BUG: Google Cast Chrome extension bug turns on auto-play for YouTube videos via Gigaom

Update: PSA: The Chromecast Extension Is Making All YouTube Videos AutoPlay In Chrome via Android Poilce

What an ugly, ugly bug to deploy to thousands of Chrome users. I noticed this today when my Google Analytics page started playing help videos every time I reloaded the page. Android Poilce blog indicates this was a bad push of new YouTube software that manifested itself in the Chromecast app.

Disable the Google Cast extension in Chrome to alleviate the problem until Google provides a fix.  — Douglas

Google Cast Chrome extension bug turns on auto-play for YouTube videos via Gigaom

BUG: Google Cast Chrome extension bug turns on auto-play for YouTube videos via Gigaom

A strange bug has been affecting a subset of Chrome users since Monday: Embedded videos have started to automatically play as soon as a user opens the page that contains the video. However, this only happens if users also have the Google Cast extension installed, which is being used to send content directly from a Chrome browser to Google’s Chromecast streaming stick.

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Video: First Impression: Ocenaudio Recorder and Editor – Dog Days of Podcasting 2014 – 10/30

Part of the Dog Days of Podcasting

Video: First Impression: Ocenaudio Recorder and Editor - Dog Days of Podcasting 2014 - 10/30

Watch this video

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

Previously in the Dog Days of Podcasting 2014:

What is the Dog Days of Podcasting?

“Essentially, it is a challenge to do a podcast for 30 days in a row.

In 2012 Kreg Steppe was looking to give himself a little push in regards to recording his own personal podcast since he wasn’t recording it very often. That turned into a challenge for himself to record a show everyday for 30 days believing that after 30 days it would turn into a habit. Once it was mentioned to Chuck Tomasi he took the challenge too and they decided it would be a great idea to record starting 30 days before Dragon*Con, culminating with the last episode where they would record it together when they saw each other there.”

Noted: Google’s HTML5 Web Designer Gets Animation Tools, Deeper AdWords And DoubleClick Integrations via TechCrunch

Google’s HTML5 Web Designer Gets Animation Tools, Deeper AdWords And DoubleClick Integrations via TechCrunch

Google’s HTML5 Web Designer Gets Animation Tools, Deeper AdWords And DoubleClick Integrations via TechCrunch

Last September, Google launched Web Designer, a free tool for Mac, Windows and Linux that makes it easy for anybody to build interactive HTML5 sites and ads. Since its launch, Web Designer got a couple of minor updates, but today’s release is the first major update in a long time and brings quite a few new features to the software.

The company says that ads built with Web Designer have now been seen over 2.5 billion times. The majority of users (72%) are outside of the U.S. and 20% are returning users.

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Noted: Fly is a simple video-editing app that lets you shoot from four iPhones at once via The Verge

Fly is a simple video-editing app that lets you shoot from four iPhones at once via The Verge

Fly is a simple video-editing app that lets you shoot from four iPhones at once via The Verge

There are simple video-editing apps, and then there’s Fly, a new iPhone app that lets you edit a short movie inside literally one screen. Fly works by importing four of your videos into the app’s editor, and then letting you tap on each one to make live cuts and switch between clips instantly. You can add a voice over or background music from your device, and then export your video to post on Instagram or elsewhere. If you’re looking to make something a little more adventurous, Fly also includes “Multi-Cam,” a feature that lets you sync up to four iPhones to all shoot and capture video simultaneously.

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Noted: Wordfence Security Plugin for WordPress via The Many Faces of Mike McBride

Wordfence Security Plugin for WordPress via The Many Faces of Mike McBride


One of the challenges of hosting your own site and using WordPress is security. As WP has gotten more and more popular, it has become a huge target for hackers of all sorts. I’ve had my own fair share of old installations getting hacked and causing problems for live sites, rogue files, brute force login attempts that create a denial of service, DOS attacks against XMLRPC, and so on over the years.

Recently, I came across a mention of a security plugin called Wordfence and decided to try it out. It scans your install for any changes made to the WordPress core, theme and plugin files by comparing them to the original from the WordPress codex. 

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Noted: The Big List of IFTTT Recipes: 34 Hacks for Hardcore Social Media Productivity via Social Media Today

The Big List of IFTTT Recipes: 34 Hacks for Hardcore Social Media Productivity via Social Media Today


IFTTT is one of our favorite tools (and one that I’d imagine you might love as well). We use IFTTT in a number of neat ways here at Buffer, and there are loads of different options available through IFTTT for powering up your social media marketing. I thought I’d share a few of our favorites and some that might help you work smarter, too.

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Noted: Broken Link Checker for WordPress from The Many Faces of Mike McBride

Broken Link Checker for WordPress from The Many Faces of Mike McBride


After 12 plus years of blogging, I’m sure that you can imagine that there must be a lot of links that I’ve shared that may not actually go anywhere any longer. That is true, but I never really knew how true until I grabbed a copy of the WordPress plugin Broken Link Checker.

I installed it over on my child abuse survivor blog, and out of curiosity I went ahead and let it do it’s things.

Sure enough, it found a few hundred broken links and presented them all to me in a list, like you see below.

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Noted: This New Tool Will Make Your Articles Effortlessly Tweetable from The Buzz Bin

This New Tool Will Make Your Articles Effortlessly Tweetable from The Buzz Bin

Tracy interview

Whether you love it or love to hate it, the New York Times is the king of digital journalism for a simple reason: it’s always innovating. Beyond making “snowfall” a verb, the so-called Gray Lady has in recent months overhauled its website, introduced new revenue streams, produced a viral video based verbatim on a deposition, bought its own native ads, launched an explainer microsite, and built a suite of apps. And that’s all before last week’s release of the paper’s internal “innovation report,” which has been called “one of the key documents of this media age.”

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Noted: Crunchyroll, MLS and Google+ Photos get Chromecast support. Next up Aereo? – GigaOm

Crunchyroll, MLS and Google+ Photos get Chromecast support. Next up Aereo? – GigaOm

Google’s Chromecast streaming stick didn’t just get love from ESPN this week: Chromecast users can now also cast from the iOS and Android apps as well as the website of the Anime video service Crunchyroll, Major League Soccer’s mobile apps, and Google+ iOS and Android apps. The latter can be used to cast photos and videos to the TV, which is especially useful if you auto-upload all your personal media to Google+. And we might even see Chromecast coming to Aereo as early as Wednesday.

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Noted: How to Edit Videos In Your Browser With YouTube’s Built-in App from Gizmodo

How to Edit Videos In Your Browser With YouTube’s Built-in App from Gizmodo

Youtube edit

YouTube’s online video editor has been around for several years, but it’s not heavily promoted on the site, and it often gets overlooked by people wanting a basic tool to spruce up their footage. It shouldn’t, though, because it’s surprisingly capable. Here’s how to get the most out of it.

The YouTube editor lets you cut up and stitch together clips, as well as drop in music, titles, and transitions, and because it runs in your browser you can use it from any computer with no extra software required.

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“Noted” items are particularly good finds from my daily reading which I share via all my social media accounts.

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Video: WordPress Wednesday 6: Using Images in your blog posts

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

How to add images to your WordPress blog posts

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See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist


Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

Video: WordPress Wednesday 3: Backing up with WordPress Database Backup Plugin

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

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I show how to install and use WordPress Database Backup plugin to protect your WordPress. You can back up manually or set it up to automatically backup your data via email.

WordPress Database Backup Plugin

See previous episodes of WordPress Wednesday in this playlist


Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

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Video: WordPress Wednesday 2: Update to WordPress 3.8 this week

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

WordPress 3.8 has just been released. Here is a quick demo of installing the new update. it is so easy that everyone should do it and anyone can.

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Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

* Follow New Media Tips on Twitter at http://twitter.com/newmediatips
* Like New Media Interchange on Facebook at http://tinyurl.com/newmediacareer
* Circle New Media Interchange on Google+ at http://tinyurl.com/gplusnmi

Video: WordPress Wednesday 1: Updating Regularly

Careers in New Media Logo

Short WordPress tips to ease your way, especially if you are just getting started with WordPress.

Today’s video quickly shows how to update your WordPress, plugins and themes using the WordPress Dashboard and how to tell when there are updates waiting to be installed. More tips and more detail coming with future episodes in this series.

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Music: “Go Kart” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) under Creative Commons License.

* Follow New Media Tips on Twitter at http://twitter.com/newmediatips
* Like New Media Interchange on Facebook at http://tinyurl.com/newmediacareer
* Circle New Media Interchange on Google+ at http://tinyurl.com/gplusnmi

News: WordPress 3.7 Update Now Available

WordPress has been upgraded to version 3.7 and I saw notification of this in my WordPress Dashboard today. As usual, this is for users who host their own, local, copies of WordPress. If you you use WordPress.com, your blogs will be updated automatically.

Here are a few updates available in this new version…

  • Background Updates
    • Automatic updates for maintenance and security updates.
    • Daily updates for developers using nightly builds.
  • Stronger Password Meter
    • New password meter to encourage users to choose stronger passwords.
  • Improved Search
    • More relevant search results.
  • Better Global Support
    • Localized versions will receive faster and more complete translations.
    • Background updates will include translations

For a complete list of the extensive updates, view this page at the WordPress Codex, WordPress Version 3.7.

Upgrade your locally hosted WordPress sites today!

Wp 3 7

Dog Days of Podcasting – Day 30 – Video: TechnologyIQ First Impressions: Penultimate

Penultimate is a notepad analog for the iPad, allowing you to draw and take notes on a variety of virtual papers and automatically sync to your Evernote account.Check out Penultimate in this First Impressions video from TechnologyIQ.

Link: Penultimate in the iTunes App Store

Techiq penultimate thumbnail
Watch all my TechnologyIQ VideosPlease Like and/or subscribe to my channel. It directly effects how often this video is suggested to other YouTube viewers.


WordPress Wednesday: Upgrade to WordPress 3.6 “Oscar”, upgrade plugins, backup databases

Wordpress logo

It’s time for another WordPress Wednesday. Take the time this week to backup your WordPress Databases, Update your Plugins and Load the latest, greatest version of WordPress, 3.6. “Oscar”

“The latest and greatest WordPress, version 3.6, is now live to the world and includes a beautiful new blog-centric theme, bullet-proof autosave and post locking, a revamped revision browser, native support for audio and video embeds, and improved integrations with Spotify, Rdio, and SoundCloud.”

More information from WordPress.org

WordPress 3.5.2 Released with security upgrades

Wordpress logo

I just saw notice in my WordPress dashboard that their latest update is now available. It resolves a number of security issues in the software. As usual, it is best to install updates soon after they are released to prevent any hacking attacks that might arise from these known bugs. Click on the “Please Update Now” banner in your WordPress Dashboard to install the update automatically.

From the WordPress 3.5.2 release notes:

The security fixes included:

Blocking server-side request forgery attacks, which could potentially enable an attacker to gain access to a site.

Disallow contributors from improperly publishing posts, reported by Konstantin Kovshenin, or reassigning the post’s authorship, reported by Luke Bryan.

An update to the SWFUpload external library to fix cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Reported by mala and Szymon Gruszecki.

Prevention of a denial of service attack, affecting sites using password-protected posts.

An update to an external TinyMCE library to fix a cross-site scripting vulnerability. Reported by Wan Ikram.
Multiple fixes for cross-site scripting. Reported by Andrea Santese and Rodrigo.
Avoid disclosing a full file path when a upload fails. Reported by Jakub Galczyk.

Complete Release Announcement

Video: New Media Tip – Scheduling Blog Posts with WordPress and Blogger

Sometimes it can be useful to schedule blog posts to go out on a specific date and time. For example, you might be on vacation or away from your office, but still want that content to go out. Both WordPress and Blogger provide support for scheduled posts and this video shows how to use it.

CINM thumb scheduling

 Can’t see the video above? Watch “New Media Tip – Scheduling Blog Posts with WordPress and Blogger” on my YouTube Channel.

Watch more New Media videos in this New Media Playlist

Recent New Media Tips…

My Favorite New Media Things for April 2013 – Douglas E. Welch

My Favorite Things

As always, let me know what types of interesting items you would like to see and I will keep an eye out for them especially. — Douglas

Links to all of these items, and more, are on my Pinterest Feed.

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