Noted: YouTube launches tool that allows creators to blur any moving object in their videos (Amanda Conway/YouTube Creator Blog)

New Podcast: How I Wrote That from the Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting Program


I consulted on the technical side of this podcast and it is great to see it up and launched with 3 shows all ready for your listening enjoyment

“How I Wrote That is a podcast presented by The Stephens College M.F.A. in TV and Screenwriting, and hosted by Khanisha Foster. In each episode, we sit down with the top women in writing. They invite us into their homes and studios so we may ask how they got there. We discuss how they write, what they write, and the advice they would give to those listening. Stephens is dedicated to increasing the number of women working in television and film. How I Wrote That cultivates the relationship between those who have already made it and those who are dreaming up. “

Take a listen to learn about all sorts of screenwriters and “how I wrote that!”


Listen to the first podcast


In the first podcast with Carol Barbee, Showrunner for Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce, gives us an inside look at what it means to lead a writers’ room. “It’s not my job to have all the answers, but it is my job to recognize the answers.”


Word now! Stories Podcast – “Cold” – Listen Now and then come to a show! [Audio] (1:30)

Last Sunday we attended the latest performance of of Word Now! at the Fremont Centre Theater in South Pasadena.

The show is co-produced by a close friend and his wife was also presenting a story that evening, so we HAD to go, of course.

It was a great night out and the stories were absolutely amazing. We certainly plan on attending again!

Word now header


Word now cold readers

Each show works around a general theme and this month’s theme was “COLD.”

The stories approached it in a variety of ways. Cold weather. Cold People. Cold World and more!

You can listen to the entire show here and I also greatly encourage you to see the live presentation in South Pasadena.

>>> Listen to Word Now! Stories – Cold – Part 1


>>> Listen to Word Now! Stories – Cold – Part 2


Word Now! performs every 2 months, so watch the web site for their March dates!

New Media Gear 25: Shure MV88 iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone

Shure MV88 iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone

 I discovered this microphone through, of all things, an advertisement on Instagram?!? What?!?! A useful social media advertisement. If all ads could be as targeted to me as this one, I might not complain about them so much. That said, the ad immediately made me want to check our the Shure MV88. I am always on the lookout for useful New Media Gear and this looks to be another device you might want to add to your arsenal. As I don’t have one in-hand, I have included some links below to give you an overview of how people are responding to this mic and some real world usage examples.

One dislike that crops up for me is the inability to use it with a cover. I know, making a device that works with any of the thousands of covered out there would be nearly impossible, but I hate having to pull my phone out of its cover to use it and I miss the protection it provides when working. I also worry about external devices plugged into the Lightning port, as I am always afraid I am going to break the port accidentally. 

Beyond those fairly small quibbles though, the audio samples from the mic sound good and it can help to keep your recording kit a bit smaller. You’ll want an iPhone with a larger storage capacity in order to insure you aren’t constantly filling it up with audio. My 16 GB iPhone 6 already complains about being full much too often and I am sure I would run into even larger issues if I were recording audio to it regularly.

Check out the Shure MV88 and tell me what you think!

Shure mv88 3

Amazon Reviews of the Shire MV88


* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs

Previously on New Media Gear:

Noted: Apple launches Music Memos app for the iPhone and iPad

Noted: 2016 Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet

Blog Images Infographic

Read 2016 Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet via Social Media Today RSS

An interesting link found among my daily reading

Noted: Choose the British Museum’s new YouTube series

Read Choose the British Museum’s new YouTube series via MetaFilter

An interesting link found among my daily reading

Noted: WordPress launches its Mac app with all of the crucial publishing tools in place

WordPress Mac app

Noted: Successful Kickstarter Project Lume Cube Now Available to Improve Your Photo & Video Lighting

Noted: Let’s Share Live-Streaming Setups

Read Let’s Share Live-Streaming Setups via Kotaku

An interesting link found among my daily reading

Noted: 5 Simple Cinematography Hacks for Under $50

Noted: Google’s Android gaming app will support making Let’s Play videos for YouTube

Noted: Google just made it easier to record videos of yourself playing mobile games

Noted: DJI Osmo review: A hand-held stabilized camera worthy of its price

Capture all your new media ideas, even if you can’t execute them today — New Media Tips #43

New Media Tips is an on-going series from Careers in New Media with Douglas E. Welch. You can find all the past tips — from myself and around the Internet — in the Tips category here on the blog — Douglas

Capture all your new media ideas, even if you can’t execute them today — New Media Tips #43

Many of the tips you’ll see in the coming days grew out of a discussion I had with a friend who runs an artisanal bakery near my house. I have watched this business grow over the last several years and have often discussed how new media could best be used in promoting the business and their products. For me, one of the most important ideas to promote with any business owner is capturing each and every idea they have, even if they can’t do anything about it — today.

