News: Twitter adds “Follow” button for your blog and web site

Much the Facbeook Like button, today’s announcement of Google’s +1 button and others, Twitter recently announced a new Follow button that can be easily added to your blog or web site. This follow button allows readers to add you to their Twitter timeline so they see your Twitter updates.

For example, here are the follow buttons for my various accounts:

Create your own Twitter follow button to add to your web site here – Twitter Follow Button Creator

Elsewhere Online: How to get the most out of your iPhone as a reporting tool

Some great advice on using your iPhone for journalism or any new media production, including software and hardware recommendations — Douglas


How to get the most out of your iPhone as a reporting tool

Increasingly, iPhones are becoming acredible, convenient and reliable tool for journalists –both amateur and professional– to use in the field. Mobile reporting was even the topic of a UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism course taught by Jeremy Rue to help journalists learn how to get the most out of reporting from a mobile device.

Read entire article

Recently Listened Podcasts for April 12, 2011

TA: Street Politics and Tahrir Square Thinking Allowed BBC Radio 4 Street

Politics: protests, policing, revolution and just getting about – Leif Jerram and John Clarke discuss how the geography of cities have contributed to the development of society. Laurie also talks to Jeffrey Alenxander about ‘perfoming’ the… 28:12 4/7/11 5:18 AM

Entrepreneurs Can Be Authentic Without Getting Naked The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show Life On Your Own Terms 6:39 4/5/11 12:18 AM

April 2, 2011: The Splendid Table APM: The Splendid Table American Public Media

We’re pondering the food supply of the future with Raj Patel author of The Value of Nothing, Jane and Michael Stern are at The White Hut in Springfield, MA, and we ask the question – why are there no famous female chefs? 51:55 4/1/11 10:08 AM

IOT: The Bhagavad Gita 31 Mar 11 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg BBC Radio 4

The Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse section of the Sanskrit epic the Mahabharata, is one of the most revered texts of Hinduism. Written in around 200 BC, it narrates a conversation between Krishna, an incarnation of the deity, and the Pandava prince… 41:54 3/31/11 4:48 AM

TA: Mafias and Live Music Thinking Allowed BBC Radio 4

Does organised crime really spread into new territories? Federico Varese tells Laurie about the capacities and limitation of the Mafia. Also live music has overtaken recorded in terms of revenue – Simon Frith and Martin Cloonan tell Laurie why…. 28:06 3/30/11 9:47 AM

March 26, 2011: The Splendid Table APM: The Splendid Table American Public Media

This week we’re taking a look back at Britain’s culinary groundbreaker, Elizabeth David with Ruth Reichl, Jane and Michael Stern are at The Southern Kitchen in New Market, VA, wine with Joshua Wesson brings us his short list of wines that are sure to becom 52:01 3/25/11 11:40 AM

99% Invisible-20- Nikko Concrete Commando 99% Invisible Roman Mars

In 2001, Delfin Vigil was walking the streets of San Francisco and ran  across the name “Nikko” carved into the concrete sidewalk. After seeing … 6:53 3/24/11 10:39 PM

Thundersnow In My Head : GardenFork Radio GardenFork Radio Eric Rochow

Comments and questions: 860-740-6938 call us! Mike and Eric talk about thundersnow, bicycle seat height adjustment, the vernal equinox, how to make soft cheese, making sweet and sour cabbage, a crashed hive, watching web video on your HDTV, 47:14 3/24/11 6:41 PM

Germ-free Dirty Hippies Stuff To Blow Your Mind

It’s been said that cleanliness is close to godliness, but is it possible for a person to be too clean? In this episode, Julie and Robert analyze the relationship between hygiene, bacteria and health. Tune in to learn more. 28:11 3/24/11 10:39 AM

IOT: The Dawn of the Iron Age 24 Mar 11 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg BBC Radio 4

In around 3000 BC European metalworkers started to make tools and weapons out of bronze. A complex trading network evolved to convey this valuable metal and other goods around the continent. But two millennia later, a new skill arrived from the Middle… 41:56 3/24/11 4:45 AM

