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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ep.006 - Online Applications and Services

Ep.006 - Online Applications and Services - January 30, 2007

Learn about online applications and services -- what they are and how they can make you more productive than ever.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Something may come in very handy...Belkin Easy Transfer Cable for Windows

Hi all: If you have an old PC and want to move to a new PC (especially with Vista (!)) - you need an easy way to "get 'er done". The link below depicts a piece from Belkin that may make it easier. I'll try to read up on it and get back to you here. Here tis:

Belkin Easy Transfer Cable for Windows Photo Gallery

(credit Paul Thurrott's WinSuperSite

Talk with you soon! - SDA

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Software: Climb any mountain (or is that Vista...?)

OK so Vista is readily available. Any PC a consumer sees at this point out is gonna have it. Question is, which flavor do you want? (or need...!)

Here is a piece from a favorite site that does a nice job of laying it out. Something tells that a certain podcast from someone we all know (!)@(#*$%*$(#$) may be talking about this very topic.

Here she is: Understanding the Vista Product Editions

(Paul Thurrutt's SuperSite for Windows writeup)

Have at it and have fun. So far so good from my perspective. Very smooth ride even with some of my favorite open-source tools loaded as well... Complete listing to follow... as soon as I have a minute...

:-) "No harm, no foul" SDA

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Shared calendar - a real-world example

As if to reinforce my recent posting on the usefulness of a shared calendar (See Shared calendars are one part of an organized family), today I received information on my son's Little League schedule today. This offers a perfect demonstration of type of information that should go directly into your shared calendar as soon as you receive it.

The effects of regularly scheduled events like this riffle through your entire life and it really pays to get them into your calendar and see where any conflicts might arise.

In my particular case, I created 2 repeating events, each ending on May 30. One is for a Thursday practice and the other for a Sunday practice. Instead of creating individual items for each practice day, I can use the repeat or recurring functions of my calendar to place them all automatically. While I don't yet have the actual game schedule, I did get information on what day the actual games will start. To give the entire family a "heads-up", I noted this date in the calendar as well. Once I receive the complete game schedule, I will add all the games, snack days, etc into the calendar so that there will be no surprises, at least in regards to the baseball season.

I hope you will follow my example when confronting your next big event, whether it is a sport activity, guitar lessons, dance or karate classes or any activity that needs a prominent reminder in your shared, family calendar.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Software: Celtx - Write television and movie scripts in proper format

Celtx Scriptwriting Software LogoI do live in Los Angeles, where every 3rd person (or more) is writing some time of script. In the past, properly formatting your script required expensive software and a truckload of patience.

Celtx, an open source scriptwriting software, allows anyone to write their first great movie without spending hundreds of dollars. It supports all the usual features of scriptwriting software, as well as a collaboration service that allows 2 or more people to work on a script together.

Several of the Friends in Tech members recently used this to write our holiday special and I found that it worked very well. Even better, the typical script format times out to about 1 minute/page, so we were able to get on-going estimates of the length of the piece just by noting the number of pages.

Link: Celtx Scriptwriting Software

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Fun: PIcTaps Stick Figure Toy

A bit of Friday Fun to get your weekend off to a great start.

Design your own stick figure (as detailed as you wish) and let him dance, man, let him (or her) dance! Sure to make you smile.
Stick-figure web-toy

Cory Doctorow: Pictaps is a web-toy that invites you to draw a stick-figure and then creates a delightful, gigantic animation of your figure, multiplied into a cast of thousands, doing a joyful, Busby Berkeley show-number, with dancing and cavorting and so forth.


(via Wonderland) Via [Boing Boing]

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Shared calendars are one part of an organized family

by Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com
206-338-5832 Reader/Listener Line

As a parent with a school-age child, I often hear other parents bemoaning their disorganized existence. Along with the busy schedules of two working parents you might have art classes, karate classes, Little League, soccer and more. Add in more than one kid and organizing your life can quickly become a nightmare.

This is exactly why one of my most important organizing devices is a shared calendar that reflects all the activities and events for everyone in the household...and I do mean everything. If someone -- is required to be somewhere -- at sometime, it goes into the calendar. If we are given a calendar that reflects all the events for a particular activity (say, Little League), all these events immediately go into the calendar, along with notations on whether we are providing the team snack, working in the snack bar, etc. Even events that occur anytime during the day, like family birthdays, and other reminders are also included.

Here is a screen shot of my calendar for January. As you can see, I also make extensive use of color coding to tell me, at a glance, who is involved in an activity or what type of activity it is.