Capture ideas as they occur

When you are just starting out with a new business, it can be a bit difficult to develop new media ideas for a number of reasons. First, you are so busy getting the business started that most everything falls by the wayside. You simply don’t have or don’t make the time to engage in new media promotions and that is a bit of a shame. Some of your best new media ideas are generated when you are in the heat of the moment, creating something new from nothing. Even if you don’t have the time to execute all these great new media ideas, you MUST take a few moments to — at the very least — capture those ideas that jump to mind, so you don’t lose them forever — or have to spend more hours creating anew when you finally have the time to focus on new media.

Analog or digital methods don’t matter. Capture all your ideas today!

Execute on this ideas when you have time and need

Again, you don’t have to EXECUTE all these ideas, merely capture them. Too many people get overwhelmed with the idea that they must do everything now and, in the heat of the moment, simply discard some of their best ideas because they are so overwhelmed with everything else. Don’t do it!

Capture new ideas every day of your life and business

Next, you often don’t know what you want to talk about, what you want to promote, what new products or services you’ll be offering when you first start the business. Like all good things, it can take time to develop your new media ideas. Sure, you might have a few ideas to get you started, but each day brings new thoughts, new challenges and can create new ways of promoting your business through new media.

Investigate each new service as it appears

Even more, new services are created every day, so you need to be watching for the next Instagram, the next SnapChat or even the next Facebook that comes along. Your new media work doesn’t exists in a static vacuum. It grows and changes every day. Be aware of new ideas, new services, new concepts in new media that can help your business. Capture new ideas that come along. Experiment with new services, their new concepts and the new audience it may bring you. There is a certain amount of “first mover advantage” that can be had by starting early with a new media service. You can easily grow to be a big fish in a small pond and reap all sorts of advantages, even if that particular services doesn’t pan out as an on-going part of your new media strategy.

You can’t execute on new ideas if you never capture them

Again, though, the same rule applies. Sure you might feel too overwhelmed to execute on even a fraction of your New Media ideas today, but you MUST — and I will repeat that — MUST — capture any ideas you have on a daily basis. I consider letting these ideas disappear a crime against you, your company and your future success. When you fail to capture ideas you are actively limiting your opportunities. Yes, I know it can all feel overwhelming, but why would you ever seek to make your life and work more difficult. If you fail to capture your great ideas today, you will find yourself struggling for ideas in the future, when you do have time to execute on new media projects.

Don’t let one of your best and most important assets drift away. Capture all your ideas each and every day. Execute on one or two of these ideas as you have time. Fill the well of new media projects, ideas, campaigns, contests — whatever — every day and you’ll never find yourself looking for that next, big ideas. It will already be there, waiting for you.

New Media Interchange 22: Samsung’s Gear VR at $99, creating 3D worlds and Benefitting from the New Media Multiplier


Please subscribe, review and rate via iTunes 

New Media Interchange is a podcast spotlighting various developments in New Media & focusing on the media world beyond mainstream television and radio, including podcasting, YouTube, live streaming, gaming and more. Hosted by Douglas E. Welch , pioneer podcaster, blogger and new media consultant.

Nmi022 twitter

Listen Now


New Media Interchange is part of the 3rd Pass Media Network which is launching a series of shows this week including Mindul(l) Media, The Render Break Report, New Media Interchange and More. You’ll find more information about 3rd Pass Media at http://3rdPass.Media.

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New Media Interchange 22: Samsung’s Gear VR at $99, creating 3D worlds and the New Media Multiplier

This is New Media Interchange where we talk about the media world beyond mainstream television and radio, including podcasting, YouTube, live streaming, gaming and more. I’m your host, Douglas E. Welch, pioneer podcaster, blogger and writer.

In today’ show…

  • Samsung’s Gear VR device to be priced at $99
  • Voxelus software allows for creation of VR worlds
  • Oculus Rift support coming for Minecraft
  • Benefiting from the “New Media Multiplier”
  • A new entry in our Hardware Hotlist series
  • …and the next installment in our educational In the classroom… series
  • See the complete show notes at

More after this…

Today’s show is brought to you by I love New Media like podcasting and YouTube, but I also love all types of books. If you love audio books you can support New Media Interchange and 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. 

