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Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Two more serendipitous garden book finds

I happened upon both of these books as I wandered through the library today. They are similar in nature, although the second, Private Landscapes, is more about architecture than gardens. That said, there are some excellent photos of the gardens that accomplish these "modern" architectural homes.

Urban Sanctuaries: Peaceful Havens for the City Gardener

Private Landscapes: Modernist Gardens in Southern California

Perfect Garden Day

Today just seemed like the perfect garden day. The temperature was cool, but not cold and the sun was shining brightly. I just came in, after spending an hour or so filling feeders, reading and planning, as some high clouds started to drift in from the south. This was enough to make it a bit too cool to sit.

There was a light breeze, just enough to turn my miniature windmill and rustle the drying leaves on the trees. The Japanese maple has turned brown, but it always seems to want to hold onto its leaves even after that. The locust is creating a yellow carpet just off the back patio, as it does every year.

Several of the neighborhood squirrels came by on their usual rounds, but seemed a bit surprised to find me waiting for them. They would pause on the fence, earnestly checking me out and making sure I wasn't a threat. Then I would hear them scamper along the fence behind me, heading for the big power pole at the back corner of the lot. Another decided to come across the garage roof, over the wisteria trellis, up the ash tree and over to the eucalyptus. I lost sight of him after that, but I will probably see him/her raiding the feeder sometime this afternoon.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Between the rains, into the ground

Whatever the reason, I got the urge to put my daffodil bulbs into the ground this afternoon. The weather has been cool and dry the last several days, so it seemed like the right time.

Forty of these "King Alfred-type" daffodils went into the front bed and were interspersed among the roses along the driveway. This should give some color during January when the roses are cut back hard and look a little forlorn.

This weekend is supposed to bring rain again, so this should settle the bulbs in and give them a good start. I purchased these on a bit of an impulse, but hopefully they will take off and add another element to the front garden.