New Media 101: Have your own home base from “Blogging and Content Creation”

Part of the New Media 101/Blogging 101 series…

A quick tip from this 53 minute presentation — Blogging and Content Creation at the San Fernando Valley WordPress Group.

New Media 101 - Have your own home base


You’ll find various social media sites that talk to you and become kind of your home base, but I highly recommend that you have your own blog on your own web hosting account, that you have full control over. Ok?

Everybody needs a home base. If you only have a Tumblr blog, Tumblr can go away. Witness Myspace. If you only have a Facebook page, Facebook can go away or change those pages in a way that they are no longer useful for you. You always want a place you are directing everyone back to that’s you — your home base.

At the end of each of these videos it says, “For more information, vist

First and foremost, things go on my home and then, if you look at this YouTube video on YouTube — it’s on YouTube, right? If you go to it, you go directly there, but if I post it — if I post it in my Twitter feed — the link I post is back to the blog post that hosts this embedded video on my site.

Without that home base — again ask anyone who was on Myspace, who lived and died on Myspace — sites go away!

If you own your own web site, though. If you have your own domain, if you have your own web hosting, if you have your own WordPress blog, you have that. Even if you have to move it somewhere else. You have to remember that if you move your web host, the client, the readers don’t know this. As long as it’s under they don’t notice it it moved. They don’t have any idea where the machine is. All they know is it’s where they always go to visit. That’s what you want. That’s why you have your own domain and your own web hosting.


Previously on New Media 101/Blogging 101:

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

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