Douglas E Welch – “Spreading the Word”- OC Podcasters February Meetup

For our February 11th OC Podcasters meeting we have a speaker lined up, Douglas E. Welch. We’re asking that you PLEASE RSVP so we can get a headcount for how many will be attending.

Douglas E WelchHow to use social media, in all its forms, to support your podcast, without going mad in the process.

Having a social media presence is an important part of every podcasters marketing strategy, but how do you do it without spending more time marketing than producing your shows. Douglas E. Welch shows you how to hook all the parts together so that an action on one social media service can easily propagate to many others — spreading the word, without wearing you out.

You can find more info and where to RSVP at Podcasters is planning to stream via uStream during the event.


New Media Answers 011 – Video, Video, Video

In this continuing series for New Media Interchange, Douglas E. Welch and Tracy Pattin talk about video…and produce it as well, in this, the first video installment in the New Media Answer series.

iPod Ready Video

Listen to past New Media Answers episodes

Most popular Careers in New Media posts for 2008

New Media Prescription 002 – Start/Build Your Email List

Why Podcast? Example 01: Book Signings

New Media Prescription 002 – Start/Build Your Email List

Set my FLVs free!

A Web Radio Intervention – It’s time to get out…please!

Audio: Podcasting Now from BarCampLA-5 on March 2, 2008

Editing video on Nokia N95

Douglas on Gangplank Studios Podcast – What is Gangplank and New Media Interchange?

Perfect Example: Book reading/talk by Clay Shirky

CLASS: 1-Day Workshop – Podcasting and New Media for Writers – UCLA Extension – June 6, 2009

This is advanced notice (very advanced) that Rosanne and I will be doing a 1-Day Intensive Workshop version of Podcasting and New Media for Writers on-site at UCLA Extension. This class will take place on June 6, 2009.

If you are interested in this course, or have further questions, please contact me directly at and mention UCLA Podcasting in the subject line. I will be forwarding more information as we get closer to the date.

Please share this note with anyone you know who might be interested.

Here is the current description for the course:

1-Day Intensive Workshop version of Podcasting and New Media for Writers

Podcasting and various other forms of New Media have given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting and New Media provide “what you want, where you want it, when you want it,” while to the content creator and producer, they offer ultimate creative freedom.

This one-day introductory course covers basic questions like: What is New Media? And why do writers need to be involved in it NOW? The course introduces the students to the basics of writing for New Media; cover strategies for publicizing work in New Media and expanding their readers, viewers, listeners and followers. Basics of audio/video recording and editing will be discussed as will associated technology (RSS feeds, websites, blogs) and alternatives to podcasting, including YouTube, Utterli, Twitter, and Seismic.

New Media allows writers to speak directly to their audience, wherever they might be, at costs approaching zero. If you could have your own audio book label, television or radio station, why wouldn’t you?

LA Organizers Consortium – An Organization for Organizers

During the discussion of at the November Geek Dinner, it came to mind that a new group would be beneficial to the various groups (tech and otherwise) that exist in LA. I saw a deep need for an “organization of organizers” — a group where organizers could turn to help one another build their groups and work together on projects of common interest.

In this vein, I am proposing the LA Organizers Consortium.

“A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.” 1

Based on this description, we certainly could use an association of groups to forward any number of common goals.

I see several ways in which the LAOC could benefit groups in Los Angeles…

  • Share information and experience between group organizers. (Frankly, I know I could really use this)
  • Cross-promote events and activities that apply to more than one group
  • Coordinate cooperative events bringing together several groups for a common goal
  • Create a comprehensive schedule listing all LAOC member events on our own site and develop groups on the various event sharing and promotion sites, such as Upcoming,org, and others.

I am sure there are other benefits that others can offer, as well.

It is my feeling that we have done very well in starting and developing a large number of groups in LA and no we are ready to take it to the next level of organization. Through the Consortium we can start to bring our power to bear to create even more and better effects in LA.

If you are an LA Organizer and would like to become part of the Consortium, you can join the new mailing list/group I have started.

Join here:

Please forward this note to other organizers you may know, of the organizers of groups of which you might be a member.


Upcoming Events

View the compete calendar.

You can also subscribe to this calendar directly using RSS or iCAL.

Pitch-A-Song™ Industry Panel Series

Click for full PDFI’ve just agreed to be part of the Hot Topics Panel at this event on February 7, 2009. Join me and my fellow panelists as I discuss how Podcasting and New Media can help your musical career.

TK Promotions: • Guitar Merchant:
TK Promotions in Association with The Coalition of SoCal Music Organizations (COSMO) and New Pants Publishing, Inc.



Pitch-A-Song ™ is an ongoing series of international presentations designed in an effort to provide music makers a vehicle to expose their songwriting to professionals in the new music business.