Choose from over 100,000 books, Including Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer by James L. Swanson

Visit or use the link in the show notes today.


The Producer Mentality: Everyone Needs to Think Like a Producer from New Media Interchange 21


New Media Interchange is a podcast spotlighting various developments in New Media & focusing on the media world beyond mainstream television and radio, including podcasting, YouTube, live streaming, gaming and more. Hosted by Douglas E. Welch , pioneer podcaster, blogger and new media consultant.

The Producer Mentality: Everyone Needs to Think Like a Producer from New Media Interchange 21

Every day I meet a lot of different people, from a lot of different industries, but due to the fact that my wife is a television writer and screenwriting teacher and I live in Los Angeles, I am especially surrounded by entertainment-minded people and those directly involved in the entertainment industry. The definition of this “industry” has also expanded dramatically of late with the inclusion or various YouTube, podcasting and blogging celebrities.

Producer mentality

Whenever I start talking New Media and Podcasting with these folks, they often inevitably turn to discussions of finding a mainstream broadcast network, pitching a show and having someone pay them to make the show. While that might have worked in the old world, although none too well, in today’s environment, I think a different mindset is required. Today, you don’t necessarily pitch a show to production companies and wait for someone else to say they like it. Instead, you produce it first — in some form — yourself.

That’s right, everyone is now, or at least should think like, a producer of their own content. We have spent years being managed by agents, managers, directors and producers, currying their favor in the slim hope that they might cast us in their latest show, hire us to write their script or produce our heartfelt project. That world is quickly changing and morphing into something quite different. Sure, the mainstream entertainment business will still be with us for the foreseeable future, but now there are a host of other opportunities available to us all.

One reason for these new opportunities is that the past limiting factor of distribution has finally been broken. This should be obvious when videos on YouTube are being watched by millions of people and podcasts have listenerships of tens or hundreds of thousands. For the first time ever, you are able to produce your show and deliver it to the screens of millions of people, not just in America, but around the world. You don’t have to have your project approved by a TV network, radio conglomerate or movie studio. You gather your money, your equipment and your utmost creativity and make it happen.
Sure, if your creation garners enough attention, the big media might come calling, but this shouldn’t necessarily be your end goal. Increasingly, as Internet distribution models continue to open up and money start to flow into these new media options, you might find you can make more money without the network and studios of today. Even better, you will retain more control over your content and retain more of the income derived from it. There is no need to pay the middleman anymore, unless they are truly providing a service.

So, now is the time for everyone to start thinking like a producer. What would you “love” to create? Who would like to hear it, see it, read it? How can you reach out to them? How much will it cost? More importantly, the question should be, “How can I get started today?”

Far too often I see entertainment creatives get bogged down in analysis paralysis over what they should produce, how they should do it, who should they work with and more. This is far too common and often prevents projects from ever seeing the light of day. In New Media, as it was in the earliest days of film and television, you sometimes have to to just “DO” something and see how it works. Each production becomes a lesson for every production that follows. Each show, each episode, each song, each video changes and improves each time. In New Media you have the space to develop your content. It doesn’t have to be perfect from episode one. Heck, even with mainstream television, pilot episodes are rarely the best episode of a series, or even a season. Everyone — actors, directors, writers, crew — have to discover what the show is about, how it works, who the characters are over time. They are rarely, if ever fully formed at the outset.

Even better, these days, the costs involved in spreading your message are rapidly approaching zero. Days, months and years spent gathering financial backing are much less of an issue in new media than traditional media. Using today’s technology, you can produce high-quality audio and video productions for a fraction of what the equipment alone would have cost your only 5 years ago. Sure, if you want to do a traditional, 60 minute, television drama with a cast of 10 or more people, yes, you are going to need some serious backing for that. What else can you produce, though, while you are trying to raise that money? You might find that that smaller project turns out better — and leads to better opportunities — than the more traditional project.

My message? You need to get the producer mentality today and start creating your own content. Find those around you with great ideas or content and start producing for them. Think like a producer and you will quickly find a wide variety of opportunities around you.

Now, I realize that not everyone wants to become a producer. That’s fine, but those people, at the very least, will need to partner up with someone — perhaps you — who does have the producer mentality and can bring their projects to fruitions. The days f waiting on agents, managers and the traditional gatekeepers is no longer required and, in most cases, no longer advised. In fact, in today’s entertainment world, waiting on anyone is probably not in your own best interest. It’s time to put on your producer’s hat and start creating your best ideas today.


