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Friday, December 12, 2003

Gardening Catalogs

Waiting for Spring offered up a post on garden catalogs, and I realized that, unlike most gardeners, I don't get enough of them. For whatever reason, I never got on the gardening catalog mailing list, but I am sure my requests today will result in the usual avalanche that other gardener's always talk about each Winter.

New Sunflower Items in my CafePress Store

I added a new branch to my CafePress store this evening, featuring my photo of Canyon Sunflowers taken at the Theodore Payne Foundation last June. The mission of the Payne Foundation is "To promote and restore California landscapes, and habitats, propagate and make available California native plants and wildflowers To educate and acquire knowledge about California flora and natural history."

Other photos taken on this trip can be seen in this photo gallery.

Click to view more products

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

In my gardening journal...

This is just one small example of the things I put in my journal when thinking about the garden. I try to capture my thoughts, wherever I might be, so I can refer to them later. I also keep a Someday/Maybe folder with ideas pulled from online, my own photos and magazines.

Click for larger image

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Eight Best Gardening Books

Just what I didn't need...more books to read! Still, these should be a load of fun to check out.

Here is the list from the Christian Science Monitor's web site, via Feedster.com...

Judy Lowe of the Christian Science Monitor selects eight best gardening books for 2003.

Via Feedster gardening]

Monday, December 08, 2003

Bulbs in December

Our first rains triggered the bulbs in the garden and now they up quite far. It won't be too long before we start seeing flowers.

Bookish Gardener points out a book I will need to check out, Christopher Lloyd's The Adventurous Gardener. It sounds quite interesting and a quick check of the LA Public Library shows that they have a copy.

I am always looking for good gardening books, so it is nice to find a sight that can recommend additional titles to try.

You can get further information on the book by visiting this Amazon link.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Holiday Video and Books

I have posted links to some of my favorite holiday books and videos over on My Word.