Tip: Video Lighting Technique: Turn a Hard Light into A Soft Light from Izzy Videos

Israel Hyman has been producing great video technique tips for years. I met him a couple of times at PodCampAZ and he is a great guy.

Take a moment to visit his site, Izzy Video. There is a huge amount of information there to help you improve the quality of your videos.

Learn how to turn a hard light into a soft light. Also, learn how to tell the difference between a hard light and a soft light. Check out the full article to read all the details about how to do that.

<iframe width=”500″ height=”254″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/OKo8geTeG2E?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pricey, but sweet, chroma key solution for video

If you have an extra $2k to spend, and need to do some Chromakey video work, this is a really cool system. The video below outlines how it works and gives some excellent examples.

It is portable and isn’t effected greatly by additional ambient light sources.

One of those things that sort of has to be seen to be believed.

Reflecmedia RM 1125MG DeskShoot Lite Standard Bundle Kit Includes Chroma Key Solution with Medium Green LiteRing

Thanks to Langley for letting me know about this cool product!



YouTube Education uses New Media to spur lifetime learning

Online education seems to be exploding of late and the biggest New Media powerhouse is helping to spread the message.

YouTube Education

Get more into learning

YouTube EDU brings learners and educators together in a global video classroom. On YouTube EDU, you have access to a broad set of educational videos that range from academic lectures to inspirational speeches and everything in between.

Come here for quick lessons from top teachers around the world, course lectures from top-tier universities, or inspiring videos to spark your imagination.

Youtube education

YouTube Education collect and organizes a wide variety of educational material for easy searching and watching. These include short lectures and demonstrations from teachers from all over the world and full college level seminars for this that really want to dive in.

Lifetime learning is a great use of New Media. It brings directly into your home, office and school information and education that was tied up in academic silos accessible only by a few. While you can’t get your degree online via YouTube Education, you can certainly improve your knowledge in whatever topic interest you most.

Link: YouTube Education

Product: TASCAM iXZ Mic / Instrument input for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

TASCAM iXZ Mic / Instrument input for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Want to turn your iPad or iPhone into a portable recording studio, the Tascam iXZ can do just that. This interface allows you to plug in standard XLR connector microphones, guitars or any other audio source and then record them using iPhone and iPad software of your choice. For those more advanced, it also provides Phantom power so you can use high-quality condenser miss, too.

Mat Langley of the Robot Underpants podcast (Content Advisory)  let me know about this device today after he picked one up for his iPad. Mat does a variety of shows and also uses his iPad to join Google+ hangouts and wanted/needed a way to get better audio into his iPad. I have asked for Mat to give us a review of this device sometime in the near future.

Audio: New Media Presentation to UCLA Extension Voice over Class


On Thursday, January 26, 2012, I spoke to Janet Wilcox’s UCLA Extension class, Pursuing a Career in Voice Overs.

I talked about New Media and the need for students to develop their voice over careers in non-traditional ways, as the industry changes.

71 Minutes

Listen to Douglas’s New Media Presentation to UCLA Extension Voice over Class


Sections of the talk:

  • Being responsible for your own Production, Promotion and Proactivity in your own career
  • Blogs and Blogging
  • Web sites
  • The 4 Pillars of New Media
    • Podcasting
    • Video Sharing sites
    • Live Streaming
    • Social Media – Facebok, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • How the entertainment industry is chaining
  • Why you should be developing and producing your own shows

I also gave a short Garageband to show how easy it is to create your own audio programs. Due to the visual nature of the talk, it is not included in this audio program.

New Product: MicW iPhone/iPad Microphones

MicW Professional Microphones

I had 2 separate friends mention these iPhone/iPad compatible microphones in the last several days. Both saw them at the manufacturers display at the MacWorld Expo that was held in San Francisco this week.

Portable devices are now capable of recording high quality audio, but sometimes you want a better mic, or more suitable microphone when out recording in the field.

I haven’t heard the quality of these mics, but my friends and the web site have certainly piqued my interest. I will see if I can get a demo model here at the Careers in New Media office so I can record some audio and share it with you.

For now, here is an audio sample using the i436 mic (picture below) from the company’s web site

Download  i436 Violin Sample


Other samples from MicW web site


Micw iphone

Elsewhere: New Media Challenge 2012-002 – Get close!


Are you ready for the next New Media Challenge? This time I want you to get close…really close!

