you cell phone or camera and start podcasting TODAY!
Sanity check: The 10 best technology podcasts | Tech Sanity Check |
Author: Jason Hiner
Because of the breakneck pace of change in the technology world, there is so much information that most of us need to keep up with on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to read as much as I would like. As a result, podcasts are one of the most valuable tools that I use to stay current in tech, because of the fact that I can multi-task while I’m listening to podcasts.
(Continues on the web site)
(Via TechRepublic.)
Communication is becoming increasingly more global every day and good translation software can make a big difference in our understanding each other.
Lingoes - super impressive dictionary and translation freeware
Lingoes. Lovely freeware dictionary and language translation program. Comes with a bunch of useful features like clipboard translate, right mouse click access for immediate translation/definition of any word or phrase, and the ability to download and install a large number of add-on dictionaries in different languages as well as English. Super [...]
(Via The Red Ferret Journal.)
This is a neat, little piece of technology...a wind and solar power generator that can charge your iPod, cell phone and a host of other electronic gadgets. Here is a video from
Online video from today's seminar. Video podcast and audio podcast versions coming soon!
Our friend, Ben Forer, needs your help. It will only take 5 minutes…and may change the world.
If you have five minutes, please go here and vote
What's that? Paying money to upgrade your software can save you money? Doesn't sound quite right, does it? That said, it is true that upgrading your software on a regular basis can save you money in the long run, for some very specific reasons.
(Version numbers are typically stated in that fashion. 10=Mac OS X, 5=the Leopard release, 1=first minor revision of the software. The net release would be 10.5.2, 10.5.3, etc until Apple releases another major update i.e. 10.6, 10.6.1, 10.6.2, etc)