Ignore ALL New Media advice — maybe even this

Cookie cuttersAfter 6 years of podcasting and a deep immersion into the New Media world I find myself wondering if we all need to stop listening to New Media pundits and just GET ON WITH IT!

As with any new trend, meme, idea, service, product, whatever — there will always be those who think themselves experts in exactly how it should be done. You must post 1.4 Twitter messages each day, each being only 120 characters (to allow for Retweets and blog 2, 500-word blog posts each day, each with a call to action and comments specifically written to your target niche., etc, etc, etc.

Talk about sucking the life out of something!

My own advice, which you are — of course — free to ignore, is to “DO” New Media in whatever way seems fit, in whatever method seems fun or useful, on whatever time frame fits your schedule, directed at whatever audience you care to address. JUST DO IT!

Following too much advice can be more damaging than following too little. Each new pundit, each new expert hones and grinds New Media in their image. They take all that was new and exciting about New Media and turn it into yet another widget that can be commoditized and sold. They reduce the power of these new tools down to a lowest common denominator that seeks to serve everyone, but only seeks to serve them with mediocrity.

What good is it if you simply get better and better and doing what everyone else is doing? If you use New Media tools like everyone else in the crowd you become just one more anonymous figure within that crowd. New Media gives us the ability to stand out from the crowd, find our audience and make a difference in the world. Why squander it being the same as everyone else?

Every new idea goes through this phase? Goth was cool and edgy, now it can be bought in the mall. Punk music was loud and downright dangerous, now its commoditized just like Top 40 pop. Blogging used to be cool and cutting edge, now many do it with the same energy and excitement as a burned out accountant might bring.

Start with yourself when you develop your New Media projects. Sure, you can find some interesting ideas among the pundits, but when the advice starts to make everything look the same you would do better to think about how you can make your work different. Different is where new things happen. Different is where big success lies. Different is what keeps you from being swallowed by the big ocean of mediocrity.

What do YOU want out of New Media? How are YOU going to achieve it? What are YOU going to do? After all, if you are just going to do the same as everyone else — why do it at all?

Tip: Using typographical elements as graphics in blog posts

You may have noticed here that I sometimes like to use typographical elements — like the ?, ! and @ – as graphic elements in a blog post. Rather than go through the trouble of creating a JPEG, uploading it to the site and then linking it in with the IMG tag, I use this small bit of code below to render it out as text. Inline CSS styles allow me to easily size and position the element. This should work in nearly any blogging system, like WordPress and render properly in most or all browsers. You might also imagine using special characters like bullet signs, ™ and © symbols and more.

If you are looking for a quick way to dress up a blog post, give it a try.


This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element.

New Media’s Fundamental Place in e-Learning from LearningSolutions.com

This article recently appeared on LearningSolutions.com in advance of my presentation in their Online Forums. — Douglas

New Media’s Fundamental Place in e-Learning
By Douglas E. Welch September 30, 2010

“One of the most striking aspects of New Media is how much you can do inexpensively, even for free. As you move forward you might invest in larger, more robust systems, but investigating New Media often requires little more than access to the Internet. … There are very few financial excuses for not investigating how New Media can help your department or company.”

Like the technologies that preceded it – print, radio, television – New Media is set to change our lives and our learning in fundamental ways. Never before have we had such a great variety of educational tools at our disposal so inexpensively and so widely available. We can reach out to our customers, clients, and students almost anywhere in the world with the touch of button.

New Media consists of four pillars:

Online video sharing sites, such as YouTube,

Podcasting , which allows the automatic delivery of audio and video to listeners and viewers,

Live video streaming, such as uStream.tv and Justin.tv, and

Social media, that is, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other such services.

All of these together form New Media – new ways of delivering information and interacting with our audience, whoever or wherever they might be.

As with any new technology, inertia and fear threaten to limit our use of these tools. We spend months and years evaluating, analyzing and investigating, but end up doing very little. As with other educational tools, you must engage with New Media to find its usefulness to you and your students.

