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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cool Tool: Thinkature - real time web collaboration

Do you ever need to collaborate with someone halfway across the planet? Thinkature might just be a solution. Another Cool Tool I discovered in my RSS feeds last night.

Thinkature - real time web collaboration


Thinkature is a pretty cool web collaboration service which gives you built in voice chat (hmm…interesting), plus all the other stuff like a real time whiteboard with annotation, images etc etc. It’s nicely responsive and has a very simple interface. What we need now is for some enterprising company to develop a [...]

(Via The Red Ferret Journal.)

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Podcasting: The New Radio, The New Television, The New World

TechnologyIQ LogoLearn how to find, play and subscribe to podcasts in this program for those new to podcasting, recorded live on May 26, 2007

Listen to Podcasting: The New Radio, The New Television, The New World
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Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Podcasting: The New Radio, The New Television, The New World

Podcasting: The New Radio, The New Television, The New World
Learn all about podasting with founding podcaster, Douglas E. Welch

Saturday, May 26, 2007 @ 3 PM

Sherman Oaks Branch, Los Angeles Public Library
14245 Moorpark St., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 - (818) 205-9716


Learn about the thousands of shows available for your entertainment and education, all of them delivered right to your own computer...for FREE.

Enjoy shows by major media producers such as NPR, BBC, National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal and CNN.

Discover great new shows produced by people just like you! Your neighbor might just be a podcast star!

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Friday, May 25, 2007

LIVE from the Library - Keep in touch with your world and keep in touch with THE world

TechnologyIQ LogoKeep in touch with your world and keep in touch with the world

Listen to Live from the Library - May 24, 2007
(Listen Backup)

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Link: Previously on LIVE from the Library

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

$2 per month donation
One Time Donation

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Live from the Library - May 24, 2007

Join us LIVE Thursday, May 24, 2007 for our next Internet Seminar at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.

Join us LIVE!

Need more information on joining out LIVE shows?

You can listen to past sessions and other TechnologyIQ audio by clicking below

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Real World Example: A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

HP Officejet 6110xiHere is another Real World Example, this time from my own office printer.

After changing the print cartridge in my HP OfficeJet 6110xi All-in-One, the printer wanted to print its alignment page. This is to insure that all the print heads line up and produce a crsip image.

Instead, though, it started giving me an error that the paper loaded was not "plain paper". Well, said I, of course it is, I am looking right at it. After re-trying the print several times I went to HP.com to check on the support information for this printer.

Working through their troubleshooting checklist, I came up with this tech note. While it didn't directly address my problem, it did let me know that the error can be caused by a damaged or blocked sensor on the printer.

After a bit of poking around, using the diagram as a guide, the printer finally recognized the paper type correctly and I was able to print the document that started the entire process.

Lesson: When checking online support databases, don't ignore problem descriptions that are close to the one you are experiencing. You might just find a solution.

HP Officejet 6100 and PSC 2200 Series All-in-Ones - A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

HP Officejet 6100 and PSC 2200 Series All-in-Ones - A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

** Previously on Real World Example

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Class: Create Your Own Free Web Page!

Contributed by: Dana Eklund, Teen Librarian on 3/5/2007

What: Create Your Own Free Web Page!
Provided by: Sylmar Branch Los Angeles Publ

Free class: Learn the basics of web page design using free resources on the Internet: create a profile, upload pictures, start a blog, advertise your business, network with friends, and more!

For free instruction, please call Dana at Sylmar Library (818-367-6102) to schedule an appointment. This free demonstration class is geared for teens and young adults, but all ages are welcome.

Where: Sylmar Branch, Los Angeles Public Library, at the Information Desk
When: To schedule a free appointment, call Dana at Sylmar Library: 818-367-6102.
Event Dates: This event takes place every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 4/14/2007 through 12/29/2007.

(Found on ValleyNews.com)

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Elsewhere Online: Tech Nation with Moira Gunn

Another great interview from Tech Nation on the nature of email. A great listen and the books is now on my "to read" list.

Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with David Shipley and Will Schwalbe, authors of "Send: The Essential Guide to E-mail", about e-mail in the modern age: what it's become from its simple beginnings.

LINK: Listen to this interview at IT Conversations

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News: Symantec Updates Cause Chaos in China

Once again, I hear about Symantec Norton products causing major issues. These problems occured in China, but clearly point up the problem that Norton products can cause.

Let me be clear and say that I used to recommend Norton products exclusively for my clients, but growing problems with their software has made it impossible for me to continue recommending them. Instead, I usually offer an open source solution like ClamAV for Windows. It doesn't try to do everything and maintains a much lower profile on your computer.

While it is great that they have a work-around for the issues, I wonder how many of my clients could copy files off their original Windows install disks. What this means is that clients would have to pay me to come in and repair their machines. Somehow, I don't see Symantec offering to cover my fees, even though their software caused such a dramtic problem.

At what point do attempts at security override the basic functionality of your computer? Is this a case of the cure being far worse than the cold?

Symantec Updates Cause Chaos in China Hello Kitty writes "According to Computerworld, a signature update to Symantec's anti-virus software has knocked out thousands of Chinese PCs. Apparently the latest update for the AV component of the various Norton packages mistook two system files in the Chinese edition of Windows XP SP2 for the 'Backdoor.Haxdoor' trojan. Piracy issues may complicate recovery, since once the updates are installed Symantec says the only hope for reviving an affected system is to re-copy the affected DLLs from the Windows restore disks. Everyone has their official restore disks handy, right?"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

(Via Slashdot.)

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Did you know? - How to turn off your computer -- completely

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Listen to this episode | Listen Backup

I know that most people don't know this little tidbit, as I always get such a response when I mention it during an Internet Seminar or with a client.

The next time your computer stops responding, and they all do at one time or another, you will need to turn the computer off completely. In the old days, when PCs had big, red, mechanical switches, this was easy. Throw the big red switch and all power was removed from the computer. Flip is again and the computer started up.

These days though, computers (and many other pieces of technology) have electronic switchs. You may not know it, but your computer is always "on" in some small way. If you open up the case, you may even see LEDs glowing, even though the computer is supposedly "off".

So, how do you make your computer turn off completely, so you can restart it afresh? (In the old days we called this a "cold boot.", by the way). Well, you can do what many of my clients end up doing and pull the power cord out of the back the computer. Now, as you might imagine, this probably isn't a really good idea. Pulling the cord can cause power spikes and surges and do nasty things to your computer. Still, you do need to turn it off, though.

The best way to power off your computer completely it to hold in the power button for 10-20 seconds until the entire computer shuts down. You can usually tell when it has done this, as the monitor will go blank and you will no longer hear the humming of the computer's fan or hard disks.

While this still isn't something you want to do every day, it can get you out of a sticky spot and back on the road to troubleshooting what occured. Even better, this trick works with nearly any piece of technology.

* Cell phone confused? try holding down the power button to shut it off.
* iPod crashed? Hold down particular keys to reset it. - from Apple.com
* Digital camera hung up? Hold down the power button.

Note: Pressing your power button once, tapping it, will often cause the computer to go into Standby or Sleep. It still isn't off completely. Remember, you need to hold the power button in for 10-20 secs and listen for the "click" that tells you it has turned off.

Of course, if your computer is hanging or crashing on a regular basis, you need someone to take a look at it or have it repaired. Today's computer shouldn't be crashing more than once a week, and even then I would probably be trying to discover what was wrong.

Do you have a question or comment? Use the Comments link below, call the reader/listener line at 206-338-5832, email to techiq@welchwrite.com or post your question on the Friends in Tech Forums.