This might take some doing depending on your camera, as they often don’t focus on very close objects, but I am sure you can work it out. Of course, getting close can mean something else entirely, too. Feel free to explore the theme in any way you wish.

Post  a link to your video, photos, writing or more here by Sunday, January 22, 2012.

Use the comments link (click the number next to the little text bubble above) to add a link to this post.

Note: If you simply paste a YouTube URL for your video, WordPress.com will embed the actual video in its place.

New Media Challenges are designed to give you an excuse to stretch your New Media muscles. You can use whatever media you like to complete the challenge including audio, video, photography, writing and more.

Elsewhere: YouTube’s got big plans for web TV: specialized channels with niche and original content

I am so amazed it has taken this long for something like this to occur. I figured back in 2004 that podcasting would break open the media industry and provide a lot more alternatives to traditional, but media, programming. As they say, though, it can take a long time to turn a battleship. It is good to see some movement in this area, though.

Youtube dew

It is important to remember that we do have alternatives to the typical programming provided by television, radio and movie producers. Where technological and monetary constraints kept the average person out of the media market, this simply isn’t the case today. Anyone can produce a show and, given enough experience and talent, can produce a show that is better, and has higher viewership than even the best cable-aired shows.

I have been advising people to use podcasting, YouTube and others to get their message out for the last 7 years and will continue to do so. We all have a unique message to offer the world and there will always be an audience, both large and small, that will find us, if we put our message out there.

YouTube’s got big plans for web TV: specialized channels with niche and original content

YouTube’s come quite a long way from its roots as a repository for random videos from the public. It’s gone from “Chocolate Rain” and the Tron guy to streaming Disney classics and now creating original, quality content.The New Yorker spoke extensively with YouTube’s Global Head of Content Robert Kyncl about the site’s future plans, and YouTube’s got its sights set on grabbing a big slice of TV’s $300 billion pie. Kyncl thinks the future of TV is in niche content, and YouTube’s original channels are just the vehicle to deliver it direct to your digital door. The site is commissioning people and companies to create the channels (as opposed to individual shows or pieces of content) which gives the creators freedom to program their channels as they see fit — all YouTube asks is that they provide a certain number of hours of programming per week. This production model is apparently pretty attractive to content producers, given the talent that’s on board and the amount of content that’ll be rolling out over the next six months.

Read the entire article

Voiceover class starts January 12, 2012 at UCLA Extension

Our friend, Janet Wilcox, will be starting her UCLA Extension voiceover class again in just a week. If you are interested in getting started in the industry, this could be the class for you. I will be speaking to her class about New Media this session, as I have done in the past.

Voiceover class

Class Description:

Pursuing a Career in Voice Overs

Do people say you have a wonderful voice? Gain a comprehensive understanding of the tools needed to excel in TV and radio commercials, animation, narration for documentaries, and other areas of voice over work. Instruction includes breath and microphone technique, script analysis, finding characters spontaneously, and how to keep it fun, even when the pressure’s on. Participants also learn how to pursue a career in voice over.

Janet Wilcox’s Bio

Writer, producer, and actor with extensive experience on both sides of the microphone. Ms. Wilcox has written and produced promos for HBO, ABC, and The History Channel, among others. As a voice over talent, she has been heard on Lifetime, HBO, E!, Cinemax, and AMC. She is the author of Voiceovers: Techniques and Tactics for Success.


WordPress 3.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

Just in time for WordPress Wednesday. Take some time to update your WordPress installs as well as your plugins.

WordPress 3.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

Posted January 3, 2012 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Releases,Security.

WordPress 3.3.1 is now available. This maintenance release fixes 15 issues with WordPress 3.3, as well as a fix for a cross-site scripting vulnerability that affected version 3.3. Thanks to Joshua H., Hoang T., Stefan Zimmerman, Chris K. and the Go Daddy security team for responsibly disclosing the bug to our security team.

Download 3.3.1 or visit Dashboard → Updates in your site admin.

Elsewhere: New Media Challenge 2012-001 – Nature


Join me over at the New Media Interchange site for this first New Media Challenge of the New Year! — Douglas


Let’s get the New Year started right with our first New Media Challenge of 2012!

New Media Challenge 2012-001 – Nature

Get outside and show us all some piece of nature in your area.

This could be your garden, a national park, or “weeds” growing in an urban vacant lot. You get to decide what to show and how to present it. Post  a link to your video, photos, writing or more here by Sunday, January 8, 2012.

Use the comments link (click the number next to the little text bubble above) to add a link to this post.

