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Friday, October 05, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Just in time for Halloween - Free skull font

Wait, don't send out those Halloween Party Invites until you see this great font.

Skulls for everyone this year!

Skull font sampleJust in time for Halloween - Free skull font

If you were looking for a way to make your Halloween party invites further stand out, check out this "skullphabet:"

It can be downloaded for Mac or PC, TrueType or OpenType - Link.

[Read this article]

(Via MAKE: Blog.)

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cool Tool: Open Clip Art Library

Open Clip Art LibraryKreg over at Valid Syntax, a podcast reviewing open source projects and software shared this link in his latest show -- the Open Clip Art Libary.

From their web site...

Drawing Together: This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used. All graphics submitted to the project should be placed into the Public Domain according to the statement by the Creative Commons. If you'd like to help out, please join the mailing list, and review the archives.

So head on over, sign up, see what's available and maybe even share some of your own work.

Link: Open Clip Art Library

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Internet Television - Joost! - I've got invites!

Joost is the new Internet Television Service, still in beta, that allows you to watch a variety of channels and a variety of shows on demand. The selection of shows is a bit slim at the moment, but I have watched a few documentaries that I know I never would have seen anywhere else.

Joost Promotional Video

Click to watch the What is Joost? video

Joost™ the best of tv and the internet

You need an invite to check it out, but all of us Joost Beta Testers now have around 999 invites to pass out, so all you have to do is ask. Send a blank email to welchwrite+joost@gmail.com and I will send you an invite so you can check it out.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches

Los Angeles Public LibraryYep, its true, at least according to this press release (PDF) from the LA Public Library web site. Great news and a big step toward getting wireless access to all who can take advantage of it.

Of course, remember, the LAPL also offers computers for Internet browsing and other tasks at all its branches, too!

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches The L.A. Public Library just put out a release saying that free wireless is now available to laptop users in all 71 branches as well as the Central Library downtown....

(Via L.A. Observed.)

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New TechnologyIQ Discussion area on the Friends in Tech Forums

Now that TechnologyIQ is a full member of Friends in Tech, we have our own discussion group on the Friends in Tech Forums.

Bring your technology questions, comments and quandries.

Let's talk tech!

Join the TechnologyIQ Discussion (FREE) at Friends in Tech!

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mozy - 2GB Free Online Backup

Mozy Backup LogoI came across Mozy a few months ago, but their release of a Mac OS X version of their software caught my eye.

Mozy.com will automatically backup whatever files you select on a regular basis. They are offering 2GB for free, so you can try out the service without making a big committment. They do ask for some demographic information in order to receive the free space.

Unlimited backup space is available for around $5 per month.

With all the different options available, there really is no reason you shouldn't ne backing up your files. Mozy provides yet another "set it and forget it" option.

If you would like assistance setting up Mozy on your computer, drop me an email at techiq@welchwrite.com or call me at 818-601-0051 and we can set up an appointment for an on-site visit.

Link: Mozy.com

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Live from the Library - All things blogging...and more!

TechnologyIQ LogoAll Things Blogging and More

Listen to Live from the Library - April 26, 2007

Podtrac Player
Pop It At popcurrent.com

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cool Tools: Free Flash-based presentation tool

Spresent Screen ShotCool web services just keep coming and coming. Here is a service that provides MS PowerPoint-style presentations using only your web browser. This is sure to be highlighted in an upcoming Live from the Library Internet Seminar.

Free Flash-based presentation tool

In a field where we're constantly creating tutorials for our users, a lot of them in a web-accessible format, free tools that helps us do this are very valuable.  If you're looking for a free option for creating a Flash-based web presentation, check out Spresent. Think of it as a way to replace PowerPoint, or to do what PowerPoint does in a slightly different (and more streamlined) way.  From their self-description:


(Via LibrarianInBlack.)

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Become your own video broadcaster!

Have you ever wanted to become a broadcaster, sending your show out to tens or hundreds of people?

uStream.tv might just be the answer to your dreams. Using only your webcam, web browser and Flash plugin, you can be broadcasting to your friends, family or the world.