Read the entire article

Special note: Hear me speak on “Making the Case for Using New Media for e-Learning”! Sign up for The eLearning Guild’s October Online Forum, Integrating Media into Your e-Learning, October 7 and 8.

Photos: Cocktails with Bakespace.com, POM and Fiji Water

I attended this very nice event at Shutters at the Beach in Santa Monica sponsored by Bakespace.com, POM and Fiji Water. They served a POM Cosmo cocktail and some wonderful hors d’oeuvres.

It great to chat with some dedicated foodie and New Media folks. I love combining my interests and this event was certainly a great one for that.

POM Cosmo

1 1/2 oz POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
1 3/4 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Cointreau
1/3 oz Fresh Lime Juice
Twist of Lime

Pour ingredients into a shaker filled with ice.
Shake sharply and strain into glass.
Garnish with a twist of lime (optional).

Question: WordPress — Is it hype?


I get a lot of questions every day and here is a one from today…

  • Q: Seth Godin uses TypePad. Is WordPress hyped VS a Reg. Website and using Typepad as your blog platform? I like WP but seems like it has to be watched like a hawk for it not to freeze up or slow down. What will this cost me in WP maintenence fees.
  • A: Hmmm, is WordPress hyped? I don’t think so. It does what I need it to do. There is certainly some personal choice and preference involved. I don’t use TypePad myself, but many people seem to, so it must have something going for it.

    I find WordPress easy to maintain and manage and the number of plugins available for it make it quite extensible, even for someone like me who really isn’t a programmer, although technology-savvy. I do like having my own install of WordPress on my own web host, as opposed to having my blog hosted elsewhere — at least for my own personal blogs. I do use WordPress.com extensively for other, shared project blogs, though. I even have one blog still hosted at Blogger.com, where I started.

    Speed is more a function of your web host and the number of plugins/features you have installed on your WordPress site. As with anything, installing too much cruft can slow it down. I find that the amount of traffic you have is more a concern than the actual software though. WordPress has caching plugins available to help in high-load environments., though, so that can help if you have a really popular web site.

    I don’t find I have to “watch it like a hawk” to keep it running. In fact, I don’t think I have ever had a problem with WordPress other than those I have caused myself through badly configured plugins or themes. You should be able to maintain WordPress by yourself, as typically it only involves clicking a few buttons and waiting for the upgrade. In fact, I always recommend that bloggers know how to control and maintain their own blogs, rather than relying on someone else — especially if that person is charging by the hour for basic maintenance.

    The new automated upgrade utilities built into WordPress make it almost a plug and play environment. Most web hosts have a one/two-click install for WordPress, making it even easier.

    Overall, I like WordPress, both self-hosted and hosted at WordPress.com. It serves me well and I regularly recommend it to others.

Do you have a question? Why not drop me a line? Use the Comments link above, send email to me@douglasewelch.com or call the voice mail line at 818-804-5049

Question: How do I make automatic backups of my WordPress blog database?


I get a lot of questions every day and here is a one from today…

  • Q: How do I easily backup my WordPress database (the file that holds all your posts, comments, etc). Why should you backup your WordPress Database? If not, am I in danger of losing all my blog posts due to hacking, upgrade issues or other technical mistakes?.
  • A: Yes, failing to backup your WordPress database could lead to the loss of all your blog content if there is an issue. There are a variety of ways to backup your WordPress database. The usual method is to use the database manager page at your web host’s site to manually run a backup to a text file and then download the text file. Doesn’t sound very easy or fun, does it. When I switched over to WordPress a few years ago I was determined to find an easier, and more automatic way, to do backups.

    Enter WordPress Database Backup, a free WordPress plugin available from austinmatzko.com.