TA: 23 march 11 New North Thinking Allowed BBC Radio 4

Professor Laurie Taylor discusses the influence of the 19th Century Temperance Movement and examines the notion of power and prosperity shifting to the frozen North…. 28:13 3/23/11 11:39 AM

Entrepreneurs Can Be Too Skinny The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show Life on Your Own Terms 4:43 3/22/11 12:39 AM

99% Invisible-19X- RJDJ Reactive Music 99% Invisible Roman Mars

This week, the radio audience heard episode #10, but for you web and  podcast listeners, I have a story I did about a year … 9:29 3/20/11 11:21 PM

March 19, 2011: The Splendid Table APM: The Splendid Table American Public Media

We’re looking at Mexican – Jewish food traditions with Chef Patricia Jinich, of PBS’s Pati’s Mexican Table, New York Time’s columnist Melissa Clark introduces us to her very suave and very easy recipe for Shrimp Bisque, Jane and Michael Stern are at Cupca 51:39 3/18/11 10:14 AM

IOT: The Medieval University 17th March 2011 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg BBC Radio 4

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the medieval universities. In the 11th and 12th centuries a new type of institution started to appear in the major cities of Europe. The first universities were those of Bologna and Paris; within a hundred years… 41:42 3/17/11 4:13 AM

Barrie Craig Confidental Investigator ” Dead On Arrival” Old Time Radio Detectives Humphrey OTR

Barrie Craig Confidential Investigator “Dead On Arrival” 11/14/51 30:27 3/10/11 4:56 PM

99% Invisible-14- Periodic Table 99% Invisible Roman Mars

Everyone knows it when they see it. The classic “castle with turrets”  periodic table is a beautiful and concise icon that contains a great … 6:00 2/10/11 4:11 PM

mozart: Prog. 1 Objects: Mozart’s Watch A History of Mozart in a Dozen Objects BBC Radio 3

Cliff Eisen introduces the first in a series of programmes exploring Mozart’s world through objects associated with him. Today: Mozart’s watch…. 9:31 2/3/11 8:48 PM




Video: Tomatomania 2011: Scenes and Interview

I produced this video for my “A Gardener’s Notebook” blog and podcast and thought I would share the results of this New Media project here, as well. – Douglas

Douglas E. Welch from A Gardener’s Notebook visits Tomatomania 2011 in Encino, California. He interviews Scott Daigre, organizer of Tomoatomania at a dozen locations across the country and chats with a few of the tomato buyers, many who come back year after year. Tomatomania hosts over 250 varieties for sale at each location from beefsteak, to plum, to cherry tomotoes and everything in-between.

Despite grey skies in usually sunny Encino, seedings were flying off the lot by the cartload. All ages were represented from long-time growers to kids eager to help Mom and Dad select just the right plants.

See http://Tomatomania. com for more information on future events in California and on the East Coast of America.

Download “Tomatomania 2011: Scenes and Interview” – iPod Ready format

Recently Listened Podcast for March 14, 2011

Woolly Mammoths For Sale
Stuff To Blow Your Mind

You haven’t misread the title; rest assured that woolly mammoths are still extinct. However, there are several scientists trying revive mammoths — and they might just succeed. Tune in to learn more about mammoth cloning.

Phil Gerbyshak on Twitterworks – Part 2
The Bigg Success Show
The Bigg Success Show
Life On Your Own Terms

Basic Blacksmithing on CRAFT (video)
MAKE Magazine
Becky Stern
In this week’s CRAFT Video, Meg Allan Cole and I took a trip to Brooklyn’s She-Weld studio for a special blacksmithing lesson from Alex Himmelbaum. He showed us how to taper and decoratively curl the end of a steel rod and rivet it to a hammer

