Audio: The What, Why and How of Blogging

Douglas E. Welch presents a talk on the What, Why and How of Blogging, or Blogging 101.

Listen (54 minutes)


This talk was recorded April 17, 2009 in a presentation to the Institute of Management Consultants, Southern California Chapter.

Outline of this talk:

* Introduction
o Question – How many of you update your web site daily? weekly? monthly?
+ Most people find it too difficult
* What?
o A web site like all the others
o Blogging provides easy methods of updating your web site
+ Latest information
+ Automatic archives
+ Attractive to search engines
+ Concentrate on putting up new content, not fiddling with design
+ Can be easy and free or complicated and not free
* Why?
o Visibility
+ Telling people what you do and how well you do it
+ Getting your message to those who truly want to hear it
+ Traditional advertising less and less effect or wrong tool for some companies or professions.
+ Give people an opportunity to “stumble upon” your work
+ Provides “A Place for your stuff”, as George Carlin said
# A place to refer people for more info
# An online brochure or business card
# A home base to direct people to when placing content on other sites
* YouTube, Facebook, etc
+ Easy release of all sorts of content – text, photos, audio, video and even live video streams
o NOT more work
+ Make it easier to capture and present information/content
# You are already creating it every day
# Just need to capture it
+ Should be part or whole of every web site
# In some cases, it IS the web site
* How?
o Buy a domain name, if you don’t already have one
o Free blogging services
+,,, and many more
+ Doesn’t even require a web site, but you should probably have one anyway
+ Use re-direct to point from existing web site
o Free Self-hosted
+ Use in combination with your existing web site
* Questions?

Audio: You don’t know who your audience is



One of the most important lessons for New Media creators is the fact that when you start, you often have absolutely no idea who your audience might be. You can survey, you can review, you can correlate, but until you put something out there, you will never truly know. More importantly, this uncertainty is often what stops people from creating New Media at all.

Today over lunch I was watching some podcasts on my televison (There are a bunch of ways to do that) and I caught a TedTalk with Malcom Gladwell on Spaghetti Sauce — “Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell gets inside the food industry’s pursuit of the perfect spaghetti sauce — and makes a larger argument about the nature of choice and happiness.” Gladwell tells the story of Dr. Howard R. Moskowitz who revolutionized the food industry with his concept that there is no one, perfect item, but rather a horizontal continuum of perfect products based on what groups of people desire. More importantly, he discovered that asking people what they want was often the worst way of discovering their preference.

The same applies to New Media. If you asked someone what they want in New Media, most will tell you they want it to look and feel like mainstream television. In fact, though, tens of thousands of people are already enjoying New Media shows that look nothing like television. Witness “Fred”, Make Magazine’s podcasts and shows, Diggnation, Ask a Ninja and more. Even more, television these days is starting to look more and more like New Media, not the other way round. Shows like “Destroyed in Seconds”, “How It’s Made” and others owe much to the success of YouTube. It seems mad, but the audience doesn’t honestly know how to indicate what they really want in media except by voting with their eyeballs.

This fact is why it is so important to start producing content — whether individual episodes or complete series of shows — and then see what attracts the most attention. This may seem madness after all these years of focus groups, private screenings, in-depth analysis and such, but I think it is the only true way to discover your audience.

Of course, “throwing something against the wall” is so much easier in New Media, even it is a bit scary. You can start producing shows on a shoestring and then increase the time and budget as you start to discover your core audience. Unlike mainstream television, you aren’t spending millions of dollars on a pilot, only to have the show be cancelled after one episode.

New Media gives you the freedom to try many things, in many mays, and pick the best. You should take this freedom and run with it as this is the first time in the history of modern media where, not only can you create something, you can easily distribute it directly to your audience. Don’t squander this great advantage.

You may have some idea who your audience is, but I can guarantee you that there will always be surprises. There will be a demographic that you had no idea you would reach. You could be successful in a far flung country. You could end up with a huge following across the globe, but you won’t know until you do it! You have no idea who your audience is, but it is very likely they will find you anyway.

Audio: Spreading the Word – A presentation to the OC Podcasters

Uploaded - 2\11\09 on TwitPicSpreading the Word – How to use social media, in all its forms, to support your podcast, without going mad in the process.

