Forecast Provides High Quality Live Video Streaming From Any Camera (video) via Geeky Gadgets

Photographers looking for a simple system to send live streaming video from almost any available camera may be interested in a new piece of hardware called Freecast.

Freecast has been specifically designed to wirelessly cast live video to production monitors or iOS devices allowing you to share video footage in real time from a camera straight to social media or other sources.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert [Book]

I first saw mention of Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear in some magazine I was reading. There were several writing and creativity books mentioned and I quickly requested those I hadn’t previously read from my local library. What I hadn’t noticed, until I started reading the book was that it was written by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love. This often happens to me. I don’t recognize famous people out in public or important people in a company or government. It is just not something I am attuned to. In this case, I might not even have started to the read the book had I known more about the author. Sometimes coming to a new resource “cold” allow you to take in important lessons without any preconceptions.

One big thing I agree with Gilbert on is that writing — like many creative pursuits — is indeed magic. Whether I have been writing, performing music, singing with a choir, performing solo or walking onstage in the play or musical, there is something amazingly magical in what results. Thinking that creativity is magic doesn’t mean that it is unattainable for everyone, though, only that we have to treat creativity as something that is special and — most importantly — something that everyone should experience, as often as possible, in their lives. 

Big Magic isn’t a book about writing, with special exercises, meditations, or prescriptions. Rather it is a book about having and coping with a creative life. Creativity is always seen as something special — found only in select others — and this can lead to our own denial of its power and rewards and our own abilities. In a section entitled Permission, Gilbert says that we should all be “entitled”. This is a loaded word these days, but the fact is, we should all feel entitled to engage in creativity throughout our lives, regardless of what others might say or do or how much they try to dissuade us. Creativity is a certain, inalienable right, like those others laid out in the Declaration of Independence. In fact, I consider it one large part of “the pursuit of happiness” that Jefferson gave such importance.

One of the most important lessons Gilbert imparts is one that many creatives might not want to hear. She says that, in most cases, you shouldn’t depend on or expect your creativity to support you financially. In fact, she thinks this is one of the best ways to kill of your creativity entirely. If you expect your music or poetry or photography to support you, you quickly turn the magical into drudgery. What you once loved to do becomes a hateful burden and if allowed to continue, will kill your desire to create. 

Sure, some lucky few might be able to support themselves from their creativity, but most will not. In fact, she says, “with rare exceptions, creative fields make for crap careers. (They make for crap careers, that is, if you define a “career” as something that provides for your financially in a fair and foreseeable manner, which is a pretty reasonable definition of a career.)”

No matter how successful you may become, there will still be aspects of any job that you hate — the bureaucracy, the finances, the constant travel and more. On the other hand, Gilbert says, “Creative living can be an amazing vocation, if you have the love and courage and persistence to see it that way.” For myself, I often say, “Love your creativity, but don’t necessarily expect for it to love you back.” There is much to be gained from creativity, but money not be the most abundant nor important.

Big Magic is divided into short, easily consumable, sections — more like a collection of essays, although unlike some similar books, it holds together well as a complete book, too. You can read it from cover to cover, as I did, or jump from essay to another as your mood — and your creative need — strikes you.

Come to Big Magic to help you understand and better manage your own creative life. Creativity is never an easy path, as either vocation or avocation, but it is amazing and something that everyone should experience in some way. Like most things in life, though, having a guide along a strange and confusing path is always more helpful than we might like to admit. Consider Big Magic one such guide in your creative life. Now, head out on your own creative journey.