    On each of your self-hosted WordPress blogs, download and install this plugin and then activate it via the WordPress Dashboard. Once installed, you can force an immediate backup that can be downloaded to your local computer or, and I prefer this method, an automatic backup which wakes up and then emails the backup file. I keep a separate Gmail account just for this purpose.

    Now, whenever there is a WordPress upgrade, I check to make sure there was a recent automatic backup and then proceed with the upgrade, secure in the knowledge that all my content is safe.

Do you have a question? Why not drop me a line? Use the Comments link above, send email to me@douglasewelch.com or call the voice mail line at 818-804-5049

Online Video classes need energy, passion and added value

I give a lot of training sessions — one-on-one, small group and larger sessions. I think this makes me a bit sensitive to issues when I am on the other side of the table. I cringe when I am faced with a class that is less than it could, or should be. Due to the freely available live streaming audio and video tools, it is easier than ever to create classes, but sometimes the fundamentals of teaching get lost in the process.

While attending an online course today via streaming video, I was struck with a problem that I hadn’t really thought about before. In classes where there is a large amount of prep work — installing several software packages, checking connections, trying a sample project — the first session can be quite daunting. Students are eager to dive into the topic and start working with the tools or information. If, instead, they are presented with an hour or more of setup, you are likely to lose them before you ever get started. I know for myself, today’s class seemed interminable. In fact, they may have lost me for the rest of the class. I will probably give it one more try, but if it isn’t significantly better, I will probably abandon the class in favor of more self-directed learning through others sources.

Of course, this got me thinking about how you can avoid problems like this, where the setup takes up an entire class session before the students can experience something “cool.” One way I would have approached it would to have had an online forum/discussion group setup a week or more before the live class, where students could work through the installation and troubleshooting of all the necessary software and materials. There could have been group leaders online to answer questions and help everyone prepare, so this information wouldn’t need to be covered during the first live class. The instructor could make the assumption that everyone was ready to go and could dive into the most interesting part of the information. This would provide a much more exciting and energetic start to any class.

The next separate, yet related issue, is that of instructor demeanor. Whether this was caused by being forced to address the setup issues in the first class, over-familiarity with their subject or general personality, the instructor of this online class showed no excitement about his topic. One can guess he is an expert in his field, but without any sense of passion about the topic it made the class a very hard slog. For me, when teaching in any environment, a certain amount of passion is expected, desired and, for me, required. If I can’t get excited about the topic, how do I ever hope to excite the students interest? How do I hope to help them (or push them) through the rough parts of the class, if I can’t make the topic interesting and applicable to them. How can I hope to enjoy teaching the topic if I am bored with it. A little excitement, a little fun, a little look into the cool stuff to come would have been very welcome.

Of course, classes are about information transfer — teaching students something — but without a certain amount of fun and passion involved they can become less useful than simply reading the material out of a book or web site. If you are going to “teach” a course, you need to add value to the information, not simply read it out. Your video needs to add value to the information in order to justify someone taking time out of their day to show up in a particular place at a particular time.

How do you add value with your audio or video projects? What passion to you bring to the screen? You would be well advised to think about these issues before you start. Share your thoughts using the Comments link.

Elsewhere Online: Jazz Up Your Next YouTube Video with Royalty-Free Music From Incompetech [Music]

Podcasters and other new media folks can always use some good music for their audio and video projects. If you aren’t a musician, have friends who are, or can’t afford a lot of money to license music, Incompetech can offer you some nice, royalty-free music.

They have music in a variety of styles and moods and a quick listen found several tracks I will use in upcoming productions. All that is asked in return is an optional $5 donation and/or credit in your project when completed.

Check it out!

I originally found out about this music from Lifehacker via Jazz Up Your Next YouTube Video with Royalty-Free Music From Incompetech [Music].

Question: Should I stay on Facebook?

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been asked this question more than a few times, both face-to-face and via email/Twitter. The on-going privacy policy battles with Facebook have turned off a lot of people on the large (and growing larger) service, but for the foreseeable future, if you leave Facebook, you might just be reducing your social media effectiveness.

