Noted: YouTube launches tool that allows creators to blur any moving object in their videos (Amanda Conway/YouTube Creator Blog)

New Podcast: How I Wrote That from the Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting Program


I consulted on the technical side of this podcast and it is great to see it up and launched with 3 shows all ready for your listening enjoyment

“How I Wrote That is a podcast presented by The Stephens College M.F.A. in TV and Screenwriting, and hosted by Khanisha Foster. In each episode, we sit down with the top women in writing. They invite us into their homes and studios so we may ask how they got there. We discuss how they write, what they write, and the advice they would give to those listening. Stephens is dedicated to increasing the number of women working in television and film. How I Wrote That cultivates the relationship between those who have already made it and those who are dreaming up. “

Take a listen to learn about all sorts of screenwriters and “how I wrote that!”


Listen to the first podcast


In the first podcast with Carol Barbee, Showrunner for Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce, gives us an inside look at what it means to lead a writers’ room. “It’s not my job to have all the answers, but it is my job to recognize the answers.”


Word now! Stories Podcast – “Cold” – Listen Now and then come to a show! [Audio] (1:30)

Last Sunday we attended the latest performance of of Word Now! at the Fremont Centre Theater in South Pasadena.

The show is co-produced by a close friend and his wife was also presenting a story that evening, so we HAD to go, of course.

It was a great night out and the stories were absolutely amazing. We certainly plan on attending again!

Word now header


Word now cold readers

Each show works around a general theme and this month’s theme was “COLD.”

The stories approached it in a variety of ways. Cold weather. Cold People. Cold World and more!

You can listen to the entire show here and I also greatly encourage you to see the live presentation in South Pasadena.

>>> Listen to Word Now! Stories – Cold – Part 1


>>> Listen to Word Now! Stories – Cold – Part 2


Word Now! performs every 2 months, so watch the web site for their March dates!

New Media Gear 25: Shure MV88 iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone

Shure MV88 iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone

 I discovered this microphone through, of all things, an advertisement on Instagram?!? What?!?! A useful social media advertisement. If all ads could be as targeted to me as this one, I might not complain about them so much. That said, the ad immediately made me want to check our the Shure MV88. I am always on the lookout for useful New Media Gear and this looks to be another device you might want to add to your arsenal. As I don’t have one in-hand, I have included some links below to give you an overview of how people are responding to this mic and some real world usage examples.

One dislike that crops up for me is the inability to use it with a cover. I know, making a device that works with any of the thousands of covered out there would be nearly impossible, but I hate having to pull my phone out of its cover to use it and I miss the protection it provides when working. I also worry about external devices plugged into the Lightning port, as I am always afraid I am going to break the port accidentally. 

Beyond those fairly small quibbles though, the audio samples from the mic sound good and it can help to keep your recording kit a bit smaller. You’ll want an iPhone with a larger storage capacity in order to insure you aren’t constantly filling it up with audio. My 16 GB iPhone 6 already complains about being full much too often and I am sure I would run into even larger issues if I were recording audio to it regularly.

Check out the Shure MV88 and tell me what you think!

Shure mv88 3

Amazon Reviews of the Shire MV88


* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs

Previously on New Media Gear:

Noted: Apple launches Music Memos app for the iPhone and iPad

New Media isn’t Just for the Big Guys from New Media Interchange 20

New Media isn’t Just for the Big Guys from New Media Interchange 20

by Douglas E. Welch

Nmi big guys

It is too easy these days to focus on the big entertainment news coming out of New Media and ignore all the things that New Media can do for everyone else from individuals to freelancers to small companies and beyond. Sure, it’s great to see new shows with big name starts being picked up by Netflix and exciting to hear about one company buying another, but for me, this isn’t the heart of what New Media is about.

Eleven years ago, when I started podcasting, I saw it is an opportunity for letting the world hear the underheard and see the underseen. It was about giving distribution and exposure to millions of people who never would have made it through the gatekeepers of mainstream media. Mainstream media, by the very nature of its technology had extremely limited time available for shows, so the competition was fierce. This often drove content to the lowest common denominator, designed to please the widest range of viewers possible — and deliver the largest number of eyes and ears to advertisers — rather than produce great content.