How to make cheese : GardenFork.TV
GardenFork.TV Cooking, DIY, & more

www.GardenFork.TV I’ve always wanted to make cheese, so I researched a bunch of soft cheese recipes, fresh ricotta recipes, and queso blanco cheese recipes. And we made a how to video on how to make soft cheese. Soft cheese like the kind we made is not of

TEDTalks : Courtney Martin: Reinventing feminism – Courtney E. Martin (2010)
TEDTalks (video)
Courtney E. Martin
Courtney Martin: Reinventing feminism

Musical Hallucinations Gone Wild
Stuff To Blow Your Mind
Have you ever had a musical hallucination? Not a song stuck in your head – but a genuine hallucination, real enough to completely fool your senses? Join Robert and Julie as they explore the causes of musical hallucinations.

022511 Hour 1: Neurons, Cell Phone and the Brain, 3rd Arm Illusion, Visual Attention
Science Friday Audio Podcast
Science Friday
022511 Hour 1: Neurons, Cell Phone and the Brain, 3rd Arm Illusion, Visual Attention

CLR2: Scott Belsky & riCardo Crespo
Creative Leader Roundtable – Todd Henry
In the inaugural episode of Creative Leader Roundtable, Scott Belsky (CEO of Behance and author of Making Ideas Happen) and riCardo Crespo (SVP & Global Creative Lead at 20th Century Fox) share their insights into what makes a creative team effective a…

Farro Salad, Special episode from SoBe WFF 2011
Under The Tuscan Gun

The South Beach Wine and Food Festival is without a doubt the biggest food event in the US. Debi and I were honored to attend!This is a short recipe for a Farro Salad we prepared for “The Best Thing I Ever Ate at The Beach” event, come grab the full recip

Poppin’ Some Clarity & Trippin’ Them Circuits! – Film Riot
Film Riot (Quicktime Large)

After getting a lot of questions asking for some elaboration on a few of the answers given lately… Ryan decides to roll out a little clarity on things like SD cards, PAR lights and 24p conversions.

IOT: The Age of the Universe 03 Mar 11
In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg
BBC Radio 4
Melvin Bragg dicusses the Age of the Universe, with Martin Rees, Carolin Crawford and Carlos Frenk….

Promote your favorite podcasts and help other listen/watch

You may have noticed my recent posting series, “Recently Listened Podcasts“. Each week I collect the list of shows I have listened to (or watched, for video shows) and place that in my blog with links back to iTunes.

As someone interested in New Media, may I ask you to do the same on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc?

There is a lot of great content out there in the New Media world, but it can still be difficult for the average person to find and download shows that might be of interest to them. Help them out by highlighting your favorite shows and, when you can, help them subscribe and listen to podcasts. I often take a few minutes to introduce my computer consulting clients to podcasts whenever I am with them. This is especially true of clients who are purchasing their first iPod, iPhone of iPad. I try to recommend shows that already meet their interests and even give them a quick walk-through of how to find, subscribe, listen and watch to podcasts.

As podcasters and new media professionals, we can all do more to get the word out about great podcast content and help others find shows that can entertain, educate and enlighten.

New Media Gift Guide # 5: Podcasting for Dummies

# 5 Podcasting for Dummies

Although podcasting is entering its 6th year, there are still new people discovering it every day. If you are interested in diving into the nuts and bolts of podcasting, and new media in general, you would do well to look to the second edition of what was one of the first books on podcasting. Learn about microphones, web servers, RSS feeds, iTunes settings and more.

One of the co-authors for this edition of Podcasting for Dummies is fellow Friends in Tech member, Chuck Tomasi, who produces a number of podcasts. You can fund links to all of them over at

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media Gift Guide # 4: Blue Snowball Microphone

# 4 Blue Microphones Snowball USB Microphone

This is one of the first microphones I recommend to anyone looking to begin audio podcasting or looking for a step up in the audio for their video podcasts. As a USB microphone, it doesn’t require a mixing board or cables to use. You simply connect it to any USB port on your computer and start recording.

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

Audio: Ghosts of the Internet 2010 now available!

