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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

iPhone Update 1.0.1 Now Available

Apple iPhoneGizmodo is providing a fairly detailed report on this upgrade, including how it interacts with "hacked" iPhone (one's that have used various utlities to add/change features).

Breaking: iPhone Update 1.0.1 Now Available, Fixes Safari Security Breach, Other Bugs

Update v1.0.1 is now available through iTunes, and it will "fix bugs." The JesusPhone is getting an apparently minor upgrade, but the consequences are huge to your security. Discover why after the jump. [Last Updated 10:15PM EST -- We keep discovering new things, check all the updates after the jump]


(Via Gizmodo.)

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Friday, July 27, 2007

LIVE from the Library - July 26, 2007

Due to technical difficulties, I did not get an audio recording of last nights seminar, but I did get this video recording via uStream.tv. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will do some testing to figure out what happened and be back with our normal audio podcast next month.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Library Internet Seminar - Tomorrow, July 26

Join us Thursday, June 14, 2007 for our next Internet Seminar at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.

You can listen to past sessions and other TechnologyIQ audio by clicking below

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Elsewhere Online: Cars: Track your MPG with My Mile Marker

Web services bring technology to bear on another mundane aspect of life...monitoring your automobile mileage.

I especially like the Twitter integration to make it as easy as possible to input your data, even while standing at the pump.

Cars: Track your MPG with My Mile Marker

<My Mileage Marker Logo

Beta webapp My Mile Marker (M3) tracks your fuel purchases and odometer readings and calculates your gas mileage. Sign up for a (now) free account at the M3 beta, enter your car(s), and their odometer readings. Each time you visit the pump, enter your current odometer reading, the number of gallons purchased and the price per gallon. You can add your data via the web site or via SMS while you're at the gas station with Twitter.

To do so, first add the mymm Twitter user to your list of Twitter friends. Then:

Create message like D mymm [miles] [gallons] [price]. For example, a message might look like this this: D mymm 15476 15.34 3.129 The odometer read 15476, and you filled up with 15.34 gallons at $3.129/gallon.

Haven't had a chance to get some real data into M3 yet, but as soon as I get to the gas station...

(Via Lifehacker.)

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Schedule future emails with l8r

I have a little script for MS Entourage that allows me to pre-load emails, but it does require that my computer stay on all the time in order for the emails to be sent. L8r does this through a web interface without any further interaction from your computer. There is a free and pay side to the site, allowing you to schedule more emails for a fee, but "free" always makes it worthwhile to check out these new web services.

L8r LogoReminders: Schedule future emails with l8r

Got an email composed and ready to send but don't want to send the email until a later date (when it's actually relevant)? With email service l8r, you can compose and schedule the delivery date of emails to recipients up to five years in the future.

(Via Lifehacker.)

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