Welch Entourage Calendar Screenshot
Now, even as technology happy as I am, I will be the first to admit that maintaining a calendar like this doesn't take a computer, but it certainly makes it much easier. First, in my setup, events and appointments can be entered from either my computer, my wife's or even directly into my Handspring Treo PDA or cell phone and those events will appear, eventually, on all those devices in turn. For example, when I am at the dentist or doctor's office and we schedule my next appointment, I immediately enter that into my Treo. When I return home and eventually synchronize the Treo with my computer, that appointment also flows over to the other computers. It also works in the reverse direction.

Next, using a computer-based or Internet-based calendar allows you to easily add repeating and recurring events, days months and years into the future. This is what I use for family birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. Imagine only having to enter these dates once and use them for years to come. For fun, I even enter birthdays of certain ancestors, like the grandfather my son is named after, to keep that bit of history alive.

The Available Tools

There are countless tools you can use to get your calendar in order. In my personal case, I am using Microsoft Entourage, part of Microsoft Office, which also provides email, to-do lists and more. It also has a built-in sharing system, using its Projects feature that allows me to share the calendar and other items with the other computers in my office. Similar calendar applications include Apple iCal, Now-Up-To-Date & Contact, Microsoft Outlook and others.

You don't have to use a program on your computer, though. There are a number of online calendars that can provide you even more flexibility. These calendars are accessed using your web browser, which allows you to update it from anywhere you have an internet connection, possibly even your cell phone. This type of calendar includes Google Calendar, , and a host of others, usually provided in association with other web services.

Google Calender Screenshot

Google Calender Screenshot

Some of these programs and web-based calendars will also allow you to automatically include event calendars and the calendars of family and friends within your own calendar.

No matter how you build your shared family calendar, do build it – and then use it. This single tool will help to keep you and your family on-track and less stressful.


Google Calendar
Yahoo Calendar
Microsoft Office and Outlook
Apple iCal

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cool Tool: TagMaps World Explorer

The O'Reilly Radar blog turned me on to TagMaps: World Explorer, a mashup between Yahoo Maps and (recently acquired) Flickr photo sharing service.

TagMaps Screen Shot

This is another neat way to explore the world, using the photos of Flickr users to illustrate what makes each location special. You can type in a city or country and are then presented with a map covered in "tags". Tags are the keywords that Flickr users apply to their photos when they put them on the site. These tags, along with "geocode" information (which sets the latitude and longitude where the photo was taken), places the photos on the map.

Similar to Google Earth, this is a cool tool for exploring the world, both in your own backyard and around the globe.

World Explorer, Explore Your Town With Flickr
By Brady Forrest

Yahoo! is putting the +10 million geotagged photos on Flickr to good use with World Explorer and TagMaps. They are new visualization tools from Yahoo! Research Berkeley - the same group that created ZoneTag (Continues)

(Via O'Reilly Radar.)
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Web: Fora.tv: The world is thinking

fora.tv screen shotWow, another great television replacement, courtesy of the Internet. One of the first videos I watched was Ross King, author of Brunelleschi's Dome, one of my favorite books, from a reading he did at Cody's Books. While I prefer to consume my audio and video in podcast form, so I don't have to be sitting at my computer to watch it, this is good second choice and offers up yet another great source for excellent and entertaining material.

Add a series of RSS feeds so I could download videos with specific authors, keywords or venues and it would be almost perfect.

The world is thinking

Fora Tv is a good place to watch videos of lectures and discussions on topics ranging from politics and science to religion and the arts. Whether you'd like to see Jim Lehrer talk about politics and prose, or watch Brian Eno and Will Wright discuss the joys and techniques of generative creation, you might find something here to like

(Via MetaFilter.)

Other Books by Ross King

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Douglas restarts Internet Seminars at LAPL Sherman Oaks

Photo of Douglas E. Welch

I'm Back!

Douglas E. Welch is again presenting his Internet Seminars right here at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the LA Public Library.

Get the most out of the Internet!

This series of seminars will focus on the amazing Internet services available today, on both your home computer and those at the library. On today's Internet you can get full-featured email programs, word processing, graphics, instant messaging, maps and much more. Join Douglas as he demonstrates the best the Internet has to offer and answers your Internet-related questions.

2nd & 4th Thursday of each month
6:30 PM

February 8 & 22 — March 8 & 22 — April 12 & 26 — May 10 & 24

Email library@welchwrite.com for more information or visit http://welchwrite.com/dewelch/library/

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Douglas talks computer consulting on the SoHo Technology Podcast

SoHo Technology Podcast logoDean Jensen, of the SoHo Technology Podcast had me on for a series of talks on computer consulting and the first segment appeared today.

More segments will be forthcoming over the next few weeks.

Link: SoHo Technology Podcast with Dean Jensen

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Video: Installing Firefox on a Mac

Installing Firefox on a Mac

While installing applications on a Mac is usually easy, Mozilla's installer for Firefox can be a bit confusing. Several of my clients had have difficulties getting it installed correctly, so here is a screencast to give you a, hopefully, clearer view of how it works.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

You HAVE to try this...Gliffy

Gliffy Example Network DiagramIf you need occasional drawing type output and don't have the bucks for something commercial like Microsoft Visio... I've used it more than once and most people don't know the difference... (!)

