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Monday, June 30, 2008

Video: Maker Faire - Life Size Mousetrap

One of our favorite sights at Maker Faire, back in May -- a Life Size Mousetrap game, including a 4oo lb safe which drop on the mic at end. Very, very, very cool!

From the Maker Faire web site...

The LIFE SIZE MOUSETRAP is a fantastically hand crafted, 16 piece, 50,000-lb. interactive KINETIC SCULPTURE set atop a 6,500-square-foot game board. This giant Rube Goldberg style contraption comes complete with a VAUDEVILLIAN style show, original MUSICAL SCORE by The one woman band Esmerelda Strange, Sexy Mice CAN-CAN DANCERS, Clown workers, acrobatic HI JINKS, and other SPECTACULAR SCENES dedicated to the pursuit of spectacle-laden FUN!

Web site: http://lifesizemousetrap.org

iPod Ready Video

Game: Hedgehog Launch - Addictive

Beware flying hedgehogs!

Oh my goodness. Addictive personalities beware!

Launch your own space program using the native hedgehogs. Add rockets, parachutes and more to increase your score. Each launch brings more funding for your program.

Addictive Flash game of the week: Hedgehog Launch. There's something...

Addictive Flash game of the week: Hedgehog Launch. There's something really clever about the game play here but can't quite put my finger on what it is. The objective of the game -- to launch the 'hog into space -- is so beside the point the first time around that you forget all about it until it actually happens. My best time was 7 days. (via cyn-c)

Update: Woo, 5 days! My technique: upgrade to a parachute as quick as you can, use it to float for valuable multiplier, then get rockets and band/launcher.


(Via kottke.org.)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Posterus - Start/Manage a blog using online email

I saw mention of Posterous on Friendfeed this morning and checked it out.
To set up your blog, you only need to send an email to post@posterous.com. The service will then reply with links to your new blog. You can post text, photos and links to your blog and give it a more use-friendly name. My test Posterous blog is http://douglaswelch.posterous.com

Every day there is less and less reason not to have your own blog -- and post to it regularly. Posterous takes any of the remaining pain out of getting your words and thoughts out to the world.

Link: Posterous

Thursday, June 26, 2008

CANCELLED -- LIVE from the Library tonight at 630pm PDT

LIVE from the Library is canceled for tonight as the library accidentally double-booked our meeting room.

Join us on July 10 at 630pm PDT for our next class.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Today's Tech Support Calls: Skype connections and email passwords

This is the first in a series where I take my client's support calls and use them for a springboard to further technology discussions.

Today's show involves difficulties connecting to Skype, email and passwords.

Listen: Today's Tech Support Calls: Skype connections and email passwords

Today's Tech Support Calls: Email and passwords

The second client for today was having trouble accessing their email. As is sometimes the case, I couldn't tell exactly why this was, but it appeared that after years of using the stored password in their email program, something had changed. My first test of logging in via webmail showed that it wasn't their email program that causing the troubles,though. Using the passwords we thought were correct still resulted in the error, "unknown user or invalid password."

When the cause of a problem is not obvious, I typically move on to finding a solution by changing something fundamental. In this case, that meant changing the passwords for the email accounts. I did this with one account and then tested it in webmail. Sure enough, I was able to log in correctly. So, for whatever reason, the passwords the clients thought they had were no longer correct. I then changed the passwords for two other effected accounts. Then I re-loaded the correct information into their email client.

Easy to forget passwords and a master password list

Of course, one of the issues with stored passwords is the same thing we experience with speed dials on our telephones -- eventually we forget the associated usernames, passwords or telephone numbers. One way of protecting yourself is to keep a list of passwords available in case you need them. You don't want to do this on paper, though, unless you have a secure place to store the list. There are several password "vault" programs available for Windows and Mac, but you might find that saving your passwords in a password protected MS Word or Excel spreadsheet might work, too. Make sure the master password you choose for this file is pretty secure, using letters, numbers and symbols. The security on these documents isn't perfect, but it is good enough to keep out all but determined hackers.

Passwords that serve multiple purposes

On another password note, it is important to remember that changing one password can effect other services. I know from experience with my clients that on AT&T Broadband services (formerly SBC Global) the password for your main email address is also the password for your DSL account. Changing your email address can result in knocking out your entire Internet connection if you are using PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet)or a router that uses PPPoE. Before changing a password be sure to investigate any other services that might rely on that password.