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Real World Example: Mac OS X Airport Problem

Real Word Example is an on-going series detailing real support calls and their resolutions. Look for more RWE's in the future -- Douglas

Apple iMac 17I received this late night call from a client, explaining that she had been on the phone with her ISPs tech support all day trying to resolve a problem with her Internet connection. Even after doing my standard troubleshooting procedure of powering off both the cable modem and router, she still had no connection.

I remembered that during the initial installation of the router, I had some trouble with interference from the number of other wireless routers in her area (10+).

Here were the steps I took, over the phone, to resolve her issue...

1. Had her check the network settings shown in System Preferences, Network, Airport, TCP/IP

These settings showed an IP address of 10. 0.1.2. I knew she had a Linksys router, so these settings didn't look right. Linksys router uses the IP address range of

2. Checked the Airport menu to see to which access point she was connected

This showed (by the checkmark next to the name) that her Mac was trying to access Apple Network ffbbad

3. Asked the user to select her access point's name from the Airport menu
The Airport menu refused to select that access point.

4. Return to System Preferences, Network, Airport. Selected the Airport tab in that window

Once there, we selected the By Default : setting and changed it to Preferred Network. Then we selected the Apple Network fbbad and click the minus sign to remove that network. Then we clicked Apply Now.

5. Clicking on the TCP/IP tab, it now showed and IP address of 192.168.1.x

6. Running Safari browser confirmed that connectivity was restored.


It appears to me that this Mac was grabbing the wrong access point by default, probably due to the congestion in this customer's area. Setting the Preferred Network insures that her Mac will now only attached to her network in the future.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

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Dilbert gets too close to the truth about tech support

Dilbert comic on tech support
Click for larger image

As if in reference to my GoDaddy post of a couple of days ago, Dilbert by Scott Adams hit the nail on the head with this comic from Friday. I must admit that sometimes I feel I am talking to Dogbert when I call any tech support line.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Traffic change on Moorpark Street near the Sherman Oaks Library

Moorpark Street Lane ChangeIf you frequent the Sherman Oaks Branch of the LA Public Library, like I do, you will want to be aware of some traffic changes on Moorpark Street at Tyrone, especially as you approach the library eastbound on Moorpark.

Up until a few days ago, there was a turn lane the middle of Moorpark Street, which allowed you make a left turn into the library parking lot. Today, I was very surprised to note that what had been a bi-directional turn lane is now an extended left turn lane for westbound traffic onto Tyrone.

Google Map showing change

Google MyMap of Lane Changes

This now makes it unsafe to attempt a left turn into the library parking lot. I noticed a lot of folks doing what I did, which was to go up one block to Katherine and either make a U-Turn at the intersection or find a place to turn around on Katherine.

I think this change has made entering the library much more dangerous, even if it has eased westboound traffic on Moorpark. I can imagine that the neighbors are going to be upset with all the new turnaround traffic, as well. The only entrance to the main library parking lot is from Moorpark and I am going to going to guess that at some point there will be a major accident as someone attempts to make their usual left turn from the single easybound lane or, even worse, goes the wrong way up the new left turn lane without thinking about it.

The picture above is pretty low-quality as it is from my cell phone, but if you can see the long white line in the middle the street, that used to be a yellow line denoting the north side of the bi-directional turn lane. Click the photo for a larger version.

I was pretty surprised by this change when I hit it today, so be aware and stay safe.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

An issue with GoDaddy Email Support

While my web site uptime has been fairly good, I have had a variety of issues with GoDaddy's service in the year or so I have been with them. This isn't necesarily odd, though. Look up an ISP or web host on the net, and you will find someone who has has a bad experience with them.

That said, there is one issue that always rubs me the wrong way when dealing with GoDaddy email tech support. The responses I receive are often unhelpful, or just plain wrong, as in the case with the response below. Even worse, although they always claim there is "no problem", the issue I am experiences usually clears up soon after my email support request.

Here was my initial email to them this morning...

ftp access to site welchwrite.com appears slow. Transfers are slow to begin and complete. Ftp updates from Blogger.com also appear to be having issues as my (b)logs are not updating when posting a new entry.

