The subcultures of Los Angeles — End of the Day for January 14, 2014

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 I am not one to immerse myself in the various underbellies of Los Angeles. In fact, just today, I was discussing with Rosanne how we very rarely go out at night anymore. Once dinner has been prepared and consumed, we hunker down in the house for a bit of entertainment or work or more usually a bit of both. Tonight, though, I went out into the dark and engaged in one of the thousands of subcultures that exist in Los Angeles — California Native Plant enthusiasts!  

Ok, so this isn’t the most wild and crazy subculture of LA, but I spent an enjoyable and informative evening learning more about California native bulbs and how to grow them. Speaker John Wickham condensed his normal, paid 2-hour course for the Theodore Payne Foundation for Native Plants and Wildflowers into a great free, 1 hour overview of information on the different varieties of California Native Bulbs and how they can be grown and propagated. I’ll type up my notes from his talk for a more complete post over on A Gardener’s Notebook in the next couple of days. 

John wickham

John Wickham speaks to the California Native Plant Society, Los Angeles/Santa Monica Chapter

It is great to be surrounded by a group of people who are so interested and dedicated in their particular subculture. The knowledge held there — and freely shared — is great if you take the time to find it. I live just up the street from the usual meeting location for the California Native Plant Society, but I had not yet made a meeting in all these years. What finally drove me to attend was a combination of good timing and a topic that deeply interested me. I love California Native Plants, but even after 27 years, I have only obtained the barest knowledge of their immense variety and beauty. There was so much knowledge in the room that I was glad I attended, but as with many small subcultures, it makes me wonder why more people don’t attend and join in. Sure, we all have out own interests, buy you would think in a city as large as Los Angeles, you could find a larger group of people interested in this topic.

I think, in some ways, the size of Los Angeles fights against its subcultures sometimes, though. There are so many opportunities, so many events, so many things to do and yet only so many hours in the day. I think this overwhelms people and causes them a bit of overload. There is so much to do that they must consciously limit their interests as trying to do everything would be madness. A pity, really, as there are some amazing things to do in LA, if you can find the time and interest to do them. Take some time out of your own life to investigate those smaller subcultures you discover in your life, You never know which one might provide a new, amazing, interest in your life. 

Some other subcultures I have engaged with during our years in Los Angeles:



Previously on End of the Day:

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