My friend, Michael Lawshe, from Eclipse-1 Media hosts an annual live reading of Halloween and spooky stories. A recording of this year’s show is now available for your listening pleasure. Everyone in the Welch Family took turns reading a variety of stories from the witches of William Shakepeare’s MacBeth to the haunting words of Edgar Allen Poe.


Download Ghosts of the Internet 2010 (2 hours)

Recorded Live, Saturday, October 30, 2010 at the Platt Branch of the LA Public Library

New Media Gift Guide # 2: Flip UltraHD Video Camera

# 2 Flip UltraHD Video Camera

The Flip Cameras are an excellent way for anyone to get started making their own videos for YouTube, Facebook or their own web site. Its small size makes it easy to carry in your pocket or bag so you can pull it out at a moment’s notice. This is a great way to capture those events and great content that just happens to present itself as you make your way through your day.

The Flip UltraHD is the latest version of the Flip and includes 2 hours of recording time.

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media’s Fundamental Place in e-Learning from

This article recently appeared on in advance of my presentation in their Online Forums. — Douglas

New Media’s Fundamental Place in e-Learning
By Douglas E. Welch September 30, 2010

“One of the most striking aspects of New Media is how much you can do inexpensively, even for free. As you move forward you might invest in larger, more robust systems, but investigating New Media often requires little more than access to the Internet. … There are very few financial excuses for not investigating how New Media can help your department or company.”

Like the technologies that preceded it – print, radio, television – New Media is set to change our lives and our learning in fundamental ways. Never before have we had such a great variety of educational tools at our disposal so inexpensively and so widely available. We can reach out to our customers, clients, and students almost anywhere in the world with the touch of button.

New Media consists of four pillars:

Online video sharing sites, such as YouTube,

Podcasting , which allows the automatic delivery of audio and video to listeners and viewers,

Live video streaming, such as and, and

Social media, that is, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other such services.

All of these together form New Media – new ways of delivering information and interacting with our audience, whoever or wherever they might be.

As with any new technology, inertia and fear threaten to limit our use of these tools. We spend months and years evaluating, analyzing and investigating, but end up doing very little. As with other educational tools, you must engage with New Media to find its usefulness to you and your students.

Read the entire article

Special note: Hear me speak on “Making the Case for Using New Media for e-Learning”! Sign up for The eLearning Guild’s October Online Forum, Integrating Media into Your e-Learning, October 7 and 8.

Photos: Cocktails with, POM and Fiji Water

I attended this very nice event at Shutters at the Beach in Santa Monica sponsored by, POM and Fiji Water. They served a POM Cosmo cocktail and some wonderful hors d’oeuvres.

It great to chat with some dedicated foodie and New Media folks. I love combining my interests and this event was certainly a great one for that.

POM Cosmo

1 1/2 oz POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
1 3/4 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Cointreau
1/3 oz Fresh Lime Juice
Twist of Lime

Pour ingredients into a shaker filled with ice.
Shake sharply and strain into glass.
Garnish with a twist of lime (optional).

Elsewhere Online: Jazz Up Your Next YouTube Video with Royalty-Free Music From Incompetech [Music]

Podcasters and other new media folks can always use some good music for their audio and video projects. If you aren’t a musician, have friends who are, or can’t afford a lot of money to license music, Incompetech can offer you some nice, royalty-free music.

They have music in a variety of styles and moods and a quick listen found several tracks I will use in upcoming productions. All that is asked in return is an optional $5 donation and/or credit in your project when completed.

Check it out!

I originally found out about this music from Lifehacker via Jazz Up Your Next YouTube Video with Royalty-Free Music From Incompetech [Music].

YouTube offers new type of EMBED code for videos

Update: I got to try viewing this post on an iPad and, sure enough, it allows for the embedded video to play right in the page, much like we see every other video. Very cool!

In this blog post, A New Way To Embed YouTube Videos, YouTube announced testing of new EMBED codes for your video.