Change passwords frequently

As much trouble as it might be, one of the best ways to insure higher security on your online accounts is changing your passwords regularly. Make sure the passwords are as secure as you can make them, while still being able to remember them. Changes in uppercase and lowercase, replacing letters with numbers and using symbols increases the security of a password dramatically. Finally, don't use the same password for all your services. This would allow someone to access nearly all of your accounts, once they discover your "usual" password. At the very least, don't use your "usual" password for critical accounts like banking, brokerage, insurance or medial accounts. These are too important to trust to anything but a unique, secure password.

Where do you change passwords?

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. Each web site, each system usually has their own method for changing passwords and some are difficult to find. In some cases, you might need to contact the service via phone or email to learn how to change your password. If it isn't obvious, try searching the sites help pages.

Do you have any questions about passwords? Leave them as comments. I would love to hear your most pressing questions. Click the word Comments, below.

Today's Tech Support Calls: Skype not connecting

I received a call from a client this morning that Skype wasn't connecting on her computer. After a quick test we found it was working now, but I think it was being caused by being on the fringe of her wireless network.

Wireless networks can be effected by building materials and radio interference from other devices and you may find that you have "dead spots" in your home or office where the wireless signal is too weak to be reliable. Try moving to a lightly different location and see if the problem solves itself.

Of course, services like Skype can also have their own outages and maintenance periods, so the problem could be completely outside your control. Skype, and other good services, usually provide some sort of status page where you can find information on outages, maintenance windows and other issues. For Skype, you can find this info at http://heartbeat.skype.com/

Link: Skype

Monday, June 23, 2008

Do you own your domain name? The answer may surprise you

In my role as a computer consultant, I often have to deliver bad news like "Well, the hard drive is dead," "I'm sorry, but you overwrote that important file," or "I think it's time for a new computer." Frequently, in these Internet times, I have to deliver another piece of bad news. "Did you know that you don't really own your domain name?" I am always met with incredulity, by people who realize they have no ownership rights to the domain name for the personal web sites, or worse still, their business. How can this happen? It is easier than you might think. Normally, it is because when you first set up a domain, you hired someone to do it for you.

If you set up your own domain name or know where it is hosted, along with usernames and passwords for access, you can stop reading now. You still might want to do the first step below, just to confirm your domain is yours, but chances are everything is ok. If you didn't set up your own domain, and have no idea where it might be hosted, then continue reading and I will show you how to find that information and regain control of it.

Who "owns" your domain?

In order to use a domain on the Internet, like welchwrite.com, you need to register that name with a domain name registrar. "A domain name registrar is a company accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and/or by a national ccTLD authority to register Internet domain names. These "retail" companies are often distinct from the "wholesale" domain name registry operator." (Wikipedia.com, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_name_registrar) There are hundreds of domain name registrars these days, so there are a few steps involved in getting information about your domain. Let's begin with a service called Whois. Each domain registrar has there own version for searching domains registered there.

Let's start our domain search at the company that was the original domain registrar, Network Solutions. Point your web browser at http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp. Enter your domain name where indicated and click Search. In my case, the whois search returned the following results:

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.
Registrar: TUCOWS INC.
Whois Server: whois.tucows.com
Referral URL: http://domainhelp.opensrs.net
Status: ok
Updated Date: 16-sep-2006
Creation Date: 30-jul-1997
Expiration Date: 29-jul-2009

This tells me that my domain is not registered with Network Solutions, but it gives me a pointer to the company that does have that information, Tucows, Inc., and a web address for their Whois service. So, now we go there. I will point out a few important sections in the printout below.

Whois info for, welchwrite.com:
The WelchWrite Company, Inc.
Van Nuys, CA 91411

** NOTE: My domain is registered to my company name. Yous should be registered to your company name or your name directly

 Administrative Contact:
Welch, Douglas *****@welchwrite.com

Van Nuys, CA 91411
818-***-**** Fax: 818-***-****

** NOTE: I am listed as the Administrative contact on my domain as you should be. In some cases, there might also be a billing contact which should also be you.

Technical Contact:
Admin, Domain dns-admin@mobreg.com
P.O. Box 481166
Los Angeles, CA 90048
714-883-3299 Fax: 520-395-2884

** NOTE: This is the name of my domain name registrar and where I would go with any questions or technical issues

 Registration Service Provider:
MobReg.com, support@sudjam.com
Mobreg.com is a division of Sudjam LLC. Help desk is avaiable to be
contacted for domain login/passwords, DNS/Nameserver changes, and
general domain support questions.

Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 16-Sep-2006.
Record expires on 29-Jul-2009.
Record created on 30-Jul-1997.

NOTE: Don't let your domain names expire or you could lose the name entirely.

 Registrar Domain Name Help Center:
Domain servers in listed order:
Domain status: ok

Finally, if you, or your company's, name and information, do not appear somewhere in this form, you do not own your domain. You have no ability to transfer the name to another registrar, point the domain name to a new web hosting company or even renew the domain. The people or company listed have complete control over your domain name and can do with it as they wish.

Sure, there is an arbitration procedure you can request, but, trust me, it is infinitely easier to own your domain from the start, rather than try to wrest its control from someone else. For more info on arbitration see http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp.htm

Do it yourself

How do you insure control over your own domain names? First, you need to control the process from the beginning. You either need to do your own registrations or do them in the company of someone who knows how. Not only do you need to make sure all the data is entered correctly, you need to have all the usernames and passwords that you might need to make changes in the future. Even more, you should be the only one that has that information. If you need to have someone make a change for you, make sure you change the password once their work is completed.

You may not want to get so deeply involved in the technical issues of your web sites, but this is one of those areas where you must, if you want to insure the future of your web properties.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Elsewhere Online: Coffee Break- Blocked sites at Panera Bread

I've been having meetings at Panera Bread a lot recently and I also have run into issues with Panera's overly restrictive firewall blocking of certain sites. It is more of a pain than anything else, but limits the usefulness of the free wifi that they offer.

Coffee Break- Blocked sites at Panera Bread

I'm trying a new WiFi venue today, here at the Panera Bread in Wayne, PA with Mari Silbey. She's enjoying one of the comfy chairs while I have a small table nearby so I can prop up the Samsung Q1UP. I have my EV-DO card, but figured to just use the free WiFi which is working fine. Mostly.

A few times a day, I check our website statistics that are captured by Sitemeter. Now that I've settled in with a Cafe Mocha, I hit up Sitemeter in the browser and was greeted with the message; "This content is not authorized for viewing." Odd. Maybe Sitemeter is down? So I then turned the WiFi off on my iPhone and attempted to hit Sitemeter over the EDGE connection. Sure enough, I got through just fine.

(Continue reading on the web site)

(Via jkOnTheRun.)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Audio: LIVE from the Library Internet Seminar - June 26, 2008

Listen to the most recent LIVE from the Library Internet Seminar, recorded June 12, 2008.

Listen: LIVE from the Library Internet Seminar - June 12, 2008

Join us on Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 630pm for our next seminar.

Visit Upcoming.org to RSVP

Follow Douglas on Twitter at http://twitter.com/dewelch

If you enjoy LIVE from the Library, please consider a donation via Paypal

Video: Breeze - Robotic Interactive Tree

An amazing combination of robotics and a living tree that senses its surroundings and reaches out to those around it.

Robotany - Breeze - Robotic Interactive Tree - video powered by Metacafe

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Video: LIVE from the LIbrary - June12, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Elsewhere Online: Creative Block? Try Moodstream

I have been playing around with Moodstream for just a few minutes and found it a wonderful way to spur my thinking. Sometimes we can all get a bit insulated from the world, even though we might be communicating online all day. Moodstream gives you some random, yet fun, sensory input that can get your thoughts moving and ideas cooking.

In the end, this is a service for selling the licensed content of Getty Images, but it is also simply useful, fun and free.

Creative Block? Try Moodstream

The world's largest stock imagery company, Getty Images, this week released a new mashup that leans on the company's vast stock image and audio assets. The flash app called Moodstream draws on Getty's photo, video, and audio collections to create what the company calls a "powerful brainstorming tool designed to take you in inspiring, unexpected directions." The mashup debuted earlier this week at the Webby Award Film and Video Awards after party in New York.

(Via ReadWriteWeb.)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Join us for morning tech talk at the Doctor's Note get-together

I had a great time last month talking tech (and more) with this group of people. This is a morning event, although we stretched the last one until almost lunch.

Location is Panera Bread in Northridge.

RSVP on Upcoming.org

Get your script (and more) on! - Celtx 1.0

Celtx is an open source screenwriting program with great tools that easily rival commerical products like Final Draft and others. I have used Celtx to write several scripts and my television writing wife, Rosanne, recommends it to her students whenever she teaches television writing at Cal State Fullerton or UCLA Extension. Celtx 1.0 adds many new features and perfects those features we were already using. Whether you are writing TV, movies, multimedia projects or even comic books, Celtx is a great tool to get your ideas on paper.

