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Friday, March 05, 2004


I cannot tell for sure, but it looks like Summer might be starting already here in Southern California. After 2 weeks of good rain and moderate temperatures, the weather forecasts are calling for a weekend in the 80's and 90's here in the San Fernando Valley. While warm days are nice as a change of pace, I do not look forward to the constant drone of 90/100 degree days that settles on us in Summer. June gloom, a yearly pattern of overcast mornings caused by the marine layer, give us some respite, but a short-lived one.

Despite the nicer weather, I am suffering through yet another Kindergarten cold, brought home by my 6-year-old. I should be out basking in the glory of the warm days and awakening garden, but I find myself hunkering down on the sofa trying to stay awake. I did some work for a client in Malibu this morning, but even those beautiful sites couldn't pull my out of my sniffly doldrums. I need to get over this cold so I can start all those projects I have in my listed in my garden journal. After all, our big June garden party is only a few months away. (SMILE)

On a brighter note, the daffodils are popping like popcorn, with a new yellow blossom every day scattered about the front garden. The pink azaleas are finishing up their blooms and the trees are adding leaves at an amazing rate. On one side of the street, you might see the bare limbs of Winter and on the other the bright green of new Spring growth.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Tabletop Gardens: Create 40 Intimate Gardens for the Home, No Matter What the Season

This striking book is an excellent choice for those of you who simply can't stop gardening, no matter what the season or location. While apartment dwellers will especially benefit from the tabletop gardens, everyone could find a place in their home for these beautiful examples. Everything from dry gardens to bogs is covered. Each example includes information on lighting, water, temperature requirements and average life span.

I have never had much success with indoor plants, but I am tempted to try out a few of these, including the ones growing simple grasses in pretty containers.