" Gliffy is easy, free, and fun!
  • Diagramming in your web browser without downloading additional software
  • Desktop application feel in a web-based diagramming solution
  • Add collaborators to your work and watch it grow
  • Link to published Gliffy drawings from your blog or wiki
  • Create many types of diagrams such as Flowcharts, UI wireframes, Floor plans, Network diagrams, UML diagrams, or any other simple drawing or diagram"

(Could someone please try if under OSX? Thanks in advance!) SDA

Update: Seems to work fine using Firefox on Mac OS X - Douglas

Previous Mentions on WelchWrite.com:
Web Service: Gliffy.com - Create and share diagrams online

It's not your fault -- most software has some critical flaw (with podcast)

Listen to this segment!

Pop It At popcurrent.com

I regularly get computer support call from my clients that begin with, "I was trying to do X, but ..." They are frustrated, confused and sometimes angry. Even worse, they often blame themselves for the problem, figuring that they must have done something wrong. Let me be the first to tell you, though, never assume, at the beginning, that your computer problems are of your own making. The truth is, every piece of software produced today has some critical flaw. Use your computer enough and you are bound to trigger them.

Even more important, don't let anyone try to make you feel stupid or inadequate, just because your don't have the benefit of 20+ years of experience with technology like I do. Due to my choice of profession, I have to know how to deal with problems that arise. As a user, you should never see most of the errors you do. They are signs of sloppy programming, inadequate testing and, in many cases, people who just don't care.

Take, for example, my recent experience with McAfee Total Protection for Small Business. I was installing this package for a client and encountered error after error after error. This installation took me over an hour when it should have taken less than 15 minutes. Instead, though, McAfee's installer software, probably due to conflicts with Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 7, failed again and again and again. It was only my extensive experience (and my sometimes dog-like tenaciousness) that allowed me to work through the install and start it working.

There is no way that your average user, no matter how knowledgeable would have been capable of completing this installation. They simply would have thrown up their hands (or possibly, thrown out the software) and given up. The fact is, the state of software flaws is appalling. I could possibly accept a small computer problem in 10% of the installs. That is still 1 in 10 computers, but I will give manufacturers the benefit of the doubt. Instead, I see exactly the opposite ratio. In my work, I am experiencing problems, both large and small, in over 90% of the computers I install or troubleshoot. This even occurs with computers new, out of the box. In almost every case, some piece of software or hardware requires my attention to complete the installation. I find this utterly ridiculous.

So, the next time you experience trouble with your computer or your software, don't jump to conclusions and blame yourself. More than likely, the product is flawed, not your computer skills.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cool Tool: Geni.com - Online Family Tree Maker

If you are not already into heavy-duty family genealogy with dedicated programs GEDCOM files and an account on Ancestry.com, you might find Geni a quick way to start documenting your family tree.

It is simple and easy-to-use and includes an easy way to bring other family members into the discussion via email. I know from my own research that documenting everyone in the family usually falls to one interested party, so a little collaboration would be helpful.

Geni is a bit limited, as you can't yet import or export the GEDCOM files mentioned above. These are a standard data format used by almost all serious genealogy folks. Still, it is fun to play with and could become yet another great online service to replace the traditional PC-based applications we are all used to using today.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sorry Windows Vista sidebar...

You had to go. Google Desktop is my gadget/index/info/weather/performance tool of choice. It was pretty but too large to keep open all the time.

Check this LifeHacker article for the notes on how to disable it:

Windows Vista Tip: Disable the sidebar

At LEAST I gave it a week.... (:)-)


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Reminder: Install all Windows Updates

Just another reminder of how important it is to install all Windows Updates )and Software Updates on Macs, too) when they are released. Don't leave yourself open to attacks that can be prevented.

If you need any assistance in installing these updates, email or call douglas@welchwrite.com/818-601-0051

Attack code out for 'critical' Windows flaw Code that exploits a recently found flaw in the way Windows handles Vector Markup Language documents has been published.

(Via CNET News.com.)

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ep.005 - MacWorld and CES: A World of Technology Joy! - Corrected

Ep.005 - MacWorld and CES: A World of Technology Joy! - January 16, 2007

Douglas E. Welch and Sam Anderson review some of the neat stuff to come out of Apple's annual MacWorld conference and CES 2007, the Consumer Electronics Show.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

Celebrate Dr. King by sharing this DVD with your children, Our Friend Martin, written by our friend, Dawn Comer Jefferson and Chris Simmons, writer for Static Shock, the animated series.

We have also found this show on tape at our local video rental store.

