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Sunday, May 16, 2004

Magnolia, I care not for ye...

It is magnolia blossom time here in Southern California. Amidst all the purple of the jacarandas, there are huge white blossoms hanging from the others.

I have never been a big fan of Magnolia trees (Magnolia grandiflora), but they are difficult to avoid here. Just 2 major blocks away runs Magnolia Boulevard. It has entire blocks that are lined in its namesake tree.

The flowers seem overly large and cumbersome without a hint of delicateness often found in flowers. They also leave quite a mess when they drop their seed cones and waxy leaves. I agree with the note in the link above that "the old leaves that accumulate under the tree seem to take forever to decompose." The tree seems too large a choice for its typical tree lawn usage here in Los Angeles, but enough people seem to enjoy them, so they stay. I can't say, though, that I have seen any new ones being planted recently.


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