Having a social media presence is an important part of every podcasters marketing strategy, but how do you do it without spending more time marketing than producing your shows. Douglas E. Welch shows you how to hook all the parts together so that an action on one social media service can easily propagate to many others — spreading the word, without wearing you out.

Listen to Spreading the Word (90 mins)



Audio: State of the Music Industry Panel Discussion – Feb 9, 2009

On February 7, 2009, TK Promotions in association with the Coalition of SoCal Music Organizations (COSMO) and New Pants Publishing, Inc., presented the 2nd in a Series of Pitch-A-Song™ Industry Panels at the Guitar Merchant.

A “State of the Industry” panel proceeded the “Pitch-A-Song™”, moderated by Steve Scott, Pres. of COSMO (Coalition of Socal Music Organizations) with industry guests including writer/podcaster/new media consultant Douglas E. Welch, producer Mandi Martin and film/tv professional WinJow speaking on hot topics covering the music industry.

Listen: State of the Music Industry Panel Discussion

[audio: ]

Merry Christmas from

We present our 3rd Annual LIVE Reading of Dicken’s A Christmas Carol from Sunday, December 21, 2008 as our holiday present to you.

You can listen to the audio or watch the video from

Presented by

Music courtesy of

Listen: A Live Reading of Charle’s Dickens A Christmas Carol


Audio: Douglas speaks on New Media at DevLearn 2008

In San Jose for DevLearnI had a great time at DevLearn 2008 and the Adobe Learning Summit last week. Here is my New Media presentation from the conference. I also gave a all-day Podcasting Workshop the day before the conference.

Listen: Many-to-Many Media from DevLearn 2008


Douglas speaks on New Media at DevLearn2008

I had a great time at DevLearn 2008 and the Adobe Learning Summit last week. Here is my New Media presentation from the conference. I also gave a all-day Podcasting Workshop the day before the conference.

Douglas interviewed by Susan Heywood of Endless ROI

Susan Heywood of Endless ROI – The Monetization Conversation grabbed a quick interview with me during PodCampAZ last weekend. You can listen to my section of the show using the following link:

Listen to Douglas interviewed by Susan Heywood of Endless ROI


If you would like to listen to the entire Endless ROI episode, use the listen link below

Endless ROI Live from PodcampAZ 2008 Sunday Session
Step by Step: Creating, Promoting and Hosting Your Own Show on BlogTalkRadio

In this session, which will be presented live at PodcampAZ, 2008 ( you will learn how to set up, host and promote your own free Web radio show and podcast using BlogTalkRadio. Discover tips for planning and promoting your show, along with learning how to get started, scheduling and hosting your broadcasts. Each session will include a live broadcast as an example of how to take calls on the air and run the show using your PC and phone.

Listen to the entire show – My interview starts at 18:00

Douglas on E-Learning Guild Podcast

In preparation for my day-long podcasting workshop at DevLearn 2008, Brent Schelenker had me on his show to talk about myself, podcasting and New Media on his GuildCast for the ELearning Guide podcast.

Listen Now


Here is the info on my workshop:

Audio and e-Learning: How to Turn Sound Files into Training Podcasts

Tuesday November 11, 2008 08:30 AM

Doug Welch, The WelchWrite Company, Inc.

As e-Learning professionals, you create content everyday. Much of that content is lost when you fail to capture it, or when you fail to edit and distribute it to your audience. Audio is already a big part of your e-Learning, but you could be using it for so much more. Learn new ways to capture audio content, and how to distribute it via internal and external systems and services like blogs, RSS (Real Simple Syndication), and Podcasting.

In this workshop you will be immersed in sound, and learn how new audio technologies can be used to enhance your learning solutions. You will learn how to capture, edit, and distribute sound files, as well as learn which tools are best for you. You will be learning about Podcasting from an industry veteran who specializes in new media production. If you already know the learning theories related to audio in your e-Learning courses, then this workshop will get you to the next level, and help make your corporate learning Podcast dreams a reality.

In this session, you will learn:

* How to capture good audio, and what tools you can use
* How to edit audio to produce a complete, professional sounding, show
* How to use a blog and RSS to distribute your work
* How to share your work with the world using the iTunes Podcast directory (and other products) can share your work with the world

Intermediate Designers, Developers, Project managers, and Managers who have Only basic computer knowledge is required. Additional experience with audio production is helpful, but not required.

Breaking in Again – A WGA Panel Discussion

New Media presentation at the WGA

This panel discussion was recorded on September 9, 2008 at the Writers Guild of America, West in Los Angeles, California.

Host, Bill Taub, brings together a collection of WGA members to discuss their involvement in New Media and what it might mean for the future of the entertainment business.

Listen: Breaking in Again – A WGA Panel Discussion


(Note: Due to technical difficulties, the last speaker of the evening, Marc Scott Zicree, was not recorded. You can find out more about Marc at .)

Speakers included:

DOUGLAS E. WELCH’s premier podcast, Career Opportunities, is nearing its 5th fifth year of weekly production. He is a pioneer Podcaster and computer consultant. Douglas consults on a variety of technology subjects in the Los Angeles area, teaches Podcasting and New Media for Writers at UCLA Extension, and was on the staff of the 2006 Stephens College Summer Film Workshop in Columbia, Missouri, teaching new filmmakers how to promote and distribute their work using new media.

ROSANNE WELCH is a television writer/producer with credits including FOX’s popular “Beverly Hills 90210” and CBS’s Emmy winning “Picket Fences” and a five year stint as a writer/producer on CBS’s top rated “Touched by an Angel”. In 1998 she researched, wrote and co-produced a two-part special documentary for ABC NEWS/Nightline “Bill Clinton and the Boys Nation Class of 1963”. She is also the author of two books (“Three Ring Circus: How Real Couples Balance Marriage, Work and Kids” from Seal Press, 2004 and “The Encyclopedia of Women in Aviation and Space” from ABC-CLIO, 1998). Before that Welch was a high school English teacher and freelance writer with editorials for the Los Angeles Times and The Cleveland Plain Dealer and she was one of the founding columnists for The Microsoft Network’s online literary magazine, Matter.

As a writer-producer MARC SCOTT ZICREE has hundreds of hours of network TV to his name, including STAR TREK – TNG, DEEP SPACE NINE (“Far Beyond the Stars”), BABYLON 5, SLIDERS, FRIDAY THE 13TH – THE SERIES, FOREVER KNIGHT and even SMURFS. He has had bestsellers in fiction and non-fiction, notably the MAGIC TIME trilogy of novels and his classic TWILIGHT ZONE COMPANION (recently named by the NEW YORK TIMES one ten science fiction books “for the ages”). He has just completed co-writing, directing and executive producing STAR TREK NEW VOYAGES “WORLD ENOUGH AND TIME,” starring George Takei, which won the TV Guide Award and has been nominated for the Hugo and Nebula.

KEN LAZEBNIK — A veteran playwright-tv and screenwriter, Ken LaZebnik’s most recent screenplay is for the Lionsgate film “Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage.” It stars Peter O’Toole and Marcia Gay Harden and will open across America in November, 2009. Together with Garrison Keillor, LaZebnik co-wrote director Robert Altman’s last film: “A Prairie Home Companion” and has a long history of writing for “Prairie Home Companion”. And has several films in the pipeline. His other screenplays include “Hot Air,” which he wrote with Norman Steinberg for Michael Keaton and MGM. His plays have been produced in New York, Minneapolis and Los Angeles. Los Angeles was the site of the premiere of his comedy “Sink Eating,” which opened at the Matrix Theater. His most recent play, “Vestibular Sense,” premiered in Minneapolis in 2007, and was honored with an award from the American Theater Critic’s Association at the Humana Festival in Louisville. For television, he has written on series as varied as “Touched By An Angel,” “Providence” and “Star Trek: Enterprise.” Crossing genres he wrote three PBS specials for their series “In Concert at the White House”. In addition, he founded the literary baseball magazine The Elysian Fields Quarterly, now over twenty years in publication. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, actress Kate Fuglei, and their two sons.

MARY FEUER is Consulting Producer on the TV series “Dante’s Cove,” which has been described as “Dark Shadows” meets “Queer As Folk” meets “Lost,” if you can imagine that. Her pilot, “God and Mann,” is in development with producer Michael Rosenberg (“The Riches”) at Blueprint Entertainment, and her original web series, “With the Angels,” premieres in August on www.Strike.TV. Mary’s other work on the web includes about 60 episodes as Head Writer/Supervising Producer of the seminal series “Lonelygirl15.” She was also Story Editor for “Buried Alive,” a series on Sony’s Mary’s short story “House on Fire” beat out over 19,000 entries to win the Grand Prize in the 2006 Writer’s Digest Competition, and another story, “Valentine’s Day at the Psych Hospital,” will be published in an anthology from St. Martin’

BILL TAUB – veteran television writer-producer with over 25 years experience and hundreds of episodic credits. Has broken in again several times. And has just finished his first web series. “Psycho Babble”, which will have its first exclusive showing on STRIKE TV. And is developing several projects through the LAUGH FACTORY. He also teaches an online course at UCLA Extension Writers Program: “Writing A Spec Pilot”. And is also a member of the WGA Education Committee.

Audio: Welcome and the first in our New Media Answers Series

This show is re-posted from New Media Interchange. It is the beginning of a new series I am developing for that user group. — Douglas

Douglas E. Welch and Tracy Pattin sit down for the first episode in our series, New Media Answers

Listen: New Media Answers 001: Blogging and Your New Media Web Site


In this episode, Douglas offers a short introduction to New Media Interchange and then discusses all sorts of questions regarding blogging and your new media web site, using Tracy’s Sizzle in the Middle blog and podcast site as an example.

Listen in as they discuss what needs to be moved, what needs to be added and the ins and outs of blogging for your show.


This interview recorded with the Zoom H2 Handy Portable Stereo Recorder.

Douglas on Gangplank Studios Podcast – What is Gangplank and New Media Interchange?

Recording podcasts with Evo Terra Gangplank, Phoenix, Arizona

During my recent trip to Arizona, I stopped by the Wednesday evening “Hackmania” at Gangplank HQ. Learn more about Gangplank and a little about my group, New Media Interchange, too.

Hosted by Evo Terra, co-author of Podcasting for Dummies.

Gangplank #4 – Derek and Douglas

OK, how about a serious show? Douglas was visiting from California on an invite from Evo and was curious what this whole “gangplank” thing is all about. Evo ducked the question admirably, bring in Derek to clear things up. And now… you know. Or you will once you listen. Which you’re gonna do now, right?

Listen to the show


Voice Registry Podcast-Tracy Pattin Talks To Warner Bros. Sound Supervisor Michael Lawshe & New Media Expert Doug Welch

Michael Lawshe pictureInternet radio play, “Prelude To A Revolution” about the American Revolution and the lead up to the signing of The Declaration of Independence was created, written and produced by Keri Dearborn, Michael Lawshe, Rosanne Welch and Doug Welch. Warner Brothers Sound Supervisor, Michael Lawshe and New Media expert Doug Welch talk about their internet radio projects and the impact of New Media and Voice Over.


Listen to this interview

Tech: Audacity, LAME and MP3s

Originally written for New Media Interchange

Audacity Audio EditorFor those new to podcasting and new media, I often recommend the free audio recording and editing program, Audacity. This open source program offers you all the basic functions you need to get started.

One quirk of open source programs, though, is that you sometimes have to download additional software to enable some functions. This is the case when using Audacity to output MP3 files. In order to do that, you need to download and install the LAME MP3 encoder. One of the first question I often have to answer is how to do just that.

Luckily, the Audacity web pages have a quick guide that shows you exactly what you need to do. Appropriately enough, you can find this information at How do I download and install the LAME MP3 encoder?

Any further questions? Add them as comments using the link below and we will answer them here.

Zemanta Pixie

Real World Example: What Would Lloyd Say?

Recently I had the (on-going) opportunity to work with Lloyd Garver. Lloyd has been writing for decades for traditional media shows like Home Improvement and has also been writing a column for the web site. Lloyd had been recording audio versions of his columns and placing them on his web site, but after talking with a mutual friend, he wanted to step up to full podcasting of his pieces.

Listen: What Would Lloyd Say?: Don’t Read This While You Drive

Each time I start a project like this, I am reminded of everything I had to learn over the course of my own podcasting career. In Lloyd’s case, he was already about 90% of the way towards podcasting. He had a web site, a blog and audio content already in the blog. Our focus was on setting up RSS feeds, registering the show in iTunes and statistics.

First, I turned to my old favorite, Feedburner, to set up his podcast-ready feed. I started using Feedburner the minute it was announced as previously I was handwriting my RSS feed each time I released a show. Feedburner allows you to easily add all the specific tags for iTunes as well as tweak your feed and provide additional features.