From Amazon. com:
This animated time-travel adventure features a stellar cast and is a delight for kids and adults alike. When Matt, a black teenager, has to go on a class field trip to the museum of Martin Luther King Jr., he thinks that he'd rather play baseball. But the trip turns into an exciting adventure when he and his best friend, Randy, who's white, are sent back in time to meet Dr. King.

The story is also remarkably moving, as Matt and Randy learn what Dr. King did for humanity, and come to see him as a real person, not a historical figure. Matt and Randy experience segregation firsthand when they aren't allowed to eat on a train together. Together, they witness the bus boycott, the Birmingham riots, and the "I Have a Dream" speech. They discuss the theme of "non-violent resistance" with their new friend Martin and the work of Ghandi in India. As King tells Matt, "We must meet hate with love. It will take time, but somebody's got to start." Authentic historical footage blended with animation make this an excellent choice for teaching kids about the legacy of Dr. King. --Elisabeth Keating
Stars the voices of Whoopi Goldberg, John Travolta, Ed Asner, Angela Bassett and more.

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Aging modems and routers might be slowing down your network

by Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com
Reader/Listener Line - 206-338-5832

Over the last several months I have noticed a growing issue for those of you who were early adopters of DSL and cable modem broadband connections. Many of you have been happily working along for years, without ever upgrading your modems or routers. While the cliché "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" usually applies in these cases, you might find that upgrading your modems and routers could gain you a substantially better online experience.

I first started to notice issues when wireless networking finally moved into the home in a large fashion. More and more people were buying laptops and wanted to use these computers throughout the house, instead of being tied to their desk. While I usually had no problems adding these routers to homes which had recently purchased broadband (this is the generic name for high-speed Internet access) as I upgraded longer-term customers, I found it difficult, if not impossible to get the router working.

A pattern soon began to emerge, though. It seems that the older modems simply weren't up to the task of communicating with the newer routers. Their internal software was probably written in the days when companies only expected you to connection 1 computer directly to the modem. Sure enough, after the customer contacted their Internet Service Provider (ISP) and received a new modem, the router was easily installed.

In the past, most companies would simply upgrade your modem for no charge, but now I am finding that most ISP's (including SBC/AT&T) and Earthlink will require you to purchase a new modem from them, or purchase your own modem from your local electronics store. In some cases, most notably AT&T, they will even sell you a combination modem and router that not only shares your DSL connection, but also provides wireless access.

Finally, even if you aren't experiencing any obvious problems with your modem today, you might not be getting all the network speed for which you are paying. Older modems, and older routers, like an older computer, process data at a set speed. Older units might be acting as a bottleneck on your network, slowing your Internet access, even though your computer might be able to accept data at a much higher rate. The installation of a new router might increase network speed by a significant amount.

If your modem or router is over 4 years old, or you are experiencing problems with your connection or installing a router, you might consider upgrading. Contact your ISP for information and pricing.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fun: Bring out your inner Picasso

Just in time for Friday, here is a cute "Build your own Picasso" Flash tool. Select from heads, eyes, hair and more.

You can even sign it in that inimitable Picasso way.

Link: Mr. Picasso Head

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What the Heck is RSS?

And why should I care?

Good questions. First, here's why you should care.

Unlike getting website updates or ezines by email, RSS feeds give you absolute, 100% complete control over the situation.

You don't have to reveal your email address. If you want to stop receiving content, you don't have to request to be 'taken off the list.'

One click, and poof' the subscription is gone.

Plus, since there's no email address involved, there's no way a publisher can sell, rent or give away the means to contact you.

That's right' no more spam, viruses, phishing, or identity theft. And best of all, no reason to put yourself at the mercy of the publisher's intentions.

You won't need to suffer through the legalese in the privacy policy (if there is one) looking for loopholes that will send you deeper into inbox hell. No more setting up dummy Hotmail accounts "just in case."

Again, if you don't like the content, you can make it disappear as fast as you can change a TV channel. With just one click.

Pretty cool, huh?

That is cool! Umm' What the heck is RSS?

Alright! Now we're ready to get to that part.

RSS is a simply an Internet technology standard that allows busy people to receive updates to web-based content of interest.

You might have figured that much out by now. But basically, that's the essence of an RSS feed ' you subscribe and then receive new content automatically in your feed reader.

If you actually want to know how RSS works, click here.

What the heck is a feed reader?

You may already be using a form of feed reader, and not even realize it. If you use personalized home page services like My Yahoo or My MSN, you've got RSS capabilities built in. That's how syndicated content like news, weather and stock quotes appears on your personal page. You can also add content from any blog or other site that uses RSS to provide updates.

Other web-based tools are primarily dedicated to feed reading only. One of the most popular web-based feed readers at this point is Bloglines, and it's also free and easy to get started with.

