Holiday Cookie Baking Day #6: Lemon Biscuits from Green Gables, Pecan Puffs and more!

The family was available to help out tonight so we were able to mix up four batches and bake 3 of them. The first mix is an icebox cookie I mix up and then hold until the day of the party, so that that house has a little smell of cookie baking when people arrive.

Cornmeal Wafers from Sunset Magazine

After mixing and shaping the dough into logs, it goes in the freezer to set up for a few hours (or a few days in my case). Once you are ready to bake you just pull them out, slice them and bake them. Icebox cookies are always great because you can stash them away for a day when you really want some cookies, but you don’t want to go through all the trouble of mixing and baking them — Perfect for after school snacks.

Green Gables Lemon Biscuits, Chocolate-Peanut Meltaways

Green Gables Lemon Biscuits

This recipe was originally found in an Anne of Green Gables activity book and the family fell for them head over heels. As Anne would say, “They have become my boon companion.” (SMILE)

Pecan Puffs from Joy of Cooking

My wife’s absolute favorite. I could make nothing but this and be assured of domestic bliss, I think. I have to make extra for the party as she always wants a few in the freezer for those few moments when she has time to sit down with a cup of tea, a cookie and a good book.

Chocolate-Peanut Meltaways from Sunset Magazine

These are similar to the pecan puffs, but I like them better due to the combination of peanuts and chocolate. Reese’s Cups are my favorite candy. While these are not nearly that sweet, the combination of salty peanut and sweet chocolate give me a similar kick.

Only about 3 more batches to make tomorrow, unless I decide to bake a few more just for fun. I usually finish up on the weekend before since I have the time available and we can get the kitchen cleaned up before the party. Flour does get EVERYWHERE, so cleaning is no small deal.

Watch for tomorrow’s photos and notes when I am done.

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