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Friday, January 01, 2010

Lego iPhone app turns pictures into Lego mosaics

I have many friends, and also a son, who are Lego maniacs. Some belong to Lego railroad clubs, others want to build the Taj Mahal or the Death Star.

The most interesting part, though, is how they surround themselves with Lego. They have keychains and screensavers and cards and magazine and pens and more.

This new iPhone app is sure to reach deep into the heart of any Lego Maniac. It doesn't do much, but it does it pretty well. Simply take a photo with your iPhone, or use one from your Camera Roll, and it will turn it into a Lego mosaic i.e. made up of multi-colored Lego bricks. Tapping the pictures cycles through a variety of color schemes and another tap saves the Lego picture back to your Camera Roll, ready to be downloaded to your computer, emailed or printed.

The Lego app is free, so there is nothing to stop you from downloading it and giving it a try. Below is a picture snapped by my son and then turned into Lego.

Download the Lego App from the Apple iTunes App Store or directly to your iPhone

Lego Douglas

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Outgoing Email, Roadrunner and the iPhone

I have had this question twice now over the last month, so I decided to take the time to write it up in case anyone else might need it.

The Problem

While you can easily set up your Roadrunner.com email address in your iPhone, sending email is more problematical. You can send email if you are connected via WiFi, but sending mail when using the cellular data network fails. It seems your iPhone cannot connect to the outgoing email server.

The Solution

When researching this problem for the first client to ask, I came across this tech note from Apple.com

iPhone: What to do if you can't send or receive Mail

This tech note gives you the steps necessary to select an outgoing email server provided by AT&T specifically for iPhone users. This outgoing mail server should work regardless of your connection to the Internet.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Mac Users: Please, please, please set up Time Machine!

I ran into the librarian at my son's school yesterday and saw that she had a new Mac. Her old one had died unceremoniously, but the administration had the budget to replace it quickly. One thing I noticed, though, is that she had not yet setup Time Machine on the new iMac.

Mac users, there is no reason NOT to set up Time Machine on your Macintosh. This feature, added with Mac OS 10.5 backs up your entire Mac -- data, applications, settings -- and then updates any changed files on an hourly basis. All it takes a an external hard drive (I usually recommend on about 250GB in size). Theses drives are on sale all the time for prices around $50. This is a great investment to give you substantial peace of mind about your Mac.

While Apple touts the ability to easily restore deleted or damaged files using Time Machine, my use of the software has almost always been to restore a Mac that has crashed or build a new Mac that looks exactly like and old Mac -- including email, settings, desktop pattern, printer, everything!

I had a client who happened to get a lemon iMac. The unit died after 2 weeks, but we had set up time Machine from the very beginning. It had taken several hours to move data from her Windows machine and set the Mac up the way she wanted it and all that would have been lost if we didn't have a Time Machine backup. Instead, we were able to plug her backup drive into the new Mac, select "Restore from Time Machine Backup" during the setup and about 15 minutes later she was working again -- with all her original settings.

I recently had to replace my Time Machine backup drive, as I was using an older, leftover drive I had lying around the office. I found this Seagate FreeAgent Go drive (250GB) on sale at a local retailer. I like it, as it is small, quiet and requires no external power cable. It is powered directly from USb port of the computer.

Mac Users -- if you haven't set up Time Machine on your mac -- DO IT TODAY! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain -- including peace of mind.

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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Tech Question of the Day - Canceling Apple MobileMe account

I just had an email from a client and though the information might be useful you, too.

Question: How do I cancel a MobileMe (formerly .Mac) account so it does not auto-renew?

Answer: I found this document on Apple's site explaining the online process.

Canceling your MobileMe account

Since this is a sales-related issue, you might be able to call the Apple Store at 1-800-MY-APPLE, but I am not sure.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Elsewhere Online: iMac screens experiencing unwanted condensation?

Condensation on new iMac 24"Darn! I should have posted this last week when I ran into a client's iMac that did the same thing. I could have had a scoop! Ah, well, you snooze, you lose, as they say.

Here is a picture of the condensation on iMac 24" I set up a week or so ago. Gizmodo has some more extreme examples of the issue. I am glad it didn't get that bad.

That said, the client is probably going to want to return the unit.

iMac screens experiencing unwanted condensation?

Filed under:

One of our readers dropped us a note to tell us that his new 24-inch iMac was exhibiting condensation build up behind the screen: he's not the only one, with a few people on the Apple Support forums and elsewhere also reporting the problem. Our tipster says that condensation builds up in the lower corners, goes away, and then comes back when the surrounding environment drops in temperature. Moisture plus computers doesn't compute, so make sure to report the issue to Applecare if you're seeing the same issues. Hopefully Apple will step up and publicly recognize this as a fault sometime soon.

[Thanks, Lee B.]

Read - New iMac condensation inside screen (Apple Support)
Read - Condensation behind iMac glass (DPreview)
Read - iMac Aluminium Condensation (MacInTouch)



(Via engadget.com.)

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Apple revamps entire iPod line

iPod NanoiPod Touch

In typical Apple fashion, the company made a big splash today by revamping their entire iPod/iPhone line of gadgets. The new iPod Nano now plays video and pictures as well as music, new iPod Classics boast a new interface and larger hard drive space, up to 160 GB), the iPodTouch brings almost all of the features of the iPhone to the iPod, including WiFi networking and access to the Apple Wifi Music store. The iPhone itself loses the 4GB version and gets a $200 price cut on the 8 GB version.