First, let me say that I haven’t had a large problem with Facebook privacy settings for two important reasons.

  1. I joined Facebook after it had opened up for everyone, not just limited groups of high school and college students so I never developed an assumption of privacy there.

  2. As with any social media, I consider anything and everything I post there to be public by default, so changes in Facebook’s privacy policy didn’t really effect me or the way I used the service.

For most people, you want (and perhaps, need) to be on Facebook for one very important reason…it is where the people are. In shear numbers, Facebook far outweighs any other social network and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Removing yourself from that mass of people will limit the effectiveness of any social media campaign, both person and professional, that you might care to create. You need to connect with the quorum of people that exist on Facebook to spread your message as far as possible. Deleting your Facebook account might make your feel better, but your online relationships and business will suffer.

Will Facebook always be the big event in town? No. History has shown that companies ebb and flow over the years and sometime, somewhere, someone will create a new and better service and will do to Facebook, what it did to Myspace (and others). Until then, we all need to “dance with those that brought us.”

That said, if you want to continue to have private conversations via Facebook, you need to look elsewhere. Facebook has shown every indication that they will be “public by default.” Even if you manage your Facebook Privacy Settings perfectly, you will be exposing your “private” updates to any number of people. Look towards closed email lists or other services which promise closed communications and leave Facebook for your public-facing activities. Remember, though, that even then information can leak out of these so-called “private” realms very easily. A forwarded email, a Twitter message, a casual mention by a fellow group member over the phone show you just how fragile privacy can be. In some cases, the only way to truly private about something is to be the only person who knows about it.

You need to engage on Facebook, publicly, if you want spread your message and thoughts to the widest audience possible. Move your private conversations elsewhere. Facebook isn’t going back so you need to do what is best for you.

Turning your Passion into your Personal Brand at Sizzlecaster.com

I did a short interview via Skype video today with Tracy Pattin of Sizzlecaster.com. Tracy is starting this new show and business to help with “Turning your Passion into your Personal Brand.” We talk about the how and way of moving forward with your own personal branding.

You can find Tracy’s complete blog post at Sizzlecaster.com.

Show recommendation: FilmRiot from Revision3

I had some open time in the last few days and I have spent some time finding sites and shows that can help you make your New Media projects even better.

The first show I am highlighting is FilmRiot from Revision3. The production quality is quite high and the content is very good. There is a bit of silliness in each episode, but in reviewing several episodes I found some really good hints, tips and tricks you can put to use today. Embedded below is a recent episode entitled “Turn Your Tripod Into a Dolly or Jib!: Learn how to use your tripod as a dolly or jib, then learn about using different camera techniques to enhance your story.” These are simple hints, but for those of us working on small budgets and with heavy time constraints, they can quickly bump up the quality of our projects.

You can subscribe to FilmRiot and download previous episodes from the FilmRiot site.

Question: How do I set up a WordPress blog with a static page as the home page?


I get a lot of questions every day and here is a one from today…

  • Q: How do I set up a WordPress or WordPress.com blog to use a static page as the opening screen instead of a list of blog posts?
  • A: I first turned to the WordPress Codex to give me some guidance on this. You can read more in this here – Creating a static front page.

    Basically, you create the WordPress Page you would like to act as the front page for the site. Put your home page content here. Then, create another page and name it Blog, Posts, or whatever else makes sense to you. You need not add anything to this page, as it is only a placeholder to contain the usual posts you would see in a more typical WordPress blog.

    Next, from the WordPress Dashboard, select Settings, Reading. Under the first option on that page (Front page displays) select the radio button next to “A static page”. Then in the popup menus immediately below that, under Front Page, select the page you created to act as the new front page. Under the Posts page, select the second page you created named Blog, Posts, etc. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Save Changes” button.