If you use the Firefox browser, you can also receive RSS feeds from your tool bar by using the Live Bookmarks function. The next version of Internet Explorer will add this feature as well.

Finally, there are desktop-based feed readers. These function somewhat like an email program for feeds. Examples include NewNewsWire (Mac), Newsgator and Feed Demon.

If it sounds complicated, it's really not. And things will get even easier when the next version of Outlook integrates feed-reading capabilities. So, you'll have the same convenience that email subscriptions offered in the old days, without any of the terrible consequences of giving out your email address to potentially unscrupulous characters.

Sounds good. So how do I subscribe to a Feed?

First of all, look for the subscription or feed options (some bloggers make this difficult for some odd reason). You might see a variety of buttons (amusingly called chicklets).

If the site you want to subscribe to uses FeedBurner to aid in the subscription process (like Copyblogger and many other popular sites), you'll likely see the standard RSS icon, which takes you to a page that will give you an array of the most popular feed readers so you can select yours, and you'll go from there. This is the new standard RSS icon:

Sometimes there will be a chicklet for your particular reader right on the blog that will take you to the appropriate subscription page. You may see these (among others):

Add to Google

Subscribe in Bloglines

Finally, you may also see little orange buttons that say XML or RSS. Often these chicklets will take you to a page that looks like code gibberish. In this case, you simply cut and paste the page URL from your browser window and manually paste it into your feed reader subscription function.

Hopefully this last method will soon disappear, never to be seen again.

In summary: RSS solves BIG problems.

So there you have it' RSS is being adopted at a phenomenal rate, because it's a good thing for everyone.

The benefit to readers is obvious. And it's good for publishers too, because we want to make sure that people feel comfortable subscribing, and that our message is not nuked by an overzealous spam filter.

If there's anything here that is confusing, or you have a question, please contact me and I'll be happy to help!

Thanks to Copyblogger for a helping hand with this tutorial.

Cool Tool: Create newsletters online with LetterPop!

Here is an interesting web site that allows you to design and email cool newsletters to friends an family. Who needs Quark Express when you can use this right from your web browser. As the article below mentions, it is beta and a bit limited, but a sign of cool tools to come this year.

Create newsletters online with LetterPop!

Need to whip up a newsletter in a matter of minutes? LetterPop! gives you the tools. If you can drag and drop, you can create a pretty dazzling newsletter with this web-based app.


(Via Lifehacker.)

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Update: Microsoft Releases Office 2004, Office X Updates

Here is information on some updates for the Macintosh version of Microsoft Office, courtesy of the great Mac site, Tidbits.com.

Microsoft Releases Office 2004, Office X Updates

Microsoft's Macintosh Business Unit (also known as MacBU) wrapped up 2006 by releasing updates to its core suite of productivity applications. Office 2004 for Mac 11.3.2 Update, a 13.7 MB download, fixes a problem that could cause PowerPoint 2004 to unexpectedly quit. Entourage 2004 now correctly handles contact names with special characters, corrects a problem with duplicated messages in public folders, and improves compatibility with Mirapoint Message Server. The update requires Office 2004 fo...

(Via TidBITS.)

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Correcting a Microsoft Defender Error

by Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com
Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

If you are seeing an error message like this when you start your computer, don't panic. Both the cause and solution are simple.

"Windows Defender

Application failed to initialize: 0x800106ba. A problem has caused Windows Defender Service to stop. To start the service, restart your computer or search Help and Support on how to start a service manually."

It seems that an earlier, Beta, version of Microsoft Defender expired on December 31, 2006. Anyone who had that version installed will receive this message when they start up their computer. Of course, one would think that Microsoft could have found a more graceful way of telling people this in a user-friendly manner, instead of dumping a standard, and might i say, useless, error message like this.

Oh well, the answer to the problem is to simply download and install the latest version of Microsoft Defender.

Microsoft Defender Download Page

Let us hope the Microsoft develops a better way of informing us about software expiration in the future.

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Bill Gates "for the rest of us"...

I think he is finally onto something great...

Last evening at CES/Las Vegas Mr. Bill announced the Microsoft Home server software. Have a read at:


Pls let us all know your thoughts. I'm trying to get signed up for the beta as we speak...

xo - SDA


Sunday, January 07, 2007

How to join in our LIVE shows

Getting involved in one of our LIVE shows at Talkshoe.com can seem a little intimidating, but it isn't as difficult as it might first appear. Here is a quick guide to getting setup, so you can join us week after week.

While there a few steps below, all of them are easy. If you have any questions, you can use the Comments link below or email me directly at techiq@welchwrite.com. So, ready? Hear we go. Remember, you only need to perform these setup steps once.