...and here is their response...

Thank you for contacting online support. It sounds like you may have a connection issue as we are not having any of these issue occur on our end. I suggest to check your fire wall settings and run a trace route. Unfortunately the Mac based computers do not come with a built in Traceroute tool so you will need to download one to perform a Traceroute. You can go to http://www.whatroute.net to download a small software application known as WhatRoute which will allow you to perform this action.

Now, I admit, I could and should have told them that I had done some testing and could access other FTP servers correctly, but in my own defense, I didn't mention it because I would assume that someone has tried other servers before sending in the trouble ticket. I guess this is the curse of being a troubleshooting tech somtimes.

Once again, though, this is the typical response. "Problem, what problem? We don't see a problem?" There always seems to be an assumption that the user knows nothing and must obviously be mistaken, despite the fact that they have experienced some sort of problem, or they wouldn't have taken the time to send the trouble ticket.

It is the second part of the message that bother me most, though. I know Macs are not the dominant computer in the marketplace, but I do expect GoDaddy support techs to know that there is a built-in traceroute command on every Mac sold today. In fact, there are at least 2 ways to do a traceroute, that I know of.

First, the geek method is to run the Terminal application and type traceroute domain.com. Second, there is the GUI-based Network Utility available in the Applications/Utilities folder that also includes the ability to do a traceroute.

I think support issues like this bother me more than the average person since I spend my day supporting my computer consulting clients and I have worked in help desk environments in the past. I have been on the other end of the phone and I know it is difficult work, but that doesn't mean you can simply brush off people to clear the ticket, nor assume that everyone writing you is a technology-impaired idiot. We wouldn't be writing if we didn't, at least, think we had a problem. One that we had tried to solve...and couldn't.

** Previous mentions of GoDaddy

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Live from the Library - Video, Video, Video - May 10, 2007

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Listen to Live from the Library - May 10, 2007
(Listen Backup)

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Watch the video we streamed live from the class.
It is a bit jerky (the video. not the host (LAUGH), but lets you see me in all my teaching glory! (SMILE)

Link: Previously on LIVE from the Library

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Live from the Library - Thursday, May 10, 6 PM PDT

Join us LIVE Thursday, May 10, 2007 for our next Internet Seminar at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.

Join us LIVE!

Need more information on joining out LIVE shows?

You can listen to past sessions and other TechnologyIQ audio by clicking below

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Cool Tool: Open Font Library

Open Font LibraryKreg over at Valid Syntax, a podcast reviewing open source projects and software shared this link in his latest show -- the Open Font Library.

From their web site...

Open Font Library

Type Casting.

The Open Font Library is a sister project of the Open Clip Art Library. The goal of this project is to collect public domain fonts so that they may be used freely.

Currently, the Wiki for this project has the most information. Please submit your fonts here!

(Via Valid Syntax.)

Link: Open Font Library

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Automotons on the beach

These "beasts" have been around for a while, but I am always amazed when I see them in operation. If you haven't seen these elsewhere, check out the video for an amazing look. You can also find more videos on YouTube and other video sharing sites.

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Cool Tool: Open Clip Art Library

Open Clip Art LibraryKreg over at Valid Syntax, a podcast reviewing open source projects and software shared this link in his latest show -- the Open Clip Art Libary.

From their web site...

Drawing Together: This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used. All graphics submitted to the project should be placed into the Public Domain according to the statement by the Creative Commons. If you'd like to help out, please join the mailing list, and review the archives.

So head on over, sign up, see what's available and maybe even share some of your own work.

Link: Open Clip Art Library

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Friday, May 04, 2007

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Internet Television - Joost! - I've got invites!

Joost is the new Internet Television Service, still in beta, that allows you to watch a variety of channels and a variety of shows on demand. The selection of shows is a bit slim at the moment, but I have watched a few documentaries that I know I never would have seen anywhere else.