New Media Challenges are designed to give you an excuse to stretch your New Media muscles. You can use whatever media you like to complete the challenge including audio, video, photography, writing and more.

Audio: Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol read by the Podcast Community on Facebook

The Podcast Community on Facebook has come together this season to record an audio version of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. This reading is based on an edited version of the story created by Dickens himself for his own live readings.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Listen to Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol

Our cast includes:

Produced by Douglas E. Welch and WelchWrite.com

Interstitial Music and Sound Effects provided by Michael Lawshe of Eclipse-1 Media


Join the Podcast Community on Facebook

Event: 6th Annual Live Reading of A Christmas Carol – Dec 18, 2011

Our 6th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol will take place on Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 6pm EST/3pm PST.

Our annual holiday reading of this classic Dickens’ story. We bring together frends and family to read sections from a condensed version of the story — said to be made by Charles Dickens himself — for his own live, public readings. Follow Scrooge, Bob Crachit, Tiny Tim and all the familiar characters as they both teach and learn what Christmas is all about.

Tune in while you prepare your Christmas cookies or wrap your Christmas presents. Join the “spirits” of the season!

Click Here to Watch/Listen Live to A Christmas Carol


Consider having your own reading of A Christmas Carol, or other favorite story, as a way to gather friends together and share a unique experience. You don’t have to broadcast it like we do, but why not share it with the world!

This year’s show is sponsored by WelchWrite.com, Eclipse-1 Media and New Media Interchange.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Enjoy more Christmas Carol in your own home!

Free download of “A Christmas Carol” – Text/ePub/HTML/Kindle versions available

Free download of our reading script of “A Christmas Carol” – PDF format

The audio CD of Patrick Stewart’s one man version of A Christmas Carol is absolutely amazing. We saw the show several times here in LA and met Patrick one evening. His version of “A Christmas Carol” was the driving factor in starting our own yearly reading of the story.

More “A Christmas Carol” on Amazon.com

Give “Social Media Self Preservation” as a gift

Do you have a friend who needs to use social media more productively — or just needs some help getting started?

Consider gifting them a copy of my booklet, Social Media Self Preservation.

You’ll find a “Give was a Gift” link on the Amazon page.


Here is what they will find inside the 7100 word booklet…


Introduction: Why Social Media?

  • Chapter 1: Which social networks should you join?
    • Be Found!
    • Reserving your name
    • A few social networks to get you started
  • Chapter 2: How to decide who to include in your online community
    • It is all about value
    • Where to begin building your online community?
  • Chapter 3: Maintaining your online community
    • Re-evaluation
    • No longer needed
    • People Change
    • Too much information
    • Information you can find elsewhere
  • Chapter 4: What to share online
    • Share your knowledge and expertise
    • Share your work
    • …but my work is secret!
    • Share your life
    • Balance in your social media sharing

Are you using Google+? Check it out!

G plus logo

I have been using Google+, the new social network from Google, for several weeks now. In light of by usual advice regarding social networks, I would encourage you to go check it out. As someone who is interested/involved in using social media, it is important to keep an eye on what is happening in the “industry.” Checking out new social media services should be something you do on a regular basis. It doesn’t mean you will find every site useful to you or your work, but it will allow you to take quick advantage of those services that offer you some benefit.

The truth is, we often don’t know which sites will be useful to use until we sign up and use them for a short period of time. I abandon far more services than i use on a daily basis, but I still believe it is important to be aware of those services and how some may become important into the future. You might not have a direct use for them now, but changes in life and business might suddenly bring them to the fore.

So, head over to Google+ (familiarly known as G+) and get started. You probably already have an account to use there if you use any of the other Google services like Gmail, Google Calendar or YouTube.

You’ll find me on Google+ here at my profile.

Note: Today you will see a ton of messages about the new Brand pages that G+ opened up just this morning. Things should settle down to a more usual volume and type of traffic as the day goes on. Don’t let all the Brands scare you away.

Video from remote controlled helicopter

Cool example of what can be done with high-end cameras and remote control helicopters

Aerial RC Heli Demo – Summer / Fall 2011 from Heli Video Pros on Vimeo.

Book Review: We are all weird by Seth Godin

We are all weird by Seth Godin

Whenever I read one of Seth Godin’s books I feel he is preaching to the choir because his thoughts are so much in tune with my own when it comes to New Media, marketing and business. I often that he is describing things in much the same way I do when talking to those people who don’t understand the new world we live in, but want to know more. We are all weird is another of these cases. I found myself nodding in agreement and even saying “yes, yes, yes!” out loud as I read.