1. Get a FREE TalkShoe account and PIN #

Visit http://talkshoe.com
Click Sign Up button in upper right-hand corner
Complete the form to create your login user id and password for Talkshoe
Create PIN #
This is what you use to connect over the telephone to join the conversation LIVE
Click Download the Talkshoe software
This is the software that allows you to listen to the LIVE stream (if not calling in by phone) and chat with other listeners in the chat room)
Install the Talkshoe software on your computer.

2. Calling in via telephone of cell phone

Now that you have your Talkshoe PIN number, you can use any telephone to call into a show and talk LIVE. Many people have free long distance on their cell phones, so they simply call (724) 444-7444, then enter the TalkShoe ID for the particular show (found on the TalkShow web pages) and their individual PIN #. This lets the host know who you are in the online chat so they know you are listening and can call on you.

If you don't have free long distance, you can use a free VOIP (voice over IP client) to access the conference by phone.

3. Calling in via your computer

If you are using your computer to call in to a TalkShoe show, headphones are suggested. You can use the microphone built-into your computer or laptop, but headphones help to keep an annoying echo out of the phone call.

My favorite free software to use with TalkShow is Gizmo (http://gizmoproject.com). Gizmo allows you to connect directly into the TalkShoe phone system for FREE.,

Click Download Now! to get the Gizmo software and install it on your computer. When you run Gizmo the first time, it gives you the option to "Register a New Account Name" Do this and you are ready to go.

When you are ready to call into a TalkShoe conference, click in the phone number field of the Gizmo client (with the small black phone icon) and enter "sip:1234@" without the quotes. Click the green telephone handset, just to the right of that.

After a few seconds, you will hear the TalkShoe system asking for the Talkcast ID for the show you are calling and then your PIN number. In the lower rleft-hand corner of the Gizmo Software, you will see a small telephone keypad icon. When you click this, a keypad will popup to allow you enter this information.

Once you are successful in entering the Talkcast ID and your PIN number, you will join the Talkcast LIVE. You voice may be muted initially, as the host does that to keep noise down in the call.

Once you have set up TalkShoe and Gizmo, you can participate in any show, using the TalkShoe for the online and Gizmo for your telephone call.

I hope this hasn't been too intimidating. If you need any assistance, contact me at techiq@welchwrite.com and I will be glad to help!

I would love to have you join me for any of my shows -- TechnologyIQ LIVE, where you learn to control technology instead of it controlling you -- Career Opportunities LIVE, about building a career in the 21st Century --- and WelchWrite Specials, where you can join in readings of famous stories, like A Christmas Carol or famous love letters from history, coming this Valentine's Day.

Elsewhere Online: PC World - Just Cancel the @#%$* Account!

If you have signed up for any service, you probably already know how difficult it can be to cancel an account. PC World's Tom Spring shows just how difficult, and costly, it can be.

The fact is, many online services participate in actively deceptive tactics to ensure that you can't cancel your account. I think articles such as these are very important. We need to hold companies up to scrutiny and let them know that such behaviors are an unforgivable business lapse and they are damaging their company more than helping it.

PC World - Just Cancel the @#%$* Account!

It's hard to find a Web service that doesn't offer a free trial. But just try canceling. We did, and the results weren't always pretty.

It took me less than 5 minutes to sign up for a NetZero dial-up Internet account. But after canceling that account, I spent a week trying in vain to reverse a charge that the service levied after my cancellation request.


(Via PC World.)

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Friday, January 05, 2007

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Lexmark Printers are Mac Hostile

by Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com
Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

Despite the gains that Apple has made in the computer market lately, their are some companies that just don't "get it". On occasion, I still run into web sites, software and services that require some specific Windows-only feature that could easily be replaced with something much more compatible for all computer systems.

My most recent run in with a Macintosh hostile company happened this week. A client called on me to complete the installation of a new printer which they couldn't make work with their iMac G5. This is understandable, as sometimes the installation, process of the printer software can be confusing. I wasn't really thinking about compatibility issues when I arrived, but concern grew once I saw the printer. It was a Lexmark product. I have had trouble with them before. They tend to be given away for free with PC purchases and all of the Lexmark products I have seen feel "cheap" for lack of a better word. I also knew, from past experience, that Lexmark produces entire product lines which only work with Microsoft Windows. Most printers manufactured by Hewlett-Packard and Epson embraced Mac-compatibility years ago, but Lexmark continues to drag its feet in this regard.

Sure enough, right on the box it listed only Windows as the supported systems. It probably would have been better if it would have said, "Don't by this printer to use with a Mac 'cause it doesn't" work. At least the customer would have been more aware when they purchased it. I made a last ditch effort for the client's sake and visited the Lexmark web site, hoping beyond hope that there might be some Macintosh printer drivers available there. There the only thing I found was a clear message, "This printer does not work with Mac OS X." See, they COULD have put it on the box, they put it on the web site.