Other books by Elizabeth Gilbert

See more of her books on Amazon

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** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out! 
** 74 copies of Big Magic are available to check out from the Los Angeles Public Library 

On YouTube: Phone on a gimbal? Mobile filmmaking feat. Smooth Q from Fenchel & Janisch

I have been looking at one of these gimbals for a long time, but haven’t found one that I really NEED. This Smooth q at only $139 could be a possibility, though. Watch below for a complete review with all the pros and cons. — Douglas

On YouTube: Phone on a gimbal? Mobile filmmaking feat. Smooth Q from Fenchel & Janisch

Watch  Phone on a gimbal? Mobile filmmaking feat. Smooth Q from Fenchel & Janisch

Get your own Smooth Q or other iPhone gimbals from Amazon

* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs

Minijam Studio Is a Set of Pocket-Sized Electronic Instruments via Hackster’s Blog – Medium

Ok, this is just cool. (SMILE) Another way of making music for all your New Media projects and whatever else us happening in your life. Portable, too! I don’t normally link to Kickstart projects, as they often don’t come to fruition, but this was a cool enough idea, it made the cut to be included here. — Douglas
If you want to make electronic music, the tools to do so are just a quick search of your preferred app store for an appropriate sound program. Then again, as amazing and versatile as touchscreens are, it’s hard to match the feeling and control capabilities of an actual physical device.

Moodelizer helps add epic soundtracks to your video efforts via TechCrunch

Another way of upping your New Media game. Add a soundtrack to anything — nearly. Click through to see demo videos and more information. —Douglas
When it comes to video, the audio is pretty damn important. Hell, they even give out some sort of award for getting it right on occasion. Moodelizer wants to put the power of suitable soundtracks in the hands of amateur filmmakers, by letting you add a delightfully over-the-top soundtrack to the most mundane of tasks at the touch of a button.

Moodelizer has created a ton of different music tracks, with a twist: They come unmixed, and with an elegant set of mixing tools to help even non-musicians create great-sounding soundtracks for video.

On YouTube: Meaning Behind Camera Movement

How you move your camera colors and changes the meaning and emotion of the scene. Are you doing it on purpose or giving your audience accidental misdirection to how they should feel. — Douglas

Watch YouTube: Meaning Behind Camera Movement

I liked this video and think you might find it interesting, too!

Noted: Pixar Free Animation Course Pixar In A Box Now Available (video)

Noted: The best USB audio interface

Great overview of the various USB interfaces available for podcasters and musicians — Douglas
Read The best USB audio interface via Engadget

An interesting link found among my daily reading

On YouTube: PromptSmart – Intelligent Teleprompter for your iPhone and iPad

An interesting bit of software for those of us who produce our own videos without the benefits of a a large crew and a lot of money. Adding the voice recognition piece to the standard teleprompter could be a winning combination for this software. — Douglas

On YouTube: PromptSmart - Intelligent Teleprompter for your iPhone and iPad

Watch YouTube: PromptSmart – Intelligent Teleprompter for your iPhone and iPad

Teleprompters help you stay on script and produce great, value-packed content. Try PrompSmart, the smart prompt app you can use from your phone or tablet. It works on any mobile device and integrates with Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and Box. Make better, value-packed video with a little help from PromptSmart.

I liked this video and think you might find it interesting, too!

On YouTube: Portable Audio Recorders for Filmmakers

On YouTube: Portable Audio Recorders for Filmmakers

Watch YouTube: Portable Audio Recorders for Filmmakers

I liked this video and think you might find it interesting, too!

Noted: Improve Your Audio Recording Skills With This NPR Production Guide

An amazing guide including audio samples and great advice. A great introduction to recording or a reminder for those who have been doing it for a while. — Douglas

On YouTube: Most versatile camera rig?

On YouTube: Most versatile camera rig?

Watch YouTube: Most versatile camera rig?

I liked this video and think you might find it interesting, too!

On YouTube: Make a PVC Light Stand for Under $5

Yet another easy-to-make and flexible to use homebuilt light stand. It might prove a bit lightweight for larger lights and tall lengths, but could prove useful to some. — Douglas

On YouTube: Make a PVC Light Stand for Under $5

Watch YouTube: Make a PVC Light Stand for Under $5

I liked this video and think you might find it interesting, too!

On YouTube: Which Audio Recorders for Filmmaking Do I Still Use?

Watch YouTube: Which Audio Recorders for Filmmaking Do I Still Use?

I liked this video and think you might find it interesting, too!

