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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Guerilla gardeners attack London

Will someone please tell these folks about my benighted patch of dirt here in Van Nuys? Please? Surely there has to be a cheap airfare somewhere. Right?

Blooming street craze that leaves authorities seeing green - Britain - Times Online

By Will Pavia

IT IS the latest gang to explode in the concrete canyons of South London, bringing not knives, nor drugs, nor guns — but plants.

They congregate at night beside roundabouts and road junctions, armed with trowels and spades.

The authorities say there is little they can do to stop the rapidly expanding guerrilla movement from planting every neglected patch of soil with rows of hyacinths, rosemary and Day-Glo primulas, tidying up afterwards and returning regularly to water and weed. [Continues]

Link: Previous Post on Guerilla Gardening
Link: AGN Column on Guerilla Gardening

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A bout with bronchitis, fallen fruit, aphids and more - April 5, 2006

Listen to the Podcast

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