So, Mac users, be aware that there are still some companies out there that see you as a second class citizen and, worse still, don't want you hard earned cash. Make sure that any device you buy explicitly states its Macintosh compatibility. Otherwise, you might just find yourself standing in the "return" line...again.

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Storage can be fun...

Especially a TERABYTE at a time...

Here comes the Terabyte Hard Disk! - CNet.com

One Terabyte, that's 1,000 gigabytes (GB), in a 3.5 inch form factor. Don't worry about the cost since that will plummet like everything else in the tech space... (!) Desktops and servers are the prime candidates for this part...

This is getting interesting... Oh and if you want faster and more reliable storage for your notebook... check this out... 2X the speed, not prone to damage from mis-handling etc.

SanDisk Releases 32GB Flash Drive

Have a great Friday! (no harm, no foul) Sam Anderson

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Office 2007 observations - short and sweet...

Since I have access to an MSDN license I get all the M$ software "real soon" after it ships. Hence my 1.5 week old notebook already has Vista Ultimate installed. Anywho...

I ALSO installed Office 2007 - you know, the one with the ribbons.

( Did I mention that I tried to install Vista as an upgrade to XP Media Center edition? Don't recommend it...) (film at 11)

I like it. I am DEFINITELY not a power user but use the tools often enough to be dangerous. Except for one little SNAFU with Outlook 2007 (sometimes the process doesn't go all the way away when you quit the application) it works real good on my new hardware. New hardware equals:

Gateway - 1.6GHz Turion X2, 2GB memory, 160GB HD, 15.4" screen, 1280X800 rez, DVD+-R (whatever...) $850 a week ago with same as cash for 6 months. (the only way to buy).

"talk to you soon"...

No harm, no foul! - SDA

Just say NO to ISP software

by Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com
Reader/Listener Line 206-338-5832

I was called today to resolve a computer problem for a new client. Their wireless connection would start, but then suddenly disconnect. My initial thoughts were that there was some interference from a new cordless phone (cell phones really don't bother WiFi), microwave or some other piece of equipment that had been recently installed. Once I got a look at the computer, though, I recognized a old, familiar enemy -- software provide by the customer ISP (Internet Service Provider).

In this particular case, the software was Earthlink's TotalAccess package, but AT&T/SBC also have their own collection of software that they try to force feed their clients. This software is ostensibly designed to make the Internet easier to use, but while it may help some people jumpstart their experience, I wonder at what cost? I have a number of issues with this software and I will do everything I can to avoid it, for both myself and my clients.

What problems can this software cause? Let me count the ways.

• Support difficulties

For support people such as myself, ISP software makes our work much more difficult. It replaces standard tools that control the wireless connection and provide email and web browsing. This makes it nearly impossible to provide telephone support to a client, as there is no way I can duplicate, on my computer, what they are seeing on theirs. I cannot, and would not want to install all the different variants of ISP software on my computer. This software breaks down the ability to communicate with the client and what might have been repaired in a few minutes on the phone, now requires an on-site visit.

If the client is using the standard tools, which on Windows includes Outlook Express, Outlook, Internet Explorer...even Firefox, as I instruct them in the steps to take to remedy the problem, I can follow the same steps at my computer.

• ISP Software doesn't play well with others

Often, ISP software can conflict with built-in functions, tools and other software on your computer. In the case of today's client, TotalAccess was trying to manage the wireless connection, even though the standard Windows tool was working as it should. The different software would engage in a digital wrestling match until the wireless connection was disconnected. Luckily, I was able to turn off the WiFi management feature in TotalAccess and convince it to leave the connection alone.

Another related hassle is that this software requires that the use step through a login process at the beginning of each session. In a day when computer manufacturers are doign everything they can to make Internet access transparent, Earthlink is still trying to live in the Old World of dial-up communications.

• ISP software often lags behind the standard built-in tools

The software provided by your ISP falls behind in functionality, unable to keep up with advances in the surrounding system. This often leads to computers where I encounter ancient (at least in computer terms) versions of the software since no facility was ever made to update it.

• Data stored in non-standard areas and formats

This is probably the most disturbing problem of all. As you hear me preach again and again, backups are the most important process you can perform to keep you data safe. Unfortunately, ISP software can often store data in non-standard locations and purposefully conceal its location. ISP software can also store data, such as email, in non-standard formats, that defy export and import into a different application. In some cases, this could mean that your years of email archives, stored in one of these programs, might suddenly be rendered unreadable.

For me, most ISP software is more of an exercise in branding than any attempt to enhance user's productivity. Your ISP wants to insure that you see its logo and name as often as possible, throughout the day. Any productivity enhancements that might result are secondary to this.

