2012 Gift Guide: Microphone Boom Arms


Microphone Boom Arms

I have wanted one of these as long as I have been podcasting, but I have never made the purchase, It would make my recording life a lit easier, as it would clear desk space from the current desktop microphone stand I use now, It would also work better with the Google Hangouts and other video shows I am doing, as it is easier to get it out of my face while still being close enough to record well. Oh well, maybe this year!


More 2012 Gift Guide Items:

  1. Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
  2. Bulb Planting Tools
  3. Blue Snowball Microphone
  4. Seagate Backup Plus 500 GB USB 3.0 Portable External Hard Drive
  5. Logitech C920 HD Web Cam
  6. We Are All Weird by Seth Godin
  7. Sunset Western Garden Book – New Edition for 2012
  8. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
  9. Garden Mysteries by Anthony Eglin
  10. The Creative Habit/The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp
  11. Moleskeine Journals
  12. Pat Welsh’s Southern California Organic Gardening (3rd Edition): Month by Month
  13. Podcasting for Dummies/Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies
  14. Wacom Bamboo Splash Pen Tablet
  15. Radical Careering by Sally Hogshead
  16. The $64 Tomato
  17. Blue Yeti Microphone
  18. BioLite CampStove/HomeStove
  19. Getting Things Done by David Allen
  20. The Curious Gardener
  21. Anything You Want by Derek Sivers
  22. GoPro HD HERO 3
  23. Flower Confidential by Amy Stewart
  24. The Starfish and the Spider by Orj Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom


2012 Gift Guide: GoPro HD HERO3

GoPro Camera

When you need to capture HD footage of wild mountain bike ride, that bitchin’ wave or the cool rappel down the mountain side, GoPro has become the “goto” brand for video recording. Shoot in hostile environments and even underwater with their variety of attachments and cases. Search Youtube and you will find no end of video shot with the GoPro over the last 2 years.

If you are crazy active, and want to catch some of your wilder moments on-camera, the GoPro is probably where you need to be looking.

More 2012 Gift Guide Items:

  1. Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
  2. Bulb Planting Tools
  3. Blue Snowball Microphone
  4. Seagate Backup Plus 500 GB USB 3.0 Portable External Hard Drive
  5. Logitech C920 HD Web Cam
  6. We Are All Weird by Seth Godin
  7. Sunset Western Garden Book – New Edition for 2012
  8. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
  9. Garden Mysteries by Anthony Eglin
  10. The Creative Habit/The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp
  11. Moleskeine Journals
  12. Pat Welsh’s Southern California Organic Gardening (3rd Edition): Month by Month
  13. Podcasting for Dummies/Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies
  14. Wacom Bamboo Splash Pen Tablet
  15. Radical Careering by Sally Hogshead
  16. The $64 Tomato
  17. Blue Yeti Microphone
  18. BioLite CampStove/HomeStove
  19. Getting Things Done by David Allen
  20. The Curious Gardener
  21. Anything You Want by Derek Sivers


2012 Gift Guide: Podcasting for Dummies/Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies


Podcasting for Dummies/Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies

Although podcasting is entering its 8th year, there are still new people discovering it every day.

If you are interested in diving into the nuts and bolts of podcasting, and new media in general, you would do well to look to the second edition of what was one of the first books on podcasting. Learn about microphones, web servers, RSS feeds, iTunes settings and more.

One of the co-authors for this edition of Podcasting for Dummies is fellow Friends in Tech member, Chuck Tomasi, who produces a number of podcasts. You can fund links to all of them over at ChuckChat.com.


More 2012 Gift Guide Items:

  1. Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
  2. Bulb Planting Tools
  3. Blue Snowball Microphone
  4. Seagate Backup Plus 500 GB USB 3.0 Portable External Hard Drive
  5. Logitech C920 HD Web Cam
  6. We Are All Weird by Seth Godin
  7. Sunset Western Garden Book – New Edition for 2012
  8. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
  9. Garden Mysteries by Anthony Eglin
  10. The Creative Habit/The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp
  11. Moleskeine Journals
  12. Pat Welsh’s Southern California Organic Gardening (3rd Edition): Month by Month

2012 Gift Guide: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920

I have always been an active user of online video conferencing systems including Skype and others. Lately, though, my use has picked up as I spend a lot of time in Google Hangouts and even participate in a weekly food show entitled Kitchen Party, over at Bakespace.com.