I have been looking for a replacement for my aging Palm Treo 90 that would allow me to connect to WiFi networks for mail and web browsing, so the iPodTouch is looking very nice. I will know more once I lay hands on the unit, which isn't expected until the end of this month.

Truly something for everyone today. You can find all the details on Apple's web site.

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Typical Mac User : Learn Photography Things!

Typical Mac User Podcast LogoDon't let the name of this podcast throw you off if you aren't a Mac user. You couldn't ask for more information on digital photography -- cameras, cataloging your photos, printing and more -- than you get in this one hour show from fell Friends in Tech member, Victor Cajiao and his guest host, Andrew Darlow.

TMUP Live 29: Learn Photography Things!

I want to thank Andrew Darlow from The Imagine Buffet for being an awesome host tonight. You will learn a lot about digital imagine, photgraphy and printing during this show. (Continued with links from the show)

(Via Typical Mac User Podcast.)

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Typical Mac User LIVE - Another great podcast for your questions

Typical Mac User Live LogoThe producer of the Mac Cast Loop is also a longtime Mac podcaster in his own right over at the Typical Mac User. His LIVE show, TMU LIVE can be found on Talkshoe.com, just like the MacCast Loop.

You can connect up via chat or telephone and ask your most pressing Mac questions and comment on the theme for evening.

Link: Typical Mac User podcast
Link: Typical Mac User LIVE podcast

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Great LIVE podcast for Mac Users - MacCast Loop

MacCast Loop LogoI am a little late in telling you about this show, as I am listening to it LIVE right now on Talkshoe.com, but I did want to recommend that that Mac users check it out.

MacCast Loop is the LIVE, interactive version of Adam Christianson's regular podcast, the MacCast. On MacCast Loop you can call in and ask you Mac-related questions and also hear great questions and comments from other users. If you can't join LIVE, you can download the shows as podcasts to play on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player.

MacCast Loop happens every Sunday morning at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern time. Check it out and you might just see me in the chat room or hear me on the show.

Link: MacCast Loop - LIVE Show
Link: The MacCast

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Does Apple's success stem from it's avoidance of the Starbuck's syndrome?

Much has been made of the open letter from Starbuck's Chairman Howard Schultz, bemoaning the loss of some features that gained Starbucks its immense popularity. I must agree with Schultz on many of his issues, but his letter also got me thinking about Apple Inc. and how it has survived all these years while pundits constantly predicted its doom.

I see similarities between Starbuck's, Microsoft and Apple. All 3 were small upstarts in their time, but 2 have grown into hulking behemoths, much like the Goliaths they set out to slay in their David pre-histories. Both Microsoft and Starbucks, though have suffered from the problem I call "knowing the difference between enough and all." They have lost the desire to serve their customers and instead concentrate on serving themselves. They turn their products into a commodity for everyone, instead of something special for a few. This is where I think Apple continues to succeed. They have never been able to grow too large, too fast. Instead, through hard times and self-imposed mistakes, they have been forced to remain small and hungry.

It may seem ludicrous to call a multi-billion dollar company small, but in comparison, Apple is just that, a small player in the marketplace. Yet, for better or worse, they aren't trying to be the computer for everyone. Instead, they are the computer for the select few who recognize and sympathize with the "The Apple Way." An Apple Macintosh or iPod isn't a device for everyone, nor should it ever become one, if Apple wants to continue to survive, if not thrive. They have a significant piece of the market, if not the largest, and this is where they should continue to focus their attention. It is by servicing the rabid, early adopters and committed users of their systems that Apple can guarantee a long future.

That said, recent cracks have begun showing in the Apple wall. Apple Stores are becoming a bit too ubiquitous, although they have been maintaining "cutting edge" sensibility that continues to set them apart. iPods are everywhere, and being marketed to everyone, even though they might not be the best match for everyone.

Apple needs to look hard at the Starbucks letter and see if there are any reflections of themselves to be found. They should heed closely the lesson that too much growth and becoming too big can actually lead to a downfall when the purposes for that growth are money and not the needs and wishes of their customers. I have seen Apple pass through very hard times and still survive. I deeply hope that success isn't the backhanded cause of its demise.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Daylight Savings Update for Mac OS X and Windows

As you have probably already heard, the Federal Government has changed the start and end dates for Daylight Savings Time. Most computers will need a small update to correctly adjust for these new dates. Apple has released their update for Mac OS X today. You can download this using Apple's built-in Software Update service.

The Daylight Saving Time Update for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server addresses recent changes in the way Daylight Saving Time will be observed in the U.S. and Canada beginning in March 2007 and includes the latest time zone information for the rest of the world.

For more information about this update, see http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305056
Windows update information can be found in February 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ep.005 - MacWorld and CES: A World of Technology Joy! - Corrected

Ep.005 - MacWorld and CES: A World of Technology Joy! - January 16, 2007

Douglas E. Welch and Sam Anderson review some of the neat stuff to come out of Apple's annual MacWorld conference and CES 2007, the Consumer Electronics Show.

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