Joost Promotional Video

Click to watch the What is Joost? video

Joost™ the best of tv and the internet

You need an invite to check it out, but all of us Joost Beta Testers now have around 999 invites to pass out, so all you have to do is ask. Send a blank email to welchwrite+joost@gmail.com and I will send you an invite so you can check it out.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches

Los Angeles Public LibraryYep, its true, at least according to this press release (PDF) from the LA Public Library web site. Great news and a big step toward getting wireless access to all who can take advantage of it.

Of course, remember, the LAPL also offers computers for Internet browsing and other tasks at all its branches, too!

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches The L.A. Public Library just put out a release saying that free wireless is now available to laptop users in all 71 branches as well as the Central Library downtown....

(Via L.A. Observed.)

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New TechnologyIQ Discussion area on the Friends in Tech Forums

Now that TechnologyIQ is a full member of Friends in Tech, we have our own discussion group on the Friends in Tech Forums.

Bring your technology questions, comments and quandries.

Let's talk tech!

Join the TechnologyIQ Discussion (FREE) at Friends in Tech!

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Computing for the Everyman 5 - Preferences

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Listen to Computing for the Everyman - Part 5 - Preferences
(Backup Link)

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

Transcript: If you remember the theme of this blog and podcast, it has always been to "Control your technology, don't let it control you!" In light of that, today's article is on how to make your computer and your programs act the way you want them to act, not the other way around.

First, every computer, every piece of software and every online service you use will have some preferences that can be altered by you. Sure, there will be default settings that work for the basics, but there can be anywhere from 1 to 100 different options that you can turn off and on, depending on how you want the program or service to operate.

The main reason I am writing on this topic is that nearly everyone I meet, whether friend or client, has some complaint about how their computer or software operates. Microsoft Word is the usual focus of their attacks. It has many features that try to be "friendly" and useful, but usually end up annoying most folks. So, I often find myself telling folks how to turn off this or that feature. The thanks I receive are amazingly heartfelt. After years of suffering under the tyranny of their software, they are free at last.

Now, you might not have such strong feelings about your software, but you can also learn a few things about your computer by checking out the preferences (or Options, as Windows insists on calling them) on your computer.

Let's start with the computer itself. On a computer running Microsoft Windows, the basic settings for Windows are held in the Control Panel. You should see Control Panel listed in your Start Menu, or it might be under Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel. There you will find items that let you change the size and resolution of your screen, network settings, uninstall programs and more. Look around there, and check out each individual Control Panel item. Don't worry, if you think you may have changed something by mistake, press the Cancel button to leave the Control Panel and the settings will remain unchanged.

On an Apple Macintosh computer, your basic preferences are found in the System Preferences application. This is always available from under the blue Apple menu, and it might also be available in your Dock. Just like with Windows, these System Preferences allow you to change the basic settings of your Mac.

Now, each program you use also contains its own preferences that are specific to the tasks that the program performs. Let's take Microsoft Word for example. On a Windows computer, you would select Tools Menu, Options... to see all the settings for the program.

I will admit, the Options page for a program like Word can look intimidating. Not only do you have one page showing 10-30 options, if you look at the top of the Options window, you will see tabs indicating another 10-12 pages of options, divided by category. Clicking on a tab brings that set of options to the front. Clicking OK saves any options you might have changed. Even though you won't have a need to change many of these options, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the options that are available. Then, repeat this for each program you use regularly.

On an Apple Macintosh, you can access preferences for each program by selecting Preferences under the Application menu (This is the menu, next to the blue Apple menu, that is the name of the program you are using. For example, if you are using Microsoft Word, the menu will read "Word".)

The next time your computer or software isn't working the way you wish, try checking out the Preferences and see if there is a way to change its behavior. You can find out more information about each preference by selecting the Help menu in most programs and searching for a particular Preference or operation.

Until next time, "Control your technology, don't let it control you!"

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Douglas E. Welch Events, Speaking and Appearances Calendar

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