Producing a show for the public means you want the best picture quality possible. In the past, video conferencing tools have always looked a little fuzzy, a little dark and a little pixelated. This isn’t true anymore, though. With the latest systems, like Google Hangouts and the most current versions of Skype, you can share near HD quality video. Of course, in order to do this, you need the right camera.

I picked up the Logitech C920 after I saw how it looked with a few of my Hangout friends. It provides crisp video in 16:9 format and works with almost any video service. I use mine on the Mac, so there are really no extra software controls available, but Windows users can use the included software to adjust white balance and a few other settings.

In my case, I also use the webcam for one additional us — Timelapse movies. The high quality of the camera, along with some software on my Mac, turn it into an excellent time-lapse camera — allowing me to grab full screen HD quality movies using Evocam software. I have recorded time-lapse movies of myself working in the garden for my podcast, A Gardener’s Notebook, and it does a great job.


More 2012 Gift Guide Items:

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield

2012 Gift Guide: Blue Snowball USB Microphone


Blue Microphones Snowball USB Microphone

This is one of the first microphones I recommend to anyone looking to begin audio podcasting or looking for a step up in the audio for their video podcasts. As a USB microphone, it doesn’t require a mixing board or cables to use. You simply connect it to any USB port on your computer and start recording. It has a great warm sound that makes almost anyone sound better in their recordings. In fact, if you regularly think you don’t like the sound of your own, recorded, voice, a microphone like the Blue Snowball might just change your mind.

For even better recording results with this or other microphones, add a pop filter to reduce the sounds of your “popping P’s”



More 2012 Gift Guide Items:

  1. Do the Work by Steven Pressfield

Real World Example: Moving to a new podcasting web host and why

As you may have read a few weeks ago, when Apple released its new Podcasts app for iOS devices, I discovered that my long running podcast, Career Opportunities, had disappeared from the iTunes Podcast Directory. When I looked at the listings for my other podcasts, I noticed that they seemed to be having issues updating their information and logo graphics. When I tried to re-submit Career Opportunities to the iTunes Podcast Directory, I also found that my GoDaddy Shared Hosting did not provide the byte-range request feature that iTunes now required to register a podcast. This set in process a whole series of actions which have now all been completed. This post is an attempt to catalog what I needed to do to repair the situation and put my web site and podcasts on good footing for the future.

Career op itunes

Career Opportunities in iTunes Podcast Directory

New Web Hosting


First, I needed to find a new web host that could support podcasting, hosting my own media files and also 5 WordPress blogs. Based on the recommendation of (fellow Friends in Tech member)  Steve over at the GeekCred podcast, I decided to move to Dreamhost. I contacted Dreamhost with a few questions and they confirmed they did indeed support byte-range requests on their server and could also deal with the more the 20GB of data that make up my web site.

One Dreamhost feature that made my web site move easier than ever before is that they support shell access for their web hosting accounts. This means I am able to login to a command line on my web host and use that command line for various functions. In my case, this meant I could use the WGET command to mirror my entire web site directly from my GoDaddy server to the new server. The reason for doing this, of course, is speed. To upload just one podcast, A Gardener’s Notebook, from my home computer to the new web host was estimated to take almost 7 hours at the full speed of my cable Internet connection. Because the web servers are on higher speed connections, though, I was able to move the files directly between the web hosts at 3MB/sec and accomplish the entire move in about 1.5 hours. This dramatic difference made me realize how critical shell access is to anyone is who moving their web site to a new host. I understand from others that Dreamhost is one of the few web hosting companies that provides shell access, but I would find this to be a critical need for any podcaster who hosts their own media files. We simply have too much data to be troubled by uploading our entire library from a standard Internet connection.

WordPress Database Move

Since I have 5 WordPress blogs on my site, after all the static files had been moved to the new web host, it was time to consider moving all the databases that hold the content for these blogs. This is not something I am experienced with, so I called on another Friends in Tech member, Kreg from the Technorama podcast, to help me move those files. Kreg wasn’t available immediately, so I began to poke around in the process and see if I might be able to do it myself. As it turned out I was able to export all the data from the old system and import it into the new. A few quick changes to each wp-config.php file on the blogs and I found that everything was working on the new site. It was a great learning exercise and also means I won’t be so leery of moving databases in the future. Once again, Dreamhost’s Control Panel and help files made it a straightforward and easy process.

Re-submitting to the iTunes Podcast Directory

First, as a word of warning, if your podcast is dropped from the iTunes Podcast Directory, you will be able to re-submit it, but all your ratings and reviews will be lost. Your podcast will also receive a new, different, ID number and link in the iTunes Podcast Directory. This could be quite damaging for a particularly popular podcast, so do everything you can to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.

