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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Off to the eWaste Drop-off We Go!

Randall Street S.A.F.E Collection Center
11025 Randall St. Sun Valley, CA 91352
Map and Info in PDF Format

Other S.A.F.E Centers

I finally got my act together this morning, gathered up all my eWaste, packed them into my Element and headed off to the industrial heartland of the San Fernando Valley -- Sun Valley. It is here that the City of Los Angeles has a permanent drop-off site for eWaste and Hazardous Waste.

The picture above shows the entrance to the location. They were unwilling to let me take photos within the drop-off itself.

The Collection Center was well-organized and not very busy at 1030 AM on a Saturday. Their hours of operation are Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Rain cancels the drop-off.

My load contained 3 old PCs, my venerable Apple LaserWriter Pro 600 that finally died after 15+ years of service, a bag of batteries, a fax machine and a computer monitor I no longer needed. I hate to throw anything away, but these PCs wouldn't even run one of the small Linux distributions anymore, so there wasn't much I could do. I have recycled one old PC myself as a office server and it works very well.

The flyer from the web site declares a 6-piece limit for the drop-off, but the staff didn't seem concerned with my, probably, 8-9 item total, when you included the small individual pieces. The staff was friendly and efficient. You don't even have to unload. Due to the hazardous waste that might be dropped off, you are requested to remain in your car during the process.

If you have old electronics lying around, remember, California State Law now declares that they must be disposed of properly and not simply thrown in the trash. Visit on of the permanent drop-off centers, or check the eWaste calendar for a scheduled drop-off in your area.

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