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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Apple revamps entire iPod line

iPod NanoiPod Touch

In typical Apple fashion, the company made a big splash today by revamping their entire iPod/iPhone line of gadgets. The new iPod Nano now plays video and pictures as well as music, new iPod Classics boast a new interface and larger hard drive space, up to 160 GB), the iPodTouch brings almost all of the features of the iPhone to the iPod, including WiFi networking and access to the Apple Wifi Music store. The iPhone itself loses the 4GB version and gets a $200 price cut on the 8 GB version.

I have been looking for a replacement for my aging Palm Treo 90 that would allow me to connect to WiFi networks for mail and web browsing, so the iPodTouch is looking very nice. I will know more once I lay hands on the unit, which isn't expected until the end of this month.

Truly something for everyone today. You can find all the details on Apple's web site.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ep.005 - MacWorld and CES: A World of Technology Joy! - Corrected

Ep.005 - MacWorld and CES: A World of Technology Joy! - January 16, 2007

Douglas E. Welch and Sam Anderson review some of the neat stuff to come out of Apple's annual MacWorld conference and CES 2007, the Consumer Electronics Show.

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