    Now when people visit your blog, they will see the static page you defined. You will need to include a link to the Posts page in the sidebar or header in order to allow people to access your blog posts.

Do you have a question? Why not drop me a line? Use the Comments link above, send email to me@douglasewelch.com or call the voice mail line at 818-804-5049

YouTube offers new type of EMBED code for videos

Update: I got to try viewing this post on an iPad and, sure enough, it allows for the embedded video to play right in the page, much like we see every other video. Very cool!

In this blog post, A New Way To Embed YouTube Videos, YouTube announced testing of new EMBED codes for your video.

The biggest enhancement I see is that this embed will serve up wither Adobe Flash or HTML5 video depending on the users environment. This should make it easier for bloggers to post one video link regardless of the technology their readers might be using.

There are 2 major limitations. First, videos with advertisements must still be played using Flash and, second, anyone using WordPress.com and other platforms that prevent the usage of “iframe” will not be able to use this new method.

Below I have embedded one of my older videos using the new method. I will then go and check it out on my iPhone and in other browsers to see how well it works.

Video: Different methods of presentation – 2 vacation videos

We recently returned from a trip to the UK and I took several videos while we were there. The 2 videos below show 2 different methods of presenting a location to your viewer.

The first is this time lapse video of a “flight” on the London Eye. It seemed to me that presenting clips from the slow moving ride, or posting the entire ride in real time wouldn’t really give the feeling that I was looking for.

To capture this footage, we immediately placed our Flip Mino HD on a table top tripod on the floor of the capsule. You may notice that there was at least one time when we adjusted the few, but for the most part the video was just captured as we enjoyed the view. The movement of the boats and cars offers a nice contrast to the slow movement of the Eye itself.

In order second video, we did the opposite. Instead of speeding up time, we slowed it down…at least figuratively. Using the concept of a “long picture” I took 3 views of Stonehenge, again using the tripod, but rather than moving around like most videos would, these are 2 static shots.

I believe this gives a great feeling of what it would be like to be sitting there on the grass with us. The audio was captured from a group who were chanting nearby and I thought this added an important element, too.

You can see more examples of these “long picture” videos in this Places UK: Cardiff Bay and Water in Millard Canyon.

Videos don’t have to be like every other video on the Internet. Experiment with movement, stillness, profiles, interviews and any other videos that you can imagine. You never know what you might discover.

What do you need to live video stream your event?

One of the most common questions I get asked as a New Media consultant is “How do I live video stream my event?” The fact is, the technology part of the live streaming equation is easier than ever before, but it still requires a little bit of equipment and, more importantly, good planning to get your live video stream up and running.

…requires a little bit of equipment and, more importantly, good planning…

Time to prepare

First, you need to give yourself some time. I often receive requests and questions about live streaming the day before, or the day of, and event. If you haven’t been streaming your events before, this is usually not enough time to do more than the most basic of video streams. This doesn’t usually have anything to do with technology, but more to do with logistics.

Depending on what you are trying to accomplish you might simply have a laptop and webcam which is pointed at a stage or a speaker. Even then, though, you will need to have some basic knowledge of the different types of live video streaming services out there and what they can do. Ideally, you will want to do a “sound check” earlier in the day or even the day before your event to make sure you don’t have any issues with the local network, web cam and service. You will need to set up your account with the streaming service and learn how you can embed and link to your stream during your event.

Time to promote

This points to another issue with time, too. If you want to attract an audience to your live video stream, you need to give them plenty of notice. They will need to place the event in their calendars and plan around it just as they would if they were attending in person. This is one of the limitations of live streams, of course, you still need to be in a particular place at a particular time, even if that place is only on your own sofa.

Ideally, you want to promote your event 2-3 weeks ahead. Then you will also want to remind people 1 week before the event, 1 day before the event and finally, right before the event starts. You will want to embed the player for the live stream on your blog and/or web site so people can easily find it and even stumble across it if they have forgotten about the event.

