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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Real World Example: Windows Updates mean everything

Windows Update LogoIn today's Real World Example, it seems that no matter what anti-virus and anti-spyware you have installed, if you forget to install all your Windows Updates, you can still get a pretty nasty infection.

Now, truth be told, I already knew this, and had told my client's such on many an occasion. Still, this was the first occasion where I think I can actually trace it as the cause for this particular problem. This machine was severely infected, and took a long time to clean out, even though everything looked up to date. Then I noticed that there were several, critical updates for Internet Explorer 7 that had not been installed. Once i got those installed, I was able to clean up the issues and get the machine working again.

I often describe this issue as having your door locked with 6 dead bolt locks, but leaving the window next to it wide open. Unpatched Windows flaws allow some exploits to "force feed" your computer spyware and viruses, even when you think you are protected.

So, let me climb up on the pulpit once more and deliver the 3 Commandments for Safe Computing in today's world...

1. Install all Windows Updates immediately
(or set your Windows Updates to Automatic)
2. Install and update your anti-virus program
(ClamWin (http://clamwin.org) is my current choice)
3. Install and update your anti-spyware program
(MS Defender (http://microsoft.com) is a good first line of defense)

Be well and keep your computer spyware free!

Read Previous Real World Examples

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Real World Example: A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

HP Officejet 6110xiHere is another Real World Example, this time from my own office printer.

After changing the print cartridge in my HP OfficeJet 6110xi All-in-One, the printer wanted to print its alignment page. This is to insure that all the print heads line up and produce a crsip image.

Instead, though, it started giving me an error that the paper loaded was not "plain paper". Well, said I, of course it is, I am looking right at it. After re-trying the print several times I went to HP.com to check on the support information for this printer.

Working through their troubleshooting checklist, I came up with this tech note. While it didn't directly address my problem, it did let me know that the error can be caused by a damaged or blocked sensor on the printer.

After a bit of poking around, using the diagram as a guide, the printer finally recognized the paper type correctly and I was able to print the document that started the entire process.

Lesson: When checking online support databases, don't ignore problem descriptions that are close to the one you are experiencing. You might just find a solution.

HP Officejet 6100 and PSC 2200 Series All-in-Ones - A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

HP Officejet 6100 and PSC 2200 Series All-in-Ones - A 'Paper Mismatch' or 'Paper too Narrow' Error Occurs While Receiving a Fax

** Previously on Real World Example

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