2012 Gift Guide: iPhone Tripod Mount

Studio Neat Glif Tripod Mount & Stand for iPhone 4 & 4S

It has often been said that the best camera is the one you always have with you. For many people, this means an Apple iPhone. This clever little adapter for the iPhone can help you make you photos even better. Your iPhone 4/4s slips into the clip by friction and then attaches to any standard tripod — large or small. I keep my clip, and a mini tripod, in my bag at all times. I use this to capture quick chats around the table or environmental video when I am out. As an added bonus, the clip acts as an iPhone stand for when I want to watch video over lunch. It stands up the iPhone at the perfect angle for viewing.

Make sure you that you are ready to capture video and photos whenever you need, whether for your own personal uses or for inclusion in your next New Media project. 


More 2012 Gift Guide Items:

  1. Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
  2. Bulb Planting Tools
  3. Blue Snowball Microphone
  4. Seagate Backup Plus 500 GB USB 3.0 Portable External Hard Drive
  5. Logitech C920 HD Web Cam
  6. We Are All Weird by Seth Godin
  7. Sunset Western Garden Book – New Edition for 2012
  8. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
  9. Garden Mysteries by Anthony Eglin
  10. The Creative Habit/The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp
  11. Moleskeine Journals

Is that a production studio in your pocket? – Logitech’s New WiFI webcam works w/ iPad/iPhone/Mac

So, it looks like Logitech has been watching a lot of uStream and a lot of Google Hangouts lately. Their new webcam, the Logitech Broadcaster ($199 US) , is a WiFi connected webcam that allows for secondary angles during your web stream. It can also record that second angle to be used for a later edit in iMovie. The Logitech Broadcaster can be controlled from an iPad, iPhone or your Mac and you can use a combination of all the available cameras in your stream or recording.



Here is a video from Logitech showing off some of the features.

Can’t see video above? Watch “Logitech Boradcaster” on YouTube.


The case of the Logitech Broadcaster does double-duty as a magnetic base for the camera, allow you to position it where you need. It doesn’t look like it has a traditional tripod mount, but that is a little hard to see from the video and pictures provided.

If you are looking to take your web streams and video productions to another level, the Logitech Broadcaster could be an interesting piece of kit to add to your gig bag.

Musopen is a online warehouse of public domain classical music recordings and sheet music

First seen on Slashdot

Musopen logo

Musopen’s front page declares…

Musopen (www.musopen.org) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on improving access and exposure to music by creating free resources and educational materials. We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. Put simply, our mission is to set music free.”

What does this mean for you, the new media producer? Well, much like the old cartoons many of us watched while growing up, this classical music can be used in out New Media projects without worrying about copyright issues. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of classical music pieces available for download as MP3 or m4a files. These can be sliced and diced, played as music beds for your shows and a host of other New Media uses. While you might not have thought about using classical music in your productions, I think revisiting these classics might provide some interesting content of your shows.

You can search through the catalog in a variety of ways, including composer, performer, instrument, period and more.

Of course, the other — non-new-media-related reasons for the creation of Musopen js to give wider exposure to classical music for anyone who might desire it. If you have people in your network who can benefit from these resources, be sure to pass it on. 

Link: Musopen

Elsewhere: The intersection of new media and robotics

This video of a movie created using a Lego NXT, light-painting robot shows what can happen when new media and technology intersect.


Read more about this project in Lightplot, a post on The NXT Step blog.

There is also more detailed information on the robot on the Rethinkfx blog

Photo: A little Final Cut Express anyone?

Final Cut Express can get a little cluttered even if you are just working on a short 5 minute video.

This episode includes titles, B-Roll cutaways, overlay audio and still. Yikes! Watch this video and find more gardening information at A Gardener’s Notebook

Working on latest video for A Gardener's Notebook

This episode will be released soon on the Gardener’s Notebook blog and podcast.

Product: iPhone Swivl

I am one of those New Media producers who is without a cameraperson for most of my shoots. Something like the iPhone Swivl might just make things a bit easier. It uses a wearable sensor that allows the base unit to track you around the set.

I need to get one and try it out. I wonder if anyone could hook me up with a demo model. I will agree with the review below that $179 is a bit pricy for this product. I am also concerned that it only uses the, lower resolution, front facing camera of the iPhone when I would rather have it use the 720p rear facing camera. It seems I might be able to use it with my Flip video cameras, though, which would give me 720p. Hmmmmm….

Buy the The iPhone Swivl at the Photojojo Store!

From the PhotoJoJo website…


The Swivl knows who or what you want to film by tracking an easy-to-wear and super compact 3-in-1 sensor. This triple duty gadget acts as a sensor for movement, a microphone for crystal clear audio and a remote for fine-tuned Swivl control.

Simply place the sensor on your actor (your BFF, your pup, an RC Helicopter, even yourself) and watch the Swivl keep up!


Here is a video review from Twit.TV

Product: Picosteady video camera stabilizer from Kickstarter

It seems that wall the cool new products for New Media producers is coming from Kickstarter these days. Witness the Picosteady, which I came across in this post on the Red Ferret blog.

The Picosteady is a custom designed rig which us usable with both large and small video cameras, including smartphones, and yields nice smooth movie videos like much more expensive rigs.


