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Thursday, June 24, 2004

Monticello Garden Virtual Tour

Gardening.About.Com has a link to this excellent site about the gardens of Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home in Charlottesville, Virginia.

We visited the home many years ago when we were in Maryland for a friends wedding. The gardens are indeed quite amazing. I highly recommnd a visit for anyone who might be in the area. You can also visit Ash Lawn-Highland, the nearby home of James Monroe and Montpelier, the home of James and Dolly Madison, a little further up the road towards Fredricksburg.

A Quintessential Garden Picture

Prarie Point - A view of the world from a garden on the Blackland Prairie has what I consider a quintessential garden picture. It looks more like a painting than a photograph.

This would look great hanging in any room of the house.