New Media Interchange 21: ABC Tests VR News, The New Apple TV, & Why Everyone Should Think Like A Producer


Please subscribe, review and rate via iTunes 

New Media Interchange is a podcast spotlighting various developments in New Media & focusing on the media world beyond mainstream television and radio, including podcasting, YouTube, live streaming, gaming and more. Hosted by Douglas E. Welch , pioneer podcaster, blogger and new media consultant.

ABC Tests VR News,
The New Apple TV,
& Why Everyone Should Think Like A Producer

Listen Now


New Media Interchange is part of the 3rd Pass Media Network which is launching a series of shows this week including Mindul(l) Media, The Render Break Report, New Media Interchange and More. You’ll find more information about 3rd Pass Media at http://3rdPass.Media.

#rd Pass Media Logo

New Media Interchange 21: ABC Tests VR News, The New Apple TV, & Why Everyone Should Think Like A Producer

This is New Media Interchange where we talk about the media world beyond mainstream television and radio, including podcasting, YouTube, live streaming, gaming and more. I’m your host, Douglas E. Welch, pioneer podcaster, blogger and writer.

In today’ show…

  • ABC tries out VR news coverage
  • Apple introduces the next Apple TV
  • TechRepublic details 20 years of VR at NASA
  • Why everyone should think like a producer
  • …and the next installment in our educational In the classroom… series
  • See the complete show notes at

More after this…

Today’s show is brought to you by I love New Media like podcasting and YouTube, but I also love all types of books. If you love audio books you can support New Media Interchange and 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. 

Choose from over 100,000 books, Including Walking in This World: The Practical Art of Creativity by Julia Cameron

Visit or use the link in the show notes today.


Real World Example: Video Abstract for an Academic Paper

I recently produced this video abstract for my wife, Dr. Rosanne Welch, and I think it came out pretty well. I also think it is a good example of how you can use new media to share your work with anyone, not matter the subject. It is one of my goals to show everyone —especially those in the academic world — that there work need not be bland, obtuse or — at the worst — boring. They need to share their work in the most innovative ways, using all the amazing new media tools now available and give their work the audience it deserves.

A video abstract for Honey, You Know I Can’t Hear You When You Aren’t in the Room: Key Female Filmmakers Prove the Importance of Having a Female in the Writing Room.

This paper will appear in the special issue journal, Gender and the Screenplay: Processes, Practices, Perspectives (eds. Louise Sawtell and Stayci Taylor (RMIT University, Melbourne)).

Coming soon!

Honey, You Know I Can’t Hear You When You Aren’t in the Room: Key Female Filmmakers Prove the Importance of Having a Female in the Writing Room

Follow Dr. Rosanne Welch on the Web and via social media at:

New Media isn’t Just for the Big Guys from New Media Interchange 20

New Media isn’t Just for the Big Guys from New Media Interchange 20

by Douglas E. Welch

Nmi big guys

It is too easy these days to focus on the big entertainment news coming out of New Media and ignore all the things that New Media can do for everyone else from individuals to freelancers to small companies and beyond. Sure, it’s great to see new shows with big name starts being picked up by Netflix and exciting to hear about one company buying another, but for me, this isn’t the heart of what New Media is about.

Eleven years ago, when I started podcasting, I saw it is an opportunity for letting the world hear the underheard and see the underseen. It was about giving distribution and exposure to millions of people who never would have made it through the gatekeepers of mainstream media. Mainstream media, by the very nature of its technology had extremely limited time available for shows, so the competition was fierce. This often drove content to the lowest common denominator, designed to please the widest range of viewers possible — and deliver the largest number of eyes and ears to advertisers — rather than produce great content.

New Media had no such constraints. You could do a show about woodworking, or knitting, or gaming, or butterflies and easily make it available to those who wanted to see or hear it. You didn’t have to garner 3 million viewers to stay on the air. You only had to create a show that served an interested and devote niche base of fans. We have lost of a bit of this idealism, though, as money and the influence it buys started to make its way into New Media. It took a long time — and much outright denial — for mainstream media folks — actors, directors, producers — to understand New Media, but now they are taking over.

Read the entire article on New Media Interchange

NMI Logo 3PM brand 2000x2000


New Media Interchange — Please subscribe, review and rate the podcast via iTunes