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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Hmmm.....maybe we CAN grow some tomatoes...

I have heard of these units, but hadn't really seen one. My wife is constantly pestering (SMILE) me about growing fresh tomatoes and herbs. We have so many trees, though, and that makes full sun very difficult to find. I suppose we would put this out in the sunniest patch we can find. It holds 80 lbs. of topsoil, though, so it would have to stay wherever it was placed or put on a wheeled cart to make it easier to move. It certainly would look odd, but the sunniest spot I can think of is the middle of the driveway.
Upsidedown Tomato Garden

This Upside-Down Tomato Garden is very similar to the other aerial tomato garden blogged on Pogadget ...

(Via Popgadget: Personal Tech for Women.)

See also: Books on growing tomatoes
See also: Google Search on "Growing tomatoes"

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Grow it anywhere

Take any open space and convert it back into productive land. Cool!

This is certainly easier than my idea of turning every unimproved lot in Los Angeles into an allotment. (SMILE)


CITY FARMING PLANT MODULES enable persons to grow plants in cities. The plant modules can be arranged in multiple formations directly on pavement, squares, etc.


The plant modules consist of soil, which is wrapped up in semitransparent, semi-permeable fibre cloth made into flexible forms. Water is introduced into every module by hoses that can be connected to drain pipes on buildings or to other water sources. The parts of the hoses that are inside the modules are perforated, which allows the water to seep out into the soil. Rainwater will also penetrate the fibre cloth, which will retain moisture while allowing excess water to escape.

(Via n55.dk)

Additional Plant Systems and Lights from Amazon.com

Sunday, December 25, 2005

More Bonsai information

A link from Delicious bookmarking site under the tag gardening led me to this site with lots of bonsai information. This is another great resource whether you are just thinking about bonsai or are ready to dig in and get started.

Bonsai...The millennia-old art form, still going strongly today!

In Japanese, bonsai can be literally translated as 'tray planting' but since originating in Asia, so many centuries ago - it has developed into a whole new form. To begin with, the tree and the pot form a single harmonious unit where the shape, texture and colour of one, compliments the other. Then the tree must be shaped. It is not enough just to plant a tree in a pot and allow nature to take its course - the result would look nothing like a tree and would look very short-lived. Every branch and twig of a bonsai is shaped or eliminated until the chosen image is achieved. From then on, the image is maintained and improved by a constant regime of pruning and trimming.

Link: The Bonsai Site

Books: Books about bonsai from Amazon.com