Adding complexity

Live video streaming from one location is the simplest to set up, but often show hosts and producers what to take live callers, or even live video calls, during their event. While it is possible to do this in a number of ways, be aware that the complexity of your production will increase dramatically.

You will probably want, if not need, additional computers, higher speed Internet connections and more people to handle the technology…at least initially. Once you get things up and running, you might be able to produce your show by yourself, but allow yourself some “helping hands” at the beginning.

Saving it for later

You will also want to make arrangement to capture the video from your event for those who weren’t able to watch it live. The fact is, the size of this audience is often much larger than the audience watching live. You can deliver this video via YouTube or other video sharing site, embed it on your web site or blog or even sell it on DVD to those who might want to own a physical copy.

Do you want to learn more about live video streaming and how to get it working for your event? Add your comments here or email me at me@douglasewelch.com to set up a phone or in-person consult.

Remember, allow yourself plenty of time before your first event so you aren’t struggling with the technology while also trying to organize your event.

New Media Books by my Friends

Since I was there at the beginning of Podcasting and New Media, it only makes sense that I have a lot of friends and acquaintances in the New Media world. In fact, several of these friends have authored, or co-authored very useful New Media books. Below are some examples.

Friends Evo Terra, Tee Morris and fellow Friends in Tech members, Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Steppe all collaborated on 2nd Edition of this excellent Podcasting guide book. All were there are the beginning of podcasting 5+ years ago and they have a host of knowledge between them.

Chuck and Kreg also co-authored Sams Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes. WordPress is an integral part of New Media today and many podcast producers use it to host their web sites and blogs and also release their podcast shows. Anyone who wants to get started in New Media would be well advised to check out this book.

Evo Terra and Tee Morris, along with Ryan Williams, also created a followup to their Podcasting for Dummies book entitled Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies.

Book Links:

Podcasting for Dummies: Paperback | Kindle Edition

Sams Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes: Paperback | Kindle Edition

Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies: Paperback

Event: All-day podcasting workshop at mLearnCon in San Diego, California

I will be presenting the workshop below during the mLearnCon Conference in San Diego, California.

Audio Podcasting A to Z for Mobile Learning

Monday June 14, 2010 08:30 AM
Douglas E. Welch, The WelchWrite Company, Inc.

Podcasting is the epitome of m-Learning in that education and training can be “pulled” to your audience at the time and place of their choosing. While many organizations could provide educational, training, and informational content via Podcast, the subject just seems too complex and outside the “comfort zone.”

This workshop will demystify the subject, and provide participants with clear direction and guidance that will allow them to go home and get started. You will get step-by-step instructions on the design, development, and delivery of an audio Podcast, and explore recording software, microphones, and headsets as well as other equipment.

In this session, you will learn:

A thorough understanding of the structure of a Podcast
The Podcasting design process
The Podcasting production process
The Podcasting delivery process
The Podcasting distribution process

Audience: Participants at all levels who have general computer knowledge and a willingness to be recorded.

Technologies Discussed in This Session: Delivery platforms include the Web, iPhone, iPod, and CD or other portable media device.

I will also be presenting a current conference session on Tuesday, June 15 @ 230pm…

Mobile Audio Recording: Let Me Count the Ways

Tuesday June 15, 2010 02:30 PM

All too often, great content is “lost” simply because people don’t realize they can capture it. Now new mobile recording solutions make it possible to capture content “at the source” wherever and whenever it might appear. In the past, audio production, especially mobile audio production, was complicated and expensive. Today, new and inexpensive tools make high-quality audio recording available to everyone so that even the home/office user has access to technology that lets them create amazing audio presentations even while on the move. This session will open doors for those who have been considering mobile audio production, but haven’t yet taken the first step.

