Audio: Interview with Peter Lythgoe from the Zzip & Co Podcast Show, Weymouth, UK

Douglas speaks to Peter Lythgoe from the Zzip & Co Podcast Show based in Weymouth, UK about the special needs and uses of a local podcast. Peter covers news and events in and around Weymouth and also seeks out local authors and musicians to interview and promote.

** This interview was recorded via Skype. The audio is good, but the video is a bit rough due to low frame rate issues.

You can find the Zzip & Co Podcast Show at where you can listen to their audio shows or subscribe via iTunes. You can also find videos by Peter on his YouTube channel, Zzippster, at

Listen to the podcast

Watch the video version of this podcast here

Interview with Peter Lythgoe


Video: Interview with Peter Lythgoe from the Zzip & Co Podcast Show, Weymouth, UK

Douglas speaks to Peter Lythgoe from the Zzip & Co Podcast Show based in Weymouth, UK about the special needs and uses of a local podcast. Peter covers news and events in and around Weymouth and also seeks out local authors and musicians to interview and promote.

** This interview was recorded via Skype. The audio is good, but the video is a bit rough due to low frame rate issues.

You can find the Zzip & Co Podcast Show at where you can listen to their audio shows or subscribe via iTunes. You can also find videos by Peter on his YouTube channel, Zzippster, at

Can’t see the video about? Watch “Interview with Peter Lythgoe from the Zzip & Co Podcast Show, Weymouth, UK” on YouTube

Subscribed 009: Minecraft and More with Paul Soares, Jr.

When my son first got involved with the game Minecraft, and got me interested as well, he quickly recommended a video series to help me make it through my first night in Minecraft. Paul Soares, Jr’s series, “How to Survive and Thrive in Minecraft” is a fun, informative and light-hearted look at how to make Minecraft even more fun.

Soares also does many more Minecraft gaming series as well as play-throughs of other big names in the gaming world, including Skyrim. If you are the least bit interested in Minecraft, i highly recommend Paul’s channel for a great combination of learning and fun!

You can also visit Paul’s web site, for even more info and discussion.

Visit the Paul Soares, Jr. YouTube Channel for more videos!

What are some of your favorite YouTube Subscriptions? Share them here in the comments!

Previously highlighted on Subscribed:

Video: #KitchenParty – How to publish a successful food blog w/ Nichelle Stephens from Cupcakes Take the Cake! – Recorded Version

While #KitchenParty is mainly about food and foodie things, in this week’s episode we also talk a lot about what makes a successful food blog and, more generically, any successful blog.  — Douglas

Watch the recorded video below!

Success blog

How to publish a successful food blog

Nichelle Stephens from Cupcakes Take the Cake! We’re talking Cupcake Recipes & how to #publish a successful food blog.

To watch the show, simply go here on Thursday at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT on our page or head on over to our site at:

And don’t forget… every show we publish a community cookbook based on the topic. This week we’re sharing #cupcake #recipes . To our your favorite recipe to our #community #cookbook upload your favorite recipe here:

Your Hosts Every Week: Babette Pepaj from , +eff Houck from the Tampa Tribune, Rene Lynch (LA Times) & Douglas Welch (pro blogger – a Gardner’s Notebook)

Subscribed 008: GardenforkTV with Eric Rochow

I have been watching Eric Rochow and GardenforkTV for a long time. He first caught my eye with some excellent videos on all sorts of gardening and food topics and more recently he has expanded to Gardenfork Radio — a long form talk and interview audio podcast that is perfect for listening in the car.

Gardenfork is a fairly eclectic channel and podcast, covering everything from Eric’s boisterous Labradors to who to make the perfect mashed potatoes to building raised beds to beekeeping. Eric has an infectious, unassuming manner which makes you feel like you would love to have him for a neighbor in the country. The show splits its time between his and his wife’s (the “camera operator”) apartment in Brooklyn and their farm in rural Connecticut.

You can subscribe to the GardenforkTV YouTube Channel for all the videos or subscribe to the video podcast using iTunes and/or ths Gardenfork Radio audio podcasts. I subscribe to both podcasts, as I love to see most everything Eric produces.


Visit the Gardenfork YouTube Channel for more videos!

What are some of your favorite YouTube Subscriptions? Share them here in the comments!

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New Media/Social Media Jobs Available – Search by Location and Keyword

Check out our list of New Media jobs (and others) available via

Enter your location for jobs close to you. You can also search on other keywords.

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Is that a production studio in your pocket? – Logitech’s New WiFI webcam works w/ iPad/iPhone/Mac

So, it looks like Logitech has been watching a lot of uStream and a lot of Google Hangouts lately. Their new webcam, the Logitech Broadcaster ($199 US) , is a WiFi connected webcam that allows for secondary angles during your web stream. It can also record that second angle to be used for a later edit in iMovie. The Logitech Broadcaster can be controlled from an iPad, iPhone or your Mac and you can use a combination of all the available cameras in your stream or recording.



Here is a video from Logitech showing off some of the features.

Can’t see video above? Watch “Logitech Boradcaster” on YouTube.


The case of the Logitech Broadcaster does double-duty as a magnetic base for the camera, allow you to position it where you need. It doesn’t look like it has a traditional tripod mount, but that is a little hard to see from the video and pictures provided.

If you are looking to take your web streams and video productions to another level, the Logitech Broadcaster could be an interesting piece of kit to add to your gig bag.

Subscribed 007: Cool Hunting

Who doesn’t like some “cool” in their lives? Cool Hunting provides a regular dose of cool through its video series highlighting cool stuff in design, art, engineering and more. Cool Hunting is available both as a YouTube channel and a podcast via their web site. The videos are high-quality and shot with an eye towards the artistic while giving you insight into the people involved in the projects.

I highly recommend Cool Hunting as a refreshing bit of entertainment for your mind. Hopefully it can spur you to some “cool” projects of your own.


Visit the Cool Hunting YouTube Channel for more videos!

What are some of your favorite YouTube Subscriptions? Share them here i the comments!

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Also on #KitchenParty: Healthy recipes throughout the holidays – 8pm EDT/5pm PDT

I write on a lot of different topics here on, some of which you might also be interested in. Infrequently, I like to share events that are happening on the other WelchWrite blogs. I hope you find them interesting — Douglas

Join us for our next KitchenParty show and live chat on Thursday, October 11th at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern. This week’s guests are: Amie Valpone, The Healthy Apple and Carolyn Scott-Hamilton, The Healthy Voyager.

Submit your favorite ‘Healthy Holiday Recipe’ for our community cookbooks:

Kp holiday

My Favorite New Media Things – September 2012

My Favorite Things

Here are my favorite shared new media items for September 2012.

Please let me know in the comments if you find any of the particularly useful. I’ll keep my eye open for similar items — Douglas

Video: Using Chirp to Enhance Your Podcasts

I came across this new iPhone app, Chirp,  last night in my usual Internet reading and it got me to thinking immediately — couldn’t this app be used to create enhanced podcasts that automatically directed listeners to web sites, photos, notes and more at specific points in the show. This is my short demo on how it might be done.

This certainly wasn’t something that the creators were thinking about when creating the app, but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t use it to our (i.e. podcasters) advantage.

Can’t see the video above? View “Using Chirp to Enhance Your Podcasts” on YouTube

iPhone: send links via electronic birdsong


I came across this post on Boing Boing about this new iPhone app, This app allows you to select a photos, note or link and send an audio “chirp” that other iPhones can receive, and then decode the link.

“We’re a spinout from University College London Computer Science and we’ve developed a new data transfer application for smartphones (and more) called Chirp.

This is our thing – a technology inspired by birdsong and the principles of biomimicry.

We think it’s pretty exciting since the app has great potential, although it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Our plans include teaching the machines to sing.”

While it may seem odd to speak of analog and acoustic in these days of digital and electronic, I immediately saw one way to put Chirp to use — as a data, and/or advertising trigger for audio or video podcasts. I am going to do some quick tests to see if you can embed the Chirp codes into a podcast file, both audio and video, and see if they can be received and retrieved by the app on my iPhone.

Enhanced podcasts have never really caught on as they require either iTunes or an iPod to view the enhanced content and require a bit more production to create. With Chirp. you could include data triggers directly as part of the MP3 file. I’ll report back after a few tests.

An Health Update on Douglas!


Hello everyone!

This is a quick note to explain what has happened to me and why the blogs, podcasts an videos have been slow in coming over the last couple of weeks.

I became ill last Tuesday, (9/25) and ended up having emergency gallbladder surgery on Monday (10/1). I am home recovering as best I can, but I will probably be out of commission for about 2 weeks. It is very possible I will not be back at full strength until the month of November.

You may see a quick blog post or Twitter message over the next couple of weeks as I entertain myself with the Internet, but there will probably not be any large projects in the near future. I do hope to launch a big giveaway on A Gardener’s Notebook in the next couple of days, though, so watch that space.

I want to assure you that I am doing as well as can be expected and hope to be back to normal as soon as I can.

News: New Media Expo Announces Scholarship for Content Creators #NMXU #NMX

Nmxu logo

New Media Expo Announces Scholarship for Content Creators #NMXU #NMX

There’s no denying New Media Expo offers valuable learning opportunities. With almost 90 educational sessions presented by the leading experts in new media content creation, podcasters, bloggers and webTV and video producers always return home inspired and ready to put what they learned to good use. We love that our attendees take time to share with us that we’ve provided such a valuable educational opportunity, but we also hear from content creators who would love to attend our event but can’t get here for a variety of reasons.
We’re about to make it easier for one person.

Throughout the month of October, we’re accepting applications for the first ever (and hopefully not the last) New Media Expo University scholarship. Offered as part of our new New Media Expo University (#NMXU) educational project, this scholarship will provide a complete educational experience at NMX in Las Vegas from January 6th through 8th 2013 for one lucky recipient.


Read entire article

Subscribed 006: CareerCamp International

A bit of semi-self-promotion this week on Subscribed. Today’s featured YouTube Channel is from CareerCamp International. CareerCamps are a series of free, career unconferences organized by local communities and sponsored by local businesses. Back in July 2012 we held our 7th CareerCamp in Santa Clarita, California.

The CareerCamp International YouTube Channel is where we post videos recorded at the various CareerCamp events. Currently there are 15 different videos for you to investigate. Check out the titles to see which one’s you might be interested in watching. You’ll find a couple of videos from me in the mix there, too.

Here is a talk from CareerCampLA co-chair, Jennifer Oliver O’Connell. Check out all the videos on the CareerCamp International YouTube Channel. 

What are some of your favorite YouTube Subscriptions? Share them here i the comments!

Previously highlighted on Subscribed:

Watch the #KitchenParty! A food show recorded using latest New Media tool — Google Hangouts on Air

The recording of our Thursday, September 20, 2012 episode of KitchenParty is now online.

I am part of the crew for this new foodie show sponsored by We are using Google Hangouts to hold a conversation based around some food topic each Thursday night at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT.

Google Hangouts are one of the newest New Media kids on the block and lots of people are taking advantage of them for both personal and more professional shows. Hangouts integrate directly with YouTube. This means that once your Hangout On Air completes, it is automatically uploaded to your YouTube Channel without any further action from you. For large files, like this one hour show, this cuts out a lot of the traditional editing and rendering required for  a traditionally recorded show.

Hangouts give you a simple to use place to record conversations with up to 10 people at once, which is nearly perfect if you are doing a show like KitchenParty. One more tool for your New Media toolbox.

Please give us a “Like” on YouTube and tune in next Thursday at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT for our next show!

Tonight’s Topic: Kids back in school? Looking for good things to feed them? Fed up with junk food?

Join us as we discuss healthier food options for our kids this school year. Joining us will be J.M. Hirsch, the food editor of the Associated Press and Katie Workman, Co-Founder of and author of Mom 101.

In addition, we’ll also publish our healthy lunch options cookbook. To add your recipe to our cookbook, submit it here:

My links from tonight’s show:

Food: Join the “Kitchen Party” Live tonight at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT

Kitchen party

I am part of this new LIVE show from, Kitchen Party, hosted by Babette Pepaj of, Jeff HouckFood Editor for the Tampa Tribune and Rene Lynch, Assistant Editor at the Los Angeles Times. I’ll be reporting on Food Trends and offering up some of my favorite recipes, tip and hints from my Internet travels.

We go live tonight at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT for our first show.

September 13, 2012 

SHOW 1: How to Sell a Cookbook

Thinking about writing a cookbook? Overwhelmed with the different choices in self-publishing?

Join us TONIGHT (9/13) at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern for an hour long discussion about what it takes to get a cookbook published in this day and age. From submitting a proposal, getting an agent to understanding the timeline for cookbook publishing, our pros will discuss the ins and outs of getting a book published. In addition, we’ll be putting the call out for our first crowdsourced cookbook on “Reinventing the Lunchbox” and looking for healthy recipes to make for your kids. If you’d like to add a healthy lunchbox recipe to our first cookbook (which will be published in next week’s chat) click on the “Schedule” tab for details on how where to submit your recipe.

I wil try to embed the video feed here, but you can watch directly from the web site.

Watch Kitchen Party LIVE tonight at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT

You also be able to watch a recording of this show after each show is finished.

You can see some of my previous food-related videos in this YouTube playlist.

Can’t see the video playlist above? Watch it directly on YouTube!

New Media/Social Media Jobs Available – Search by Location an Keyword

Check out our list of New Media jobs (and others) available via

Enter your location for jobs close to you. You can also search on other keywords.

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News: Google Releases New YouTube App for iPhone and iPad

Youtube app

As promised when Apple announced they would no longer include their YouTube app with all iOS devices, Google today released its new YouTube app. As I expected, it provides a much better YouTube experience than Apple’s (older) YouTube app. In fact, I stopped using that app months ago and switched over to using the mobile web version of YouTube as it allowed me access more features and provided a better overall experience.

After using the app for an hour or so today, I can say I like it! It is clean, functional, streams video well over 3G or Wifi and generally does what I want it to do. My list of subscribed videos is neatly present in a format very similar to that used on the Google+ App with large thumbnails and a bit of descriptive text.

Download the new YouTube app from the Apple App Store

Here are a few screen shots of the new YouTube app

2012 09 11 15 48 28 2012 09 11 15 49 04

Subscribed 005:

Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame are joined by Will Smith and Norman Chan for coverage of “…anything that’s awesome!” Shows range from tips and hints to visits to Adam’s Man Cave and Jamie’s Warehouse for talk about movie props, welding and more. Additional shows cover uses for the MakerBot, a 3-D printer, product reviews and more. is another great hangout for geeks on the Internet. Check it out!


From the Web Site…


The short, pithy answer is: We’ll cover anything that’s awesome. The longer answer is that we have many interests, ranging from breakthroughs in science, amazing tales of exploration, and discoveries in nature to emerging technologies and new consumer products that promise to change our everyday lives. Tested is the place where we’ll explore those topics in depth, asking the hows and the whys about the things that excite us the most.

The number one rule of Tested is simple. We want to make Tested the site that we’d be most interested in reading. If you think there’s something we should be covering, but aren’t, please let us know!


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