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Saturday, April 29, 2006

What I'm Reading...In A Mexican Garden

In a Mexican Garden: courtyards, pools and open-air living rooms
Gina Hyams, Melba Levick, Photographer

Gorgeous photograph of all aspects of Mexican homes and gardens. I especially liked the outdoor bathrooms with all their tile or rough stone.

Sure to generate lots of ideas for your own home and garden.

Link: Previous mentions of books

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Join Douglas' LinkedIn Network

I am not a big fan of the business or social networking tools available on the web, but I recently got involved in the LinkedIn community. If you would like to join my network, send an invite, via the LinkedIn web site, todouglas@welchwrite.com

Please let me know that you are a reader or listener of A Gardener's Notebook, so I can immediately add you the network.

Be Well! -- Douglas

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Event: 3rd Annual Alt Build: Alternative building materials and design

3rd Annual Alt Build: Alternative building materials and design

Thursday, May 4th, 2006
3021 Airport Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90405

Free/$5 parking

Over 100 exhibits will feature manufacturers of green building materials, landscape and water conservation products, retialers, interior design products and furnishings, utility companies, non-profit organizations and city and state agencies.

Free seminars throughout the day - featuring Favid Johnston, James Mary O'Connor and Lili Singer as keynote speakers.

Link: Seminar Schedule
Link: Maps/Directions

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Roses, weeds, blackspot and the Great Potato Book - April 25, 2006

Listen to the Podcast

Here are some links to information mentioned in the podcast:

Email from Maurice Cuellar...

After listening to your podcast on April 5th, I was inspired to start a website of my own.


It allows users to map their fruit trees interactively. They just log on, type an address, and thats it. They can map their neighborhood trees.

Let me know what you think as I just started this a few days ago.


I'd love to hear what's going on in your garden. Post your comments here or email them to agn@welchwrite.com.

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If you find this podcast helpful, please leave a donation for the author.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Event: Gardens of the Roman World - The Getty Villa

Lectures and Conferences

Gardens of the Roman World
Thursday May 18, 2006
8 pm
Auditorium, Getty Villa

Patrick Bowe, noted expert on garden history and author of Gardens of the Roman World, will examine the ancient Roman obsession with gardens, which were cultivated throughout the empire, from Britain to North Africa and from Portugal to Asia Minor. Using as evidence actual gardens excavated at Pompeii and other ancient sites, he will discuss the intimate and accessible aspects of Roman gardening, including such details as fountains, statuary, trelliswork, and plantings, which are still reflected in city, suburban, and country gardens today.

Reservations available beginning April 25.

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