Audio: Reaching Across the Distance – Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012


A recording of our live show from February 12, 2012…
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Reaching Across the Distance –
Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012

A Live look at Love Letters and Poems Through History
– Reaching Across the Distance
Presented by

Love letters can reveal the true personality

of the individual that puts pen to paper.

Love letters can bridge time and place.
And they come in many different forms. 

Sometimes a love letter offers the love of a friend

and reaches across desolation
to bring the recipient back to the world of the hopeful.
Sometimes the loss a letter conveys is unexpected.
A few words can bring the reality of home
across an ocean
to a distant battlefield. 

The love can be written between the lines.

Some love letters are the trumpets that herald

the return of their author.
These letters leap across time and miles
to escort in the future.  

Do something different this Valentine’s Day,

reach across the distance 
with a love letter written in your hand,
speaking your words. 


Photos: Reaching Across the Distance – Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012

Here is a collection of photos from today’s live reading — Reaching Across the Distance – Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012 – Sun, Feb 12 — produced by my friends , Keri and Michael.

We broadcast this live via Talkshoe, but an audio podcast will be coming soon.

View the Flickr slideshow if it does not appear above

Tip: Video Lighting Technique: Turn a Hard Light into A Soft Light from Izzy Videos

Israel Hyman has been producing great video technique tips for years. I met him a couple of times at PodCampAZ and he is a great guy.

Take a moment to visit his site, Izzy Video. There is a huge amount of information there to help you improve the quality of your videos.

Learn how to turn a hard light into a soft light. Also, learn how to tell the difference between a hard light and a soft light. Check out the full article to read all the details about how to do that.

<iframe width=”500″ height=”254″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Event: Reaching Across the Distance – Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012 – Sun, Feb 12

Announcing – a new  radio show:
Wedding buffet catering gold
– Listen to :
Reaching Across the Distance –
Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012
3:00 pm  Pacific      –       6:00pm Eastern

A Live look at Love Letters and Poems Through History
– Reaching Across the Distance
Join us in an Interactive exploration of the heart.
Listen LIVE on
hosted by Michael Lawshe and Keri Dearborn of

Love letters can reveal the true personality

of the individual that puts pen to paper.

Love letters can bridge time and place.
And they come in many different forms. 

Sometimes a love letter offers the love of a friend

and reaches across desolation
to bring the recipient back to the world of the hopeful.
Sometimes the loss a letter conveys is unexpected.
A few words can bring the reality of home
across an ocean
to a distant battlefield. 

The love can be written between the lines.

Some love letters are the trumpets that herald

the return of their author.
These letters leap across time and miles
to escort in the future.  

Do something different this Valentine’s Day,

reach across the distance 
with a love letter written in your hand,
speaking your words. 

Pricey, but sweet, chroma key solution for video

If you have an extra $2k to spend, and need to do some Chromakey video work, this is a really cool system. The video below outlines how it works and gives some excellent examples.

It is portable and isn’t effected greatly by additional ambient light sources.

One of those things that sort of has to be seen to be believed.

Reflecmedia RM 1125MG DeskShoot Lite Standard Bundle Kit Includes Chroma Key Solution with Medium Green LiteRing

Thanks to Langley for letting me know about this cool product!



YouTube Education uses New Media to spur lifetime learning

Online education seems to be exploding of late and the biggest New Media powerhouse is helping to spread the message.

YouTube Education

Get more into learning

YouTube EDU brings learners and educators together in a global video classroom. On YouTube EDU, you have access to a broad set of educational videos that range from academic lectures to inspirational speeches and everything in between.

Come here for quick lessons from top teachers around the world, course lectures from top-tier universities, or inspiring videos to spark your imagination.

Youtube education

YouTube Education collect and organizes a wide variety of educational material for easy searching and watching. These include short lectures and demonstrations from teachers from all over the world and full college level seminars for this that really want to dive in.

Lifetime learning is a great use of New Media. It brings directly into your home, office and school information and education that was tied up in academic silos accessible only by a few. While you can’t get your degree online via YouTube Education, you can certainly improve your knowledge in whatever topic interest you most.

Link: YouTube Education

Winner: Podcasting for Dummies Book

Congratulations to Ileane S., winner of a copy of Podcasting for Dummies (1st Edition), written by two of my podcast buddies, Evo Terra and Tee Morris.

This book is a great introduction into the world of podcasting and can get you up and running in just a couple of hours. Learn about recording your show, starting your blog, RSS feeds, the iTunes podcast directory and more.

I will be sending the book out to her ASAP.

Thanks for all who entered!

Product: TASCAM iXZ Mic / Instrument input for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

TASCAM iXZ Mic / Instrument input for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Want to turn your iPad or iPhone into a portable recording studio, the Tascam iXZ can do just that. This interface allows you to plug in standard XLR connector microphones, guitars or any other audio source and then record them using iPhone and iPad software of your choice. For those more advanced, it also provides Phantom power so you can use high-quality condenser miss, too.

Mat Langley of the Robot Underpants podcast (Content Advisory)  let me know about this device today after he picked one up for his iPad. Mat does a variety of shows and also uses his iPad to join Google+ hangouts and wanted/needed a way to get better audio into his iPad. I have asked for Mat to give us a review of this device sometime in the near future.

Audio: New Media Presentation to UCLA Extension Voice over Class


On Thursday, January 26, 2012, I spoke to Janet Wilcox’s UCLA Extension class, Pursuing a Career in Voice Overs.

I talked about New Media and the need for students to develop their voice over careers in non-traditional ways, as the industry changes.

71 Minutes

Listen to Douglas’s New Media Presentation to UCLA Extension Voice over Class


Sections of the talk:

  • Being responsible for your own Production, Promotion and Proactivity in your own career
  • Blogs and Blogging
  • Web sites
  • The 4 Pillars of New Media
    • Podcasting
    • Video Sharing sites
    • Live Streaming
    • Social Media – Facebok, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • How the entertainment industry is chaining
  • Why you should be developing and producing your own shows

I also gave a short Garageband to show how easy it is to create your own audio programs. Due to the visual nature of the talk, it is not included in this audio program.

New Product: MicW iPhone/iPad Microphones

MicW Professional Microphones

I had 2 separate friends mention these iPhone/iPad compatible microphones in the last several days. Both saw them at the manufacturers display at the MacWorld Expo that was held in San Francisco this week.

Portable devices are now capable of recording high quality audio, but sometimes you want a better mic, or more suitable microphone when out recording in the field.

I haven’t heard the quality of these mics, but my friends and the web site have certainly piqued my interest. I will see if I can get a demo model here at the Careers in New Media office so I can record some audio and share it with you.

For now, here is an audio sample using the i436 mic (picture below) from the company’s web site

Download  i436 Violin Sample


Other samples from MicW web site


Micw iphone

Subscribe To A Newsapaper, Get An E-reader Free

It’s starting to happen. I was talking to someone just the other night about how such deals would greatly benefit mainstream media outlets. The price of the readers is falling very rapidly while their capabilities just keep growing.
Well, this was bound to happen. Barnes & Noble is offering big discounts on its Nook e-readers to people taking out subscriptions to digital editions of magazines and newspapers:

The Nook edition of People is $9.99 a month; with a one-year subscription, customers will receive a Nook Tablet, a color device with a 7-inch display, for $199, a discount from its regular price of $249. Customers who buy a one-year subscription for the Nook edition of The New York Times for $19.99 a month, which in…


I Like This in New Media for January 22, 2012

Interesting New Media items I found and shared over the last 2 weeks…

What I’m Reading…Presentation Zen

Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds

Description from…

Best-selling author and popular speaker Garr Reynolds is back in this newly revised edition of his classic, best-selling book, Presentation Zen, in which he showed readers there is a better way to reach the audience through simplicity and storytelling, and gave them the tools to confidently design and deliver successful presentations.

In this new edition, Garr gives his readers new, fresh examples to draw inspiration from, with a whole new chapter for those who present on more technical and educational topics based on techniques used by many presenters who give high-level talks at TED and other powerhouse events. Whether the reader is in research, technology, business, or education–this book will show them how to take what could look like a really dry presenation and reinvigorate the material in totally fresh (and sometimes interactive!) ways that will make it memorable and resonate with the audience.

Staying true to the mission of the first), Garr combines solid principles of design with the tenets of Zen simplicity to help readers along the path to simpler, more effective presentations that will be appreciated, remembered, and best of all, acted upon.

More information from

Give it some time!

Gplus screen

Can I make a request to my fellow, tech-oriented members of my social media circles?
Can you live with a change, a new device, a new piece of software, a new online service for more than .952 nanoseconds before pronouncing it one of the following options?
  • Apple Killer
  • iPad Killer
  • Facebook Killer
  • Totally destroys the service
  • Totally destroys privacy
  • Totally destroys the world
  • Worst Change Ever! (In Comic Book Man’s Voice)
I know there is an overwhelming desire to be “FIRST!” in everything, but frankly it is just plain annoying. Even worse, it does nothing to further the conversation. All it is is egocentric social media masturbation.
I can hear the wheels turning in your head…
“If I’m right, then I can ride on that for years. I was the one the predicted the failure of Google+, Personal Search, Facebook Timeline, etc.!
If I’m wrong, no one will remember. WIN! and WIN!”
To make a real-world analogy, you would go buy a new dog, but the first time it failed to do a trick, clean up after itself or fetch you a beer, you would return it to the store demanding a refund.
The first time the mail carrier put your mail all in one direction instead of the other, it would be cause for 1000 words on the proper way to deliver mail.
Want to know what’s worse? After a while we all start to tune you out. In most cases we can already predict what you are going to say AND after a while, we don’t really care. Ouch!
You can try to talk louder, faster, bitchier, snarkier, stupider, but you already lost the game. We have moved on to someone who considers more and writes less.
Come on! We are all better than this. Can we live with new things for a while? Can we investigate what makes them good, bad or indifferent? Can we stop wanting to be “FIRST!” and see what something really does before we go out spewing unknowledgeable claptrap just to stroke our own egos and hear ourselves talk!
How about we all agree to a a 1 week moratorium on new features, services and software? 1 day? Anything?

I figure not because the desire to be “FIRST!” burns too brightly in the hearts of those who would rather be FIRST than right.

Elsewhere: New Media Challenge 2012-002 – Get close!


Are you ready for the next New Media Challenge? This time I want you to get close…really close!

This might take some doing depending on your camera, as they often don’t focus on very close objects, but I am sure you can work it out. Of course, getting close can mean something else entirely, too. Feel free to explore the theme in any way you wish.

Post  a link to your video, photos, writing or more here by Sunday, January 22, 2012.

Use the comments link (click the number next to the little text bubble above) to add a link to this post.

Note: If you simply paste a YouTube URL for your video, will embed the actual video in its place.

New Media Challenges are designed to give you an excuse to stretch your New Media muscles. You can use whatever media you like to complete the challenge including audio, video, photography, writing and more.

Elsewhere: YouTube’s got big plans for web TV: specialized channels with niche and original content

I am so amazed it has taken this long for something like this to occur. I figured back in 2004 that podcasting would break open the media industry and provide a lot more alternatives to traditional, but media, programming. As they say, though, it can take a long time to turn a battleship. It is good to see some movement in this area, though.

Youtube dew

It is important to remember that we do have alternatives to the typical programming provided by television, radio and movie producers. Where technological and monetary constraints kept the average person out of the media market, this simply isn’t the case today. Anyone can produce a show and, given enough experience and talent, can produce a show that is better, and has higher viewership than even the best cable-aired shows.

I have been advising people to use podcasting, YouTube and others to get their message out for the last 7 years and will continue to do so. We all have a unique message to offer the world and there will always be an audience, both large and small, that will find us, if we put our message out there.

YouTube’s got big plans for web TV: specialized channels with niche and original content

YouTube’s come quite a long way from its roots as a repository for random videos from the public. It’s gone from “Chocolate Rain” and the Tron guy to streaming Disney classics and now creating original, quality content.The New Yorker spoke extensively with YouTube’s Global Head of Content Robert Kyncl about the site’s future plans, and YouTube’s got its sights set on grabbing a big slice of TV’s $300 billion pie. Kyncl thinks the future of TV is in niche content, and YouTube’s original channels are just the vehicle to deliver it direct to your digital door. The site is commissioning people and companies to create the channels (as opposed to individual shows or pieces of content) which gives the creators freedom to program their channels as they see fit — all YouTube asks is that they provide a certain number of hours of programming per week. This production model is apparently pretty attractive to content producers, given the talent that’s on board and the amount of content that’ll be rolling out over the next six months.

Read the entire article

Voiceover class starts January 12, 2012 at UCLA Extension

Our friend, Janet Wilcox, will be starting her UCLA Extension voiceover class again in just a week. If you are interested in getting started in the industry, this could be the class for you. I will be speaking to her class about New Media this session, as I have done in the past.

Voiceover class

Class Description:

Pursuing a Career in Voice Overs

Do people say you have a wonderful voice? Gain a comprehensive understanding of the tools needed to excel in TV and radio commercials, animation, narration for documentaries, and other areas of voice over work. Instruction includes breath and microphone technique, script analysis, finding characters spontaneously, and how to keep it fun, even when the pressure’s on. Participants also learn how to pursue a career in voice over.

Janet Wilcox’s Bio

Writer, producer, and actor with extensive experience on both sides of the microphone. Ms. Wilcox has written and produced promos for HBO, ABC, and The History Channel, among others. As a voice over talent, she has been heard on Lifetime, HBO, E!, Cinemax, and AMC. She is the author of Voiceovers: Techniques and Tactics for Success.


WordPress 3.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

Just in time for WordPress Wednesday. Take some time to update your WordPress installs as well as your plugins.

WordPress 3.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

Posted January 3, 2012 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Releases,Security.

WordPress 3.3.1 is now available. This maintenance release fixes 15 issues with WordPress 3.3, as well as a fix for a cross-site scripting vulnerability that affected version 3.3. Thanks to Joshua H., Hoang T., Stefan Zimmerman, Chris K. and the Go Daddy security team for responsibly disclosing the bug to our security team.

Download 3.3.1 or visit Dashboard → Updates in your site admin.

Giveaway: Podcasting for Dummies Book

To start the podcasting New Year right, I am giving away a copy of Podcasting for Dummies (1st Edition), written by two of my podcast buddies, Evo Terra and Tee Morris.

This book is a great introduction into the world of podcasting and can get you up and running in just a couple of hours. Learn about recording your show, starting your blog, RSS feeds, the iTunes podcast directory and more.

There are several ways to enter. You can do one or more to gain extra entries.

Contest ends January 22, 2012


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Use the Rafflecopter widget or Leave a comment on this post to enter.


Start Your New Year Right with my eBook Discount

Start Your New Year Right with my eBook Discount

The New Year is always a great time to rededicate yourself to old projects and start new ones. Don’t consider them resolutions, but rather a re-lauch of your most important projects!

As my part in helping you with that endeavor, my Kindle eBooks are now on sale for 2 weeks only. Usually $4.99, both Cultivating Your Career Reputations and Social Media Self Preservation are now only $2.99 unitil January 15th, 2011.

* Kindle books are readable on almost any computer platform including Windows, Macintosh, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android smartphones and tablets. Download the free Kindle Reader software

Wishing You A Very Productive New Year in 2012!