The biggest enhancement I see is that this embed will serve up wither Adobe Flash or HTML5 video depending on the users environment. This should make it easier for bloggers to post one video link regardless of the technology their readers might be using.

There are 2 major limitations. First, videos with advertisements must still be played using Flash and, second, anyone using and other platforms that prevent the usage of “iframe” will not be able to use this new method.

Below I have embedded one of my older videos using the new method. I will then go and check it out on my iPhone and in other browsers to see how well it works.

Claim your business online with Foursquare and Google Places

Location is hot in the technology world lately. As new services are created and achieve some sort of traction it is always a good idea to try each one. You never know how useful any particular service might be, especially until you give it a try.

Recently, both Foursquare and Google Places (originally Google Local) have opened up a new selection of services for business owners. You can now “claim” your business, your store, your venue and control the information that is shared via Foursquare check-ins, Google Search and Google Maps. Location is destined to be the next big thing, so organizing your own piece of location “real estate” could pay big benefits in the future.

How to claim your Googles Places listing?

  • Visit and login with your Google Account
  • Click Add Listing
  • Enter in your business information
  • Google will perform a search looking for an existing business in your location
  • Select your business and Click “Claim Listing” or, if your business was not found, select “Add Listing”
  • Complete the questionnaire regarding location, hours and more and click “Submit”
  • You will then be asked to verify your listing by phone or mail. I used the automated mail system to verify my listing in about 2 minutes.
  • Now your Google Places listing will include  the label “Owner-verified listing”
  • If you perform this verification first, you can use your Google Places page to verify your Foursquare venue in the next step

How to become a manager of a Foursquare Venue

  • Visit
  • Search for your business or venue
  • If found, click the link “Are you the manager of this business?”
  • Step through the 2 steps, using your Google Places URL, Yelp URL and others to verify your “ownership” of the Foursquare venue.
  • As of yet, my Foursquare registration has not been confirmed or denied, but they also don’t list a timeline for confirmation of that registration.

Any questions? Drop a comment using the link above and I will offer whatever information I can. removes free option

Community service site,, announced today that they are removing the free option for their services and requiring all free sites to move up to their premium plan or move off the service.

“So, we are going to change our strategy to devote 100% of our resources to building the winning product to capture this big opportunity. We will phase out our free service. Existing free networks will have the opportunity to either convert to paying for premium services, or transition off of Ning.”

As it is, I will be closing the 2 sites I run as they are for free groups without a means to support the premium payments. There are several alternatives including using existing Facebook Fan Pages.

Feedburner Email Subscriptions

If you use Google’s Feedburner service for managing the RSS feeds for your blogs and podcasts, you may, or may not, know that Feedburner also provides email subscriptions to your RSS feeds. Some people prefer email to RSS, so they might be more comfortable receiving your blog updates in their inbox.

You can turn on the Email subscription feature for your Feedburner feed by logging into your account and then clicking on the Publicize tab. In the left-hand column, you will then see the Email Subscriptions link. Click that link and 4 sub-topics will appear.

The Subscription Management link allows you to grab the code for an HTML form that you can embed in your blog to allow users to subscribe with one click. You will also find a listing of those people currently subscribed to your RSS feed via email. The Save button at the bottom will activate the service, if it isn’t already and save any settings you might change.

The Communication Preferences link allows you to see and edit the messages sent to those people who subscribe via email. You can change the text of the welcome message, including whatever information you would like them to have.

The Email Branding link provides access to the standard subject line, blog artwork and styling of the email sent to your subscribers.

This review of the email subscription features was driven by an email I received from a subscriber noting the small font size of the messages they were receiving. I hadn’t realized it, but the font size of the message in this section had been set to 9 point, much too small for the average reader. A quick change here solved the problem for everyone receiving these emails.

The final link, Delivery Options, allows you to set your time zone and the time of day when you would like your email updates to be delivered to your subscribers. Mine are scheduled to be sent between 7am-9am Pacific Time.

