Old and new in my world – End of the Day for January 16, 2014

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Listen to this “End of the Day” audio podcast

(Music: “Vibe Ace” by Kevin MacLeod, http://incompetech.com, Under Creative Commons License)

As I look back of the years, I realize I have probably had some presence on the World Wide Web for about 20 years. Once it became easy to access the Internet, even at dial-up speeds, I started to upload my writing, photos and more. Even so, I am finding that a lot of my early content is unavailable, un-findable or in low resolution formats due to limited upload speeds and storage requirements of the early web. Since the beginning of this year, I have been making a special effort to resurface some of this older, evergreen, content and share it with an entirely new audience. One way I do this is using the free Timehop service. Timehop looks back through my social media feeds, photo uploads and more and shows me what I was sharing 1,5 and even 8 years ago. Still this is only a fraction of the time I have been on the web, so I still need to do a little manual digging.

One of the things I have come across on my own are collections of photos from 2003 or so that I almost forgot I posted. I have been manually reviewing the old pages from the original My Word blog, which was based on Blogger.com and at the time held all of my blogging on all of my topics. My later, topic specific blogs  like A Gardener’s Notebook only came later, as I started to be more specific with my content.

Here are 2 sample photos that I rediscovered in my travels. As I find these collections of photos, I am hunting down the original, full resolution source photos,uploading them to Flickr and sharing them on the appropriate blogs and social media sites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. It is great to re-live the events and memories of the past and still find that the photos are as artistic  now, as they were then. I hope this encourages you to revisit some of your older materials and share them again with those who might be seeing them for the first time.

Sunset from Mount Washington 2003 - 17

Travel Town Trains 2003 - 3


Click to see larger images and other images in these photo sets on Flickr

The New

As much as I might be looking back into my past, I also spend part of each day looking forward, creating new content and, like today, creating entire new series for my blogs. Today, as part of my Careers in New Media blog, I have launched Blogging 101, a series that has been on my mind for some time now. I have learned a lot about blogging, and I am always telling others they need to blog, but I understand that it can be difficult to get started. The technology can seem a bit confusing. People often wonder what they have worth writing about. There are social media tools that need to be learned and used.

Blogging 1o1 is for blogging beginners, with perhaps a few intermediate tips as the series continues. It is about getting people started blogging and sharing the important information they know with their audience. In today’s first post, I talk about Why you should blog, what it can gain you and what you can learn from it. I hope to have a new installment weekly, usually sometime on Thursday. I hope you’ll check out this new series, learn a bit about blogging and tell me what you think.

So there is a typical day for me — a little old, a little new, but always something working, brewing, sharing and, hopefully, enlightening for my readers.

Previously on End of the Day:

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  1. Pingback: My Word with Douglas E. Welch » Changes in the office – End of the Day for January 17, 2014

  2. Pingback: My Word with Douglas E. Welch » Transition with a destination — End of the Day for January 21, 2014

  3. Pingback: My Word with Douglas E. Welch » How weird is your father? – End of the Day for January 24, 2014

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