New Media had no such constraints. You could do a show about woodworking, or knitting, or gaming, or butterflies and easily make it available to those who wanted to see or hear it. You didn’t have to garner 3 million viewers to stay on the air. You only had to create a show that served an interested and devote niche base of fans. We have lost of a bit of this idealism, though, as money and the influence it buys started to make its way into New Media. It took a long time — and much outright denial — for mainstream media folks — actors, directors, producers — to understand New Media, but now they are taking over.

Read the entire article on New Media Interchange

NMI Logo 3PM brand 2000x2000


New Media Interchange — Please subscribe, review and rate the podcast via iTunes

In Conclusion from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch [Audio]

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Nmqa 2015In Conclusion from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch  20 conclusion anim

Listen to In Conclusion from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch 


I hope this has been useful to you. I hope you enjoyed the answers to these questions. I talk about podcasting, new media, YouTube a lot. I’ll be happy to answer any further questions you might have. You can leave them as comments on this YouTube video, over on my various blogs at I always love answering questions. It always gives me something new to write about on the blogs about new media and everything else that I do. Going back to the niche talk before, I do a lot of podcasts and a lot of blogs. I write about gardening, new media, and technology and general happenings here in LA. So, that should give you an idea of the breadth that podcasting and new media can should give you. So, thanks for watching. If you’re interested in a career in voiceover, please do check out Janet Wilcox’s class. You can visit You can search on her name and you’ll see all the classes she teaches there and, because she’s teaching online now, you don’t have to be here in LA. You can be anywhere in the world and learn more about voiceover. For more information on everything that I do, visit and, until next time, keep on building your career.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

In Conclusion from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch [Video]

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Nmqa 2015In Conclusion from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch  20 conclusion anim



I hope this has been useful to you. I hope you enjoyed the answers to these questions. I talk about podcasting, new media, YouTube a lot. I’ll be happy to answer any further questions you might have. You can leave them as comments on this YouTube video, over on my various blogs at I always love answering questions. It always gives me something new to write about on the blogs about new media and everything else that I do. Going back to the niche talk before, I do a lot of podcasts and a lot of blogs. I write about gardening, new media, and technology and general happenings here in LA. So, that should give you an idea of the breadth that podcasting and new media can should give you. So, thanks for watching. If you’re interested in a career in voiceover, please do check out Janet Wilcox’s class. You can visit You can search on her name and you’ll see all the classes she teaches there and, because she’s teaching online now, you don’t have to be here in LA. You can be anywhere in the world and learn more about voiceover. For more information on everything that I do, visit and, until next time, keep on building your career.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Audio: Podcasting and Voiceover from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Podcasting and Voiceover from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

Listen to Podcasting and Voiceover from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




Do you know of any voice actors who have had successful podcasts? Well, I have one good example here, but I want to switch the question around a little bit. It is relatively easy for anyone who is already famous to have a successful podcast. As you might imagine, they already have an audience. They already have a group of people who are clamoring to hear more from them. So, a relatively famous person who has a podcast — they’re doing it for a different reason that I am giving to you. I want to reiterate with you that you need to start podcasting up front when you’re unknown, because that’s the way you can become more known. It’s the reverse of what they’re doing. They know they have an audience that they’re feeding, because they’re already somewhat famous. You are developing your audience from the ground up. So, it’s important that you get the word out there and – to harken back to the very beginning of this video — you need to tell people what you do and how well you do it and this is one way of doing it.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Video: Podcasting and Voiceover from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Podcasting and Voiceover from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




Do you know of any voice actors who have had successful podcasts? Well, I have one good example here, but I want to switch the question around a little bit. It is relatively easy for anyone who is already famous to have a successful podcast. As you might imagine, they already have an audience. They already have a group of people who are clamoring to hear more from them. So, a relatively famous person who has a podcast — they’re doing it for a different reason that I am giving to you. I want to reiterate with you that you need to start podcasting up front when you’re unknown, because that’s the way you can become more known. It’s the reverse of what they’re doing. They know they have an audience that they’re feeding, because they’re already somewhat famous. You are developing your audience from the ground up. So, it’s important that you get the word out there and – to harken back to the very beginning of this video — you need to tell people what you do and how well you do it and this is one way of doing it.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Audio: A Return to Patronage Part 2 from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

A Return to Patronage Part 2 from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

Listen to A Return to Patronage Part 2 from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




What people do is, you have various levels of sponsorship you list out for people — all with various benefits for each level. You’ll get a sticker. You’ll get a mention in the show. You’ll get a credit at the end of the show. You’ll get some special product or special mention or be able to come on the show or whatever, depending on your level of patronage. And you basically say that I will give that amount per month, so that the person producing the show knows that they have a relatively stable monthly income that they can basically kind of know that I have my “nut” that I need to survive each month.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Video: A Return to Patronage Part 2 from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

A Return to Patronage Part 2 from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




What people do is, you have various levels of sponsorship you list out for people — all with various benefits for each level. You’ll get a sticker. You’ll get a mention in the show. You’ll get a credit at the end of the show. You’ll get some special product or special mention or be able to come on the show or whatever, depending on your level of patronage. And you basically say that I will give that amount per month, so that the person producing the show knows that they have a relatively stable monthly income that they can basically kind of know that I have my “nut” that I need to survive each month.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Audio: A Return to Patronage from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Video: A Return to Patronage from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

Listen to A Return to Patronage from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




We have come up  recently though — very recently — within the last 6 months or so an alternative method. It’s and alternative that harkens back not just decades, but centuries and that is the term patronage. Basically having patrons who support you to do your show. These can be individuals or companies, tends to be in the current scheme, individuals – much like a Kickstarter scheme – who basically pay a monthly fee to say “Yes. I enjoy your show. I like what you do and I want to support you in an on-going manner.” Now, one of the big sites that is set up to do this right now is called Patreon. It’s a play on the word patronage and patron. I have seen several people effectively use Patreon to support their on-going podcasting, YouTube and New Media efforts.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Video: A Return to Patronage from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Video: A Return to Patronage from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch


We have come up  recently though — very recently — within the last 6 months or so an alternative method. It’s and alternative that harkens back not just decades, but centuries and that is the term patronage. Basically having patrons who support you to do your show. These can be individuals or companies, tends to be in the current scheme, individuals – much like a Kickstarter scheme – who basically pay a monthly fee to say “Yes. I enjoy your show. I like what you do and I want to support you in an on-going manner.” Now, one of the big sites that is set up to do this right now is called Patreon. It’s a play on the word patronage and patron. I have seen several people effectively use Patreon to support their on-going podcasting, YouTube and New Media efforts.

Links mentioned in this video:

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

iTunes Podcast Directory

Free Blogging Sites

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program

Far Lands of Bust

KurtJMac Patreon Page

Rob Paulson and Talking Toons

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Video: Advertising in podcasts from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Advertising in podcasts from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch


I tend to prefer that type of arrangement (sponsorship) rather than kind of random advertising because, if you’re signed up with a random group of advertisers you never really know what you are going to get in your podcast and I’m always a little worried, as a producer, of getting that one ad that just offends my entire audience and destroys the listenership I have. So, I’m always a little leery of that.  I like to think that advertising is not the best way of supporting a podcast. Unfortunately, no one has really come up with a much better idea.

Links mentioned in this video:

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

iTunes Podcast Directory

Free Blogging Sites

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program

Far Lands of Bust

KurtJMac Patreon Page

Rob Paulson and Talking Toons

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Audio: Sponsors for Your Podcast from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Video: Sponsors for Your Podcast from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

Listen to Sponsors for Your Podcast from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




You can also get a sponsor. Back in the early days of television it was “The Dinah Shore Show Sponsored by Chevrolet”, I believe. And they paid the large cost of producing that television show and if you  have particularly good contact, if you have a contact which is very interested in hitting your niche market, you might actually be able to get a sponsor — someone who will offer you a certain amount of funding to mention, play ads during your show, and to, basically, work in a partnership with them to reach an audience that they’r trying to advertise to. Now sponsorshop is tough. It’s a lot of leg work. It is a lot of phone time. I think it is one of the better ways of supporting your podcast, but unfortunately it is also one of the more difficult things to actually accomplish. So, there’s lots of resources online on about how to get a sponsor for your podcast — what you need to develop — like a press kit, and PR materials and stuff like that. 

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Video: Sponsors for Your Podcast from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Video: Sponsors for Your Podcast from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch


You can also get a sponsor. Back in the early days of television it was “The Dinah Shore Show Sponsored by Chevrolet”, I believe. And they paid the large cost of producing that television show and if you  have particularly good contact, if you have a contact which is very interested in hitting your niche market, you might actually be able to get a sponsor — someone who will offer you a certain amount of funding to mention, play ads during your show, and to, basically, work in a partnership with them to reach an audience that they’r trying to advertise to. Now sponsorshop is tough. It’s a lot of leg work. It is a lot of phone time. I think it is one of the better ways of supporting your podcast, but unfortunately it is also one of the more difficult things to actually accomplish. So, there’s lots of resources online on about how to get a sponsor for your podcast — what you need to develop — like a press kit, and PR materials and stuff like that.

Links mentioned in this video:

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

iTunes Podcast Directory

Free Blogging Sites

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program

Far Lands of Bust

KurtJMac Patreon Page

Rob Paulson and Talking Toons

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Audio: Affiliate Income for Podcasts from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Douglas answers questions from students in Janet Wilcox’s online Voiceover class at UCLA Extension.

Affiliate Income for Podcasts from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch


Listen to Affiliate Income for Podcasts from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch



There are a couple of ways — when just getting started — of aking some “change”, I’ll call it, from your podcast. One of those is affiliate income. If you mention books in your podcast or other products, sign up for an Amazon Affiliate account. That way, when people purchase something that you mention through your link, you’ll get between 4-6% of the purchase price for that product that they buy. Obviously, all these things that I am going to mention are based on the number of eyeballs, the number of listeners, the number of ears that you have on your podcast, so the more the better. You really won’t make a lot of money from these until you get quite a significant number of people listening or watching your podcast. So, yeah, affiliate income like Amazon. I’m sure you’ve heard ads like Audible. They advertise on a lot of podcasts. Squarespace advertises on a lot of podcasts and the way that podcaster makes money is when someone signs up using their code, they get either a flat fee or a percentage. So, there’s one way, right up front and you can easily sing up for those. There’s really no limitations. As long as you have a decent web site that’s not in a prohibited area of topic, you can sign up for an affiliate account and start using that almost immediately. Again, you’re not going to make a lot of money until you get quite a few listeners to your show.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Video: Affiliate Income for Podcasts from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Douglas answers questions from students in Janet Wilcox’s online Voiceover class at UCLA Extension.

Affiliate Income for Podcasts from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




There are a couple of ways — when just getting started — of aking some “change”, I’ll call it, from your podcast. One of those is affiliate income. If you mention books in your podcast or other products, sign up for an Amazon Affiliate account. That way, when people purchase something that you mention through your link, you’ll get between 4-6% of the purchase price for that product that they buy. Obviously, all these things that I am going to mention are based on the number of eyeballs, the number of listeners, the number of ears that you have on your podcast, so the more the better. You really won’t make a lot of money from these until you get quite a significant number of people listening or watching your podcast. So, yeah, affiliate income like Amazon. I’m sure you’ve heard ads like Audible. They advertise on a lot of podcasts. Squarespace advertises on a lot of podcasts and the way that podcaster makes money is when someone signs up using their code, they get either a flat fee or a percentage. So, there’s one way, right up front and you can easily sing up for those. There’s really no limitations. As long as you have a decent web site that’s not in a prohibited area of topic, you can sign up for an affiliate account and start using that almost immediately. Again, you’re not going to make a lot of money until you get quite a few listeners to your show.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Audio: Making Podcasts Profitable from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Douglas answers questions from students in Janet Wilcox’s online Voiceover class at UCLA Extension.



Listen to Making Podcasts Profitable from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch



What are the ways to make podcasts profitable? Oooo, that’s a big one. Actually, after 10 years of podcasting it’s actually starting to get some better methods of actually making money from your podcast. That said, when I started podcasting back in 2004 – I was one of the first 20 podcasters once that term was coined – I have never looked at podcasting as a way of making money itself. I’m not an entertainment industry person. I don’t see myself producing a show. I used my podcasting to support everything else that I do. For example, I podcasted the career column I wrote for many, many years, because it brought people to my blog. It brought people to my consulting services. it brought people to my books, so on and so forth.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page 

Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media: