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Saturday, April 03, 2004


Wildflower Show & Walk

April 10 - 11, 2004 Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 4pm

Malibu Bluffs Park

Native wildflowers from home gardens on display. Plants, books, posters and more for sale. Members of the California Native Plant Society will provide a guided look at the spring wildflowers on Malibu Bluffs Park at 1pm each

Charmlee Wilderness Park, California State Parks & California Native Plant Society

Friday, April 02, 2004

Spring Maples

Red leaves, newborn

green in summer

hide their exuberance

until Fall returns

to let them shine

as days shorten

and Winter approaches.

-- Douglas E. Welch

Nasturiums and Termites

Click for larger image

These topics are not really related, but I figured I would catch up on some quick garden news in one posting, so there it is.

The Nasturtiums are doing well in the back garden, helping to cover over the retreating foliage of the daffodils and snowbells. They seem to get more prolific every year when they return.

On a less friendly note, we are having the entire house tented and fumigated in about a week in order to get rid of drywood termites that have been active recently. We have seen sporadic evidence of them over the 8 years we have lived her, but it seems time to finally get them cleaned up in preparation for remodeling plans that have been in our minds for a long time.

On a gardening-related note, there are some beds that will have to cut back from the house so that the tarps can be placed. This isn't a bad thing, necessarily, as some of the azaleas out front have needed trimming for a while and this gives me the impetus to get on with that project. There are two Nandina bushes, also called Heavenly Bamboo, to move, as well, and I will probably transplant them into another area of the garden. This plants are Bamboo at all and are much better behaved than traditional, garden-eating bamboo. They stay nice and compact and don't try to take over everything.

I will have to detach and "tilt away" the rose trellis near the front door where the new Bankside roses are growing. I have to come up with some way of propping it up while still giving the workmen enough room to do their thing.

I am not expecting any large damage to the garden and I will keep you informed of any problems I find with the process.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Event - Spring Botanical Drawing Workshop

This sounds like an interesting event that combines the outdoors with some creative pursuits. I haven't been to this event before, but I might just try and check it out, if I can find the time. I need an excuse to get out of the house and away from the computer for a while.

TUES 4/6 11am

Sooky Goldman Nature Ctr

Spring Botanical Drawing Workshop

Interested in accurately drawing and/or painting plants, while learning more about our native flora in a relaxed indoor environment? Join an ongoing gathering of artists of all levels. Group size is limited. Reservations
required 323-656-3899. 4hrs WODOC

Sunday, March 28, 2004

LA Blogs Get-Together at the Farmer's Market

I spent a great couple of hours hanging out with other LA Bloggers at the Farmer's Market yesterday. Read more about it over in My Word.