SATURDAY, FEB. 7, 2009 | 3 pm – 7 pm

Group Photo Event Organizers: Toni Koch TK Promotions, Steve Scott Cosmo President, Judy Lamppu Cosmo VP, Robert Case,
President New Pants Publishing Panel Moderator, Ritch Esra, Co-Publisher The Music Business Registry, Inc COSMO

Merry Christmas from

We present our 3rd Annual LIVE Reading of Dicken’s A Christmas Carol from Sunday, December 21, 2008 as our holiday present to you.

You can listen to the audio or watch the video from

Presented by

Music courtesy of

Listen: A Live Reading of Charle’s Dickens A Christmas Carol


Douglas’ Noted Items

As I read through my RSS feeds each day, I always find a number of interesting items. Google Reader allows me to easily “share” these items, both within Google Reader itself and at this web page and RSS feed.

To the right you will find a widget containing my latest “Noted” items and a link to see even more. I found them interesting and I bet you will, too! Subscribe to the RSS feed to track what I find interesting every day.

Elsewhere Online: Twitter Landing Page

I came across this interesting article today on why you should have a custom “landing page” for people who discover you via Twitter.

Develop a Twitter Landing Page

Over the weekend I created a landing page for my Twitter account.

I got the idea off Laura Fitton (@pistachio) when a guest post on TwiTip highlighted what she’d done with her own Who is @pistachio landing page.

What is a Twitter Landing Page?

In short – a twitter landing page is a page on your blog or website that is specifically written for those arriving at your blog having clicked on the link in your twitter profile.

Read Entire Article

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New Media Prescription 004 – Interview others

For other entries in this series, See New Media Prescription

If you want to enhance the impact of your new media efforts, and expose yourself to an entirely new set of listeners and viewers, you can’t do better than recording a series of interviews.

Why are interviews so powerful? It is a simple fact of ego. When you interview someone for your show what is the first thing they do? That’s right, they tell all their friends, family and business contacts to listen.

“Hey, you’ve got to listen to this interview I did for the XYZ show!”

This is exactly what you want them to do and you want to facilitate it as much as possible. In this relatively simple way you gain exposure to each person’s network of contacts so provide them with audio or video from the interview, send them links they can share and embed in thier own blogs and web sites and post the interview to public audio and video sharing sites.

While you might hesitate to ask someone for their entire mailing list so you could send out a  press release, interviewing someone, and asking that they share it with their friends and contacts is very natural. An interview provides valuable content and yet still achieves the goal of raising your profile and that of your interview subject.

Who do you interview? Start with the people you would most like to speak with.  Who are your influences? Who are your heroes? Whose opinions do you respect most? There is no need to shoot low, either. My fellow Friends in Tech members, Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Steppe of Technorama always make a point of reaching out to bigger names for their interviews. Their guests have included Mythbusters Adam Savage and Grant Imahara, author Stephen Covey,  explorer and discoverer of the Titanic, Dr. Robert Ballard and many others.

You should also seek to be interviewed by others. You gain content that can be shared on our own blog or podcast and your ideas get exposed to a new group of people. It also allows you to get your ideas out if you are having difficulty writing them down. This was the genesis of my New Media Answers series for New Media Interchange. Members would often be peppering me with questions during our meetings and I quickly realized that my answers would be beneficial to many more people if I captured them for the web site and podcast.

So I asked NMI member, Tracy Pattin, who does her own show, Sizzle in the Middle, to act as the interviewer and duplicate in the studio what happened so frequently at our meetings. She comes in with questions on a particular topic and I answer them to the best of my ability. This results in an engaging discussion and allows me to talk about new media issues and work through ideas that I can later present as more fully-formed articles here and on the New Media Interchange blog. This allows me to answer questions that a large majority of the members might have even when I am unable to talk with each of them individually.

Start interviewing today to spread your name and your message to an entirely new group of people.

Get your message to your audience…cheaply…give away MP3 Players

It has been said by many New Media folks that if you want to get your message into your audience’s ears, buy a cheap MP3 player, load it with your content and give it away. This used to be an expensive proposition, but today’s Sunday ad flyers show this isn’t true any longer. These 1 GB MP3 players could easily hold hours of content and at less than $20 each retail it might actually make sense. You could probably find similar MP3 players even cheaper at retail.

If you have a message to get out to your employees, your charity donors or your any other audience, there is little excuse in not giving away both the “blades” and the “razor”.


Toy R Us

Douglas Welch and the JoshMeister at PodCamp AZ 2008

Another photo from PodCampAZ I just discovered while searching through Flickr.

Slides: Douglas speaks on New Media at DevLearn 2008

In San Jose for DevLearnI had a great time at DevLearn 2008 and the Adobe Learning Summit last week. Here is my New Media presentation from the conference. I also gave a all-day Podcasting Workshop the day before the conference.

Here are the slides from that presentation in PDF format.