While I could see this working with lighter cameras, I wonder how well it would work with the larger Digital SLRs. The company page indicates that it does, but it seems it would be harder to balance and use with the larger cameras. That would require some hands-on use to truly know though.

It is neat to see a small company like this able to bankroll themselves via Kickstarter and provide short-run, high-quality products that producers need. The initial priced is $139, with “after Kickstarter” models going up to $179. At $139 I could envision purchasing a Picosteady, but the $179 price point seems a little high for me. I would need to know that I would get a lot of use out of the unit before purchasing. It makes it less of a casual purchase in my mind.

This could be a lower price option for you, if you are looking for a camera stabilizer to improve your videos. Others in the market are priced much higher. 

You can find a demonstration video on the Picosteady Kickstarter page.

Product: Blue Microphones Tiki – New

Blue Microphones are known for their quirky design and, for the most part, their recording quality. I own a Blue Snowball myself and this mic has become one of the standard podcasting miss for new media producers all over the world.

Blue recently released another in microphone in their product line, the Blue Tiki.

The Tiki plugs directly into any USB port and provides many special features for podcasters on the go.

From the Blue Microphones web site…

The new Tiki is the world’s first USB microphone that mimics the intelligence of human hearing by focusing on desired sounds, minimizing background noise and knowing when to mute altogether. Tiki’s two modes give any Skype user, podcaster or musician the versatility to quickly choose the best option in any situation. First, Intelligent Speech Mode brings your voice to the forefront of a conference call or chat while noise-canceling technology simultaneously minimizes unwanted, competing background noise. Natural Recording Mode captures a wide range of sources from vocals to acoustic guitar, recording high-fidelity audio with exceptional clarity. Tiki sets a new standard for crystal clear audio for wherever you go.

Tiki available

Listen to recording samples of Tiki in various modes

In my own experience, devices that plug directly into a USB port can be prone to damage due to bumping them into people, furniture, walls, etc. I would probably plug Tiki into a USB extender cable to allow for safer use while also giving me more options for positioning the microphone in each recording situation.

Engadget recently had an article on the Blue Tiki. Read it here!

Blue microphones available from Amazon.com


Video Archive: New Media Answers – Show 011 – All Thing Video

From my video archives, here is a video version of the — typically audio — New Media Answers show I produced with Tracy Patton. In this episode we talk about all things video.

Can’t see the video about? Watch “New Media Answers 011 – All Things Video” on YouTube

Subscribe to Douglas’ YouTube Channel | Watch the Careers in New Media YouTube Playlist

Subscribe to the Careers in New Media podcast using iTunes

Video: Introducing the Smart Tripod – Very Cool!

For those of us who can’t hire, or even borrow, a cameraperson for our videos.

Just a prototype right now, but an excellent example of what will be coming in the future. This would be a boon to any new media producer.

From the video description…

This video is my submission to Microsoft’s Robotics@Home Competition. I developed a robotic video tripod which I call the “SmartTripod”. It runs on a Parallax Eddie robot and Microsoft’s Robotics Developer Studio (RDS). There is another video on my channel which is kind of an “appendix” to this one–it contains a cooking video I created to demonstrate the capabiliites of the SmartTripod. You can find that video here: http://youtu.be/rhmcqUx4PHI

Here is the cooking video he developed as a demo…

Troubleshooting: Powerpress Plugin vs. PushPress Plugin – Disappearing podcast links

Blubrry logo

I was having a difficult time releasing my latest gardening podcast last night. The PowerPress plugin I use from Blubrry.com was silly refusing to accept a podcast enclosure link. I could past in the URL of the media file, click verify to assure the file existed and press Update on the WordPress post, but once that complete the enclosure information would be gone. It was very frustrating.

I could see that the PowerPress plugin was working on my other blogs and even on past posts to the garden blog, so it looked like something that had changed recently. I try to keep all my WordPress plugins up-to-date to prevent malicious attacks on my blog, but it looks like this time an update had broken something else. In this case, an older plugin, unrelated to PowerPress itself, was the culprit.

After quite a long time trying various searches for an explanation, I finally came across this post — “PowerPress Media URLS keep vanishing” on the Blubrry.com Forums.  It seems that the plugin PushPress was no longer compatible with newer versions of WordPress and it was interfering with the PowerPress plugin in some way. Sure enough, deactivating the PushPress plugin cleared up the problem and allowed me to, once again, post my podcasts.

I am posting this in hopes that if and when someone else runs into this problem, my post will be easier for them to find during their search for a solution.

Link: PowerPress plugin from Blubrry.com

News: Discovery Communications buys web video studio Revision 3

Rev3 logo

An interesting acquisition, but I wonder what Discovery is getting out of the deal. Are they looking to do more web-based entertainment or are they basically hiring a bunch of web video talent to create new properties for Discovery or bolster their existing properties. Only time will tell. I wish them the best and hope that they can find a fit within Discovery.

Discovery Gets a Web Video Arm, Courtesy of Revision3

“…Here’s a proof point: Discovery Communications, parent of the Discovery Channel, has purchased Revision3, a Web video start-up that makes and distributes its own shows, like “Tekzilla” and “Epic Meal Time.”…”

Read the entire article at AllThingsD.com