Download Celtx

This video outlines the new features available in Celtx 1.0

iPod Ready Video

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Demo: Woopra.com Real Time Web Statistics

I recorded this screencast demo to show off the new Woopra.com service which provided web site owners with real-time stats for their sites.

I heard about Woopra.com via FriendFeed and user Christopher S. Penn

iPod Ready Video

Friday, June 06, 2008

Video: Maker Faire - Walking Cart

An interesting walking robot, actually it looks more like it is rollerblading, from Maker Faire

Visit the Maker Faire Web Site for more info

iPod Ready Video

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Elsewhere Online: Reaper - multitrack audio production software for Windows and Mac

The Red Ferret Journal points on this new, free full functioning 30 day demo, audio recording and editing software. I have been looking for an alternative to Audacity to recommend to my podcasting students and clients, so I am looking into Reaper deeply.

As an aside, I love seeing multi-platform software is becoming more of the norm these days. I can never tell which computer I might want to use the software on, so it is great to have a choice.

Download: Reaper

Reaper - multitrack audio production software for Windows and Mac


Reaper is a full function audio production program which comes with a shed load of features and tech smarts. The program is also tightly coded, which means no bloatware to contend with, a sure sign that someone is trying to do the job properly. Available as a fully working demo, and [...]

(Via The Red Ferret Journal.)

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Monday, June 02, 2008

Maker Faire: Jack Sparx and his Electric Toys

From the Maker Faire Program...

Jack Sparx and his Electric Toys

Electricity you can see and feel will thrill those that come visit me! Small and medium Tesla coils, a large Van de Graff gnerator that will shock you if you like. Learn how a Jacob's Ladder is built and see one displayed. If you enjoy lightning storms, you'll have fun as we play with my high voltage toys!

Web site: http://www.jacksparx.com

iPod Ready Movie

Topic(s): Science

Tags: Tesla+Coil "Jacob's Ladder" " Van de Graff generator"

About the Maker(s)

John Dyer [jd3@dyerelectric.com]

Dyer Electric

The first word I said was plug! I have been involved with electricity all my life. I have had careers as an electrical contractor, radio engineer, audio engineer and many others. Born, raised, and remain in Sacramento. Built and exhibited art, a radio station and science at Burning Man and other venues around the area.

Oops! Accidental Gmail Lockout

I had a weird thing happen to me tonight that has ended up locking me out of my Gmail account for "up to 24 hours".

In my case, my lockout had nothing to do with any of the activities described below, but rather a stuck key on my keyboard. The key had stuck down and I didn't realize it until my Mac started to beep repeatedly. I fixed the key but was presented with the message below.

It is a little distressing that a rather simple computer malfunction can result in a day-long lockout and the fact that there is no appeal process for such a lockout.

This is the first issue I have had since switching to Google, but it now makes me a little worried about using it.

Here is the message from Google...

Account Lockdown: Unusual Activity Detected

This account has been locked down due to unusual account activity. It may take up to 24 hours for you to regain access.

Unusual account activity includes, but is not limited to:

Receiving, deleting, or downloading large amounts of mail via POP in a short period of time.
Sending a large number of undeliverable messages (messages that bounce back).
Using file-sharing or file-storage software, browser extensions, or third party software that automatically logs in to your account.
Leaving multiple instances of your Gmail account open.
Browser-related issues. Please note that if you find your browser continually reloading while attempting to access your Inbox, it’s probably a browser issue, and it may be necessary to clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
If you feel that you have been using your Gmail account according to the Gmail Terms of Use, you can troubleshoot your problem by clicking here.

Adobe Intros Buzzword online word processor and screen sharing

Today, Abobe announced their entry to the online office suite, Adobe Buzzword. Buzzword is full featured, online word processor that allows you to create and share documents with other Internet users. It also contains links to Adobe ConnectNow, a fee-based screen sharing application that allows you to hold conferences with up to 15 people. A 3-person demo of ConnectNow is currently offered on a trial basis.

Documents are saved to a user's online file storage area but can also be printed, saved as Adobe PDF files or exported to a number of formats including MS Word.

Using Adobe's Flash plugin as its core, Buzzword has lots of flashy visual effects when changing modes and editing your document. That said, I also found it to work solidly on both Windows and Mac computers an it supports a number of useful features including styles, tables, picture import and positioning and more.

Visit Acrobat.com today for your free account and try it out.