Here is a test run I gave the service with some of my fellow Friends in Tech members. It was done using only the built-in web cam on my laptop.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Typical Mac User LIVE - Another great podcast for your questions

Typical Mac User Live LogoThe producer of the Mac Cast Loop is also a longtime Mac podcaster in his own right over at the Typical Mac User. His LIVE show, TMU LIVE can be found on Talkshoe.com, just like the MacCast Loop.

You can connect up via chat or telephone and ask your most pressing Mac questions and comment on the theme for evening.

Link: Typical Mac User podcast
Link: Typical Mac User LIVE podcast

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Great LIVE podcast for Mac Users - MacCast Loop

MacCast Loop LogoI am a little late in telling you about this show, as I am listening to it LIVE right now on Talkshoe.com, but I did want to recommend that that Mac users check it out.

MacCast Loop is the LIVE, interactive version of Adam Christianson's regular podcast, the MacCast. On MacCast Loop you can call in and ask you Mac-related questions and also hear great questions and comments from other users. If you can't join LIVE, you can download the shows as podcasts to play on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player.

MacCast Loop happens every Sunday morning at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern time. Check it out and you might just see me in the chat room or hear me on the show.

Link: MacCast Loop - LIVE Show
Link: The MacCast

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Peepel - another office web app hits the street

I would guess we are going to see more and more of these web-based application suites and I think it is a great idea. We need to have as many choices as possible so we can select the best suite for the features we use most often.

If you have a chance to check out Peepel, add your comments below. I would love to hear about your experiences with this and any other service or software we mention here on TechnologyIQ.

Peepel - another office web app hits the street

Peepel Online Office Suite. Spreadsheet and word-processing, with maps coming soon. Needs to be better than good to compete in an increasingly crowded space, don’t it?

 Peepel is a unique approach to online applications, allowing multiple applications to run in the same window. Users can open as many applications as they wish in [...]

(Via The Red Ferret Journal.)

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Friday, April 06, 2007

GOOG-411 - Google Voice Local Search

Google GOOG-411 LogoMore Google Announcements today...

Google Voice Search works over your telephone, instead of the Internet, but it provides some Internet connected features.

I tried it out as soon as I heard about it. My initial, rather simple, test was to locate cofee in Van Nuys, CA. It worked pretty well.

You can listen to a short, lightly edited, recording of my session with GOOG-411.

(I took out extraneous issues invovled with trying to record from my cell phone.)

Listen: GOOG-411 Demonstraton (Audio)

Google Voice Local Search
Google Voice Local Search is Google’s experimental service to make local-business search accessible over the phone.

To try this service, just dial 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411) from any phone.

Using this service, you can:

* search for a local business by name or category.
You can say "Giovanni's Pizzeria" or just "pizza".

* get connected to the business, free of charge.

* get the details by SMS if you’re using a mobile phone.
Just say "text message".

(Via Google Web Site.)

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Make your own maps at Google

Today, Google has released a new feature, MyMaps, that allows you to annotate any Google Map using icons, text, shapes and links. This screen shot shows a sample I made about the Internte Seminars at the Library.

Google MyMaps Screen Shot

Click to be taken to Google Maps for the real map

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Online Collaborative Whiteboard - Skrbl.com

Skrbl Online Whiteboard screen shotEver needed to do a white board session with someone who is hundreds or thousands of miles away. Skrbl.com offers up their entry into the online collaboration services market.

Skrbl.com is a free, online, whiteboard application that runs completely in your web browser and allows others to view and/or collaborate on your white board in real time.

Link: Skrbl.com

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Darwin's Origin of Species - Open Source Audio Book

What a great use of the technology sitting on our desktops and in our pockets! A collection of volunteers has put together a complete audio book of Darwin's Origin of Species. There have been previous projects like this and I am sure we will see more in the future. Most of us have the equipment necessary to create a recording, so why not make use of these public domain books to share the wealth of some of the greatest minds of our times.
Darwin's "Origin of Species": free audiobook

Xeni Jardin: Kara Shallenberg says,

LibriVox volunteers have just completed a public domain audio recording of Charles Darwin's pivotal work, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" -- free to download, copy, and share. It's unabridged and over twenty-four hours long!