If you can avoid installing the software that comes with your new DSL or cable modem, I highly recommend it. If you must install software to setup your account, only install the barest minimum required. Then, after the connection is working, you might be able to remove even this. As a general rule, if you don't know what the software is or does, error on the side of caution and don't install it at all.

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Elsewhere Online: Office 2007 - Better, But a Tough Switch

Here is a good discussion over on SlashDot regarding the latest version of Microsoft Office.

I finally had a chance to lay hands upon the new version a few days ago and I must agree with the author below. It is going to be a big improvement, but users are going to have to make some large adjustments to the new interface and the how it works.

Read on...

Office 2007 — Better But a Tough Switch Carl Bialik from WSJ writes "Office 2007, coming out Jan. 30, is a 'radical revision,' writes the Wall Street Journal's Walter S. Mossberg. 'The entire user interface, the way you do things in these familiar old programs, has been thrown out and replaced with something new. In Word, Excel and PowerPoint, all of the menus are gone — every one. None of the familiar toolbars have survived, either. In their place is a wide, tabbed band of icons at the top of the screen called the Ribbon. And there is no option to go back to the classic interface.' He adds, 'It has taken a good product and made it better and fresher. But there is a big downside to this gutsy redesign: It requires a steep learning curve that many people might rather avoid.'"

(Via Slashdot.)

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What I like - January 2, 2007 - LIVE

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Monday, January 01, 2007

TechnologyIQ: Podcasts offer host of radio and television-style shows on thousands of different topics

by Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com

206-338-5832 Reader/Listener Line

If you have met with me recently, or even read this newsletter, you know that I am an avid fan of podcasting. One of the greatest aspects of podcasting, though, is that the shows available aren't limited to technology topics. In fact, there are shows on movies, knitting, finances, sports, comedy, public affairs, NPR, news, and almost any other topic you can imagine.

These shows are created by the big content providers, like NPR, CNN, PBS and others, but there are also shows created by people just like you. People who are passionate about their interests and hobbies who want to share that passion with others. Regardless of your interests, I am almost positive that you can find a show on whatever topic interests you most.


First and foremost, listening or watching podcasts does NOT REQUIRE an iPod. You can listen or watch podcasts directly on your computer. If you really like a particular show, you can even burn episodes to CD or DVD for easy watching on your television or listening in your car. That said, an iPod of other MP3 music player allows to get the most from your podcasts, delivering "what you want, where you want, when you want it."


So, How do you start to mine this wealth of Internet riches? One of the easiest methods is to use Apple's FREE iTunes software, available for both Windows and Macintosh computers. If you don't already have this software installed on your computer, you can download it directly from Apple at: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/ .


Once you have downloaded and installed iTunes (contact me for assistance if you have any issues or questions), run the program and click on the iTunes Store listed on the left-hand side of the main window. This opens up the iTunes store, where you can purchase music, television shows and movies. We are interested in the free podcasts, though, so next, click on the "podcasts" link in the upper-left-hand corner of the iTunes Store page.

You will now see a page very similar to the iTunes store, but all the listings here are individual podcasts. The center section of this page includes a changing selection of Featured audio and video podcasts in a variety of Genres. Along the left, you will find a list of Genres and also a list of big name content providers whose names you probably already recognize. If you are looking for one of your favorite radio shows, like All Things Considered, you might find it here. Finally, along the right, are a list of the most popular podcasts listed in the iTunes podcast directory.


Clicking on any of the shows listed here will give you more information on the show and links to their latest episodes. You can double-click any episode to sample that show or click on the Subscribe button to automatically receive the latest episode of the show and any subsequent episodes. Again, there are NO FEES involved with subscribing to podcasts.

If you subscribe to a show, it will then appear in the Podcasts list in iTunes, where you can see which shows are available for listening/watching, and easily unsubscribe if you don't wish to receive any more episodes. Some people liken this to the "Now Playing" list seen on the TiVO. Double-clicking any entry will start playing the show. You can pause, fast-forward and rewind, just as you can with any CD or tape player.

I hope you will take a moment to check out the iTunes podcast directory and experience the wealth of riches it has to offer. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at douglas@welchwrite.com or call 818-601-0051 for assistance.

* Once you have iTunes installed, you can click on any of the links below to take you directly to the information/subscription page for these shows:

My Word with Douglas E. Welch

A Gardener's Notebook

Career Opportunities

The Radio Adventures of Doctor Floyd

Botar's Old time Radio

AnimalBytes with Keri Dearborn

Typical Mac User

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TechnologyIQ LIVE! - What's coming in 2007? - December 26, 2006

Listen to "What's coming in 2007? - December 26, 2006

Windows Vista, Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), Major upgrades to existing software and more.

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Previous TechnologyIQ Podcasts and Columns:

Smart Holiday Technology Shopping - December 18, 2006
End of the Technology Road - December 15, 2006

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