Once the feed was set up, we registered his show with the iTunes Podcast Directory. This should be the first stop in your podcast marketing, too. iTunes makes it easy to find and subscribe to podcasts, so this is always my first recommendation to anyone who wants to listen to podcasts or produce them. What Would Lloyd Say? was available in the iTunes Podcast Directory in about 48 hours. I find this fairly typical, although some people still report long lag times or never getting their show listed. Typically, this has to do with some issue in their RSS feed or the graphic used for the show artwork. Apple seems to want a 300x300x72dpi image for the artwork and tends to hiccup if it doesn’t meet those dimensions.

Once a podcast is running, of course, you want to get some statistics to see how many listeners you have. Feedburner provides a “subscribers” number each day and a combination of Google Analytics and web hosting company stats give us page views, but getting a simple count of the number of downloads can be tricky.

The only true way to know how many downloads you have is to use the raw log files from your web hosting company or stats provided from a podcasting service like In many cases these days though, raw log files are either not available or costs extra each month. Hosting with as I am, Lloyd had to subscribe to the extra TrafficFacts service in order to get his raw log files. I am not happy about this, but it is one of the limitations of hosting.

Once TrafficFacts was enabled, we were able to download the daily log files. Of course, you still need to process those logs in some way to pull out and count the MP3 downloads. On my Mac, I have a small shell script which does this for me, but Lloyd is using Windows. As he is new to this type of reporting, I fell back on a command-line based tool called podstats. This program was created by Kevin Devin, the founder of Friends in Tech of which I am a member. At the time, we needed a robust tool to report our downloads so that we could participate in a podcast advertising network.

Unfortunately, the command line nature of the tool is not really the drag-and-drop simplicity we expect from Windows or Mac. That said, I was able to create a small batch file that allows Lloyd to drop a log file onto the program and get a nicely formatted report. This information can then be entered into an Excel spreadsheet to tracking, manipulation (averages, max, min, etc) and charting.

So, that is my “real world example” of setting up a podcast. If you have questions about podcasting, whether recording, web sites, blogs or RSS feeds, leave a comment below and I will answer all I can.

Audio: Prelude to Revolution Part 3 – Happy 4th of July!

A July 4th Gift from

“I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore” — John Adams

Prelude to Revolution – May 1775, to July 4th, 1776

A live audio production of Eclipse-1 Media.

“Live your liberty, don’t lose it in a history book.”

Listen: Prelude to Revolution Part 3


Listen: Prelude to Revolution Parts 1 & 2

View these photos on

LIVE: Prelude to Revolution Part 3 – A July 4th Radio Play – 4pm PDT

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Prelude to 1776
“Our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor”

Time: 06/29/2008 4:00 PM PDT Pacific — 07:00 PM EDT

Live your liberty, don’t lose it in a history book.

We are going live again this weekend!!!

This is Prelude to Revolution – May 1775, to July 4th, 1776 – a live audio production of Eclipse-1 Media.

Listen LIVE via Talkshoe

Sampler: Mortgages Made Simple: Loan Modifications, Do they really happen – April 25, 2008

Check out this latest version of Mortgages Made Simple. Our lender offered to refinance us at a lower interest rate for no cost. It can happen to you, too. — Douglas

Loan Modifications, Do they really happen – April 25, 2008

Loan Modifications have become a hot topic lately due to the subprime crisis, but are they the proverbial leprechaun with a pot of gold, or that elusive shooting star? We actually know two people that were offered incredible loan modifications from their lender. Mortgages Made Simple logo The interesting thing in both cases was neither were subprime borrowers and both were contacted by their lender. And one was our Co-host/producer. We’ll tell you their stories and….

If you’re not feeling so lucky, you can contact your lender and ask for a loan modification. With a lot of persistence you can get it done. For a brief list of lenders who are more likely to help you out please email us.

(Via Mortgages Made Simple with Rick Gundzik.)

Audio: A Year of Visibility from BarCampLA-5, March 1, 2008

This is the audio from my talk A Year of Visibility at BarCampLA-5 on March 1, 2008. The audio quality here is slightly better than the video segment, as I was using my lavaliere mics.


Listen: A Year of Visibility

Audio: Podcasting Now from BarCampLA-5 on March 2, 2008

Douglas speaks on Podcasting Now! at BarCampLA-5 on March 2, 2008.


Listen: Podcasting Now from BarCampLA-5 on March 2, 2008