Readers will consume your web content in any number of ways, so providing alternative methods, like email subscriptions can help you add to your subscribers as well as capturing email information about your users — something that is nearly impossible using RSS feeds alone. If you haven’t checked your Feedburner Email Subscription settings recently, check it out. You might be pleasantly surprised at their usefulness.

From Blogger to WordPress after all these years

I have been blogging for a long time, even before there were any blogging services to help out with the process. I used to edit a text file that automatically loaded into my home page in an early proto-blog experiment.

When came along, I took too it immediately. It simplified things a lot and really allowed me to get a constant stream of content on my site. Back in those days, I took advantage of the FTP publishing side of Blogger which allowed me to publish static pages directly to my own web server, instead of hosting the blog at a URL. I really liked this. It meant my blog was available even if Blogger was down, and it also meant I had my own copy of all my blog pages.

While I now create any new blogs using WordPress software, I still had 3 blogs using Blogger. Last week, though, I saw the end to my Blogger days. Google, who now owns Blogger, is doing away with FTP publishing entirely. One, My Word with Douglas E. Welch has already moved and A Gardener’s Notebook is next. I have decided to abandon the TechnologyIQ blog, as I haven’t been keeping up with it as I once did.

Blogger is providing a migration path for those using FTP publishing. You can move your blog to Blogspot using either a Blogspot URL or your own custom domain. Preliminary info is available in this document from Blogger — Important Note to FTP Users.

If you are using Blogger, you might be considering, or needing, to make a change. I highly recommend WordPress, both in its Blogspot-like hosted mode at and in the self-hosted version of WordPress available for install or download from your ISP or directly from

All things move forward. Blogger is focusing on the ease-of-use of hosted blogs, which is fine. You just might need to seek out other alternatives. If you are looking for advice on transitioning to or a self-hosted WordPress install, you can ask questions here using the Comments link below or in the forums on the New Media Interchange Community Site. I would be happy to answer any questions I can and sharing those questions with others would be a great way of getting more information out into the world.

You don’t need to follow everything – pick one!

Yesterday I posted a note to my gardening blog, A Gardener’s Notebook, announcing that I had started a Twitter feed for the blog and the shared items I find using Google Reader. One of the first comments I received on the post talked about feeling overwhelmed at “having” to follow this social media service and that social media service and basically suffering from information overload.

As a rule, it is not intended for you to subscribe to every social media service where I (or others) provide information. You only need to choose one.

The average user thinks that just because a publisher, like myself, has provided an information source, they MUST pay attention to it. In fact, each user instead needs to select the source of information that works best for them.

In my own case, I tend to rely on RSS feeds and Google Reader to manage my information flow. Sure I use Twitter and Facebook and more, but when it comes to “reading” blogs and other information sources, RSS is my go-to source.

That is NOT to say that everyone lives like I do, though. Some people live in Facebook and spend little time elsewhere. Others love Twitter or Myspace or Email subscriptions. As a “publisher” it is in my best interest to reach as many people as possible, so I provide my content on as many services as possible. Then, each person can select whichever way they want to consume my content.

That is exactly what you need to do — pick your favorite and make great use of it. Don’t worry about the Twitter feed, the Facebook Fan page or others if they don’t interest you. They are designed for others.

Top 10 Posts from Careers in New Media for 2009

Here is a list of the Top 10 Posts from Careers in New Media.

  1. Back up your WordPress Database or lose it
  2. Audio: Douglas talks WordPress on Small Business Hosting podcast
  3. Overcoming New Media Misconceptions
  4. Video: State of the Music Industry Panel Discussion – Feb 9, 2009
  5. New: Zoom Q3: Flip Video-type camera with better audio
  6. Elsewhere Online: Reaper – multitrack audio production software for Windows and Mac
  7. Using New Media to teach from afar – A Real World Example
  8. Tech: Audacity, LAME and MP3s
  9. In support of smaller conferences
  10. Audio: Happy Halloween – Ghosts of the Internet 2009 LIVE Reading