The basic, overriding message to this book is, “Mass is dead. Here comes weird.” Godin should have just as easily said “Here comes niche. Here comes small or a variety of other words, but I am sure using weird makes readers stop and take notice.” I agree with him, too. The mass market is shrinking (he provides some charts showing how and why) and smart businesspeople will focus on tribes, niches, small groups to find those people with an affinity for their product.

“The opportunity of our time is to support the weird, to sell to the weird and, if you wish, to become weird.”

Like most “normal” processes of the world, the Internet and the hyper-connectivness it allows, is making weird the new normal. I know, that seems an oxymoronic phrase, but I get where Godin is coming from. As the “mass” decreases the old normal gives way to the new, weird, normal.

As with most of Godin’s books, this one gets me thinking, and making notes and instituting changes in my own marketing policies even as I am reading. You may have to think deeply about how to implement some of the ideas here, but I think there is something for nearly anyone who wants to reach a particular audience with a particular message. This can be anyone from a non-profit out to change the world to a corporate hive worker trying to keep their company relevant in the new weird, normal world.

We are all weird is available from Amazon.com as both a paperback and Kindle book. Use the links above to find out more information, read reviews and buy the book.

Disclaimer: I received an early, e-gallery version of We are all weird directly from the Domino Project. The opinions here are my own and no payment was made for this review.

Find more great New Media-related books in the Careers in New Media section of the WelchWrite Bookstore in association with Amazon.com

Elsewhere: Why is Video Hard? Five Shots and Patterns

Never heard of this method before, but it sounds liks something that could jumpstart a lot of beginning new media people. Give it a read! — Douglas

Why is Video Hard? Five Shots and Patterns


One of the most famous, and useful of these, is Michael Rosenblum’s “five shot” method that he developed training journalists from the NY Times to the BBC. It’s actually something he’s preached since the late 1990s, and those who are fortunate enough to learn it get an insight into shooting better video, immediately.

I’ve successfully used this in the classroom to teach visual literacy, because it hones in immediately on what’s important. The five shot method always prescribes these, shot in this exact order (my handout here):

  1. A closeup on the hands of a subject – showing WHAT is happening
  2. A closeup on the face – WHO is doing it
  3. A wide shot – WHERE its happening
  4. An over the shoulder shot (OTS) – linking together the previous three concepts
  5. An unusual, or side/low shot – providing story-specific context”

Read the entire article

eBook: Social Media Self Preservation (Kindle) by Douglas E. Welch

My first Kindle-format eBook is now available on Amazon.

The great thing is that is doesn’t require a Kindle to read. You can get free Kindle software for nearly any device (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, Blackberry) and read the book there.

Please share this with your friends using the email and social media icons below.


Social Media Self Preservation: Taking advantage of social media without losing your mind

7100 Words

Price: $4.99

Using social media as part or business or personal life can seem overwhelming and fraught with pitfalls. There is a way, though, to make the best use of social media without falling into the traps of lost privacy and social media burnout.

This guide explains what you need to know as you start your journey into social media and how to make social media productive for you.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction: Why Social Media?
  • Chapter 1: Which social networks should you join?
    • Be Found!
    • Reserving your name
    • A few social networks to get you started
  • Chapter 2: How to decide who to include in your online community
    • It is all about value
    • Where to begin building your online community?
  • Chapter 3: Maintaining your online community
    • Re-evaluation
    • No longer needed
    • People Change
    • Too much information
    • Information you can find elsewhere
  • Chapter 4: What to share online
    • Share your knowledge and expertise
    • Share your work
    • …but my work is secret!
    • Share your life
    • Balance in your social media sharing

Video: Panel: Tips on Creating and Distributing Mouthwatering Multimedia Content

Techmunch Panel: Tips on Creating and Distributing Mouthwatering Multimedia Content

Moderator: Douglas E. Welch (@douglaswelch), New Media Consultant & writer/producer of A Gardener’s Notebook. More at DouglasEWelch.com

Sara O’Donnell (@averagebetty), Producer and Host of AverageBetty.com

Diane Cu (@whiteonrice), Photographer and Publisher of White on Rice Couple.com

Sandi McKenna (@McMedia), Host of Midlife Roadtrip.com

John Trefry Video Producer, Docstoc.com (formerly Video Producer Mahalo.com for Recipe.com Videos) and founder of 4wordthought.com.