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Friday, June 11, 2004


We were down in Malibu today for a few hours and I found these wonderful agapanthus in bloom.

Click for larger images

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Why don't you eat your roses?!

Rosedude has an excellent post on the myriad of ways to use roses in the kitchen.

"Why Don't You Eat Your Roses?"
That's what my dear wife said to me recently when I inquired about the availability of a meal in our house. I took her literally of course, nerd that I am, and began speculating about the possibilities. [ Continued at RoseDude]

Magnolias - a nicer view

I came across this posting on the Zanthan Gardens site.

It takes a more charitable view of magnolias than my position in an earlier post.

The photo with the post is first rate, as well.