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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Elsewhere Online: HortIdeas

Cool Tools points out the commercial newsletter, HortIdeas, for great gardening information and offers some samples in their post (Link below).

I did a quick Google search on HortIdeas and found a wealth of similar resources that use HortIdeas as reference. If you aren't quite ready to splurge for a HortIdeas subscription ($15/year via email), you can probably still benefit from these additional articles that reference it. Of course, I am enough of a geek, in all things, that a newsletter like this sounds great! (SMILE)


Do plants have ideas? Yes.

I use this monthly to troll for the best in the art and science of gardening. Each month editors Greg and Pat Williams extract the meatiest, handiest, most practical innovations in vegetable, fruit and flower horticulture. They tirelessly glean material from obscure ag-extension bulletins, garden club newsletters, seed catalogs and dusty journals, reading it all so you don't have to, and translating it into clear English so you can use it. [Continues]

(Via Cool Tools.)

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