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Thursday, February 13, 2003

Recent Garden Books


Outdoor Woodwork: 16 Easy-To-Build Projects for Your Yard and Garden

Several excellent projects, including a Potting Bench that is calling my name.


Annuals for Every Purpose

I am always looking for new plants, but never really cared much for annual plants. I garden by benign neglect and couldn't see myself replanting each and every year. Of course, here in California, many annuals can be grown as perennials. So I think I might try out a few of the suggestions from this book.


Garden Stone: Creative Ideas, Practical Projects, and Inspiration for Purely Decorative Uses

Whether you are considering a simple garden path or moving large boulders about your yard, this is a great place to start. Excellent photos, text, and detailed drawings.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Finally some rain!

It is amazing how welcoming a bit of rain can be when you haven't seen it in months. We Californians are often accused of being sun worshippers, but I live for these rainy days. Not only does it cut down on my regular watering bill, it also gives a much welcome change in the weather. 100 days of sunshine wear on me as much as 100 days of snow did when I lived in Ohio. I like some variability to my weather.

I am hoping that today's rain gives a boost to some of my plants. They have been putting out new buds and growth for most of the month, even without the usual rainfall. In past years, this early growth without a steady supply of rain has left them tired and gangly by the middle of the summer.