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Wednesday, December 17, 2003


If it seems a bit quiet around the WelchWrite blogdom for the next few weeks, it is because we have departed for a Christmas Trip.....to Sicily!

My wife has relatives there and, a few years ago, when we visited for the first time, I made mention of returning for Christmas some year. That idea took root and has brought us to the cusp of our journey. We are getting packed now and the excitement is growing. We all feel a great need to get away from the hustle and bustle of LA for awhile, so this should provide an excellent chance to unwind and experience Christmas in a whole new light. I believe that everyone needs a host of new experiences in their lives. Even if I sometimes shy away from them, I still understand how important they are.

The house-sitter is happily ensconced and the cats are already buttering them up with their poor, sad, hungry faces. You would think we don't feed them at all. (SMILE) I am sure they will have taken over entirely by the time we return.

I will be reading my email and such once we arrive, but I don't expect to be as active with the blogs as I might normally be. That said, though, if I come across anything interesting, you folks will be the first to hear about it. I am taking my digital camera and will be able to download photos there, so if I come across any interesting gardens, I will be sure to send some pictures along.

I wish you all the happiest holidays you can possibly imagine and can't wait to return to the New Year recharged and ready to face whatever comes our way.