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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

AGN in the iTunes Audio Blog Top 20

Thanks to all the AGN subscribers using iTunes, A Gardener's Notebook was listed in the Top 20 Audio Blogs in the iTunes Podcast Directory.

* The list is updated in near-real-time, so we might be higher or lower when you check.

Thanks again to all the listeners. More great content is on the way. I am in the process of scheduling interviews with a bird feeding expert, landscape designers and more.

Subscribe to the feed today, for free, to get all this and more automatically downloaded to your computer.

Thanks again!

Monday, May 29, 2006

From AltBuild: Mike Baron - Walla Walla Sprinkler Co.

This is the six in a series of videos I shot May 4, 2006 at AltBuild Expo, the alternative building materials and design expo.

More videos will be forthcoming in the next few days. Additional, non-gardening-related videos from the show appear in my other blog/podcast, My Word.

In this video, I talk with Mike Baron of the Walla Walla Sprinkler Co..

Watch this video

I'd love to hear what's going on in your garden. Post your comments here or email them to agn@welchwrite.com.

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If you find this podcast helpful, please leave a donation for the author.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A New Old Birdbath

After setting up our new bird feeders yesterday I finally got around to using some of the leftover wood from building our pergola to create a stand for an existing bird bath that had fallen into disuse.

I attached some 2x5 feet to the end of the 6x6 beam to stabile it and then simply set the existing birdbath on top. I would like to find some way to attach the dish to the top of the beam, but it needs to be easily removed for cleaning, so I wouldn't really want to use construction adhesive or something else that is considered permanent.

I am a big fan of re-using materials in the garden and this was so easy to do. It took me about 15 minutes total from beginning to end to attach the feet, so it was quite a reward for such a small investment of time.

What do you have lying about your garage or garden that can be put to better use? You might just surprise yourself with your creativity!

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