Mainly, make sure that iTunes can easily and regular access your RSS feed. In my case, it appears that GoDaddy is doing such aggressive traffic management that external services like iTunes, Feedburner and others are refused connection to your web host on a regular basis. I found this to be especially true when trying to re-submit my podcast. I would get 10-12 error messages of Connection Reset before iTunes was able to access my RSS feed. Conversely, when re-submitting from Dreamhost I received no Connection Reset errors. iTunes immediately recognized my feed.

One big issue when re-submitting your podcast is that you cannot submit the RSS URL that you are currently using for your podcast. If you do, iTunes will tell you that it is a duplicate podcast. Instead, I took my existing RSS feed, saved it to a static file (in my case, I named it index-fix.xml) and then stripped out all by a few podcast entries. Then I used this URL to re-submit the show to iTunes. Since my feed already contained all the appropriate iTunes XML entries (since I use Blubrry Powerpress to generate the feed) iTunes recognized all the settings and re-addded the podcast. Career Opportunities then reappeared in the iTunes Podcast Directory in about 1 day.

Of course, you want iTunes to use your old RSS feed as the main feed for its listings, so you need to re-point  iTunes back to your original feed. Once the podcast had reappeared in the iTunes Podcast Directory I was ready to take the next step. iTunes provides an XML tag that allows you re-point iTunes to a new, different RSS feed. This tag  is


Of course, you should use your own RSS URL in place of mine above. You place this tag immediately after the <CHANNEL> tag in the RSS file. I edited the index-fix.XML file and added this tag using a text editor. Within an hour or so, iTunes had seen this change and re-pointed the iTunes Podcast Directory listing back to its original feed.

Don’t forget email accounts and subdomains

On my web site I had quite a few email aliases and 2 subdomains on my old web host. Remember that these will need to be set up fresh on your new web host. I prefer to set all of this up before pointing my domain name at the new site. Every web host will provide you a temporary domain name for your new site so that you can test out nearly all functions before “throwing the switch” to send everyone over to the new web host. In my case, everything seemed to be working well at this point, so it was time to reset the DNS servers to point to the new web host.

Switching your domain

In my case, my domains will remain hosted at GoDaddy for the time being, although I will probably move them in the future. I prefer to take one step at a time so I don’t create multiple problems for myself. The process of moving is complicated enough without adding additional, simultaneous issues on top of it. Dreamhost provided me with the IP addresses for their Domain Name Servers so I only had to visit GoDaddy and enter those numbers for each domain to point it away from GoDaddy’s web servers and off to Dreamhost’s. 

It can be a bit difficult to tell when the switch over has occurred as, ideally, the sites should function in exactly the same way. In my case, I added a small notice to my home page telling visitors that I was moving web sites. I only added this note to the front page of the new web host. Every so often I would reload my main page in my web browser. When I saw that the page included the web move notice, I knew I was looking at the new web host and not the old one. Within about an hour I noticed that visits to http://welchwrite.com were already pointing over to the new web host.


I has now been about 3 days since I made the move and I am quite happy with how it worked out. The new web host at Dreamhost seems a bit faster and, more importantly, it doesn’t seem to throw up the Connection Reset errors I was seeing with GoDaddy. I have also noticed that the listings for my other podcasts now have been updated and include the appropriate logos and a current list of episodes available. I am fairly confident now that I shouldn’t have any on-going issues with my podcast listings down the road.

If you have any questions or comments about my experience, please add your comments below. I would love to hear them!

Video: London Timelapse

Another cool time-lapse video for your inspiration.

Where could you take a cool time-lapse? I think they give a great feeling for the location as you can see a large amount of time and activity compressed into just a few minutes.

If you take time-lapse videos, do please share it with me and I will share the best ones here.



Geek and Sundry with Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton and More! – New YouTube Channel

Ok, call me a geek (and many do) but there are several shows on this new channel that I would consider watching. I already watch the guild, of course, but the sizzle reel makes the other look really interesting too.

There is not a lot of info, but some of the shows listed and showing quick video snippets are Felicia Day’s The Guild, which already has a large following, Wil Wheaton’s Tabletop, which looks to be a show with celebrities playing various board games. (Which looked more interesting than it might sound), Dark Horse, which provide animated versions of indie comics, Written by a Kid, which looks like writers listening to kids tell a story and then they animate the story, and Sword & Laser, a science fiction and fantasy book review show.

It is hard to tell the exact focus of these shows from the short video, but I am subscribing to the YouTube Channel. It looks to be a very interesting lineup. The channel premieres April 2, 2012.




Geek and Sundry with Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton and More!

The producers of “The Guild” bring you a diverse line-up featuring the very best of indie geek culture! — Coming April 2, 2012!”

Event: 6th Annual Live Reading of A Christmas Carol – Dec 18, 2011

Our 6th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol will take place on Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 6pm EST/3pm PST.

Our annual holiday reading of this classic Dickens’ story. We bring together frends and family to read sections from a condensed version of the story — said to be made by Charles Dickens himself — for his own live, public readings. Follow Scrooge, Bob Crachit, Tiny Tim and all the familiar characters as they both teach and learn what Christmas is all about.

Tune in while you prepare your Christmas cookies or wrap your Christmas presents. Join the “spirits” of the season!

Click Here to Watch/Listen Live to A Christmas Carol


Consider having your own reading of A Christmas Carol, or other favorite story, as a way to gather friends together and share a unique experience. You don’t have to broadcast it like we do, but why not share it with the world!

This year’s show is sponsored by WelchWrite.com, Eclipse-1 Media and New Media Interchange.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Enjoy more Christmas Carol in your own home!

Free download of “A Christmas Carol” – Text/ePub/HTML/Kindle versions available

Free download of our reading script of “A Christmas Carol” – PDF format

The audio CD of Patrick Stewart’s one man version of A Christmas Carol is absolutely amazing. We saw the show several times here in LA and met Patrick one evening. His version of “A Christmas Carol” was the driving factor in starting our own yearly reading of the story.

More “A Christmas Carol” on Amazon.com

Give “Social Media Self Preservation” as a gift

Do you have a friend who needs to use social media more productively — or just needs some help getting started?

Consider gifting them a copy of my booklet, Social Media Self Preservation.

You’ll find a “Give was a Gift” link on the Amazon page.


Here is what they will find inside the 7100 word booklet…


Introduction: Why Social Media?

  • Chapter 1: Which social networks should you join?
    • Be Found!
    • Reserving your name
    • A few social networks to get you started
  • Chapter 2: How to decide who to include in your online community
    • It is all about value
    • Where to begin building your online community?
  • Chapter 3: Maintaining your online community
    • Re-evaluation
    • No longer needed
    • People Change
    • Too much information
    • Information you can find elsewhere
  • Chapter 4: What to share online
    • Share your knowledge and expertise
    • Share your work
    • …but my work is secret!
    • Share your life
    • Balance in your social media sharing

Douglas is moderating a panel at TECHmunch Food Blogger Conference


I  have just been asked to moderate at panel discussion at the TECHmunch Food Blogger Conference being held in Santa Monica, California on Friday, September 23, 2011.

TECHmunch is a series of conferences in cities across the U.S. designed to help food bloggers gain the hands-on digital media, marketing and business skills they need to make their blogs more personally and financially rewarding. Each conference features leading experts in a range of disciplines — from digital publishing and search engine optimization to public relations and online advertising. TECHmunch was created by BakeSpace.com Founder Babette Pepaj, who serves as its producer and host.

I will be moderating the session titled, “Tips on Creating and Distributing Mouthwatering Multimedia Content” with panel members Sara O’Donnell (@averagebetty), Producer and Host of AverageBetty.comDiane Cu (@whiteonrice), Photographer and Publisher of White on Rice Couple.comSandi McKenna (@McMedia), Host of Midlife Roadtrip.comJohn Trefry Video Producer, Docstoc.com (formerly Video Producer Mahalo.com creating videos for Recipe.com).

If you are a food blogger, or just thinking of becoming one, TECHmunch could be a great way to jumpstart your knowledge and connections. Join me on September 23, 2011!

