Douglas moderating panel at Techmunch food blogger conference

Watching @averagebetty @whiteonrice @mcmedia @douglaswelch  t... on Twitpic

I had a great time moderating the panel “Tips on Creating and Distributing Mouthwatering Multimedia Content” and spending the entire day at Techmunch food blogger conference on Friday. We were talking about the technical aspects of creating multimedia content for food blogs. There were lots of great questions and some great answers from the panel.

Video of this panel will be coming soon, so watch this space!

Douglas is moderating a panel at TECHmunch Food Blogger Conference


I  have just been asked to moderate at panel discussion at the TECHmunch Food Blogger Conference being held in Santa Monica, California on Friday, September 23, 2011.

TECHmunch is a series of conferences in cities across the U.S. designed to help food bloggers gain the hands-on digital media, marketing and business skills they need to make their blogs more personally and financially rewarding. Each conference features leading experts in a range of disciplines — from digital publishing and search engine optimization to public relations and online advertising. TECHmunch was created by Founder Babette Pepaj, who serves as its producer and host.

I will be moderating the session titled, “Tips on Creating and Distributing Mouthwatering Multimedia Content” with panel members Sara O’Donnell (@averagebetty), Producer and Host of AverageBetty.comDiane Cu (@whiteonrice), Photographer and Publisher of White on Rice Couple.comSandi McKenna (@McMedia), Host of Midlife Roadtrip.comJohn Trefry Video Producer, (formerly Video Producer creating videos for

If you are a food blogger, or just thinking of becoming one, TECHmunch could be a great way to jumpstart your knowledge and connections. Join me on September 23, 2011!

Register for TECHmunch

TECHMunch Web Site

Video: WGA “Toot your own horn” New Media Panel

I was part of this panel a few weeks ago at the Writers Guild of America West here in Los Angeles. You’ll find my section around the 36 min point as well as during the small group discussions after the panel proper, but the entire panel is worth a watch.

Here is the info from the WGA web site…


In these challenging times, it is imperative that writers take control of their own careers. Be proactive, “do it yourself,” especially regarding publicity and marketing. Technology has swiftly changed, providing writers with new avenues to promote themselves and their work. Have you tapped in?

A DIY panel features publicist Henri Bollinger, president of the Entertainment Publicists Professional Society, discussing personal publicity vs. when to bring on a “professional”; screen and TV writer/author/award-winning columnist W. Bruce Cameron (8 Simple Rules, A Dog’s Purpose); Zoanne Clack (Executive Producer – “Grey’s Anatomy” and former Writers’ Program student), Gregg Kilday (film editor at The Hollywood Reporter); psychotherapist Rebecca Roy ( to broach writers’ resistance to self-promotion; and independent new media consultant Douglas Welch (also a Writers’ Program instructor) addressing new media and social marketing platforms.

Panel followed by smaller hands-on breakout sessions. Moderated by Bill Taub.



MediaCampLA is in the planning stages — Become an organizer!

Mediacamp logo sm

Following my successful founding of CareerCampLA and CareerCampSCV, I am moving forward with another unconference idea I have had for a while — MediaCampLA.

This unconference will focus on New Media of all sorts including online video sharing sites, podcasting and social media like Facebook, Twitter and more. I have attended many New Media conferences over the years, but it always seemed odd that Los Angeles — the main hub of entertainment in the US — didn’t have its own conference. There are so many people that could greatly benefit from such a conference — both in entertainment and other businesses — so I wanted to develop some sort of event here in my own backyard.

Having attended several BarCamps and other unconferences, I am sold on the concept of a conference organizing and structured by its attendees. Instead of calling in the typical A-list speakers, unconference draw on the large amount of amazing talent and information that exists locally. It provides a space for the underseen and underheard people to start sharing their message. Often these messages turn into something much larger, but these people and their ideas need the opportunity to be heard and spread. MediaCampLA hopes to provides a platform that allows for creation of “The Next Big Thing!”

If you are interested in helping to organize MediaCampLA, you can join the mailing list for MediaCampLA and check out he MediaCampLA blog. We are also on Twitter at @MediaCampLA and Facebook.

For more information, read What is MediaCampLA?

Project: Videos for UCLA Extension Writers’ Program Publication Party

We just completed a project for the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program where we recorded their annual Publication Party and then created videos for each of the speakers which could then be used on their instructor information pages as well as on YouTube for the world to see.

This is a great way to promote your projects and events and you can and should do the same. Capture the content you are already creating and share it with the world!

Watch this video and others from the Publication Party on YouTube

My wife, Rosanne,  and I have worked as instructors for UCLA Extension for many years so when this even was scheduled they came to us knowing that we worked in New Media. Rosanne, has taught television writing and together we have taught “Podcasting and New Media for Writers” both online and as a 1-day workshop on the UCLA campus.

I was out of town on another project during this event, so Rosanne acted as the on-site producer and our good friend, Liam Johnson (@editorliam) handled the shooting and the editing of the final videos. If you are looking for an editor for your project, I highly recommend Liam. He is quite creative and dedicated.

You can find all the videos on the UCLA YouTube channel (you will need to scroll down a bit to find the videos), as related videos to the one embedded above or on the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program Instructor Bio Pages.

Photo: WGA “Toot your own horn” Panel Discussion

WGA "Toot your own horn" panel discussion

Here is a picture from the panel discussion I was part of last night at the WGA. Here is the description from the WGA Web site…


In these challenging times, it is imperative that writers take control of their own careers. Be proactive, “do it yourself,” especially regarding publicity and marketing. Technology has swiftly changed, providing writers with new avenues to promote themselves and their work. Have you tapped in? Co-presented by the WGAW’s Writers Education and Publicity and Marketing committees, this DIY panel features publicist Henri Bollinger, president of the Entertainment Publicists Professional Society, discussing personal publicity vs. when to bring on a “professional”; screen and TV writer/author/award-winning columnist W. Bruce Cameron (8 Simple RulesA Dog’s Purpose); Zoanne Clack (Grey’s Anatomy, co-executive producer); Gregg Kilday, film editor at The Hollywood Reporter; psychotherapist Rebecca Roy ( to broach writers’ resistance to self-promotion; and independent new media consultant Douglas Welch addressing new media and social marketing platforms. Panel followed by smaller hands-on breakout sessions.”

I will post more photos and, hopefully, some video as soon as I receive it.

Opportunity is the chief ROI of social media

“…opportunities are the chief currency of social media. These opportunities can be social, life-enhancing or monetary, but it is the opportunity itself that is the dollar bill of today’s society.”

As the social media world matures the discussion surrounding it has become all about ROI (return on investment). How many followers do I have? How many subscribers? How many viewers? And finally, how much money am I making. There is a lot being lost among all the talk of Klout scores, Twitter Influence and Facebook Likes. For me — and I would guess for most people who aren’t making a living working in social media itself — opportunities are the chief currency of social media. These opportunities can be social, life-enhancing or monetary, but it is the opportunity itself that is the dollar bill of today’s society.

Quality, not quantity

The problem with social media, and traditional media for that matter, is that we are constantly looking for that one metric, that one measure that “proves” just how important we are. We are frustrated by not knowing something and not knowing just how popular or productive we are irks us to no end. We jump from service to service looking for the magic bullet that will explain our place in the social media universe. What a sad and sorry lot in life. It is this search that leads to Twitter spam, endless begging to “Like Me on Facebook” and social media pyramid schemes that are nothing by mutual, mental, masturbation.

There are countless articles available that seek to prove that the number of followers does not equal influence — that it is the quality of those you interact with, rather than the quantity, that is most important. In some ways I believe this myself. While there is a certain number of people (I guess at around 150) that can turn into a self-generating conversational group, it is the quality of what these people are saying that is important.

For myself, this is exactly how I choose who to pay attention to online. No matter how nice they might be as a person, or how well-known, if what they are sharing online doesn’t have value for me, I do not follow. If I can find their information in a hundred different places i.e. celebrity websites, I do not follow. They may be writing amazing things about knitting or programming or horse care, but if it doesn’t have value to me, I do not need to clutter up my online living room with it. I look for the under-seen, the under-heard, the people who have really neat things to say regardless of how well-known they are.


After immersing myself in the social media world for years now, including writing and consulting about it, I have come to believe that “the opportunity” is the only social media currency that matters. If you want to measure the ROI of your social media interactions, watch closely for the quantity, and quality, of opportunities it brings your way. These opportunities can range from the very personal to the very public, from high personal value to high business value and everywhere in between.

If your social media goal is to meet and work with interesting people, “the opportunity” might be finding these people online and then meeting them in person. You might even find yourself collaborating with them on a project. If this is your goal, then it has much higher ROI than someone Liking your Facebook page or following you on Twitter. In this case, social media was the tool you used, but the opportunity for collaboration was, by far, the biggest benefit. For me, one, great collaborative partner outweighs a score of social media follows. It is a much better metric for measuring your success and influence than any other score you can find.

If, on the other hand, your social media goal is to sell as much product as possible, your “opportunities” might take a different form. Sure, you can count sales and dollars (which are really just a different kind of opportunity) or you can judge your success on the other opportunities these sales bring to you. Perhaps more sales means you can expand your store, expand your influence, expand your lifestyle. This is the true goal and measure you need.

Too often we get caught up in keeping score of those things that don’t really matter. This is where I think that social media goes most astray. We focus so hard on the numbers — the followers, the likes, the sales — that we start doing things we might not do otherwise. We spam our friends. We scam our customers. We shout so loud and so long that, after a time, no one wants to hear anything we have to say. In some extreme cases, we can even cross the line into illegal activities like fraud and embezzling. If the social media numbers are all that is important, then some will do almost anything to achieve them.

Time for a change

It is time to reevaluate our relationship to social media and being to realize that it isn’t something apart from our lives, but instead an integral part of our lives. We need to stop chasing the illusive rainbow of social media metrics and instead focus on how it effects our lives. We need to look at the opportunities is brings to us each day and evaluate our actions accordingly. These opportunities may be small and personal or grand and corporate, but they are the true currency of social media. In this way, the act of meeting an amazing and interesting person can carry as much weight as landing a huge contract — a short, deep, amazing conversation takes on as much value as investment in your startup. Social media can mean many things to many people, but opportunities, in all their forms, can be seen as a true benefit — a true ROI — by nearly everyone.

Do you have questions or comments on this topic? Please leave a comment using the link above.


Podcast Highlight: Podcast Perspective with Steve Riekeberg

My friend, and fellow Friends in Tech Member, Steve Riekeberg recently launched a new podcast about podcasting. If you are looking for great introductory information into the world of podcasting, this is a great place to start. — Douglas

Podcast perspective

Podcast Perspective is the podcast about everything podcasting and new media, bringing practical tips, tools, and techniques to take your production to the next level. My passion is podcasting and new media! Whether you’re a veteran, or you’re just getting started, I want to help you turn your show in to a great one!

Subscribe in iTunes

Subscribe directly via RSS

Douglas hosts next Tech Tuesday at Tuesdays with Transitioners – May 3, 2011

Journeying to a better career

A message to all members of Tuesdays with Transitioners

May 3 is Tech Tuesday!

Douglas Welch will be our guest host for this Tech Tuesday, so come armed with your laptops (or borrow one) and questions about the Tuesdays with Transitioner site, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or other Social Media.

See you then!

Visit Tuesdays with Transitioners at:

Elsewhere Online: How to get the most out of your iPhone as a reporting tool

Some great advice on using your iPhone for journalism or any new media production, including software and hardware recommendations — Douglas


How to get the most out of your iPhone as a reporting tool

Increasingly, iPhones are becoming acredible, convenient and reliable tool for journalists –both amateur and professional– to use in the field. Mobile reporting was even the topic of a UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism course taught by Jeremy Rue to help journalists learn how to get the most out of reporting from a mobile device.

Read entire article

Job Offered: New Media Associate (Part Time) – Pasadena Humane Society and SPCA

New Media Associate (Part Time)

The Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic part time New Media Associate responsible for PHS’ social media experience. Will help develop strategy to define programs that use social media and the website to enhance PHS’ visibility, traffic and online community development. Must be familiar with traditional media but active in social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Read entire job posting

Recently Listened Podcast for March 14, 2011

Woolly Mammoths For Sale
Stuff To Blow Your Mind

You haven’t misread the title; rest assured that woolly mammoths are still extinct. However, there are several scientists trying revive mammoths — and they might just succeed. Tune in to learn more about mammoth cloning.

Phil Gerbyshak on Twitterworks – Part 2
The Bigg Success Show
The Bigg Success Show
Life On Your Own Terms

Basic Blacksmithing on CRAFT (video)
MAKE Magazine
Becky Stern
In this week’s CRAFT Video, Meg Allan Cole and I took a trip to Brooklyn’s She-Weld studio for a special blacksmithing lesson from Alex Himmelbaum. He showed us how to taper and decoratively curl the end of a steel rod and rivet it to a hammer

How to make cheese : GardenFork.TV
GardenFork.TV Cooking, DIY, & more

www.GardenFork.TV I’ve always wanted to make cheese, so I researched a bunch of soft cheese recipes, fresh ricotta recipes, and queso blanco cheese recipes. And we made a how to video on how to make soft cheese. Soft cheese like the kind we made is not of

TEDTalks : Courtney Martin: Reinventing feminism – Courtney E. Martin (2010)
TEDTalks (video)
Courtney E. Martin
Courtney Martin: Reinventing feminism

Musical Hallucinations Gone Wild
Stuff To Blow Your Mind
Have you ever had a musical hallucination? Not a song stuck in your head – but a genuine hallucination, real enough to completely fool your senses? Join Robert and Julie as they explore the causes of musical hallucinations.

022511 Hour 1: Neurons, Cell Phone and the Brain, 3rd Arm Illusion, Visual Attention
Science Friday Audio Podcast
Science Friday
022511 Hour 1: Neurons, Cell Phone and the Brain, 3rd Arm Illusion, Visual Attention

CLR2: Scott Belsky & riCardo Crespo
Creative Leader Roundtable – Todd Henry
In the inaugural episode of Creative Leader Roundtable, Scott Belsky (CEO of Behance and author of Making Ideas Happen) and riCardo Crespo (SVP & Global Creative Lead at 20th Century Fox) share their insights into what makes a creative team effective a…

Farro Salad, Special episode from SoBe WFF 2011
Under The Tuscan Gun

The South Beach Wine and Food Festival is without a doubt the biggest food event in the US. Debi and I were honored to attend!This is a short recipe for a Farro Salad we prepared for “The Best Thing I Ever Ate at The Beach” event, come grab the full recip

Poppin’ Some Clarity & Trippin’ Them Circuits! – Film Riot
Film Riot (Quicktime Large)

After getting a lot of questions asking for some elaboration on a few of the answers given lately… Ryan decides to roll out a little clarity on things like SD cards, PAR lights and 24p conversions.

IOT: The Age of the Universe 03 Mar 11
In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg
BBC Radio 4
Melvin Bragg dicusses the Age of the Universe, with Martin Rees, Carolin Crawford and Carlos Frenk….

Promote your favorite podcasts and help other listen/watch

You may have noticed my recent posting series, “Recently Listened Podcasts“. Each week I collect the list of shows I have listened to (or watched, for video shows) and place that in my blog with links back to iTunes.

As someone interested in New Media, may I ask you to do the same on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc?

There is a lot of great content out there in the New Media world, but it can still be difficult for the average person to find and download shows that might be of interest to them. Help them out by highlighting your favorite shows and, when you can, help them subscribe and listen to podcasts. I often take a few minutes to introduce my computer consulting clients to podcasts whenever I am with them. This is especially true of clients who are purchasing their first iPod, iPhone of iPad. I try to recommend shows that already meet their interests and even give them a quick walk-through of how to find, subscribe, listen and watch to podcasts.

As podcasters and new media professionals, we can all do more to get the word out about great podcast content and help others find shows that can entertain, educate and enlighten.

Recently Listened Podcasts for February 21, 2011

Bring on the Pain! 26:51:00 Stephen J. Dubner Freakonomics Radio 2/19/11 20:20

Episode One: Marie Antoinette (Audio) 1:05:53 historychicks The History Chicks 2/19/11 19:53

Entrepreneurial Leadership Does Not Happen in the Executive Suite 5:06 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/19/11 18:48

AHOW: 096 Russian revolutionary plate 18 Oct 2010 14:05 BBC Radio 4 A History of the World in 100 Objects 2/19/11 18:42

AHOW: 098 Throne of Weapons 20 Oct 2010 14:09 BBC Radio 4 A History of the World in 100 Objects 2/19/11 18:28

Carol Roth on The Entrepreneur Equation – Part 3 8:18 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/19/11 18:14

Children of Tomorrow, Raised by Machines 41:36:00 Stuff To Blow Your Mind 2/19/11 18:06

Carol Roth on The Entrepreneur Equation – Part 1 8:50 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/19/11 17:24

IOT: The Battle of Bannockburn 3rd February 2011 42:05:00 BBC Radio 4 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg 2/16/11 12:07

99% Invisible-15- Sounds of the Artificial World 4:51 Roman Mars 99% Invisible 2/16/11 11:25

IOT: The Mexican Revolution 20th January 2011 42:06:00 BBC Radio 4 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg 2/15/11 11:19

January 29, 2011: The Splendid Table 51:50:00 American Public Media APM: The Splendid Table 2/14/11 16:36

January 22, 2011: The Splendid Table 52:09:00 American Public Media APM: The Splendid Table 2/14/11 15:02

Rachel Abroms of Rachel Abroms Studio is our very special guest this month on the Escape PODcast 49:59:00 Susan M. Baker The Escape Hatch 2/14/11 10:59

Entrepreneuring is About One Thing 7:34 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/14/11 10:28

Recently Listened Podcasts for February 11, 2011

Here are a collection of podcasts that I listened to, or watched, lately.

TA: Men’s Health and Brazilian Cosmetic Surgery 28:03 BBC Radio 4
Thinking Allowed 2/11/11 6:02 PM

99% Invisible-09- 99% Private 4:30 Roman Mars
99% Invisible 2/11/11 5:33 PM

99% Invisible-13- Maps 4:30 Roman Mars
99% Invisible 2/11/11 5:26 PM

99% Invisible-08- 99% Free Parking 4:51 Roman Mars
99% Invisible 2/11/11 5:20 PM

Michael Port on Book Yourself Solid Part 1 7:56 The Bigg Success Show
The Bigg Success Show 2/11/11 1:53 PM

Snowbound! 23:05 John Wall and Christopher Penn
Marketing Over Coffee 2/11/11 1:44 PM

gunsmoke, cyclone 03/14/1953 29:34
botar’s old time radio 2/11/11 10:40 AM

Monster Audio, Pools of Blood & Invisible Roommates – Fun! – Film Riot 14:20
Revision3 Film Riot (Quicktime Large) 2/10/11 2:41 PM

TEDTalks : Cynthia Breazeal: The rise of personal robots – Cynthia Breazeal (2010) 17:13 Cynthia Breazeal
TEDTalks (video) 2/10/11 2:31 PM

TEDTalks : Michael Pawlyn: Using nature’s genius in architecture – Michael Pawlyn (2010) 16:56 Michael Pawlyn
TEDTalks (video) 2/10/11 2:14 PM

IOT: Aristotle’s Poetics 27th January 2011 42:01 BBC Radio 4
In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg 2/8/11 9:24 AM

Social Media for Small Business : GardenFork Radio 31:10 Eric Rochow
GardenFork Radio 2/8/11 9:11 AM

gunsmoke, trojan war 02/28/1953 29:39
botar’s old time radio 1/31/11 12:52 PM

Recently Listened Podcasts

Here are a few podcasts I have listened to today — Douglas

Tim O’Reilly on Language as a Map 6:11 Brady Forrest Ignite

Ola Helland on Getting One Million Giraffes 5:44 Brady Forrest Ignite

AHOW: 085 Reformation Centenary Broadsheet 1 Oct 2010 13:51 BBC Radio 4 A History of the World in 100 Objects

IOT: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 6th Jan 2011 41:55:00 BBC Radio 4 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg

Jan. 15, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon 13:09 American Public Media APM: A Prairie Home Companion’s News from Lake Wobegon

Directing, Headshots, Lens Flares and Zombie Mommy! – Film Riot 11:58 Revision3 Film Riot (Quicktime Large)

How do you make a living in New Media?

Listen to the podcast

How do you make a living in New Media? I received this great question a few weeks ago and wanted to answer it publicly in hopes that others may benefit.

Here is the question…

“Hi, Mr. Welch. I’m a mom. My son is going to college majoring in (guess what) new media. As a parent I’m wondering how my son is going to make a living in new media, and not feeling like I knew enough about it, I found your site. I watched your speech to the Independent Filmmakers, and I have a clearer understanding of what new media is and the best way to use it, so thanks for that. However my fundamental question remains: how does one make a living in this field? Please help. Thank you.”

..and here is my answer…

There are several ways of building a career based on New Media. Two typical career paths include:

  1. Taking the entertainment route and becoming a producer of your own New Media content, such as producing your own audio or video show
  2. Using your New Media skills to help others produce their content.

Entertainment Path

Here in Los Angeles, many people are taking the traditional entertainment industry approach and attempting to create their own New Media properties in hopes that they can gather an audience, support themselves and perhaps even rival the success of mainstream entertainment.I find this a harder road to follow, as there is a lot of competition, but there can be great rewards for those who hit upon the right property.

This approach to a New Media career tends to be the preferred method for those working, or hoping to work, in the entertainment industry, such as actors, comedians and musicians, as they already have a talent to showcase and New Media provides them an easy distribution method for their work. They can use New Media to show “what they do and how well they do it” to a large number of people and gather an audience around them. This can then lead to mainstream exposure or, in some cases, provide significant income to support themselves from their New Media shows, along with the income from ancillary products like live shows and merchandise.

It is important to remember that there are levels of success in the entertainment industry, despite its focus on the “star system.” While a New Media personality may not garner the money and attention of a Hollywood star, they may find that they can gather a dedicated audience who see them as a star in their own, smaller world, and also provide enough monetary support to provide them a life which many would see as successful. You shouldn’t get caught in the trap of thinking that you must become the next Madonna or Kevin Smith or Jon Stewart. There are many levels of success and New Media could make you very successful indeed.

Consulting Path

Another approach to a New Media career is to become an employee or consult with those people who want to establish their own New Media presence. Your skills at creating and managing New Media are in demand from a wide variety of companies and clients. This is the direction my own New Media career has taken. While I produce my own shows around my personal interests, my long experience in podcasting and New Media allows me to help others create their own New Media properties as well as speak and instruct on New Media topics.

The major benefit to this type of New Media career is that, much like computer consulting, you can work in a wide variety of companies and industries. You might work creating video promotions for a major retailer or develop in-house video materials for a local manufacturer. You could help a local chef build their profile through an Internet cooking show or teach a non-profit how to better communicate with their supporters. Since New Media crosses all boundaries you can look for ways to combine your New Media knowledge with other expertise you might have.

For example, if you are a paralegal or have other law-related experience, you bring more to the table than just your New Media skills. You are well positioned to work with a law firm or law-related public advocacy group as you have skills and expertise on both sides of the equation. Perhaps your are a musician. You bring specific knowledge to your consulting that other musicians can use. This combination of skills give you many more options when choosing between jobs and can open up significant opportunities.

Whether you choose the entertainment or New Media consulting path through your career, I think you are positioning yourself well for the future. Mainstream entertainment is fragmenting under its own weight and high production costs, so I see New Media as a rising market while mainstream production is a diminishing one. There are simply fewer and fewer opportunities in mainstream production with each passing year, so careers there become more and more difficult. New Media provides the ability to combine your New Media expertise with your other talents and create your own unique career based on your own wants, needs and desires. This flexibility is one of the best features of developing a career using your New Media skills.

So, get out there and start building your New Media career today! I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the opportunities that are available to you.

Event: Super Happy Vlog House – This Saturday – Ojai, CA

SHVH Update for Saturday Jan 22, 2011

Here’s an update of schedule and activies for this Saturday’s Super Happy Vlog House.

This is an open and free event where we learn, share and play with web video, blogs and the like. Come and geek out for the day at the beautiful Ojai Digital Dojo with others who are passionate about making video. All levels are welcome, beginners to experts.

There are both scheduled and unstructured activities. Feel free to come for the whole day or just the parts that interest you and fit into your schedule. Drop-in’s are welcome.

Likely Activities (it’s up to you what we do):

  • 8am – Jim Joseph‘s coffee and morning geek talk.  Jim makes the best coffee. Truly.
  • 9am – Alicia’s Ojai Guest House breakfast for those who stay over Friday night or come early on Saturday.  Fresh eggs from our chickens. UPDATE: belgium waffles!
  • 10am – Welcome and introductions. Self organize the day’s activities.
  • 11am – What’s new with HTML5 video? Lots of fun examples.
  • Noon – Pot luck lunch and BBQ, hot dogs (beef or vegie), sausages, burgers.
  • 1pm – How to add fun video-related features to your web pages using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.
  • 2pm – Meet the vloggers. Jim Joseph, Chris Ritke and Tyler Suchmann. Chris will be sharing his experiences making the Ojai Artists Video and Jim will be leading a demonstration around ball room dancing music. UPDATE: Social media pioneerDouglas E. Welch said he’s hoping to join us!
  • 3pm – Internet Archive Cleanup Day – A tour of the Internet Archive, new features and a call to action.
  • 3:30pm 4pm – Vlog walk. Join us for a video walk and visit with local vlogger friends like artist Uta Ritke, plus a stop for a snack or tasty beverage in Meiners Oaks.
  • 5pm – Dinner, pot luck. Tri-tip, chicken, pulled pork, fried rice, beans, salad.
  • 6pm – Open video and web clinic. Get help with your projects; collaborate with others.  Edit and post that cool video you shot today.
  • 7pm – Next to Heaven: vlog screenings. Whiskey and cigars, ports and chocolate.

This is a free event. We’ll organize some sort of pot luck lunch and dinner; please bring something or toss a few bucks into the kitty if you can. This is an adult friendly event with wine, beer and frank discussions. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult.

For additional information, please leave a comment, email or call 805-798-0436.

Overnighters are welcome. First come, first serve on rooms, beds, couches and the RV. Pleanty of room for camping if that is your style and weather permits.

Rain or shine.Labels: 


[Tip] Before following people on Twitter fill out your profile info. Help people to follow you back, not ignore you!

Get more New Media Tips via Twitter – Follow @newmediatips

Quora Answers: If I wanted to get my podcast sponsored, how do I do that?

The first step is documenting your audience and the amount of traffic your podcast attracts. With this information, you will be able to develop a press kit which you can use to approach potential sponsors. They will want to know that you are speaking to their potential buyers on a regular basis.

Gathering demographic info for your listeners can be difficult, as podcast listeners seem to be notoriously shy of surveys. You can hold a contest as a way to increase survey response, though.

As for podcast statistics, you will probably need your raw log files in order to capture the total number of downloads for each episode. Then you can aggregate them to create your total monthly downloads. These downloads will include both new shows and older shows as people do not often listen in order, or find older episodes and listen directly from the web site. This number will show you the number of “impressions” you might be able to fulfill for a given sponsor.

Make sure when you develop any sponsorship campaign that the sponsor has a way to track exactly how many buyers came from your podcast. There should be a unique product code or coupon which they can track on their end so they don’t have to rely on you for that reporting. If they are tracking it themselves they will be much more trusting of that info.

Here is an example of a podcasting press kit –…

Read more answers to this question