Noted: $10 device lets your iPhone or Android take time-lapses and panoramas like you’ve never seen

At the $10 price point, I ordered one of these immediately. I had been looking to make my own from a mechanical kitchen timer, but there is no way I could make a finished and functional device for this price. I’ll post more when I get this in-hand. In order to receive the $10 price, look in the righthand sidebar of the Amazon page under Other Sellers on Amazon and select the first entry, sold by— Douglas

Noted: $10 device lets your iPhone or Android take time-lapses and panoramas like you’ve never seen

Read Noted: $10 device lets your iPhone or Android take time-lapses and panoramas like you’ve never seen on

Buy from

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Douglas E. Welch Talks Creativity and More on The Grantcast with Grant Baciocco [Audio] (33:50)

It was so much fun sitting down with Grant Baciocco to talk creativity this week. Grant is an old friend from the earliest days of podcasting (2004) and I am always watching his career and enjoying whatever work he us currently engaged in, including his own podcasts — like Grant’s Advent Calendar, which we watched religiously when Joseph was younger — and his in-theater and on-screen work with PuppetUp! and much more!

Check out everything he does on and also over at Saturday Morning Media, where he is always creating great, kid-friendly content. —Douglas

Mrgrant combanner

Douglas E. Welch Talks Creativity and More on The Grantcast with Grant Baciocco


15 Minutes With author and podcaster Douglas Welch – GrantCast EPISODE #101

Douglas Welch is an author, podcaster and new media and social media consultant.  

In this interview we discuss how he uses creativity in his work, plus discussion on his past int he world of theater, Walt Disney Imagineering and more.

Listen to 15 Minutes With author and podcaster Douglas Welch – GrantCast EPISODE #101

Sound Seeing: Church Bells in Catania, Sicily, Italy [Audio]

Church bells catania

On one of our last evenings in Sicily, we walked around Catania Centro, taking in the sights, people watching and, in the case of this audio, hearing the church bells chime. We were walking on our return journey, headed back towards Villa Bellini, when the call to mass erupted from the bell tower. With a quick grab for my recorder, I caught these peals to share with you.

Play this Sound Seeing Audio Clip

Learn more about Sicily with these travel guides

Recorder used for this clip

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Event: Podcast 101 with Douglas E. Welch at Hackerspace LA – July 13, 2016 @ 7pm

Dew podcast 101

Podcast 101 with Douglas E. Welch

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

6262 Van Nuys Blvd.2nd Floor – Room 2A,
Van Nuys, CA [Map]

Click to RSVP on

On this free meetup/workshop  you will learn the basic steps of how to start your own podcast.  Douglas E. Welch will be explaining both the technical and content creation aspects of how to run a successful podcast.  

To learn more about Douglas visit his website: 

Hackerspace Los Angeles weekly meet up.  Come by and mingle with like-minded people and see what others are working on.  Find out what planned activities do we have and how you can participate.  

If you are interested in helping us establish a permanent location in the San Fernando Valley you need to be here to help us plan this and make it happen. 
We’ll still be holding classes/workshops of various interests once a month.

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Seeing Differently 14: A Walk Through Van Nuys Timelapse [Video] (1:20)

Seeing Differently 14: Raindrop Ripples in Slow Motion

A walk through my neighborhood and to the local electronics shop.

Testing out my new GoPro Clamp attachment clipped to my the strap of my bag.
Worked pretty well for this time-lapse.

Get your own Ourmes 360 Degree Rotatable Backpack Travel Quick Release Clamp

Seeing Differently 14: A Walk Through Van Nuys Timelapse


See all the videos in the Seeing Differently Series

Music: “Shiny Tech” by Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons License


Noted: Review: Neat’s $99 Widget is a crazy-looking no-frills microphone, but it sounds awesome

Review: Neat’s $99 Widget is a crazy-looking no-frills microphone, but it sounds awesome


With every passing generation, computers get better displays, processors, speakers, and more.

Microphones though? Not so much.

That means that if you have any interest in documenting anything involving sound – podcasting, vlogging, singing – you’ll need a serious upgrade. And while podcast mics exist aplenty, few are as immediately eye-catching as Neat Microphone’s Widget series, a set of vibrant condenser microphones.

Read the entire article