(Via Boing Boing)

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tool: Shrink Pcitures - Re-size pictures online

Shrink Pictures LogoA neat, little web-based tool that allows you to resize pictures and download the resized image. I can imagine using this on a machine, not my own, which might not have Photoshop or other graphics tool. It also has a quick "Avatar" tool for making graphics for web forums and social networking sites, which require certain sizes in order to work.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A LIVE Reading of Love Letters from History - Valentine's Day

Update: 2/14/07 10:30 pm): High-quality audio is now available for your listening pleasure if you couldn't make it to the LIVE reading.

( I like to use technology to do neat things, as well as the typical word

processing and browsing the web. Here is something a bit more creative. --

Love Letter GraphicJoin us for a LIVE reading of Love Letters from History this Valentine's Day at Talkshoe.com.

We will have a series of letters available for reading and you can call in and read LIVE along with our cast of players.

A LIVE Reading of Love Letters from History

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 9 PM EST/6 PM PST

Download the script to follow along or read a selection

Want to join us online, read this post for a guide on How to Join Our LIVE Shows for FREE

Previous WelchWrite Specials:
A LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Google Opens Gmail To All

Gmail LogoUpdate: (2/8/07, 8:37 pm): Hmmm...maybe not so much...yet. It seems that the open signup is appearing to some users, but not others. In the meantime, if you want a Google account, email techiq@welchwrite.com and I will send you an invite to Gmail, making the who issue moot.

Finally! Now you don't need to get an invite from a friend or co-worker. Get yourself to http://gmail.com and cook yourself up a fresh new email address.

With all the changes going on in the ISP (Internet Service Provider) business and everyone forcing their users to use a new email address, why not sign up for Gmail and have an address that will last forever (or at least until Google goes bankrupt. (SM ILE).

Even better, you can get your Gmail on your cell phone and there's even a podcast which can tell you how to get the most out of all of its features..the Gmail podcast, written and hosted by my fellow Friends in Tech member, Chuck Tomasi.

Google Opens Gmail To All

Reader Russian Art Buyer lets us know that GMail is now open for all ("Google Mail" in the UK). The service is no longer by invitation only. This welcome page shows an ever-increasing amount of storage available per user, currently about 2,815 MB.

(Via Slashdot.)

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Monday, February 05, 2007

InBubbleWrap - Free Daily Book Giveaway

I received another package from InBubbleWrap today and it reminded me that I wanted to tell you about this great web site.

InBubbleWrap Logo

Each day, they hold a free contest to win a book (usually business-related) that they have found to be excellent. Once you set up a free account, you can return each day to read about the book being offered and enter the contest. They also have an RSS feed that allows you to monitor each day's offers. What could be simpler. The book that arrived today is "Treat Your Customers" by Bob Miglani

I have now won about 5 books from InBubbleWrap and even when I don't win I get introduced to a host of new books each month. Many of these find their way into my "Books to Read" list in my journal, to be found at the local library or bookstore.

Free is one of my favorite words (SMILE), with books being a close second, so this site is a daily stop on my Internet travels.

From the InBubbleWrap web site...

1. What is inBubbleWrap?

Well to make a long story short, we love business. We love talking about it and we love doing business. iBW is our way to share this love (wrapped in Bubble Wrap) with you.

iBW is a site dedicated to giving you the opportunity to win FREE business related prizes. Each day (Monday – Friday) brings a new contest with new prizes for you to win. All prizes are business related whether it’s the latest set of business books, nifty office supplies or advice from a business book author.

New offers are launched daily at 9 a.m. (Central Time) and run for 24 hours.

Did we mention that everything is sent in Bubble Wrap? What could be better than free prizes and an afternoon of bubble popping entertainment? Just a note, when in an office cube, try to save all bubble popping until after office hours. Or wait until your coworker falls asleep on his desk as it would make for a good wake-up call (please, for the sake of your career, do not try this with your boss in hearing range).
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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Off to the eWaste Drop-off We Go!

