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Saturday, January 24, 2004

Getting started with seeds

Martha Stewart Living Online offers up this great article on starting seeds indoors.

I am sure those of you in colder climes are itching to get back into the garden. Maybe starting seeds is a way to get your hands dirty while wiling away the reset of the Winter.

What I'm Reading...

Common to This Country: Botanical Discoveries of Lewis and Clark | The Adventurous Gardener


The weather radar shows rain approaching from the west, but you can never be sure here in the Valley. Oftentimes it skirts to the north or south of us and leaves us high and try. I would like anice gentle rainstorm to further settle in the roses we transplanted last week, I have been keeping them watered myself, but there is something about a rainstorm that just seems to make everything better.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004


I got an email today from a reader, regarding the care of poinsettias received as Christmas gifts. I have never had much success with poinsettias, unfortunately. They always seem to dry up and wither soon after the holidays. That said, I haven't spent much time keeping them around either.

Here are a couple of articles I found that can provide more information on their care.

Keeping Poinsettias Healthy

The Poinsettia Pages

and the Google search I used to find them.

Discuss Gardening

Monday, January 19, 2004

Pruned and Returned

The roses have all been pruned now and the 4 roses I had to transplant have been returned to their rightful place in the front garden. I will babysit them for the next week or so to insure that they don't have any issues adjusting to their newly renovated area. I would hate to lose all of them, but sometimes things are beyond your control.

Discuss Gardening

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Azaleas A-bloom

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According to my handy gardening calender (actually just repeating entries in my electronic calender), the azaleas bloomed aroun d January 24, 2003. Our recent warm spell seems to have sped up the process this year. The earliest bloomers are always the large, mature plants in front of the house, with the smaller, more heavily pruned shrubs bringing up the rear.

Discuss Gardening

Dig around on Internet for gardening tools, equipment

Here is a host of great resources for garden shopping online from the Anchorage Daily News

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