Download: Many-to-Many Media from DevLearn 2008

Audio: Douglas speaks on New Media at DevLearn 2008

In San Jose for DevLearnI had a great time at DevLearn 2008 and the Adobe Learning Summit last week. Here is my New Media presentation from the conference. I also gave a all-day Podcasting Workshop the day before the conference.

Listen: Many-to-Many Media from DevLearn 2008


Douglas speaks on New Media at DevLearn2008

I had a great time at DevLearn 2008 and the Adobe Learning Summit last week. Here is my New Media presentation from the conference. I also gave a all-day Podcasting Workshop the day before the conference.

Adobe Learning Summit – San Jose

Adobe Learning Summit

Originally uploaded by dewelch

I am here in San Jose for the DevLearn conference and was able to check out today’s Adobe Learning Summit as well. Big crowd here to learn about all sorts of Adobe tools to assist them in their eLearning careers.

Adobe Learning Summit Adobe Learning Summit

Douglas talks about “…more than podcasting!”

Douglas E. Welch

Originally uploaded by sheiladeeisme

Sheila got this nice picture of me as I presented my session, “…more than podcasting” at PodCampAZ last weekend.
Audio and video of this session is coming soon. I have to get through my all-day podcasting workshop and a conference session at DevLearn2008 this week first.Thanks Sheila!

Douglas interviewed by Susan Heywood of Endless ROI

Susan Heywood of Endless ROI – The Monetization Conversation grabbed a quick interview with me during PodCampAZ last weekend. You can listen to my section of the show using the following link:

Listen to Douglas interviewed by Susan Heywood of Endless ROI


If you would like to listen to the entire Endless ROI episode, use the listen link below

Endless ROI Live from PodcampAZ 2008 Sunday Session
Step by Step: Creating, Promoting and Hosting Your Own Show on BlogTalkRadio

In this session, which will be presented live at PodcampAZ, 2008 ( you will learn how to set up, host and promote your own free Web radio show and podcast using BlogTalkRadio. Discover tips for planning and promoting your show, along with learning how to get started, scheduling and hosting your broadcasts. Each session will include a live broadcast as an example of how to take calls on the air and run the show using your PC and phone.

Listen to the entire show – My interview starts at 18:00

Get the most from Twitter through a balance of Systematic and Unsystematic uses

Whenever a bunch of tech folks get together, as we did this weekend at PodCampAZ, talk soon turns to Twitter and its uses. While the discussion is wide ranging it eventually turns to the use of Twitter as a branding, promotion and business tool. Everyone has their own idea about how Twitter should be used. Some want no business or promotional messages and others see it only as conduit to reach potential customers.

As with most things in life, the effective use of Twitter is dependent on balance. A balance between systematic and unsystematic uses. I think a combination of both yields the greatest ROI for you and your followers.
Systematic Uses

Systematic uses include the automatic tweeting of blog posts, new Flickr pictures, reminder and more. When I first started using Twitter I had to make a decision whether to use to automatically post a tweet when I posted something new to my blogs. In thinking about this, I realized that it was ok for me, as it still directly answered Twitter’s main question, “What are you doing?” The fact is, the last thing I was doing was posting to my blog. The same went for photos and other content I may have posted elsewhere. What I am doing online is part of my life (a large part most of the time) and I want to share it with others.

Unsystematic Uses

Of course, I think my Twitter stream would be incomplete with unsystematic uses. Unsystematic use of Twitter includes the random thoughts that occur to me about where I am and what I am doing. I don’t typically tell folks what I eating or drinking, but a review of my Twitter stream turns up lots of posts about coffee. Most importantly, unsystematic use also includes engaging in the on-going Twitter conversation. @ replies to comments from the people I follow and others often bring out information about my thoughts and ideas that others might not know. They help to “fill out” my personality to my followers and give a more complete picture of who I am. One rule I use on Twitter is this…if I would lean over to a friend to say something, or if I find myself shouting something at the television screen, then it is probably worth a personal tweet. If I would comment back to someone in a face-to-face conversation, I would think this a great reason to @ reply on Twitter.

I believe that in order to enjoy the most benefits from using Twitter you have to have a balance between these 2 uses. Constantly twittering offers from your business, links to your business or links to other sites misses the conversational side of Twitter and can leave followers with a limited view of who you are, what you do and what you are trying to accomplish. Look at your Twitter stream and try to get a feeling what others might feel when they see your stream for the first time. Would you follow yourself if you stumbled across your stream?

Of course, you can engage only in unsystematic uses of Twitter and still have a great time and build some great relationships. It is just a more social use of Twitter and that is perfectly fine. That said. if you are not using systematic tools to include some of your other content in your Twitter stream, you are missing out on some great opportunities to tell folks more about yourself. Whether these systematic uses includes business pitches or not, followers will be accepting of them if they somehow give them a better picture of you.

Balance in all things is difficult to accomplish, but seeking that goal in life and on Twitter is a great way to share your life with others. I think that mixing business and pleasure is one way to make Twitter the most useful to you and your followers. Give it a try.

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