Randall Street S.A.F.E Collection Center
11025 Randall St. Sun Valley, CA 91352
Map and Info in PDF Format

Other S.A.F.E Centers

I finally got my act together this morning, gathered up all my eWaste, packed them into my Element and headed off to the industrial heartland of the San Fernando Valley -- Sun Valley. It is here that the City of Los Angeles has a permanent drop-off site for eWaste and Hazardous Waste.

The picture above shows the entrance to the location. They were unwilling to let me take photos within the drop-off itself.

The Collection Center was well-organized and not very busy at 1030 AM on a Saturday. Their hours of operation are Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Rain cancels the drop-off.

My load contained 3 old PCs, my venerable Apple LaserWriter Pro 600 that finally died after 15+ years of service, a bag of batteries, a fax machine and a computer monitor I no longer needed. I hate to throw anything away, but these PCs wouldn't even run one of the small Linux distributions anymore, so there wasn't much I could do. I have recycled one old PC myself as a office server and it works very well.

The flyer from the web site declares a 6-piece limit for the drop-off, but the staff didn't seem concerned with my, probably, 8-9 item total, when you included the small individual pieces. The staff was friendly and efficient. You don't even have to unload. Due to the hazardous waste that might be dropped off, you are requested to remain in your car during the process.

If you have old electronics lying around, remember, California State Law now declares that they must be disposed of properly and not simply thrown in the trash. Visit on of the permanent drop-off centers, or check the eWaste calendar for a scheduled drop-off in your area.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Service: Leave yourself a (text) message with Jott

Jott Screen ShotThis interesting new service passed through my RSS feeds today. I make a point to check out anything that might be moderately useful or even just interesting.

Jott allows you to call a phone number and speak up to 15 seconds of any message you like. This message is then transcribed and emailed to you. My initial test worked well, with 100% recognition of a 10-12 word sentence. I sometimes make audio notes to myself using my phone, but I think this would be a bit more useful, as I can easily cut and paste the message into a to-do item when I get home, instead of typing it in myself.

Will the wonders of the Internet ever cease? I certainly hope not!

Link: Jott

Leave yourself a (text) message with Jott

Want to send yourself a note? A reminder? An idea? Just pick up your cell phone and dial Jott. The service not only forwards recorded messages to you via e-mail, it also transcribes them into text.

(Via Lifehacker.)
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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Software: Celtx - Write television and movie scripts in proper format

Celtx Scriptwriting Software LogoI do live in Los Angeles, where every 3rd person (or more) is writing some time of script. In the past, properly formatting your script required expensive software and a truckload of patience.

Celtx, an open source scriptwriting software, allows anyone to write their first great movie without spending hundreds of dollars. It supports all the usual features of scriptwriting software, as well as a collaboration service that allows 2 or more people to work on a script together.

Several of the Friends in Tech members recently used this to write our holiday special and I found that it worked very well. Even better, the typical script format times out to about 1 minute/page, so we were able to get on-going estimates of the length of the piece just by noting the number of pages.

Link: Celtx Scriptwriting Software

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cool Tool: Geni.com - Online Family Tree Maker

If you are not already into heavy-duty family genealogy with dedicated programs GEDCOM files and an account on Ancestry.com, you might find Geni a quick way to start documenting your family tree.

It is simple and easy-to-use and includes an easy way to bring other family members into the discussion via email. I know from my own research that documenting everyone in the family usually falls to one interested party, so a little collaboration would be helpful.

Geni is a bit limited, as you can't yet import or export the GEDCOM files mentioned above. These are a standard data format used by almost all serious genealogy folks. Still, it is fun to play with and could become yet another great online service to replace the traditional PC-based applications we are all used to using today.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cool Tool: Create newsletters online with LetterPop!

Here is an interesting web site that allows you to design and email cool newsletters to friends an family. Who needs Quark Express when you can use this right from your web browser. As the article below mentions, it is beta and a bit limited, but a sign of cool tools to come this year.

Create newsletters online with LetterPop!

Need to whip up a newsletter in a matter of minutes? LetterPop! gives you the tools. If you can drag and drop, you can create a pretty dazzling newsletter with this web-based app.


(Via Lifehacker.)

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