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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Book: A Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art and Hardscape of Little and Lewis

A personal look into the gardens of sculptors and garden designers George Little and David Lewis. Their concrete sculptures usually take the form of large leaves,built from impressions of real leaves, large columns or intriguing, dinosaur egg-like spheres.

The book is written in 2 voices, with each author giving their own thoughts on various topics including their personal connection with the garden, plant selection, building water features and more. There are tons of beautiful photos and they offer a host of information on which plants they grow and why.

Link: A Garden Gallery by George Little and David Lewis

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Patio Bed Clean-up

Patio Bed Clean-up
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
I took a few minutes the other day to start the clean-up on the patio bed which holds the agapanthus, some nadina and a carpet of, now dormant, bulbs.

I have been lax about leaf clean up the last year and was amazed at how thick the leaves were in this bed. It sits directly beneath a locust, my favorite Japanese Maple and a large eucalyptus, so it collects leaf mold like crazy.

It is a bit hard to see in the photo, but the pile of stuff in the foreground is from only 1/2 of the bed. The final pile is, at least, twice as large.

Most of this will hit the compost heap, but the rest will go in our green gardening beds for the city to cart away.

Just think, I have another 7 or 8 beds that need the same attention.

Oh well!