Session participants will explore the equipment and software available for mobile audio recording. You’ll learn about the reasonably priced or free software available for producing your recordings and how to use equipment like your iPhone or iPod Touch. You’ll learn how to capture audio with USB microphones or high-quality shotgun microphones used for film and television production, and even doing online recording via phone. You’ll learn the tools ranging from Audacity and Apple Garageband to ProTools.

In this session, you will learn:

* The wide variety of mobile audio recording options available
* The ease with which you can collect high-quality audio content
* How to use online recording and teleconference services to capture your audio
* The variety of inexpensive microphones available for specific uses
* About free audio software such as Audacity and Garageband
* Why you should be capturing audio at every event and opportunity

Audience: Novice. Very little previous knowledge of audio recording and production required.

Technologies discussed in this session: Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, Audacity free recording and mixing software, Apple Garageband, portable recorders such as the iRiver IFP-795, Zoom H2/H4, Edirol R09, iPhone/iPod Touch, cell phone, online recording systems, phone-based recording systems, teleconference systems like Talkshoe.com and BlogTalkRadio.com, a variety of microphones, and USB mixing boards.

Claim your business online with Foursquare and Google Places

Location is hot in the technology world lately. As new services are created and achieve some sort of traction it is always a good idea to try each one. You never know how useful any particular service might be, especially until you give it a try.

Recently, both Foursquare and Google Places (originally Google Local) have opened up a new selection of services for business owners. You can now “claim” your business, your store, your venue and control the information that is shared via Foursquare check-ins, Google Search and Google Maps. Location is destined to be the next big thing, so organizing your own piece of location “real estate” could pay big benefits in the future.

How to claim your Googles Places listing?

  • Visit http://places.google.com and login with your Google Account
  • Click Add Listing
  • Enter in your business information
  • Google will perform a search looking for an existing business in your location
  • Select your business and Click “Claim Listing” or, if your business was not found, select “Add Listing”
  • Complete the questionnaire regarding location, hours and more and click “Submit”
  • You will then be asked to verify your listing by phone or mail. I used the automated mail system to verify my listing in about 2 minutes.
  • Now your Google Places listing will include  the label “Owner-verified listing”
  • If you perform this verification first, you can use your Google Places page to verify your Foursquare venue in the next step

How to become a manager of a Foursquare Venue

  • Visit http://foursquare.com
  • Search for your business or venue
  • If found, click the link “Are you the manager of this business?”
  • Step through the 2 steps, using your Google Places URL, Yelp URL and others to verify your “ownership” of the Foursquare venue.
  • As of yet, my Foursquare registration has not been confirmed or denied, but they also don’t list a timeline for confirmation of that registration.

Any questions? Drop a comment using the link above and I will offer whatever information I can.

Ning.com removes free option

Community service site, Ning.com, announced today that they are removing the free option for their services and requiring all free sites to move up to their premium plan or move off the service.

“So, we are going to change our strategy to devote 100% of our resources to building the winning product to capture this big opportunity. We will phase out our free service. Existing free networks will have the opportunity to either convert to paying for premium services, or transition off of Ning.”

As it is, I will be closing the 2 Ning.com sites I run as they are for free groups without a means to support the premium payments. There are several alternatives including using existing Facebook Fan Pages.

Elsewhere Online: How Adam Carolla Became a Podcast Superstar from Fast Company

Fast Company has an interesting story on Adam Corolla and his turn to podcasting after the ending of his traditional radio show. This is an interesting look inside the world of entertainment-oriented podcasting — podcasts that seek to make money as entertainment in their own right, as opposed to shows used to support a company, product or service.

How Adam Carolla Became a Podcast Superstar
BY: ELLEN MCGIRTApril 1, 2010

Adam Carolla is a master builder who created this glass office. His next project? Building his podcast network to profitability. | Photographs by Jeff Minton
Radio-and-TV personality Adam Carolla stumbled into podcasting and immediately became its No. 1 star. Now he’s launching his own broadcasting network. Inside the messy birth of a new medium.

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