Register for TECHmunch

TECHMunch Web Site

Top Careers in New Media Post for 2010

  1. What do you need to live video stream your event?

  2. Claim your business online with Foursquare and Google Places

  3. Feedburner Email Subscriptions

  4. 10 Tips for better Skype Audio and Video Calls

  5. Ning.com removes free option

  6. Event: All-day podcasting workshop at mLearnCon in San Diego, California

  7. I Like This – April 16, 2010

  8. VoiceRegistry Podcast: Douglas speaks on New Media/Social Media Strategies for Voice Actors – Part 2

  9. I Like This – March 18, 2010

  10. I Like This – May 26, 2010

  11. I Like This – April 8, 2010

  12. I Like This – April 30, 2010

  13. Elsewhere Online: How Adam Carolla Became a Podcast Superstar from Fast Company

  14. VoiceRegistry Podcast: Douglas speaks on New Media/Social Media Strategies for Voice Actors

  15. New Media Books by my Friends

  16. Question: Should I stay on Facebook?

  17. YouTube offers new type of EMBED code for videos

  18. From Blogger to WordPress after all these years

  19. Career Prescription #3: Use Facebook

  20. [Tip] New Media Assignment: Capture your great ideas

  21. Douglas talks Skype on New Media Tea Time via Skype!

  22. Question: How do I make automatic backups of my WordPress blog database?

Audio: 5th Annual Live Reading of A Christmas Carol

Tonight marked our 5th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. We had some new voices this year and had a great time as usual. You can listen to the entire show using the link below.

Consider having your own reading of A Christmas Carol, or other favorite story, as a way to gather friends together and share a unique experience. You don’t have to broadcast it like we do, but why not share it with the world!

This year’s show was sponsored by WelchWrite.com, Eclipse-1 Media and New Media Interchange.

Listen to 5th Annual Live Reading of A Christmas Carol

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Enjoy more Christmas Carol in your own home!

Free download of “A Christmas Carol” – Text/ePub/HTML/Kindle versions available

Free download of our reading script of “A Christmas Carol” – PDF format

The audio CD of Patrick Stewart’s one man version of A Christmas Carol is absolutely amazing. We saw the show several times here in LA and met Patrick one evening. His version of “A Christmas Carol” was the driving factor in starting our own yearly reading of the story.

More “A Christmas Carol” on Amazon.com

New Media Gift Guide #14: Deluxe Cardioid Stereo Lapel Microphones

#14 Deluxe Cardioid Stereo Lapel Microphones

I have a set of microphones very similar to these and I find them invaluable for getting great, close mic’d sound for my videos. Since it has 2 microphones, it is great for recording interviews, too.

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media Gift Guide #13: Microphone Pop Filters

#13 PS-101 Proscreen Pop Filter

If you are going to be “working” the microphone for your podcast — perhaps one of the mics mentioned earlier in the gift guide, you are going to want a pop filter to got along with it. These shields of material or metal break up the air from your “plosives” so they don’t get recorded. The most notorious ones are the dreaded “popping P’s”.

More pop filters from Amazon.com

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media Gift Guide #12: Apple iPod Nano

#12 Apple iPod Nano

If you are creating podcasts, you probably listen to them a lot, too. I have been looking for a replacement for my old iPod Video 30GB. Looking back I realize I never really used it to watch much video but I still have a need to hold a bunch of podcasts. I listen a lot in the car, probably more than I listen to the radio. I think the new iPod Nano might meet my needs. The size would certainly make it easier to carry around and I think 16GB of storage would be plenty, based on my current list of shows waiting to be listened to..

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media Gift Guide #11: LED Video Light Panel

#11 LED Video Light Panel

Almost every New Media video project can use better lighting and LED lighting panels are one way to get it. These panels of various size can be mounted on your camera or stands to provide just the light you need. Even better, LED units don’t throw off the sometime tremendous heat of traditional video lighting.

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media Gift Guide # 9: Rode VideoMic Directional Video Condenser Microphone

# 9 Rode VideoMic Directional Video Condenser Microphone

Audio is more than half of your New Media presentations. Even if the video is a bit jerky or grainy, most viewers are willing to struggle through if the content is good. On the other hand, bad audio can cause your viewers to “change the channel” without hesitation. Step up your new media production with this shotgun directional microphone. This type of microphone helps to knock out extraneous noise and allow you to place your camera further from your subject without sacrificing audio quality.

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media Gift Guide # 7: GoPro HD HERO Camera – Wearable 1080p HD Video and Still Photo Camera

# 7 GoPro HD HERO Camera – Wearable 1080p HD Video and Still Photo Camera

My friend, Ric Turner, introduced me to this HD camera. It is specially designed for capturing your outdoor adventures in full 1080p HD glory. It comes with a waterproof casing and it can stand up to some extreme abuse. There are mounts for your mountain bike, safety helmet and even your surf board, if you are so inclined. the quality of the video is amazing and truly bring your viewers along for the ride.

All Gift Guide Recommendations:

New Media Gift Guide # 6: Samson C01U Condenser Microphone

# 6 Samson C01U Condenser Microphone

Another great suggestion for a beginner or intermediate podcaster. This USB mic connects directly to your computer without the need for a mixing board or traditional mic cables. Great sound at a relatively inexpensive price.

All Gift Guide Recommendations: